3rd edition
(changes from 2nd edition highlighted in red)
Guidance for Districts and Decision-Making Teams to Ensure that
PARCC Mid-Year, Performance-Based, and End-of-Year
Assessments Produce Valid Results for All Students
Accessibility Features and
Accessibility Features for All Students
Accessibility Features Identified in Advance
Administrative Considerations for All Students
Accommodations for Students with Disabilities (SWD)
Accommodations for English Learners (EL)
Types of Accessibility Features
and Accommodations
Features for All
Identified in advance
Accessibility Features for All
Accessibility Features for All Students
Accessibility Features Identified in Advance
Administrative Considerations for All Students
Accommodations for Students with Disabilities (SWD)
Accommodations for English Learners (EL)
Accessibility Features for All
Accessibility Features for All Students
Administration Instructions
Audio Amplification
The student raises or lowers the volume control, as needed,
using headphones. Final volume must be set prior to testing.
Student must be tested in a separate setting if unable to wear
Blank Paper (provided by test admin)
The student is provided blank scratch paper (graph, lined, or
unlined) to take notes and/or work through items during
testing. Test Administrators must supply up to two pages total
per student, per unit. Additional pages may be provided as
needed. In addition, students with visual impairments may also
use braille paper, raised line paper, bold line paper, raised line
graph paper, or bold line graph paper.
Eliminate Answer Choices
The student electronically “crosses out” possible answer
choices (for multiple choice items only).
Flag Items for Review
The student electronically “flags” items to review later.
Accessibility Features for All
Accessibility Features for All Students
Administration Instructions
General Administration Directions Clarified The test administrator clarifies general administration
directions only. No part of the test may be clarified, nor may
(by test admin)
any assistance be provided to the student during testing. (For
guidance, please refer to the test administrator manuals.)
General Administration Directions Read
Aloud and Repeated as Needed
(by test admin)
The test administrator reads aloud the general administration
directions only. A student may raise his or her hand and
request the directions be repeated. (For guidance, please refer
to the test administrator manuals.)
Highlight Tool
The student electronically highlights text as needed to recall
and/or emphasize. Available colors include pink, blue, yellow,
and white.
Headphones or Noise Buffers
The student uses headphones or noise buffers to minimize
distraction, access embedded text-to-speech, or filter external
noise during testing (in addition to when headphones are
required for the ELA/literacy assessment).
Line Reader Tool
The student uses an onscreen tool to assist in reading by
Accessibility Features for All
Accessibility Features for All Students
Administration Instructions
Magnification/Enlargement Device
The student enlarges text and graphics onscreen via a
magnification square (200%). The student can also use
keyboard shortcuts (e.g., Ctrl+) for PCs or pinch/zoom for
tablets to magnify what’s displayed on the screen (while
preserving clarity, contrast, and color). (See the
accommodations manual for further details.)
The student writes notes using embedded NotePad
Pop-up Glossary
The student is able to view definitions of pre-selected,
construct-irrelevant words by hovering over underlined words.
The definition appears in a pop-up text box.
Redirect Student to the Test
(by test admin)
The test administrator redirects the student’s attention to the
test without coaching or assisting the student in any way.
External Spell Check Device
The student uses an external spell check device. Device may
not have embedded grammar check, connect to the internet,
or save information.
Accessibility Features for All
Accessibility Features for All Students
Writing Tools
Administration Instructions
The student uses writing process tools for written responses,
including cut and paste, copy, underline, bold, and insert
bullets. Writing tools are available in the constructed response
items on the ELA/literacy performance-based assessment.
Accessibility Features for All
Students (Identified in Advance)
Accessibility Features for All Students
Accessibility Features Identified in Advance
Administrative Considerations for All Students
Accommodations for Students with Disabilities (SWD)
Accommodations for English Learners (EL)
Accessibility Features Identified
in Advance (PNP required)
Accessibility Features
(for all Grades/Courses)
Answer Masking
The student electronically “covers” answer options, as needed. When
enabled, answers will be masked. The student will uncover answer
options when ready.
Color Contrast
(Background/Font Color)
Alternate onscreen background and/or font color is enabled via the PNP,
based on need or preference. Student can adjust during the
assessment. (See accommodations manual for further descriptions.)
Text-to-Speech for the
Mathematics Assessments
Test is read aloud to the student using embedded text-to-speech
software. Student must be tested in a separate setting if unable to wear
In special cases where a test administrator reads aloud to a student
Human Reader or Human Signer
(human reader or human signer), the student must be tested in a
for the Mathematics Assessments
separate setting. (See accommodations manual for full details.)
