Present Sociolinguistic Survey Of Nepalese Languages Bhim Lal Gautam Central Department of Linguistics Tribhuvan University 27/03/2014 Outline • • • • • • Introduction Linguistic Survey of Nepal (LinSuN) Sociolinguistic Survey of Nepalese Languages Methodology used in SLS Progress Report of SLS Challenges and Difficulties Introduction • Nepal’s Linguistic Diversity - Natural and Geographical Diversity - 123 plus languages - 4 different sign languages - 125 plus ethnic groups and cultures - 4 different language families - 1 language isolate : Kusunda Linguistic Surveys of Nepal - 1828-88 - 1898-1927 - 1965-68 - 1981-84 - 1988 - 1996 - 2002 Hodgson – Royal Asiatic Society Grierson’s LSI BalKrishna Pokharel German Research Council Boyd Mikhailovsky The Central Dept. of Linguistics Toba et al. Linguistic Survey of Nepal (LinSuN) 2008 GoN/NPC • Objectives - Developing a sociolinguistic profile of all the languages of Nepal - Producing a basic description of at least 10 languages - Developing and maintaining a complete database of the languages of Nepal - Developing a description of the use of mother tongues in education (formal and non-formal) LinSuN Support • Management - Steering committee, NPC, GoN Evaluation and Supervision - LISMAC (Linguistic Survey Management Committee) Policy making and monitoring - Administration Central Department of Linguistics, TU LinSuN • Technical Support - Training and workshops(Nepal & Abroad) - Infield and summer schools Infield (2008),3L Summer School( 2012) • Financial Support - National Planning Commission, GoN Ministry of Education and Culture University Grants Commission SIL, Nepal and other Institutions Sociolinguistic Survey of Nepalese Languages (SLS) • Methodology - Sociolinguistic Questionnaire Recorded Text Tests (RTT) Sentence Repetition Test (SRT) Lexical Similarity (210 word list) Participatory Method (PM) SLS Methodology • Sociolinguistic Questionnaires 1. Sociolinguistic Questionnaire( A) -Real speakers 1. Sociolinguistic Questionnaire (B) -Participatory Method 1. Sociolinguistic Questionnaire (C ) - Language Activists & Local leaders SLS Methodology • Recorded Text Tests (RTT) -Level of intelligibility among language groups - A better way to compare different dialects • Sentence Repetition Test (SRT) -Attitudes of MT speakers -Levels of competence in the National language -Multilingualism Participatory Method (PM) • • • • • Biographical information Opinions about the language Bilingualism/Multilingualism Use and attitude towards the language Resource for literacy and education Participatory Method (PM) SLS Progress Activities • Pilot Survey (2008) - Jhapa District of Nepal - Objective: Testing of questionnaires - Surveyed Languages (13) Indo-Aryan (7): Malpande, Karuwa, Sadri (Kissan), Danuwar, Marwari, Nepali, Maithili, Urdu, Tibeto-Burman (2):Bantawa, Meche Dravidian (1):Uraun Austro Asiatic(1): Khadiya Hindi SLS Progress Activities • Field Visit (Survey) and Data Collection • 2009 ( 5 Languages) Tibeto-Burman(3): Chepang, Newar, Yakhha Indo Aryan(2): Maithili, Nepali • 2010 (6 languages) Tibeto-Burman (4): Nepali, Maithili Indo-Aryan (2): Bhujel, Dolakha Newar, Lepcha SLS Progress Activities • 2011 (6 languages) Tibeto-Burman (4): Chulung, Dhut Magar, Jirel, Kaike Indo-Aryan (1): Bote Austro-Asiatic (1): Santhali • 2012 A (13 languages) Indo-Aryan (10): Achhami,Awadhi, Bajhangi, Bajureli, Baitadeli , DangoraTharu,Doteli,Rana Tharu, Sonah, Khonah Tibeto-Burman (3): Byansi,Raji,Raute SLS Progress Activities • 2012 B (7 languages) Indo-Aryan (4): Awadhi,Bhojpuri, Kumal,Tharu Tibeto-Burman (3): Chantyal, Gurung, Kham, • 2013 (15 languages) Indo-Aryan (7): Angika,Gangai,Kissan, Malpande, Majhi,Rajbansi,Tajpuriya Tibeto-Burman (6): Dumi, Dhimal,Koyee, Koche,Meche,Tilung Austro Asiatic (2): Khadiya,Uranw • 2014 ( 8 languages) Tibeto-Burman (6): Khaling,Nachhiring,Kulung,Sampang Thulung, Wambule, Indo-Aryan (2): Bajjika, Kathariya SLS Report Writing • Completed Report( 22 languages) Tibeto-Burman (11): Bhujel,Byansi, Chepang,Chhantyal, Jirel, Magar Kham, Magar Dhut, Meche, Newar,Raji,Raute Indo-Aryan (9): Achhami, Awadhi, Bajhangi & Bajureli, Baitadeli & Darchureli, Dangora Tharu, Dotyali,Kumal ,Rana Tharu, Rajbansi & Tajpuriya Austro-Asiatic (1): Santhali Dravidian (1): Urawn SLS Report Writing • Report in progress(13 languages) -Tibeto-Burman(7): Chulung,Dumi, Dhimal,Gurung,Kaike,Koche/Gangai, Koyee, -Indo-Aryan(5): Bhojpuri,Bote, Majhi, Nepali, Maithili, -Austro-Asiatic(1):Khadiya Summary of SLS • 58 Languages Surveyed • 22 Language report completed • 13 Language report on progress Challenges & Difficulties • Financial Difficulties - Government Role - Other Agencies • • • • • • Lack of education & motivation Difficult geographical conditions Migration Lack of effective tools for creating data base Conflicts among the linguistic community Political instability Acknowledgements • The Central Department of Linguistics, TU • LinSuN Management Committee • Dr Anetta Kopecka References राष्ट्रिय योजना आयोग, नेपाल सरकार (२०६५): नेपालको भाषिक सर्वेक्षण: प्रस्तार्व, भािाषर्वज्ञान केन्द्रीय षर्वभाग, त्रिभर्व ु न षर्वश्र्वषर्वद्यालय। Central Bureau of Statistics. 2001. 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