INTERNET CONNECTION Welcome! • Check ‘net connection for Do you have access to the handouts? • Feel free to adjust tables to see visual aids! • SIT AT TABLES ACCORDING TO THE puzzle piece you drew. (For now… we may regroup later.) Tammy Jo Schlechter WELCOME • My colleagues are gathered here from across the state! • Before we begin… do we have an “aisle” the length of the room-? • Peanut allergies? I brought snacks! WHAT TEACHERS DO DURING THE SUMMER Before we get to our: Orientation to Student Learning Objectives Nds Parking Lot Activity • Throughout the day, post questions at your parking lot. • Periodically, remind Tammy Jo to check “parking lots.” • Everyone is encouraged to respond to questions. TAKE AWAY WINDOW 1) FOLD A PIECE OF PAPER HAMBURGER STYLE 2) Write “TAKE AWAY WINDOW” on the front flap. Look for moments. 3) Write “ACTION STEPS” on the back flap. WHAT DO WE KNOW?? • On a sticky note or a sheet of paper… Number the paper 1-7. 1. 2. 3. … Rating your knowledge FIRST STATEMENT: I know the definition of an S.L.O. 1. I don’t know anything about the definition of an SLO. 2. I know a little bit about the definition of an S.L.O. 3. I am comfortable with the definition of an S.L.O. 4. I could teach someone about the definition of an S.L.O. Rate Yourself… 1. I know the definition of an SLO. 2. I understand the four steps of the SLO process. 3. I know how to establish baseline data and determine growth. 4. I know the components of a SMART goal. 5. I know how growth ratings are calculated. 6. I can determine the quality of an SLO using the SLO Quality Checklist. 7. I know how an SLO connects to teacher evaluation. BUILDING THE VISUAL • Use the PINK small sticky notes on your table. • POSTERS ON THE WALL --Put a pink note under the number rating you gave yourself for each statement. S.M.A.R.T. Growth Goal A.K.A. OUR “S.L.0.” By the end of the day, all of the participants in the training will rate themselves as a 3 or 4 for each of the seven statements given. Seven 1-minute Conversations 1. For each statement, Find another person that gave themselves a different rating than you. 2. 1 minute conversation – Share what you already know or do not know about the given statement. Let the higher ranking go first. If you ranked yourself a 1, ask a follow up question for better clarification. 3. Don’t forget to quickly introduce yourself! Mingle with teachers from different schools and get to know each other. Agenda Morning: What is an S.L.O? How does it connect to the Charlotte Danielson Framework? How does it connect to Teacher Evaluations? What are the 4 steps in the S.L.O. Process? Afternoon: How do I Write an S.L.O. using the Process Guide? How will my Growth Rating be calculated? Discussing and Understanding all the options!! TABLE INTRO’S • What’s your name? • Where are you from? • What do you teach and for how long? • What has your school done to prepare for S.L.O.’s and the new teacher evaluation model so far? If it doesn’t Challenge It doesn’t Y O U Change Y O U SLO does not need to add to your plate. As I worked with the SLO process, I found it validated the best practices I have found on my own! Norms for the Day Listen with Engagement Honor Each Other’s Thinking Honor Private Think Time Everyone has a Voice Be Respectful of all Comments Limit Side Conversation Take Care of Your Needs Cell Phones Off/Vibrate • Lids down. Save devices for WORK TIME. Parking Lot Sharing question: the “protocol” for today • Write questions on sticky notes. • Place on parking lots at table. • Claim question at your table that you can answer. • If we cannot answer questions, they end up in the SD DOE Parking Lot on the wall. Outcomes Today 1. I know the definition of an SLO. 2. I understand the four steps of the SLO process. 3. I know how to establish baseline data and determine growth. 4. I know the components of a SMART goal. 5. I know how growth ratings are calculated. 6. I can determine the quality of an SLO using the SLO Quality Checklist. 7. I know how an SLO connects to teacher evaluation. A Little Bit of History • South Dakota’s work to develop meaningful educator effectiveness systems is united by a common aspiration: To improve instruction and student learning. – The 2010 Teacher Standards Workgroup – Adopted Charlotte Danielson Framework for Teaching now known as The SD Framework for Teaching – The 2011-2012 Teacher Standards Pilot Districts – The 2012 Teacher Evaluation Workgroup – The SD Commission of Teaching and Learning – The 2013-2014 Teacher Effectiveness Pilot participants – The 2013-2014 Principal Effectiveness Pilot participants – The University of South Dakota More History… • Evaluations in the past in SD • Teacher evaluation and NCLB waiver • SD Teacher Effectiveness Model: 2 parts – Professional practice (SD Framework for Teaching) – Student Growth • How does it all fit together? The Aspiration: Improve Instruction and Student Learning 1. Encourage meaningful, in-depth dialogue focused on improving instruction 2. Provide regular, timely, useful feedback that guides professional growth 3. Support a culture in which data drives instructional decisions 4. Establish clear expectations for teacher performance 5. Use multiple measures to meaningfully determine and differentiate teacher performance 6. Provide a fair, flexible, research-based model that informs personnel decisions. Determining Teacher Effectiveness Using multiple measures of professional practice and student learning South Dakota Framework for Teaching Student Growth The Recommended Model! Domain 1 Domain 2 Domain 3 Domain 4 SLOs Planning and Preparation Classroom Environment Instruction Professional Responsibilities State Assessments • Classroom Observations and Evidence of Effective Practice • Components from Each of the 4 Domains (as one measure if available) District Assessments Evaluator-Approved Assessments • At Least 8 Components Chosen Based on District or School Priorities Professional Practice Rating Growth Rating Summative Rating Matrix Professional Oversight: Is the rating fair and accurate based on the evidence and data shared by the teacher Differentiated Performance Categories Below Expectations Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations Determining Teacher Effectiveness Using multiple measures of professional practice and student learning South Dakota Framework for Teaching Student Growth Domain 1 Domain 2 Domain 3 Domain 4 