Administrative Considerations
for All Students
Accessibility Features for All Students
Accessibility Features Identified in Advance
Administrative Considerations for All Students
Accommodations for Students with Disabilities (SWD)
Accommodations for English Learners (EL)
Administrative Considerations
for All Students
Small Group Testing
Frequent Breaks
Time of Day
School-based teams (including the IEP
team, 504 plan coordinator, or EL team)
may determine that any student can
receive one or more of the following test
administration considerations, regardless
of the student’s status as a student with a
disability or who is an English Learner.
Separate or Alternate Location
Specified Area or Seating
Adaptive and Specialized Equipment or Furniture
In general, changes to the timing, setting,
or conditions of testing are left to the
discretion of the principal or test
Please remember that, while these considerations are available for all students on PARCC
assessments, some are still accommodations on other Arkansas state-wide assessments. Please
take that into account when meeting for writing IEPs, 504 plans, or LPAC plans.
Accommodations for Students
with Disabilities (PNP required)
Accessibility Features for All Students
Accessibility Features Identified in Advance
Administrative Considerations for All Students
Accommodations for Students with Disabilities (SWD)
Accommodations for English Learners (EL)
Accommodations for Students
with Disabilities (Presentation)
Students may use a range of assistive technologies on the PARCC assessments,
including devices that are compatible with the PARCC online testing platform, and
those that are used externally (i.e., on a separate computer).
Screen Reader
Version for
A student who is blind or has a visual impairment takes the mathematics assessments
using screen reader software. A student who is blind or visually impaired who uses a
screen reader will also need a tactile graphics booklet, consisting only of the graphics
portion of test questions, and visual descriptions (pictures and multimedia) when
applicable for the assessment. If the student is not using headphones, the student
must be tested in a separate setting.
Braille Display
with Screen
Reader Version
for ELA/Literacy
A student who is blind or has a visual impairment takes the ELA/Literacy assessments
using screen reader software with a refreshable braille display. A student who is blind
or visually impaired who uses a screen reader will also need a tactile graphics booklet,
consisting only of the graphics portion of test questions, and visual descriptions
(pictures and multimedia) when applicable for the assessment. If the student is not
using headphones, the student must be tested in a separate setting.
Accommodations for Students
with Disabilities (Presentation)
Hard Copy Braille
A student who is blind or has a visual impairment and is unable to take the computerbased test with a refreshable braille display may take the ELA/literacy and
mathematics assessments using a hard-copy contracted braille edition. Tactile
graphics are embedded into the hard copy braille edition.
Responses must be transcribed verbatim by a test administrator in a standard student
answer booklet. Only transcribed responses will be scored.
Tactile Graphics
Large Print Edition
A student who is blind or has a visual impairment who uses a screen reader or
refreshable braille will also need a tactile graphics booklet, consisting only of the
graphics portion of test questions, when applicable for the assessment. Tactile
graphics will also be embedded in the hard copy braille edition assessments, when
A large print paper-based form of each assessment is available for a student with a
visual impairment who is unable to take a computer-based assessment due to his or
her disability. The font size for the PARCC large print edition will be 18 point on paper
sized 11 x 17.
Responses must be transcribed verbatim by a test administrator in a standard student
answer booklet. Only transcribed responses will be scored.
Accommodations for Students
with Disabilities (Presentation)
A paper-based assessment is available for students who are unable to take a computerbased assessment due to a disability.
of Multimedia on
the ELA/Literacy
A student who is deaf or hearing impaired views captioned text on multimedia (i.e.,
video) segments of the ELA/Literacy performance-based assessments. Captioning can
be turned on/off within the video player as needed.
Text-To-Speech for the
ELA/Literacy Assessments,
including items, response
options, and passages †
Screen Reader Version for
ELA/Literacy, including
items, response options,
and passages †
ASL Video for the
ELA/Literacy, including
items, response options,
and passages †
Human Reader/Human
Signer for the ELA/Literacy
Assessments, including
items, response options,
and passages †
A student receives an audio representation of the ELA/literacy assessment via text-tospeech, screen reader software, embedded ASL video, or a human reader/signer.
