Theory of Zang-fu organs Five Zang organs: lung, liver, spleen, kidney, heart (pericardium) Six Fu organs: small intestine, large intestine, gallbladder, stomach, bladder, sanjiao Extraordinary organs: brain, marrow, bone, blood vessel, gallbladder, uterus How to divide organs Solid, containing essence___Zang Empty,receiving food, water and passing waste____Fu Empty, containing essence ____ Extraordinary Fu HEART Controlling blood circulation Taking charge of mental activities sweat, joy vessels, tongue and face Problems of heart Palpitation, chest pain dream disturbed sleep, insomnia, amnesia manic-depressive psychosis, dementia, abnormal happiness and sadness aphasia, delirium night sweat, pale or red complexion, irregular pulse, over joy LIVER Soothing and regulating the flow of Qi and blood Storing and regulating blood Having relationship with tendons, nails and eyes, anger Soothing and regulating the flow of Qi and blood Help digestion of spleen and stomach Help secretion of gallbladder relates to emotional activities Problems of liver Hypochondriac pain, distending pain in breasts, lower abdomen and vertex indigestion depression, angry abnormal menstruation, abdominal masses eyes problems, weakness in limbs, fragile in nails SPLEEN Transporting and transforming nutrients Keeping blood circulating within the vessels Having relationship with the muscles, limbs, mouth and lips, saliva, thinking