SLOs Planning and Preparation Classroom Environment Instruction Professional Responsibilities State Assessments • Classroom Observations and Evidence of Effective Practice • Components from Each of the 4 Domains (as one measure if available) District Assessments Evaluator-Approved Assessments • At Least 8 Components Chosen Based on District or School Priorities Professional Practice Rating Growth Rating Summative Rating Matrix Professional Oversight: Is the rating fair and accurate based on the evidence and data shared by the teacher Differentiated Performance Categories Below Expectations Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations Summative Scoring Matrix Summative Teacher Effectiveness Rating Categories Below Expectations Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations Judgment Rating Subject ✪ to Review Teacher A Summative Teacher Effectiveness Rating Categories Below Expectations Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations Judgment Rating Subject ✪ to Review Teacher B Judgment Rating Subject to Review Summative Teacher Effectiveness Rating Categories Below Expectations Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations Judgment Rating Subject ✪ to Review Teacher C Judgment Rating Subject to Review Summative Teacher Effectiveness Rating Categories Below Expectations Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations Judgment Rating Subject ✪ to Review Cannot forget… • Have you signed the sign in sheet? • …picked up graduate credit or CEU paper work? • Stipend forms will come at the end of the day. Outcomes Today 1. I know the definition of an SLO. 2. I understand the four steps of the SLO process. 3. I know how to establish baseline data and determine growth. 4. I know the components of a SMART goal. 5. I know how growth ratings are calculated. 6. I can determine the quality of an SLO using the SLO Quality Checklist. 7. I know how an SLO connects to teacher evaluation. Chunking today – I know the definition of an SLO. – I understand the four steps of the SLO process. – I know the components of a SMART goal. – I know how to establish baseline data, determine growth and calculate growth ratings. – I can determine the quality of an SLO based on the SLO Quality Checklist. – I know how SLOs connect to teacher evaluation. SLO PROCESS CHUNK 1 Let’s Define It! Student Growth Student Learning Objective Student growth is defined as a positive change in student achievement between two or more points in time. Using a measure of student growth – as opposed to using student achievement results from a single test delivered at a single point in time – is more reflective of the impact an individual teacher has on student learning. A Student Learning Objective is a teacher-‐driven goal or set of goals that establish expectations for student academic growth over a period of time. The specific, rigorous, realistic and measurable goal(s) must be based on baseline data and represent the most important learning that needs to occur during the instructional period. SLOs are aligned to applicable Common Core, state or national standards. Definition of a Teacher • • • • • (a) Provides instruction to any grade, kindergarten through grade twelve, or ungraded class or who teaches in an environment other than a classroom setting; (b) Maintains daily student records; (c) Has completed an approved teacher education program at an accredited institution or completed an alternative certification program; (d) Has been issued a South Dakota certificate; and (e) Is not serving as a principal, assistant principal, superintendent, or assistant superintendent. How many SLOs? A minimum of 1 SLO per teacher is required. • Teachers can write more, but only one is required by the state and used for evaluation purposes. • Districts may require more than one SLO. SLO’s: Like Walking Up A Staircase… SLO COMPLETE Progress Update Daily Learning Outcomes/targets Vocab. Checkpoint • Quick choose a partner! • Decide who is “peanut butter” and decide who is “jelly” • Line up as partners with peanut butter all one side and jelly on t’ other… “peanut butter” side towards Tammy Jo Student Learning Objective Student Learning Target/Outcome Baseline Assessment • Switch directions and “jelly” face me now! Progress Update Summative Assessment Vocabulary Check- Cole’s short and sweet version • Student Learning Objective(LONG TERM) • Student Learning Target/Outcome (SHORT TERM) • Baseline Assessment (PRE-TEST) • Progress Update (How are they doing at half way point?) • Summative Assessment (POST TEST) Vocabulary Check- TJ’s version Student Learning Objective: shares a teacher-‐driven goal or set of goals that establish expectations for student academic growth over a period of time (the SLO is more global like at least a semester or year long time-frame… when comparing to a SLT) Student Learning Target/Outcome: Describes daily expectations regarding student learning…often what teachers post in the classroom Baseline Assessment: Defines the students current level of understanding, skill, knowledge, performance, This is the starting point for growth goal. Summative Assessment: Defines the students final level of understanding, skill, knowledge, performance. This is the end point for growth goal. Progress Update: Defines the students progress toward, and checks for progress toward growth goal. • Coming next! Example of the heart of the Student Learning Objective… Sample Growth Goal For the 2013-14 school year, 90% of my students will make the end of the year benchmark as measured by the DIBELS Next and DAZE assessments. This example is the end result of working through the SLO development. SLO Process Guide • Reflect Best Practice • Flexible • Timeline, amount of growth, type, assessment • Between Teacher and Evaluator • Collaborative • Focused The SLO Process SLO Development SLO Approval Prioritize Learning Content What do I want my students to be able to know and do? Analyze data and develop baselines Where are my students starting? Ongoing Communication Select or develop an assessment Prepare for Summative Write growth goal What assessments are available? What can I expect my students to achieve? Process Timeline SLO SLO Approval Development Fall Aug.