The text-to-speech, ASL video, human reader, and human signer accommodations are
intended to provide access to printed or written texts on the PARCC ELA/literacy
assessments to a very small number of students with print-related disabilities who
would otherwise be unable to participate in the assessment because their disability
severely limits or prevents their ability to access printed text by decoding.
The screen reader accommodation is intended to provide access to the PARCC
ELA/literacy assessments to students who are blind or have a visual impairment and
have not learned (or are unable to use) braille.
(Review guidelines in the accommodations manual carefully.)
Accommodations for Students
with Disabilities (Presentation)
indicates that a reporting notation will be provided on all confidential score
reports to the school and parent stating that the student was given a reading
access accommodation on the PARCC ELA/Literacy assessment and therefore,
no claims should be inferred regarding the student’s ability to demonstrate
foundational reading skills (i.e., decoding and fluency).
Accommodations for Students
with Disabilities (Presentation)
ASL Video for
The student views an embedded video of a human interpreter for the mathematics
assessments. If a student does not use ASL, a human interpreter and separate test
setting will be required.
Human Signer for
Test Directions
A human signer will sign the test directions to a student. The student may need to be
tested in a small group or separate setting.
Student Reads
Assessment Aloud
to Themselves
The student reads the assessment aloud to themselves. The student may use an
external device such as a whisper phone. The student must be tested in a separate
Accommodations for Students
with Disabilities (Response)
Students may use a range of assistive technologies on the PARCC assessments,
including devices that are compatible with the PARCC online testing platform, and
those that are used externally (i.e., on a separate computer).
Braille Note-Taker
A student who is blind or has a visual impairment may use an electronic braille notetaker. For PARCC assessments, grammar checker, internet, and stored file
functionalities must be turned off. The responses of a student who uses an electronic
braille note-taker during PARCC assessments must be transcribed exactly as entered in
the electronic braille note-taker. Only transcribed responses will be scored. (See
Appendix C: Protocol for the Use of the Scribe Accommodation for guidelines.)
Braille Writer
A student who is blind or has a visual impairment may use an electronic braille writer.
The responses of a student who uses an electronic braille writer during PARCC
assessments must be transcribed exactly as entered in the electronic braille writer.
Only transcribed responses will be scored. (See Appendix C: Protocol for the Use of the
Scribe Accommodation for guidelines.)
Accommodations for Students
with Disabilities (Response)
Calculation Device
and Mathematics
Tools (on
Calculator Sections
of Mathematics
A student uses a specific calculation device (e.g., large key, talking, or other adapted
calculator) on the calculator section of the mathematics assessments. If a talking
calculator is used, the student must use headphones or be tested in a separate setting.
Specific calculation devices must match the final PARCC Calculator Policy.
(See the accommodations manual and PARCC Calculator Policy for complete
A student uses a calculation device (e.g., four-function calculator, large key, or other
adapted calculator), arithmetic table (including addition/subtraction and/or
multiplication/division charts), and/or manipulatives (IEP or 504 plan must specify
which device or manipulative) on the non-calculator sections of the mathematics
Calculation Device
and Mathematics
Tools (on NonCalculator Sections
For a student with a disability that severely limits or prevents their ability to perform
of Mathematics
basic calculations (i.e., single-digit addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division),
Assessments) ††
this accommodation allows a calculation device to be used on non-calculator
assessment sections.
(Review guidelines in the accommodations manual carefully.)
Accommodations for Students
with Disabilities (Response)
indicates that a reporting notation will be provided on all confidential
score reports to the school and parent stating that the student was given a
calculation device accommodation on the PARCC Mathematics assessment and
therefore, no claims should be inferred regarding the student’s ability to
perform basic mathematical calculations without the use of a calculator.
Accommodations for Students
with Disabilities (Response)
ELA/Literacy Selected
Response Speech-to-Text
ELA/Literacy Selected
Response Human Scribe
ELA/Literacy Selected
Response Human Signer
ELA/Literacy Selected
Response External Assistive
Technology Device
Mathematics Response
Mathematics Response
Human Scribe
Mathematics Response
Human Signer
Mathematics Response
External Assistive
Technology Device
A student dictates responses either verbally, using an external speech-to-text device,
an augmentative/assistive communication device (e.g., picture/word board), or by
dictating, signing, gesturing, pointing, or eye-gazing. The student must have
experience using any assistive technology external device prior to assessment
Student’s responses must be transcribed exactly as dictated/signed (e.g., the human
scribe/signer may not change, embellish, or interpret a student’s responses when
transcribing). Only transcribed responses will be scored.
