Tuvalu By: Hannah Bauriedel Government • Government Type: A Parliamentary Democracy is a Parliament that is elected by the people. Originally Tuvalu was ruled by Great Britian, but on October 1, 1978 they became an independent country. • • • • • • • Economy Economy Type: Market Economy Tuvalu's economy is made up of goods and things sold such as stamps, coins and fishing license In 1996, Tuvalu had one of the best economies. But now because prices are rising, their economy is failing GDP: $3,400 Exports: Coral, Fish Imports: Animals, food, mineral fuels, machinery, manufactured goods 1 U.S.A. Dollar = .9694 Tuvaluan Dollars General Geography • Tuvalu is 10 square • • • • miles in total Coordinates: 8 00 S, 178 00 E Located near Australia The coastline is 24 kilometers The only natural resource Tuvalu has is Climate • Some natural disasters that Tuvalu should • • be afraid of is Cyclones, and Tropical storms Because Tuvalu is located in the tropics,the climate is hot, humid and rainy Nanumea, Nui, Vaitupu, Nukufetau, Funafuti, and Nukulaelae,Nanumaya and Niutao are the islands. Country Flag • The British flag on the flag • represents Great Britian, their onwer before they became a free country, they just haven't changed it yet The 9 stars represent the layout of the islands, the 5-piont stars on blue means the nine atolls of the sea Currency • Tuvaluan Dollar• One tuvaluan Dollar = .9694 U.S. Dollars • Tuvalu uses this sign to represent • • money:$ Tuvalu has a 5, 10, 20 and 50 cent coin Tuvalu has a 1$ coin Culture: Independence Day • Independence day started on • October 1, 1978 The celebration lasts about 2-3 days, during the party ,dancing, feasting, a church service on Sunday and team competitions are held Heritage • Each family in the culture has • • its own salanga, or job to do for the community. Such as fishing, farming, cleaning, etc. Each island has its own food store, or convenient store for everyday needs Each island also has its own Video QuickTime™ and a H.264 decompressor are needed to see this picture. Click here to watch the full length video: Sources • • • • • • • • • • • • http://infotrac.galegroup.com/k12/infomark/798/922/151634816w16/purl=rc1 _K12J_0_A119451521&dyn=4!xrn_1_0_A119451521?sw_aep=mlin_m_ken nat http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_is_a_parliamentary_democracy http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Tuvalu+Independence+Day https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/tv.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuvaluan_dollar http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuvalu http://images.businessweek.com/ss/08/02/0201_world_leaders/image/susilo .jpg http://www.chiefacoins.com/Database/Countries/Tuvalu_KM16_Dollar_1985 .jpg http://s-m-s.tv/images/tuvalu-1.jpg http://media.treehugger.com/assets/images/2011/10/tuvalu.jpg http://www.timelesstuvalu.com/tuvalu/export/system/modules/TTO/resource s/img/assets_tuvalu/home_pic1.jpg http://flags-and-anthems.com/media/flags/flagge-tuvalu.gif Sources • • • • • • • http://nanumea.net/Photos%20page/no%2078%20edited, %20lightened,%20cropped%20-%20v.%20small.JPG http://www.worldviewofglobalwarming.org/tuvalu/12TUVAirl ineViewSoFongHomesHouse44HouseBarrow36Braasch.jp g http://www.timelesstuvalu.com/tuvalu/export/pics/contact.jp g http://www.maps-pacific.com/graphics/Tuvalu.gif http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuvalu http://www.yukiba.com/upl/server/uploads/1274112121funafuti-Tuvalu-Oceania-Funafuti.jpg VIDEO: http://vimeo.com/20742652