RENEWABLE ENERGY POTENTIAL TO SUPPORT THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PROVINCE OF SOUTHEAST SULAWESI OF INDONESIA Outlines •Background •Objective •Geography – topography condition •Socio-economic condition •Electricity utilization and the problem •Some potential renewable resources •Conclusion RIDWAY BALAKA , MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OF HALUOLEO UNIVERSITY Background Economic growth and improvement of people’s living standard link to increasing utilization of energy Electricity , one of the energy forms, the driving forces of the economic development of all the nations (Kaundinya et al, 2009) It is believed that almost all of the 1.6–2 billion people live without access to electricity in which most of them live in the developing world (Zand et al, 2009). Objective Southeast Sulawesi, a developing province , seems posing the problem of the electricity provision of its community. Limited infrastructure and topography geography constraints. The role of Renewable Energy in tackling this problem (locally, sustainably and environmentally friendly) It is believed that this province has potential of RE to support the energy provision. This study reviews some potential of RE in this province. Methodology; literature study of some journal papers, magazines and the authentic government data such as BPS and the department of energy and mineral resources (ESDM). Geography –topography condition East Indonesia The southern part of the Equator 02°45' and 06°15' S.Lat, 120°45‘ and 124°45' E,Long Main island and many small Islands 74 % sea ( 110. 000 km2), 26% land (38.140 km2) 10 districts & 2 cities Mountainous and undulated soil surface The up-mountain range (1,868,860 ha), Mostly at an altitude 100 – 500 m with the slopes of 40 degrees Sources ; BPS (2010), BPS Sultra (2010), ESDM Sultra (2011) Socio-economic condition Population more than 2.2 millions. The majority in Kolaka and Kendari HDI 69 ( IND 71.17) Poor condition 14 %, 91, 4 % in rural region literacy rate is 93.6% & 86.6% for both man and woman respectively (IND 94.3% and 87.5 %) GDP 400 USD ( the majority from agriculture sector ) IND 2400 USD Life expectancy is 70.4 year (Indonesia; 70.9) Sources ; BPS (2010), BPS Sultra (2010),) DISTRIBUTION OF THE POPULATION OF SOUTHEAST SULAWESI PROVINCE OF INDONESIA Electricity utilization and the problem 100 365 GWH/year (eq. electricity pct. 50 watt ) IND 174 Watt Percentage (%) Major source from PLN 80 Population Electrification Ratio 60 40 20 0 Electricity ratio 56 % 307.531 of 547.924 total households , 1440 of the total of 2196 villages Districts Sources ; EIA (2012), BPS (2010), BPS Sultra (2010), ESDM Sultra (2011) Some potential renewable resources HYDRO ENERGY ( 0.8 GW) The existence of many rivers, the mountainous and hilly land characteristic and the forest. Several of the rivers flow across almost in every district/city in this province. Sources ; BPS Sultra (2010), ESDM Sultra (2011) No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 River District Newijo Lasolo Lalindu Konaweha Lansilowo Mosolo Lampeapi Lawey Roraya Ngari-ngari Winto Winning Kabungka Sampolawa Lakaritsu LakangBola Lakawa Emoiko Sangkona Labuhan Langkoroni Pohoroa Langkumbe Ronta Towor Katangana Toki Latobera Lantowu Alawatu Tamboli Mangolo Oko-Oko Konawe Utara Konawe Utara Konawe Utara Konawe Utara Konawe Konawe Konawe Konawe Selatan Buton Buton Buton Buton Buton Buton Bombana Bombana Bombana Buton Utara Buton Utara Buton Utara Buton Utara Buton Utara Muna Muna Muna Muna Kolaka Utara Kolaka Utara Kolaka Kolaka Kolaka Debit (M3/s) 3 124 77 413 5.1 5.3 13.8 12.3 0.35 12.3 4.6 5.4 0.27 4 0.28 0.5 0.5 0.47 0.28 0.32 0.56 0.23 8 3.5 1.1 0.2 3.2 26.3 7 1.4 2.53 Capacity (MW) 0.34 100 0.5 200 2 7.9 10 1.4 10.5 1.6 0.36 0.48 0.017 0.75 13 0.059 0.94 0.035 0.014 0.012 0.021 0.52 0.48 0.078 0.033 0.045 3.6 2.9 0.7 0.22 0.01 Some potential renewable resources No GEOTHERMAL (0.38 GW) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Location Lainea Pancasila Sonae Lampeapi Wongkolo Abuki Kaendi Landai Puungkolo Pebuinga Osuntunduho Nambomopula Pudonggala Lemomole_lembu Lamopula Matandahi Anggolom - Baebia Bahomokule Wawolessea Manggolo Sampolawa Kabungka Capacity (Mwe) 60 15 10 10 5 20 30 20 15 10 10 10 10 10 10 20 10 30 10 50 5 10 District Konawe Selatan Konawe Selatan Konawe Selatan Konawe Konawe Konawe Konawe Konawe Konawe Konawe Konawe Konawe Konawe Konawe Konawe Konawe Konawe Utara Konawe Utara Konawe Utara Kolaka Buton Buton Sources ; ESDM Sultra (2011) Some potential renewable resources SOLAR ENERGY The potential solar energy of 1985 KWH/m2 (or 5.57 2 KWH/m /day). The location around equator line WIND BIOMASS (0.8 GW) The forest dominated the land utilization by almost 2 million ha. The estate land garden land, wooded land and temporarily fallow land. The average wind speed in most of coastal regions accounts for 3-5 m/s MARINE ENERGY The majority part of this province is sea. Paddy, maize, cassava, Bean,coffee, kapok, pepper, nutmeg, clove,cashew nut, cocoa, sugar-palm, vanilla, areca nut, tamarind, tobacco, coconut, cotton, sugarcane, ginger and sago. Sources ; Sudia (2011), BPS (2010), BPS Sultra (2010), ESDM Sultra (2011) Some potential renewable resources ( Recapitulation ) 1000 POWER ( MW ) 800 600 400 200 0 Electricity use Hydro Geothermal Biomass Sources ; Sudia (2011), ESDM Sultra (2011) Conclusion Electricity plays important role in the development. Southeast Sulawesi is a developing region in which the electricity provision still becomes a problem. Geography –topography condition seems to be one of the main causes Since this province has still many potential renewable energy resources such as water, solar, biomass, geothermal, wind and sea, the development of renewable power technology can be one of the appropriate solutions in dealing with the lack power distribution.