-Oct Progress Update End of SLO year/semest er mtg with evaluator Break moment here? Step 1 SLO Development SLO Approval Prioritize Learning Content What do I want my students to be able to know and do? Analyze data and develop baselines Where are my students starting? Ongoing Communication Select or develop an assessment Prepare for Summative Write growth goal What assessments are available? What can I expect my students to achieve? STEP 1 EXAMPLE PRIORITIZE LEARNING CONTENT: What do I want my students to be able to know and do? - I want them to be proficient in simplifying algebraic expressions and solving algebraic equations by the end of the first semester. (linear, quadratic, radical, rational) ANALYZE DATA AND DEVELOP BASELINE: Where are my students starting? - What did they cover last year? S.B.A. results? SELECT or DEVELOP an ASSESSMENT: What assessments are available? - Semester Tests, End of Year Exams, M.A.P.S. , … WRITE GROWTH GOAL: What can I expect my students to achieve? - By the end of the first semester, All of my Algebra 1 students will reach 85% proficiency in simplying expressions and solving equations that are linear, quadratic, radical, and rational. Step 2 SLO Development SLO Approval Prioritize Learning Content What do I want my students to be able to know and do? Analyze data and develop baselines Where are my students starting? Ongoing Communication Select or develop an assessment Prepare for Summative Write growth goal What assessments are available? What can I expect my students to achieve? 2. SLO Approval • Teacher submits a completed SLO process guide to Evaluator • Evaluator schedules meeting with teacher – Can be supported by a face to face meeting – May take place during other evaluation/related meeting • Clearly identify information needed to determine SLO quality (SLO Checklist) including amount and type of data – Identify revision window if needed • Teacher and Evaluator mutually agree on SLO and approve Step 3 SLO Development SLO Approval Prioritize Learning Content What do I want my students to be able to know and do? Analyze data and develop baselines Where are my students starting? Ongoing Communication Select or develop an assessment Prepare for Summative Write growth goal What assessments are available? What can I expect my students to achieve? 3. Ongoing Communication • Describe student progress toward the growth goal. • If necessary, document changes in strategy. • If justified*, describe changes to the SLO Justified Examples* • A teacher’s roster changes drastically due to high student mobility rates. • A teacher’s assignment changes significantly over the course of the year. • A teacher serves as a pull-in/push-out teacher or co-teaches. • Long-term leave Step 4 SLO Development SLO Approval Prioritize Learning Content What do I want my students to be able to know and do? Analyze data and develop baselines Where are my students starting? Ongoing Communication Select or develop an assessment Prepare for Summative Write growth goal What assessments are available? What can I expect my students to achieve? 4. Prepare for Summative • Make sure your principal has adequate time to determine rating prior to your summative meeting. • Teachers: consider self scoring and reflect to guide conversation during summative meeting • SLO Process Guide may be used as evidence/artifacts for SD Framework. REVIEW • What is an S.L.O.? - A teacher-‐driven goal or set of goals that establish expectations for student academic growth over a period of time. The specific, rigorous, realistic and measurable goal(s) must be based on baseline data and represent the most important learning that needs to occur during the instructional period. SLOs are aligned to applicable Common Core, state or national standards. • What are the 4 steps – – – – 1. S.L.O. Development 2. S.L.O. Approval 3. Ongoing Communication 4. Preparing for Summative BEFORE THE BREAK • HIGHLIGHT, INSIGHT, UPTIGHT On a sticky note or sheet of paper… 1) What is one highlight from the morning so far? 2) What is one insight (AHA! Moment)? 3) What is one thing you are “uptight” or confused about still? BREAK TIME • 10 MINUTES --- PLEASE BE SEATED AND READY TO ROLL!!! • RESPECT THE AGENDA!! Chunking today – I know the definition of an SLO. – I understand the four steps of the SLO process. – I know the components of a SMART goal. – I know how to establish baseline data, determine growth and calculate growth ratings. – I can determine the quality of an SLO based on the SLO Quality Checklist. – I know how SLOs connect to teacher evaluation. HIGHLIGHT, INSIGHT, UPTIGHT • Discuss with your Elbow partner. • Discuss with your table. • Discuss with the whole group. 1) Find someone from a different table that is from a different school… 2) You have 1 minute in the elevator with your prinicipal, and she/he asks what you learned about an S.L.O. Process? What are you going to say? Chunk # 2 HOW DO I WRITE AN SLO? The SLO Process SLO Development SLO Approval Prioritize Learning Content What do I want my students to be able to know and do? Analyze data and develop baselines Where are my students starting? Ongoing Communication Select or develop an assessment Prepare for Summative Write growth goal What assessments are available? What can I expect my students to achieve? 3 BIG DECISIONS TO GET STARTED 1.What content will be the priority of my S.L.O.??? (What do I want my students to know and be able to do?) 2.What is the student population for my S.L.O.??? (Where are they starting? How many of them are there?) 3.What assessment will I use to measure student learning and growth??? (What is available? What is appropriate? What level is it assessing?) What do I want my students to know and be able to do? – Identify the core concepts and standards. • What resources might you use to determine big/essential ideas? – i.e. blueprints, disaggregated standards, curriculum maps, power standards, national standards, content standards and common core standards – Know your timeline for instruction Open Blank Process Guide Keep it open and ready. Later today, you will share your sample of work… UNDERSTANDING THE SLO PROCESS GUIDE: LET’S DIG IN! Prioritizing Learning Content: Math Teacher’s Example Prioritize Learning Content: Identify standards and content. What is the most important learning that needs to occur during the instructional period? Specify which standard(s) the SLO addresses and Identify the specific data source or trend data used. (1a) Students can write, apply, and use expressions, equations, and inequalities (7th and 8th). (EE) Students