Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan (NYKS)

Initiatives and Achievements
Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan (NYKS)
Environment Conservation: 42.24 lakh saplings planted by
NYKS volunteers.
Blood Donation: 26,656 units of Blood donated by NYKS
volunteers in blood donation camps.
Skill Development:
1,161 Skill Upgradation Training Programmes (SUTP) organised
for women youth club members, in which 21,177 women were
enrolled for training in need-based vocational skills.
34,303 youth were sponsored for undergoing Skill Development
Trainings through various Vocational Training Providers.
Youth Leadership and Community Development: 407
Training Programmes organised, involving 16,666 youth.
Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan (NYKS)
Theme-based Awareness and Education Programmes:
451 Programmes organised on important social issues,
involving 44,940 youth.
Promotion of Sports:
Assistance provided to 8,993 youth clubs for purchase of
Sports Materials; the amount of assistance increased from
Rs.1,000 to Rs.2,000 per club.
Assistance for organisation of Inter Youth Club Sports Meets
introduced during current year @Rs.25,000 for District level
Events and @Rs.15,000 for Block level Events.
Promotion of Adventure: 82 adventure camps organised,
involving 2,138 youth.
Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan (NYKS)
National Integration Camps: 6 camps organised, involving
800 youth, including camps at Leh (Ladakh) and Andaman &
Nicobar Islands.
Development of Adolescents:
 113 Life Skill Camps organised, involving 4,757 adolescents,
for developing among them behavioural/ life skills to empower
them to make healthy choices.
 Adolescent Health and Development Project (jointly with
UNFPA): 1,485 Teen Clubs were organised, 7,440 Peer
Educators selected (of which 6,880 trained) and extension work
Disaster Relief:
 Proactive role in rescue, relief and rehabilitation during natural
disasters, including recent floods in Assam and J&K.
National Service Scheme (NSS)
Environment Conservation: 7.52 lakh saplings planted
by NSS volunteers.
Blood Donation: 40,563 units of Blood donated by NSS
volunteers in blood donation camps.
Promotion of Adventure: 11 adventure camps organised,
involving 440 NSS volunteers.
North East NSS Youth Festivals: 3 Festivals organised at
Manipur, Nagaland and Arunachal Pradesh, in order to
promote the spirit of integration in the North East; 950
youth participated in the Festivals.
National Service Scheme (NSS)
Disaster Relief:
A pan-India Shramadaan campaign launched with focus on (i)
cleaning of rivers and other water bodies and (ii) removal of
parthenium, lantana and water hyacinth.
Proactive role in rescue, relief and rehabilitation during natural
disasters, including recent floods in Assam and J&K.
Introduction of NSS as an Elective Subject:
Being pursued in order to incentivise NSS for the students;
5 Regional Workshops of University Vice Chancellors organised
through AIU (Association of Indian Universities) for seeking
their inputs; curriculum being finalised.
Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development
Academic Courses: RGNIYD offers 6 post-graduate
courses in youth issues; 2014-16 Session started.
Research: RGNIYD offers doctoral programmes in 4
disciplines; the Institute conducted 3 research studies this
Training of Trainers: The programmes are for functionaries
working in the field of youth development; 13 programmes
were organised, covering 545 master trainers.
Capacity Building: The programmes are for youth and youth
functionaries; 20 programmes were organised, covering 2,261
youth and youth functionaries.
Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development
Skill Development:
364 youth trained in various skills.
Planning to conduct Skill Trainings and EDPs in collaboration
with Vocational Training Providers of DGE&T and NI-MSME;
also, plans to commence 3-year B. Voc. (Bachelor of Vocation)
Course on UGC pattern from next Session.
Tribal and North East Youth Development: A new
Department has been set up to bring focus on Tribal and North
East Youth Development.
Youth-led Development: A new outreach initiative launched for
conducting RGNIYD programme, preferably in tier-2 and tier-3
cities, through linkage with 250 colleges; target to cover about
25,000 youth initially.
National Programme for Adolescent and Youth
Development (NPYAD)
Financial Assistance for Youth Development:
Financial Assistance provided to Government/ nonGovernment Organisations for youth and adolescent
development activities in areas such as Youth Leadership and
Personality Development, Promotion of National Integration,
Promotion of Adventure, Development and Empowerment of
Adolescents etc.
Assistance given to 95 State level Organisations in addition to
National level Organisations.
Tenzing Norgay National Adventure Awards:
Awards are highest national recognition in the field on
adventure; conferred on 4 individuals by Hon’ble President of
India on 29.08.2014.
International Cooperation (IC)
International Youth Exchange:
A Delegation of 5 Indian Youth attended Y-20 Summit, 2014 at
Sydney, Australia during July, 2014.
A 20-member Indian Youth Delegation visited South Korea
during August, 2014.
100-member Chinese Youth Delegation and 20-member South
Korea Youth Delegation have visited India this month.
