Windows 8 App Building Bootcamp Kraig Brockschmidt, Senior Program Manager, Windows Ecosystem Team Author, Programming Windows 8 Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript It’s free: or Amazon Agenda • • • • • Platform overview: the life story of an app App building quickstart—a complete end to end app Core app anatomy Building a UI: controls, layout, input, & animations Feature topics – – – – App settings and state management Contracts: share, search, and others Alive with activity: live tiles, notifications, background tasks Accessibility, Localization, and the Windows Store • Tour of the Windows 8 Developer Center Non-Agenda • • • • • Design and design principles—see Windows Phone Windows Azure Marketing In 3.5 hours we just get started, so: – Windows Developer Center has docs and samples: – Windows 8 Camp-In-a-Box as more presentations, end to end sample: The Life Story of a Windows Store App The App Lifetime • Conception and gestation: your development process – Ends with an app package ready to upload • Birth: submitting to the Windows Store and certification – The Store is how consumers get your app • Primary Life: running on user’s devices – This is where you encounter the characteristics of the platform – It also reveals much of what you need to know in development • Rebirth: cycling through again with updates Windows 8 Platform Languages/APIs * Includes the WinJS helper library with controls, promises, animations many other utilities; an official but optional API What’s in an App Package App Manifest contains all information needed to deploy the app Files and Assets (.js, .html, .css, images, resources, DLLs, etc.) Blockmap the TOC of 64K blocks Provides evidence of tampering and defines what changes between versions Store-assigned signature validates package integrity (Some other stuff) App Manifest and Capabilities • Explicitly declares the app integration endpoints – File capabilities (music/pictures/videos/documents libraries, removable storage) – Devices (webcam, microphone, location, sms, proximity); extensible to new device classes – user consent involved – Network and identity (internet, private network, credentials) – File type associations – App contracts (search, share, etc.) • Defines app branding and logos • Contained in appxmanifest.xml; Visual Studio provides editor This is your Store—and your competition’s! Pricing (free, paid, trial; inapp purchases) are managed through Store dashboard. Onboarded appx package Capabilities in the manifest determine what shows under app permissions All other details provides via Store dashboard App Acquisition App Installation Download and install app package unzip .exe or .dll resources appxmanifest.xml etc. App folder (hidden) html js css images appxmanifest.xml etc. Download and install dependencies (identified in the manifest) unzip Create appdata structures user\appdata\local\packages\<app> LocalState TempState RoamingState Settings (+ settings.dat) Create registry entries based on manifest (including Start page tile, etc.) System folders Registry Running an App (HTML/JavaScript) App folder html js css images appxmanifest.xml etc. Display (on the file system) App Host Process* JavaScript Engine HTML/CSS Rendering Engine App Container (in memory) * With modifications/extensions to the DOM API, see “HTML, CSS, and JavaScript features and differences” at and This is important when using third-party libraries. Local and Web Contexts (HTML/JS only) Local context Web context ms-appx-web:/// ms-appx:/// http:// Trusted content from local package postMessage • WinRT (+ DOM API changes) • innerHTML validation • Remote script not permitted Untrusted content • Same as browser <iframes> • No WinRT W3C API Process Isolation Direct Access Brokered Access Communication via Cloud App [Host] Process Brokered Access Direct Access Contracts App Container … View States: manage with media queries or: Building for pixel density: 100%, 140%, 180% Building for screen size Process Lifecycle Management App gets 5s to handle suspend User Launches App App is not notified before termination suspending Running App resuming Suspended App Low Resources Terminated App Apps are notified when they have been resumed Splash screen Code gets to run App frozen App not running Limited background tasks can run Automatic State Roaming Device #1 Device #2 App [Host] Process App [Host] Process App Container App Container Apps use roaming data as if it were just local appdata AppData Roaming folder and settings Roaming data (up to 100K) automatically synced between devices with same app and same user account AppData Roaming folder and settings Use SkyDrive or other cloud services to roam larger data Windows Runtime APIs Language projections switchball Store and Monetization App Building Quickstart The App We’ll Build Features: • Layouts in all view states • Camera capture • Using an iframe for web content (Bing maps) • Geolocation • Share source • Using async APIs App Anatomy Consumer Originator “Can you give me…?” Creation ① ③ Makes a promise “Yes, I promise…” ② “OK, tell me when you have the goods” Goes on with Life ⑦ “Here’s where we are…” “Never mind…” ⑤ ④ Fulfillment Acquires the goods Can’t acquire the goods “Here you are!” ⑧ “I’m sorry!” Consumes ⑥ the goods ⑨ Utter disappointment //Consumer code var promise = doAsyncOperation(); ① //Originator code function doAsyncOperation() { return new SomePromise(/* ... */); } ② ③ promise.then( function (results) { console.log(JSON.stringify(results)); } ⑥ ); ⑤ var SomePromise = function () { this._value = {}; this.then = function (completedHandler) { completedHandler(this._value); } ④ } Events in JS: App Host Process loading app’s start page • • • • • Tile or other launch method System Splash Screen visible for .75s minimum, with 15s timeout* * Use “extended splash screen” for a custom experience JavaScript Engine HTML/CSS Rendering Engine DOMContentLoaded activated: use either Windows.UI.WebUI.WebUIApplication WinJS.Application body.onload When activated returns, splash screen removed and app shows; deferrals accommodate async work App folder html js css images appxmanifest.xml etc. WinJS.Application.onready fires UI: Controls, Layout, Input, & Animations Button Hyperlink ListBox Checkbox Ratings (WinJS) Slider (WinJS) Combo Box Progress Bar Progress Ring Date Picker (WinJS) Radio Button Time Picker (WinJS) Toggle Switch (WinJS) Button Hyperlink ListBox Checkbox Ratings Slider Combo Box Progress Bar Progress Ring Date Picker Radio Button Time Picker Toggle Switch dataSource + itemRenderer + layout Data <div data-win-control="WinJS.Binding.Template" id="myTemplate" > <div style="width: 110px; margin: 10px"> <img data-win-bind="src: picture" style="height: 60px; width: 60px" /> <input type="button" data-win-bind="value: buttonText" /> </div> </div> <div height="400" data-win-control="WinJS.UI.ListView" id="listview1" data-win-options="{dataSource: myData, itemRenderer: myTemplate, layout: {type: WinJS.UI.ListLayout}}"> </div> App Bar Context Menu Flyout Tooltip Message Dialog Settings Pane Shake Rotate Flip Settings & State Running Suspended Not running System restart In memory (app changes variables) Includes databases (SQLite, IndexedDB, ESE/Jet) and other facilities built on appdata (HTML AppCache, local storage, third-party libraries) Windows.Storage.AccessCache (modified by WinRT API) Windows.Storage.PasswordVault (modified by WinRT API), sync’d to cloud Other devices Contracts “Alive with Activity” Logo Badge Name Updates appear immediately In Windows.UI.Notifications namespace: TileNotification >> TileUpdater, SecondaryTileUpdater BadgeNotification >> BadgeUpdater ToastNotification >> ToastNotifier System process In Windows.UI.Notifications namespace: ScheduledTileNotification >> TileUpdater, SecondaryTileUpdater ScheduledToastNotification >> ToastNotifier URI System process 30m to 24h frequency per service HTTP Request In Windows.UI.Notifications namespace: TileUpdater.StartPeriodicUpdate and StartPeriodicUpdateBatch BadgeUpdater.StartPeriodicUpdate Send channel to web service Send update Push updates to client (tile, badge, toast, raw) Running app: PushNotificationChannel.PushNotificationReceived event (in Windows.Networking.PushNotifications namespace) Background task: PushNotificationTrigger WNS Notification type Tile Cycling ✔ Scheduled ✔ Raw Recurring Audio ✔ ✔ ✔ Periodic ✔ ✔ ✔ Badge Toast Expiring ✔ ✔ Push ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Server Process Client App via Windows Periodic Notification Service Database Web App Other Services Mobile Service Mobile Devices Other Services Other Clients Apps for Everyone: Accessibility, Localization, & the Windows Store // get current product var currentProduct = Windows.ApplicationModel.Store.CurrentProduct; // get the license information var licenseInformation = currentProduct.licenseInformation; // check to see if the user has an active non-trial license if (licenseInformation.isTrial) { // user has trial version of the application // prompt them to purchase before so we can enable full functionality currentProduct.requestProductPurchaseAsync().then( function () { // Purchase succeeded }); } // can’t do in-app purchase in trial mode, must convert first if (!appLicensingInformation.isTrial) { //load the listings with all the products currentApp.loadListingInformationAsync().then( function (listing) { //lookup a specific product var product1 = listing.productListings.lookup("product1"); if (!product1.isActive) { // purchase currentApp.requestProductPurchaseAsync("product1").then( enableProduct1 ); } }); void appInit() { // some app initialization functions // Initialize the license info for use in the app that is // uploaded to the Store. // uncomment for release licenseInformation = CurrentApp.LicenseInformation; // Initialize the license info for testing. // comment the next line for release // licenseInformation = CurrentAppSimulator.LicenseInformation; // other app initialization functions }