can apply previous understanding about arithmetic to algebraic expressions; reason about and solve one-variable equations and inequalities; and represent and analyze quantative relationships between dependent and independent variables (6.EE). Students can use properties of operations to generate equivalent expressions and solve real-life and mathematical problems using numerical and algebraic expressions and equations (7.EE). Students can work with radicals and integer exponents; understand the connections between proportional relationships, lines, and linear equations; and analyze and solve linear equations and simultaneous linear equations (8.EE). Pre-test Last years end of year data Statewide summative data Other… Trend data District assessment data Prioritizing Learning Content Students can write, apply, and use expressions, equations, and inequalities (7th and 8th). (EE) Students can apply previous understanding about arithmetic to algebraic expressions; reason about and solve one-variable equations and inequalities; and represent and analyze quantative relationships between dependent and independent variables (6.EE). Students can use properties of operations to generate equivalent expressions and solve real-life and mathematical problems using numerical and algebraic expressions and equations (7.EE). Students can work with radicals and integer exponents; understand the connections between proportional relationships, lines, and linear equations; and analyze and solve linear equations and simultaneous linear equations (8.EE). What Will Be the Scope of SLOs? We have three choices! Comprehensive Scope Essential Skills and Content Focused Scope (e.g., all Grade 8 Common Core State Standards for English language arts [ELA]) (e.g., all Grade 8 Common Core State Standards for informational text in ELA) (e.g., Grade 8 Common Core State Standards for evaluating arguments and claims in text) Strengths Drawbacks Strengths Strengths Drawbacks • Covers all • Can be • Focuses on learning difficult or most • May work cumbersome important well for to assess well learning courses that already have finals or cert. exams Drawbacks • Can still be • Can difficult to focus on assess well area of • Involves need judgment to • Easiest determine of the what is three to most assess important • Not representative of the learning that occurred during the course Prioritizing Learning Content Prioritize Learning Content: Identify standards and content. What is the most important learning that needs to occur during the instructional period? Specify which standard(s) the SLO addresses and Identify the specific data source or trend data used. (1a) Think back to last year, what would you have chosen to work on with students? Think of a possible high need area. Think-Pair-Share in 5! Where are my students starting? 1. Gather and analyze data to determine how well prepared students are to learn core concepts. – Know your students – Consider which students will be addressed by this SLO – Consider special needs and behaviors Choosing a Student Population What if…? 1. S.L.O. is written for all of the Algebra I students. (ex. Periods 1, 4, 6, and 7) 2. S.L.O. is written for one specific Algebra I class. (Ex. Just Period 1 Algebra Class) What are the strengths and weaknesses of each scenario? Elbow Discussion, Table Discussion, Group Discussion Course-Level SLO Examples: • The S.L.O. for Algebra I we just discussed • A social studies teacher writes an SLO that includes the students from his U.S. history classes (class periods 1, 3, 5, and 6) . Strengths Drawbacks • Accounts more • Can be difficult accurately for for educators the students without a taught by the course (e.g., teacher special • Reduces educators, measurement specialists) error because • May increase numbers of the amount of students data analysis included in the teachers need SLO is high to conduct 88 Class-Level SLO Examples: • The S.L.O. for one class of Algebra I we just discussed • A social studies teacher writes an SLO that includes the students from his period 3 U.S. history class. • A Grade 3 teacher includes all 24 of her students in a reading SLO. Strengths • May reduce the amount of data collection and analysis teachers need to conduct Drawbacks • Can be difficult for teachers without a formal course (e.g., special educators, specialists) • Can place emphasis on one class over another • May not as accurately account for a teacher’s students Teach two subjects? • NOTE: If you teach two (or more) subjects go with the tested subject! Identify Student Population: Math Teacher’s Example Identify the Student Population: Describe the context of the class. How many students are addressed by the SLO? Detail any characteristics or special learning circumstances of the class(es). (1b, 1c) All students enrolled in middle school math will be addressed through the SLO (35 regular education students, 5 SPED students) What will effect the most students? Know your kids! Learning disabilities Behavior Issues? ELL? Identify Student Population Identify the Student Population: Describe the context of the class. How many students are addressed by the SLO? Detail any characteristics or special learning circumstances of the class(es). (1b, 1c) Think back to last year, what was your classroom make-up for students? Think-Pair-Share in 5! Interval of Instruction: Math Teacher’s Example Interval of Instruction: Specify the time frame in which growth will What is the time period in which student growth is expected to occur? Identify the length of the course or provide rationale for a time period that is less than the full length of the course. The 2014-2015 school year. The School Year? How long will you measure the growth? Other? A Semester Class? 