UNDP/ UNV Project on Youth Volunteering:
A Project has been developed, jointly with UNDP/ UNV, for
strengthening NYKS and NSS; to be implemented over the
period 2014-17 at estimated cost of Rs.14 crores; Necessary
approvals being obtained.
Youth Hostels
Youth Hostels meant to promote youth travel and to enable
them to experience rich cultural heritage of India;
constructed in collaboration with the States.
82 Youth Hostels constructed so far; another 2 hostels are
under construction.
Steps being taken to obtain ISO Certification for youth
During the year, ISO Certification obtained for Puducherry
Youth Hostel and preparatory steps taken to obtain
Certification for Agra and Panjim youth hostels.
Policies and Roadmap for Future
National Youth Leader Programme (NYLP)
Programme Components
NYLP is a new Scheme formulated with the objective of developing
leadership qualities among the youth, motivating the youth to strive
for excellence and harnessing the immense youth energy for nationbuilding; EFC Proposal circulated and being followed up.
Neighbourhood Youth Parliament (NYP).
Youth for Development Programme (YFDP).
National Young Leaders Awards (NYLA).
National Youth Advisory Council (NYAC).
National Youth Development Fund (NYDF).
Proposed Outlay
Rs.582 crores over 5 years (2014-15 to 2018-19).
Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan (NYKS)
Expansion of Network
Current network of 2.77 lakhs youth clubs to be expanded by
adding 50,000 clubs every year, so that eventually, there is a youth
club in every village.
Total membership of youth clubs to be increased from current 80
lakhs to 200 lakhs by 2018-19.
Intensifying Youth Mobilisation Efforts
NYKS to play proactive role as ‘enabler’, through youth
mobilisation at grass-root level, for effective implementation of all
Government programmes including Swatchh Bharat Abhiyan, Jan
Dhan Yojana etc.
Focus on Entrepreneurship and Skill Development among the
youth, through awareness generation, motivation, counselling, etc.
Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan (NYKS)
‘Punarjagaran’ (Rejuvenation)
A new imitative of NYKS to be implemented over one-year period
from 02.10.2014 to 25.09.2015.
A pan-India youth movement to be created
to start from 4 corners of India – Leh in North, Okha in West, Kanya
Kumari in South and Anini (Dibang Valley) in North East.
to culminate in Mathura (the birth place of Pandit Deen Dayal
Upadhyay) on 25.09.2015 (birth centenary of Pandit Deen Dayal
100 Districts to be covered on the 4 routes.
Throughout the year, youth to be engaged in constructive activities
such as Campaigns on social issues, Shramadaan, promoting the
spirit of patriotism, peace and universal brotherhood.
The initiative will mobilise 150 million youth and also inspire youth
all over the country.
National Service Scheme (NSS)
Expansion of Network
NSS volunteer strength to be increased from current 33 lakhs to at
least 100 lakhs by 2018-19.
In addition to Government funding of NSS, the mechanism of Selffinancing Units of NSS (with possibility of CSR funding) to be
effectively leveraged to achieve faster expansion of NSS.
Improving Effectiveness of NSS
Similar to NYKS, NSS also to play a proactive role as ‘enabler’, for
effective implementation of all Government programmes.
Skill Training of NSS volunteers, being undertaken on pilot basis, in
collaboration with TISS, to be expanded and other suitable
initiatives to be launched, to enable NSS volunteers to pursue a
vocational course along with their academic courses.
Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development
Upgradation of the Institute
RGNIYD has been declared as an “Institute of National
Importance” under RGNIYD Act, 2012; Council of Ministers has
approved outlay of 514 crores over 5-years upto 2018-19 for
upgradation of the Institute.
Proactive efforts to be made for developing RGNIYD as an
Institution of International repute in the field of youth development.
Outreach Initiatives
RGNIYD is located in Sriperumbudur (Tamil Nadu); a Regional
Centre has recently been set up at Chandigarh; an outreach initiative
called youth-led development has been launched.
Proactive efforts will be made to strengthen outreach initiatives of
RGNIYD so that the youth all over the country benefit from the
expertise of the Institute.
Other Plans/ Programmes
Expanding International Youth Exchange
Currently, regular annual youth exchange (on reciprocal basis) is
only with China and South Korea; in addition, a Bangladeshi
Youth Delegation visits India every year.
Efforts being made to sign MOUs/ start Youth Exchange
Programmes with other countries, including SAARC Countries,
Indonesia, France, Israel, Brazil, Turkey, New Zealand, Argentina,
Vietnam, Belarus, Chile, Mozambique, Kuwait and Bahrain and
Brainstorming Workshop on Youth Issues
2-day Brainstorming Workshop to be organised in Nov. 2014,
involving all stakeholders, to deliberate on youth issues.
Eminent speakers from different fields to address the Workshop.
An Actionable Agenda to be evolved for youth development.