(For administration guidance on scribing and post-test transcription, refer to Appendix
C: Protocol for the Use of the Scribe Accommodation and the test administrator
Accommodations for Students
with Disabilities (Response)
ELA/Literacy Constructed
Response Speech-to-Text
ELA/Literacy Constructed
Response Human Scribe
ELA/Literacy Constructed
Response Human Signer
ELA/Literacy Constructed
Response External Assistive
Technology Device †††
A student dictates responses either verbally, using an external speech-to-text device,
an augmentative/assistive communication device (e.g., picture/word board), or by
dictating, signing, gesturing, pointing, or eye-gazing. Grammar checker, internet, and
stored files functionalities must be turned off. Word prediction must also be turned
off for students who do not receive this accommodation. The student must be tested
in a separate setting.
Student’s responses must be transcribed exactly as dictated/signed (e.g., the human
scribe/signer may not change, embellish, or interpret a student’s responses when
transcribing). Only transcribed responses will be scored.
(Review guidelines in the accommodations manual carefully.)
Accommodations for Students
with Disabilities (Response)
indicates that a reporting notation will be provided on all confidential
score reports to the school and parent stating that the student was provided a
scribe on the PARCC ELA/Literacy assessment and therefore, no claims should
be inferred regarding the student’s ability to demonstrate expressive writing
skills. Ongoing instruction in the foundational skills may be needed to allow
students to continue to attain the important college and career-ready skill of
Accommodations for Students
with Disabilities (Response)
Word Prediction
External Device
The student uses an external word prediction device that provides a bank of frequently
– or recently-used words onscreen as a result of the student entering the first few
letters of a word. The student must be familiar with the use of the external device
prior to assessment administration. The device cannot connect to the internet or save
(See the accommodations manual for complete guidelines.)
Accommodations for Students
with Disabilities (Timing/Scheduling)
Extended Time
Students have until the end of the school day to complete a single test unit
administered during the prescribed testing window. It is recommended to test
students with the extended time accommodation in a separate setting to minimize
distractions to other students, and to schedule these students for testing in the
morning to allow adequate time for completion of a test unit by the end of the school
(See the accommodations manual and test administrator manuals for complete
Accommodations for
English Learners
Accessibility Features for All Students
Accessibility Features Identified in Advance
Administrative Considerations for All Students
Accommodations for Students with Disabilities (SWD)
Accommodations for English Learners (EL)
Accommodations for
English Learners
Extended Time
Students have until the end of the school day to complete a single test
unit administered during the prescribed testing window. It is
recommended to test students with the extended time accommodation
in a separate setting to minimize distractions for all students, and to
schedule these students for testing in the morning to allow adequate
time for completion of a test unit by the end of the school day.
(Refer to the test administrator manuals and Appendix E for guidance.)
Word-to-Word Dictionary
(English/Native Language)
The student uses an approved bilingual, word-to-word dictionary.
Dictionaries that include definitions, phrases, sentences, or pictures are
not allowed. The student should be familiar with the dictionary they
will use during testing. Students should be given ample time to
complete the test using the accommodation. If no hard copy word-toword dictionary can be found for a specific language, an electronic
translator may be used. The device cannot connect to the internet or
store information.
Accommodations for
English Learners
Mathematics Response
Mathematics Response
Human Scribe
The student dictates responses verbally, using an external speech-totext device or to a human scribe. The student must be tested in a
separate setting. The student must be familiar with any external
devices prior to assessment administration. Student’s responses must
be transcribed exactly as dictated.
(See the accommodations manual for complete guidelines.)
General Administration Directions
Read Aloud and Repeated in
Student’s Native Language
(by test admin)
The test administrator reads aloud the general administration
instructions in the student’s native language. The student may request
that directions be repeated. The student must be tested in a separate
setting. Test administrators providing this accommodation should be
literate and fluent in English, as well as in the student’s native language,
if an administrator who speaks the language is available. Hard copy
directions will be translated into the highest-incidence languages across
PARCC states: (1) Spanish, (2) Arabic, (3) Navajo, (4) Chinese Mandarin,
(5) Vietnamese, (6) Portuguese, (7) Haitian Creole, (8) Polish, (9)
Somali, and (10) Marshallese.