9 weeks? Interval of Instruction Interval of What is the time period in which student growth is expected to occur? Instruction: Identify the length of the course or provide rationale for a time period Specify the time that is less than the full length of the course. frame in which growth will Think back to last year, would you use the whole year? A semester? A three month period? Share out as a table in 5! What Assessments are Available? • Select or develop an appropriate assessment to measure student learning and growth. • Content assessed at baseline is comparable to content assessed at the end of instruction • Describe how the goal attainment will be measured. Is Assessment Appropriate? • Aligned to priority content & standards • Measures what it was designed to measure • Produces accurate and consistent picture of what student know & do • Gives sufficient time to administer and generates data in a timely fashion Less Common More Common “More Common” = More Widely Used STATE MANDATED ASSESSMENTS This category includes assessments mandated for use statewide and includes assessments required by state and federal law. Examples: Smarter Balanced Assessment, Dakota Step Science Assessment (or the staterequired science assessment) COMMON STATE AND DISTRICT ASSESSMENTS This category includes assessments not mandated for state use but are widely used by several districts and schools. Assessments in this category include commercially available assessments, district-developed pre- and post-tests or course-level assessments. Assessments could also take the form of established rubric-scored performance-based assessments. Examples: Assessments available through the South Dakota Assessment Portal, End-ofCourse Exams, Write-to-Learn, WIDA-Access Placement Test (English-Language learners), National Career Readiness Certificate, DIBELS, AP Exams, STARS reading/math, MAPS, AIMS Web, CTE Performance Contests/Judging. TEACHER-DEVELOPED ASSESSMENTS This category of assessments includes classroom assessments used by a single course for a particular teacher. Analyze Data & Develop Baseline: Math Teacher’s Example Analyze Data and Develop Baseline: Detail student understanding of the content at the beginning of the instructional period. Where are my students starting? Summarize student baseline performance and attach additional data if necessary. (1b, 1f, 3d) The students and I noticed that our weakest area as a team is in algebraic reasoning. I need to be more specific, so please see attached data that shows our specific scores of students on their fall NWEA MAP math test. State the scores. These scores are expected to be low! Bring in multiple measures if possible. Where are my students starting? Name the assessments used. Analyze Data & Develop Baseline Analyze Data and Where are my students starting? Summarize student baseline Develop performance and attach additional data if necessary. (1b, 1f, 3d) Baseline: Detail student understanding of the content at the beginning of the instructional period. Think back to last year (and thinking ahead to this coming year), what could you use to pre-assess and post-assess your students? Discuss in 5! Select or Develop an Assessment: Math Teacher Example Select or Develop an Assessment: Describe how the goal attainment will be measured. After looking at all data – choose one assessment for your SLO. What specific assessment or instrument will be used to measure goal attainment? Describe the source of the assessment and the connection to identified content and standards. (1c, 1d, 1f, and 3d) I will use NWEA Map math benchmark assessments. This assessment aligns with CCSS. This tool is used district-wide and I have data collected from last year for comparison. Where did you get the assessment? How does this assessment connect to the content? Select or Develop an Assessment Select or What specific assessment or instrument will be used to measure Develop an goal attainment? Describe the source of the assessment and the Assessment: connection to identified content and standards. (1c, 1d, 1f, and 3d) Describe how the goal attainment will be measured. Continue your discussion of what your assessment portion of the SLO process would look like? Discuss in 5! What can I expect my students to achieve? • Leads to the development of student growth objectives with a strong rationale supporting why the objectives are appropriate. •How will I help my students obtain the goal? The SMART Process A Format for Developing SLOs S M A R T Specific Measurable Appropriate Realistic & Rigorous Time-bound The goal addresses student needs within the content. An appropriate instrument or measure is selected to assess the goal. The goal is standardsbased, needsfocused (and directly addresses all students) The goal is attainable and stretches student learning. The goal is contained to a single school year/course. WRITING THE GROWTH GOAL •GROWTH GOALS ARE THE HEART OF THE S.L.O. –They Should be S.M.A.R.T. !!!! (Smart) Specific • Does the SLO state exactly what learning content needs to be addressed and the specific standards to which the learning content relates? • Is the learning content aligned to Common Core State Standards, state content standards or credible national standards? (sMart) Measurable • Standards-based assessment? • Comparable across classrooms? • Measures are stated by increases in: – Rate, – Percentage, – Number, – Level of performance, – Rubric standards, – Gain Score or – Other ways… (smArt) Appropriate • Was the SLO developed using baseline data that is comparable between the beginning and end of the instructional period? • Is the SLO directly related to a teacher’s subject, grade-level and students? • For a Class Mastery Goal, does the goal include all students in the class or course? • For a Differentiated Growth Goal, does the goal include a growth goal for all groups of students? (smaRt) Realistic & Rigorous • Does the SLO contain a growth goal that identifies expected student growth that stretches the outer boundary of what is attainable? • Is the SLO rigorous when compared to SLOs established by teachers in similar grades/subjects? (smarT) Time-bound • Does the SLO have a time frame for accomplishing the measurable objective? • Is there ongoing progress monitoring data for adjusting the learning experience toward the goal? • Is the data collected between 2 points in time, as close to beginning and ending of course as possible? BREAK TIME • TIME FOR A BREAK! 