Continuum of Care

Continuum of Care (CoC)
Promotes community-wide commitment to the goal
of ending homelessness.
Provides funding for efforts by nonprofit providers
and State and local governments to quickly re-house
homeless individuals and families to minimize
trauma and dislocation.
Promotes access to and effective utilization of
mainstream programs.
Optimizes self-sufficiency among individuals and
families experiencing homelessness.
A CoC is….
Simply stated, a Continuum of Care is
established by representatives of relevant
organizations within a geographic area to carry
out the responsibilities set forth in the CoC
Program Interim Rule.
Establishing a Continuum of Care
- CoC Program Interim Rule requires
communities to establish a CoC in order to
receive CoC Program Funding
- The CoC must meet minimum requirements
for CoC Structure, governance and
- The rule requires collaboration between CoC
and ESG recipients on certain responsibilities
CoC Membership
• Membership should ensure:
- Communitywide commitment to ending and
preventing homelessness
- Representation of the relevant organizations
within the entire CoC
Examples of CoC Membership
Nonprofit homeless Assistance providers
Victim Service Providers
Mental Health Agencies
Faith Based Organizations
Affordable Housing Developers
Law Enforcement
Public Housing Agencies
Organizations that serve
School Districts
homeless veterans
Social Service providers
Formerly homeless persons
What governs the CoC Program?
• 24 CFR Part 578 - CoC Final Interim Rule
July 31, 2012
• 24 CFR Parts 91, 582, and 583 - Homeless
Emergency Assistance and Rapid Transition to
Housing (HEARTH): Defining ‘‘Homeless’’
December 5, 2011
OMB Circulars, notices, etc. (A-84, A-102, A-110)
CoC and ESG Coordination
• Key elements
- Centralized/coordinated assessment
- Consolidated Plan homelessness strategy and
- Allocation of ESG funding
- ESG Performance standards
- ESG subrecipent participation in HMIS
- ESG and CoC written standards
Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG)
• The ESG Interim Rule revised sections of the Consolidated Planning
regulations at 24 CFR part 91.
• Consolidated Plan Regulation as Amended by ESG Interim Rule and
Homeless Definition Final Rule
This version of 24 CFR Part 91, Consolidated Submissions for
Community Planning and Development Programs as
Amended by ESG Interim Rule and Homeless Definition
Final Rule, explains Consolidated Submissions for Community
Planning and Development Programs as amended by the Emergency
Solutions Grants Program interim rule and Homeless definition final
Date Published: November 2011
ESG Annual Action Plan
Consultation with Continuums of Care
The rule requires ESG recipients to consult with Continuums
of Care in:
1. Allocating funds for eligible activities
2. Developing performance standards
3. Evaluating outcomes of ESG-assisted projects and
developing funding
4. Policies and procedures for the administration and
operation of the HMIS.
ESG recipients must also coordinate and integrate ESG
activities with other homelessness and mainstream programs.
ESG Annual Action Plan
• Consolidated Plan Revisions:
• The rule requires increased collaboration between ESG
recipients and CoC programs, and other mainstream
programs. CoCs are required to participate in the local Con
Plan process and evaluate outcomes for ESG projects. Also,
ESG recipients must consult with CoCs about the allocation of
ESG funds and participation in HMIS.
ESG Annual Action Plan
• In the Action Plan, local governments are
required to specify the standards under which
homelessness prevention and rapid re-housing
assistance will be administered and to
describe the assessment systems that will be
used. The interim rule recognizes a different
approach for states:
ESG Annual Action Plan - State
• The requirement for states differ slightly from
those that apply to local governments, in
order to accommodate the states’ restrictions
on states’ use of ESG funds and the variety of
areas of Continuums of Care their programs
encompass. Under the state programs, the
written standards for providing ESG assistance
may vary by subrecipient, Continuum of Care,
or the geographic area over which services are
ESG Checklist
ESG Checklist of Requirements for the Homelessness
Portions of Consolidated Plan Annual Action Plan
• This checklist, which focuses on the homelessnessrelated sections of the Annual Action Plan, can assist
recipients in drafting an accurate and complete
submission in accordance with the regulations. Please
note that only the elements of the Annual Action Plan
specifically related to homelessness planning and ESG
are included in this checklist.