Accommodations for
English Learners
General Administration Directions
Clarified in Student’s Native
(by test admin)
The test administrator clarifies general administration instructions in the
student’s native language. No part of the test may be clarified, nor may any
assistance be provided to the student during testing. The student must be tested
in a separate setting. Test administrators providing this accommodation should
be literate and fluent in English, as well as in the student’s native language, if an
administrator who speaks the language is available.
(See the accommodations manual for complete guidelines.)
Accessibility Features and
Accommodations Appendices
Appendix A:
Appendix B:
Appendix C:
Appendix D:
Appendix E:
Appendix F:
Appendix G:
Appendix H:
Appendix I:
Appendix J:
Appendix K:
Accessibility Features and
Accommodations Appendices
• Appendix A: Accessibility Features and Accommodations for
Students Taking the Paper-and-Pencil PARCC Assessments
Appendix B:
Appendix C:
Appendix D:
Appendix E:
Appendix F:
Appendix G:
Appendix H:
Appendix I:
Appendix J:
Appendix K:
Accessibility Features and
Accommodations Appendices
Appendix A:
• Appendix B: Test Administration Protocol for the Read-Aloud
Accommodation for English Language Arts/Literacy
Assessments and Accessibility Feature for Mathematics
Appendix C:
Appendix D:
Appendix E:
Appendix F:
Appendix G:
Appendix H:
Appendix I:
Appendix J:
Appendix K:
Accessibility Features and
Accommodations Appendices
Appendix A:
Appendix B:
• Appendix C: Protocol for the Use of the Scribe Accommodation
Appendix D:
Appendix E:
Appendix F:
Appendix G:
Appendix H:
Appendix I:
Appendix J:
Appendix K:
Accessibility Features and
Accommodations Appendices
Appendix A:
Appendix B:
Appendix C:
• Appendix D: Text-to-Speech, Human Reader, or Interpreter
Accommodation Guidance for English Language Arts/Literacy
Appendix E:
Appendix F:
Appendix G:
Appendix H:
Appendix I:
Appendix J:
Appendix K:
* ADE does not require use of this form, but it might prove beneficial to your district.
Accessibility Features and
Accommodations Appendices
Appendix A:
Appendix B:
Appendix C:
Appendix D:
• Appendix E: Guidance for Selecting and Administering the
Extended Time Accommodation
Appendix F:
Appendix G:
Appendix H:
Appendix I:
Appendix J:
Appendix K:
* ADE does not require use of this form, but it might prove beneficial to your district.
Accessibility Features and
Accommodations Appendices
Appendix A:
Appendix B:
Appendix C:
Appendix D:
Appendix E:
• Appendix F: Unique Accommodation Request Form
Appendix G:
Appendix H:
Appendix I:
Appendix J:
Appendix K:
Accessibility Features and
Accommodations Appendices
Appendix A:
Appendix B:
Appendix C:
Appendix D:
Appendix E:
Appendix F:
• Appendix G: Use of an Emergency Accommodation on a
PARCC Assessment
Appendix H:
Appendix I:
Appendix J:
Appendix K:
Accessibility Features and
Accommodations Appendices
Appendix A:
Appendix B:
Appendix C:
Appendix D:
Appendix E:
Appendix F:
Appendix G:
• Appendix H: Student Accommodation Refusal Form
Appendix I:
Appendix J:
Appendix K:
* ADE does not require use of this form, but it might prove beneficial to your district.
Accessibility Features and
Accommodations Appendices
Appendix A:
Appendix B:
Appendix C:
Appendix D:
Appendix E:
Appendix F:
Appendix G:
Appendix H:
• Appendix I: Audio and Human Reader Guidelines for the
ELA/Literacy Assessments
Appendix J:
Appendix K:
Accessibility Features and
Accommodations Appendices
Appendix A:
Appendix B:
Appendix C:
Appendix D:
Appendix E:
Appendix F:
Appendix G:
Appendix H:
Appendix I:
• Appendix J: Audio and Human Reader Guidelines for the
Mathematics Assessments
Appendix K:
Accessibility Features and
Accommodations Appendices
Appendix A:
Appendix B:
Appendix C:
Appendix D:
Appendix E:
Appendix F:
Appendix G:
Appendix H:
Appendix I:
Appendix J:
• Appendix K: Legal Background
Accessibility Features and
Further questions? Please contact the
Arkansas Department of Education,
Office of Student Assessment.
Hope Allen, Director of Student Assessment
Phone: 501-682-4558
Jared Hogue, PARCC accommodations; alternate assessments
Phone: 501-682-4946