10 MINUTES Thinking about: “In the SLO process, teachers write student growth goals using the SMART format.” • As the following music ends, it is the signal to begin again REMEMBER: The Growth Goal isREMEMBER… component of the entire SLO. one Growth Goals Based on quality baseline data and educatordetermined definition of mastery. Goal is structured based on percent of students attaining mastery. Class Mastery Establishes tiered expectations for student growth for groups of students. The educators define what growth looks like for each group of students. Differentiate d Growth Teams of teachers agree to work collaboratively and share responsibility/accountability for student learning for a content area, grade level or school. Shared Performanc e Growth Goal Example Statements By the end of the first semester, All students will reach 90% proficiency in simplifying algebraic expressions and solving algebraic equations that are linear, quadratic, rational, and radical. By the end of the first semester, all students that obtained a score in the D or F range will improve by at least two letter grades and all students that obtained a score in the C or B range will improve by one letter grade. A score in the A range should improve their percentage. By the end of the school year, all students in the middle school will show at least a 15% improvement in their score on the assessment dealing with the probability and statistics standards for their grade level. Class Mastery Differentiate d Growth Shared Performanc e Growth Goal Growth Goal: Establish expectations for student growth. What can I expect my students to achieve? Establish rigorous expectations for student performance. (1b 1c) 90% of Spanish I students will pass the Spanish Language Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking EOC assessments. Mastery How far can you take students from where they start? Rubric standard, gain scores, or other…. Use the SMART goal format. Can be measured using rate, percentage, number, Level of performance, Growth Goal Growth Goal: Establish expectations for student growth. Differentiated What can I expect my students to achieve? Establish rigorous expectations for student performance. (1b 1c) Differentiated Growth: Middle school Spanish Exploratory students=95% of students will pass Spanish Language Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking assessment. Non-Middle School Spanish students = 90% of students will pass Spanish Language Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking assessment. Growth Goal Growth Goal: Establish expectations for student growth. Shared Performance What can I expect my students to achieve? Establish rigorous expectations for student performance. (1b 1c) Anderson Spanish I; Jones Spanish I; Smith Spanish I = 85% or above on the final assessment. RATE YOURSELF: use yellow sticky note 1. I know the definition of an SLO. 2. I understand the four steps of the SLO process. 3. I know how to establish baseline data and determine growth. 4. I know the components of a SMART goal. 5. I know how growth ratings are calculated. 6. I can determine the quality of an SLO using the SLO Quality Checklist. 7. I know how an SLO connects to teacher evaluation. Parking Lot • Are there any post-its? • Does anyone have a post it they can answer? REVIEW • What is an S.L.O.? - A teacher-‐driven goal or set of goals that establish expectations for student academic growth over a period of time. The specific, rigorous, realistic and measurable goal(s) must be based on baseline data and represent the most important learning that needs to occur during the instructional period. SLOs are aligned to applicable Common Core, state or national standards. • What are the 4 steps – – – – 1. S.L.O. Development 2. S.L.O. Approval 3. Ongoing Communication 4. Preparing for Summative REVIEW • Where do I get my baseline data? How do I show growth? – Pretest… Compare pretest and posttest • What does S.M.A.R.T. mean? - S pecific M easurable A ppropriate R igorous/ realistic T imebound • What are the three types of growth goals I can write? • Mastery • Differentiated • Shared Growth Goal Growth Goal: Establish expectations for student growth. What can I expect my students to achieve? Establish rigorous expectations for student performance. (1b 1c) Think-Pair-Share Write an example growth goal in three different ways. See next slide for those examples again… Growth Goal Example Statements By the end of the first semester, All students will reach 90% proficiency in simplifying algebraic expressions and solving algebraic equations that are linear, quadratic, rational, and radical. By the end of the first semester, all students that obtained a score in the D or F range will improve by at least two letter grades and all students that obtained a score in the C or B range will improve by one letter grade. A score in the A range should improve their percentage. By the end of the school year, all students in the middle school will show at least a 15% improvement in their score on the assessment dealing with the probability and statistics standards for their grade level. Class Mastery Differentiate d Growth Shared Performanc e Provide Rational Provide How do the content, baseline data, assessment and growth goal Rationale: support student progress and growth? Describe why you chose to Describe how develop this SLO. (1a, 1f) your SLO benefits student learning. The students need to work on their algebraic reasoning skills. (After last year, a significant amount of students were not on grade level in this strand, according to the MAP math test results in May.) Provide Rationale Provide How do the content, baseline data, assessment and growth goal Rationale: support student progress and growth? Describe why you chose to Describe how develop this SLO. (1a, 1f) your SLO benefits student learning. Think back to last year, how would you justify choosing your goal? Think of a possible high need area. Think-Pair-Share in 5! Learning Strategies Learning Strategies: Describe your plan to meet student needs? How will you help students attain the goal? Provide any specific actions that will lead to goal attainment. (1b, 1e, 1f, 4a) Questioning and scaffolding of strategies; continued use of mathematical practice standards in discourse and practice; goal setting by students and student/teacher conferences about benchmark tests, goals, and direction of student’s learning; differentiated groups depending on assigned task (like learning abilities and varied learning abilities used for varied small group work tasks) What’s the plan for success? Will others be involved? How will you help? Tutor time? Will you use groups? Learning Strategies Learning Strategies: Describe your plan to meet student needs? How will you help students attain the goal? Provide any specific actions that will lead to goal attainment. (1b, 1e, 1f, 4a) Think back to last year, share how you met students’ needs. Think of a ThinkPair-Share in 5! possible high need area. Step 2 Can