• Date Published: December 2012
Notice CPD-13-06: Guidance for Submitting the Portions of the Consolidated Annual
Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) Related to Homelessness and the Emergency
Solutions Grants (ESG) Program
This notice provides guidance for completing the Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG)
portions of the Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER)
using the Integrated Disbursement and Information System (IDIS). This notice also
provides information on completing homelessness-related portions of the CAPER,
which is relevant for all States, local governments, and territories that receive ESG,
Community Development Block Grants (CDBG), HOME Investment Partnerships
(HOME), and/or Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS (HOPWA) formula
funding (referred to collectively in this notice as Consolidated Plan (Con Plan)
Date Published: August 2013
What if I am not an ESG recipients,
what happens then?
CAPER must address: Affordable Housing
- Must include the number and types of
families serviced.
- Must include the number of homeless persons
served, in addition to the numbers of extremely
low, low-mod, and middle income persons
• Homelessness - 91.520(c)
Must include a narrative evaluation of the progress
in meeting specific objectives for reducing and
ending homelessness through:
• Outreach (especially un-sheltered)
• Emergency and Transitional Shelter
• Helping homeless person transition to PH
• Helping Low Income Persons to avoid
Centralized or Coordinated Assessment – CoC Program
– What does this mean for an ESG recipient?
• The Continuum of Care program requires that all
communities develop and implement a centralized or
coordinated assessment system. According to this
interim rule, ESG recipients (including states ) will be
required to participate in the system to initially assess
the eligibility and needs of each household seeking
homeless assistance.
• ESG recipients will be expected to implement this
provision after a final CoC rule has been published and
the CoC has implemented such an assessment system.
• Date of compliance: August 30,2014
Written Standards for the CoC
• CoC must work with ESG Recipient to develop
written standards for providing CoC assistance:
- Eligibility policies and procedures
- Determining and prioritizing eligible persons for
TH, RRH, and PSH resources (reflect standards in
coordinated assessment system)
- Determining levels of RRH assistance and
participant rent contribution (across projects)
- Additional standards for designated HPCs (high
performing communities)
CoC Planning
• Consult with ESG recipients
- Plan for allocation ESG Recipients
- Reporting on and evaluating performance of
ESG recipients and subrecipients.
CoC Program – Applicant Eligibility
• Private nonprofit organizations
• States, local governments, and
instrumentalities of state and local
governments are eligible to apply if they have
been selected by the Continuum of Care for
the geographic area in which they operate.
Program Components for the CoC
• Permanent Housing (PH)
- Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH)
- Rapid Re-housing (RRH)
• Transitional Housing (TH)
• Supportive Services Only (SSO)
• Homelessness Prevention (HPC only)
Eligible Activities
Acquisition/Rehabilitation/New Construction
Rental Assistance
Supportive Services
Operating Costs
Project Administration
Rental Assistance
The CoC regulations, at 24 CFR 578.51(b) require
rental assistance to be administered by a State,
unit of general purpose local government, or a
public housing agency. Nonprofits may not
administer rental assistance unless the grant
was originally awarded under the Shelter Plus
Care program and the nonprofit administered
the rental assistance under that program
Eligible Costs – Program Components
Permanent Housing
Eligible Costs
2013 NOFA and Future Funding
• At this time, the SNAPS office is working
diligently to complete the work that was
interrupted during the shutdown and get the
competition open as soon as possible.
• Information regarding the final step for the
CoC Registration process, as well as additional
schedule updates, in the coming days.
• We know there are not funds to fully fund all
renewals grants in the 2013 competition.
CoC Program Interim Final Rule
Establishing and Operating a CoC Guide
CoC Governance Crosswalk of Changes: CoC Program,
SHP, and S+C Program Regulations
Learn about ESG Requirements
View ESG Law, Regulations, and Notices
View the SNAPS weekly focus
View SNAPS-Shots
View Other ESG Program Information