meet with groups of teachers to discuss SLOs at one time. Meet with the Sign and date! evaluator Explain your data and growth plan. Revise if necessary The SLO Process SLO Development Answer 4 questions Prioritize Learning Content SLO Approval What do I want my students to be able to know and do? Analyze data and develop baselines Where are my students starting? Ongoing Communication Prepare for Summative Select or develop an assessment What assessments are available? Write growth goal What can I expect my students to achieve? Winter Benchmark A “Progress Update” could look like this… Progress Update: How will you help students attain the goal? Provide any specific Describe student actions that will lead to goal attainment. (1b, 1e, 1f, 4a) progress toward 95% of students passing practice quizzes and tests. the growth goal. On track? How will you know where your kids are at? Same assessment? Informal data? “Strategy Modification” could look like this… Strategy Modification: If necessary, document changes in strategy. Does data suggest I need to adjust my instruction strategy? Describe how you plan to meet the goal. (1e, 4a) Students who struggle with formative assessment have assistance in study hall, after school and through flipped classroom resources. Students may be recommended for tutoring or ICU. I documented both student meeting and home contacts. Do I need to adjust? Change up instructional strategies? Keep on keeping on? SLO Adjustment SLO Adjustment: If justified, describe the changes to the SLO. Are there circumstances beyond the teacher’s control that will impact the growth goal? If needed, attach a revised SLO (1b, 4a) No change. Sign and Date Any reason to change the goal? Did circumstances change? Revise if needed. The SLO Process SLO Development Answer 4 questions Prioritize Learning Content SLO Approval What do I want my students to be able to know and do? Analyze data and develop baselines Where are my students starting? Ongoing Communication Prepare for Summative Select or develop an assessment What assessments are available? Write growth goal What can I expect my students to achieve? Teacher Student Growth Rating PERFORMANCE CATEGORY DESCRIPTION Low Less than 65% goal attainment Expected 65% to 85% goal attainment High 86% to 100% percent attainment Scores for 80% Goal • Sample SLO: At the end of the term, all students will show measurable progress in HS Chemistry as shown by the American Chemical Society National High School Final Exam. 80% of all students will obtain a score of 26 or better on the exam. (26 is considered average). Low Less than 65% goal attainment (.80 x .65 = Less than 52%) Expected 65% to 85% goal attainment (.80 x .65 = 52%) (.80 x .85 = 68%) High 86% to 100% percent attainment (.80 x .86 - 69%) (.80 x 100 = 80%) Scores for 70% Goal • Sample SLO: At the end of the term, all students will show measurable progress in HS Chemistry as shown by the American Chemical Society National High School Final Exam. 70% of all students will obtain a score of 26 or better on the exam. (26 is considered average). Low Less than 65% goal attainment (Less than 46%) Expected 65% to 85% goal attainment (46% - 59%) High 86% to 100% percent attainment (60% - 70%) Just a quick glance side by side Scores for 80% Goal Scores for 70% Goal • • Sample SLO: At the end of the term, all students will show measurable progress in HS Chemistry as shown by the American Chemical Society National High School Final Exam. 80% of all students will obtain a score of 26 or better on the exam. (26 is considered average). Low Expected High Less than 65% goal attainment (.80 x .65 = Less than 52%) 65% to 85% goal attainment (.80 x .65 = 53%) (.80 x .85 = 68%) 86% to 100% percent attainment (.80 x .86 - 69%) (.80 x 100 = 80%) Sample SLO: At the end of the term, all students will show measurable progress in HS Chemistry as shown by the American Chemical Society National High School Final Exam. 70% of all students will obtain a score of 26 or better on the exam. (26 is considered average). Low Expected High Less than 65% goal attainment (Less than 46%) 65% to 85% goal attainment (46% - 59%) 86% to 100% percent attainment (60% - 70%) Step 4 For the 2013-2014 school year, I can expect measurable growth for all of my students in fiction/non fiction stories/texts. 90% of my students will be at benchmark as measured by the DIBELS Next assessment. For example: For 80% growth – use the formula. Low growth is less than 65% High growth is 86-100% of your goal Figure where your scores must be according to your growth goal. Expected growth is 65 – 85% End of Year Data High Growth High Growth: What does high growth mean? Detail end-of-course achievement This growth goal levels that equate to high growth. ( 4b) was 86% to 100% At the end of the year, 21 of 24 students passed all 4 sub tests. attained. 87.5% of my students passed the assessment. Explain at your table how you determined student growth. Don’t forget to celebrate! What is the high growth range? This teacher made high growth! During break think about the SLO process… share out as we return… a video is our signal to begin! I’m not the only squirrely one… ha ha • Bringing us back • S.L.O Process: a highlight, an insight, and an uptight “Professional Growth” could look like… Professional Growth. Detail what you learned. What worked? What should be refined? Describe the support you need to improve instruction and student learning. (1s, 4a) Having a combination of group and individual activities was successful, as well as multiple opportunities for students to practice listening and speaking with various resources. What needs to change for next year? What support can be provided? Detail what you learned! Principal Student Growth Rating PERFORMANCE CATEGORY DESCRIPTION Low Less than 80% of teachers earned expected growth Expected 80-90% of teachers earned expected growth High 91-100% of teachers earned expected growth Chunking today – I know the definition of an SLO. – I understand the four steps of the SLO process. – I know the components of a SMART goal. – I know how to establish baseline data, determine growth and calculate growth ratings. – I can determine the quality of an SLO based on the SLO Quality Checklist. – I know how SLOs connect to teacher evaluation. REVIEW • What is an S.L.O.? - A teacher-‐driven goal or set of goals that establish expectations for student academic growth over a period of time. The specific, rigorous, realistic and measurable goal(s) must be based on baseline data and represent the most important learning that needs to occur during the instructional period. SLOs are aligned to applicable Common Core, state or national standards. • What are the 4 steps – – – – 1. S.L.O. Development 2. S.L.O. Approval 3. Ongoing Communication 4. Preparing for Summative REVIEW • Where do I get my baseline data? How do I show growth? – Pretest… Compare pretest and posttest • What does S.M.A.R.T. mean? - S pecific M easurable A ppropriate R igorous/ realistic T imebound • What are the three types of growth goals I can write? • Mastery • Differentiated • Shared Chunk # 3 PEER REVIEW Peer Review • Pull out your SLO Quality Checklist • Read it closely and use it to evaluate your SLO • Develop at least 1: – Question – Comment – Observation Chunking today – I know the definition of an SLO. – I understand the four steps of the SLO process. – I know the components of a SMART goal. – I know how to establish baseline data, determine growth and calculate growth ratings. – I can determine the quality of an SLO based on the SLO Quality Checklist. – I know how SLOs connect to teacher evaluation. REVIEW • How do I determine if my S.L.O. is written well? - Use the S.L.O. quality checklist… perhaps keep this tool handy while writing S.L.O.’s • Linking us to tomorrow’s visit, see next slide! Take out this “tool” • Go to SDAP power point to share this resource, if needed. • • SLO & EVALUATION CHUNK 4 Remember from earlier in the day? Look at the next few slides! This is where the SLO’s plug in to your teacher evaluation. Determining Teacher Effectiveness Using multiple measures of professional practice and student learning South Dakota Framework for Teaching Student Growth Domain 1 Domain 2 Domain 3 Domain 4 SLOs Planning and Preparation Classroom Environment Instruction Professional Responsibilities State Assessments • Classroom Observations and Evidence of Effective Practice • Components from Each of the 4 Domains (as one measure if available) District Assessments Evaluator-Approved Assessments • At Least 8 Components Chosen Based on District or School Priorities Professional Practice Rating Growth Rating Summative Rating Matrix Professional Oversight: Is the rating fair and accurate based on the evidence and data shared by the teacher Differentiated Performance Categories Below Expectations Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations Summative Scoring Matrix Summative Teacher Effectiveness Rating Categories Below Expectations Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations Judgment Rating Subject ✪ to Review Teacher A Summative Teacher Effectiveness Rating Categories Below Expectations Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations Judgment Rating Subject ✪ to Review Teacher B Judgment Rating Subject to Review Summative Teacher Effectiveness Rating Categories Below Expectations Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations Judgment Rating Subject ✪ to Review Teacher C Judgment Rating Subject to Review Summative Teacher Effectiveness Rating Categories Below Expectations Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations Judgment Rating Subject ✪ to Review Make the connection • Find a person who has a birthday in the same month… or nearest your month… • Use 1 minute, then another 1 minute to discuss the connection between the Charlotte Danielson Framework and S.L.O.’s The Aspiration: Improve Instruction and Student Learning 1. Encourage meaningful, in-depth dialogue focused on improving instruction 2. Provide regular, timely, useful feedback that guides professional growth 3. Support a culture in which data drives instructional decisions 4. Establish clear expectations for teacher performance 5. Use multiple measures to meaningfully determine and differentiate teacher performance 6. Provide a fair, flexible, research-based model that informs personnel decisions. Parking Lot Activity • Are there any post-its left? • Does anyone have a post it they can answer? REVIEW • How do I determine if my S.L.O. is written well? - Use the S.L.O. quality checklist… perhaps keep this tool handy while writing S.L.O.’s • How do S.L.O.’s connect to teacher evaluation? -evaluations use a summative scoring matrix that includes evaluating “professional practice” according to the domains in Charlotte Danielson’s Framework and “student growth rating” that is based on the S.L.O. determined by the teacher On more glance at where S.L.O.’s fit in Summative Teacher Effectiveness Rating Categories Below Expectations Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations Judgment Rating Subject ✪ to Review RATE YOURSELF: use blue sticky note 1. I know the definition of an SLO. 2. I understand the four steps of the SLO process. 3. I know how to establish baseline data and determine growth. 4. I know the components of a SMART goal. 5. I know how growth ratings are calculated. 6. I can determine the quality of an SLO using the SLO Quality Checklist. 7. I know how an SLO connects to teacher evaluation. Did we meet our SLO? By the end of the day, all of the participants in the training will rate themselves as a 3 or 4 for each of the seven statements given. . Where did you land for our S.L.O OR S.M.A.R.T. GOAL? 4 I know what an SLO is. I know how an SLO connects to teacher evaluation. I know how growth ratings are calculated. I know how to establish baseline data and determine growth. I understand the four steps of the SLO process. I know the components of a SMART goal. I can determine if an SLO meets SD criteria. 3 2 1 In a nutshell, do you have a plan for your SLO? Write your action steps on the back of your Take Away Window. Are we moving up the mountain? Where are you now in your comfort level with SLO’s? Going from the valley of confusion up the slope of understanding? (Top 20 lingo here. Giggle) EVALUATION FAQ’s from First SLO Trainings-share? • slo day1 • Make sure to complete stipend form for today! (Each day we will fill one out.) I would love to hear your feedback about today’s presentation! If you have a couple moments (sticky note, verbally, email), please share with Tammy Jo about the things we should CLOSURE A. Definitely Keep. B. Possibly Change. Sparkling in education with you! Thank you, Tammy Jo Schlechter Tammy Jo needs to take attendance before her guests leave!