Looking for the MH-370: Global Aviation Security and a Solution Based on Streaming Real-Time Flight Data Sy and Leslie Jae Lenell Levine web page: www.safelander.com email: sylevine1@sbcglobal.net May 27, 2014 Looking for the MH-370 and its Relationship to 9/11 The Scandalous Lack of Modern Communication IEEE Buenaventura Comm. Society EMERGING TECHNOLOGY MAKES IT VIABLE AND DESIREABLE TO UTILIZE ONE ONBOARD PILOT AND A REMOTELY LOCATED COPILOT FOR: SAFETY SECURITY RELIABILITY COST REDUCTION May 27, 2014 Looking for the MH-370 and its Relationship to 9/11 The Scandalous Lack of Modern Communication IEEE Buenaventura Comm. Society "Emerging Technology Can Increase Safety, Security & Reliability While Reducing Cost" Reduce piloting costs by permitting a single onboard pilot and a remote copilot (that can safely provide the backup control for a plurality of aircraft). – A single remote-pilot can concurrently provide the backup for and safely fly a plurality of airplanes using well known aircraft spacing/separation. – Utilizes highly-qualified remote-pilot to safely fly an aircraft in congested air space, via ciphered radio telemetry to the aircraft and air traffic controllers. – Permits the remote-pilot/copilot to control/fly/land an operational aircraft just as if he/she were the onboard pilot. Reduce 9/11, Helios (FLT. 522-2005,121 fatality,B-737)/Payne Stewart(1999,Lear Jet, 5 fatality) Decompression crashes, etc. – When a plane substantially deviates from its approved flight plans, it is presently possible to have a remote-pilot/copilot located in a secure, highfidelity, virtual-reality aircraft simulator fly the plane to a safe landing at a sparsely populated airfield. The cost reduction by eliminating a 9/11 type crash would more than pay for the entire system and its operation for ten years. – Planes that deviate onto potentially fatal runways can be stopped. May 27, 2014 Looking for the MH-370 and its Relationship to 9/11 The Scandalous Lack of Modern Communication IEEE Buenaventura Comm. Society "Emerging Technology Can Increase Safety, Security & Reliability While Reducing Cost“ (continued) Reduce costly runway expansion programs. - Provides enhanced tarmac visibility and situation awareness aboard the aircraft and to the traffic controllers. Unifies and simplifies air traffic control and pilot displays and makes them more comprehensive. Eliminates the present half cup full system where neither the controllers or the pilots have shared the necessary information to prevent crashes. Reduces delays and permits higher traffic density on existing runways. Enhances tarmac safety. Reduce aircraft operating costs. - Decreases fuel utilization. - Increases aircraft payload (reduced weight). - Decreases avionics maintenance (less avionics and mechanical interfaces). May 27, 2014 Looking for the MH-370 and its Relationship to 9/11 The Scandalous Lack of Modern Communication IEEE Buenaventura Comm. Society "Emerging Technology Can Increase Safety, Security & Reliability While Reducing Cost“ (continued) Reduce the costs and problems associated with the recovery and utilization of onboard flight data via real-time telemetry of the digital flight data. – Digital flight data is safely stored, in real-time on the ground computer’s memory for post flight analysis. – Digital Flight Data recorder aboard the aircraft can provide data redundancy. – Permits Recorders to be used for automatic checkout of the aircraft prior to takeoff during a flight, and post flight. – Gets safety personnel quickly to a crash site for possible triage and the saving of lives. – Reduces the anguish of crash victims families. Reduce FOQA costs and its latency period; – All data is automatically telemetered to the ground in real-time for processing and distribution. Provides the necessary real-time digital-data to open the door to knowledge based 4-dimenstional trajectory Air Traffic Management (ATM), aeronautics and navigation. – Minimizes scheduled engine maintenance by real-time tracking of engine utilization. Reduce insurance costs by making the plane and airports safer and securer. Reduces LRU costs by eliminating TCAS hardware and performing that function in the air and on the tarmac/ground via software (standard TCAS doesn’t function on the ground and can’t prevent ground incursions). May 27, 2014 Looking for the MH-370 and its Relationship to 9/11 The Scandalous Lack of Modern Communication IEEE Buenaventura Comm. Society "Emerging Technology Can Increase Safety, Security & Reliability While Reducing Cost“ (continued) Has many advantages over the current day onboard-only dual pilots approach, since the remote-pilot/copilot isn’t subject to loss of oxygen/decompression, extreme G forces, temperature, smoke, passenger disturbances and terrorists. – The ground-based cockpit virtual-reality simulator minimizes problems associated with pilot disorientation, poor visibility, weather, runway selection and ground incursions, which have resulted in numerous fatal accidents. – From a safety standpoint, the remote-pilot/copilot can communicate directly with flight operations, emergency and security personnel, ATC/ATM as well as with the aircraft manufacturer’s design/engineering experts on how best to handle an aircraft operation problem thereby preventing the loss of life. Utilizes present state-of-the-art communication security, communication technology, and data storage to make flying safer, securer and more economical. Provides a safety and security technology bridge to the future use of unmanned cargo aircraft (UCA). May 27, 2014 Looking for the MH-370 and its Relationship to 9/11 The Scandalous Lack of Modern Communication IEEE Buenaventura Comm. Society FIGURE 1. COMMUNICATION SYSTEM OVERVIEW AIRCRAFT THAT CAN BE REMOTELY CONTROLLED GLOBAL SATELLITE TWO WAY CIPHERED DIGITAL DATA COMMUNICATION LINK SIMULATOR PROCESSOR ATC/M, WEATHER, MAP, TERRAIN & SECURITY DATA REMOTE COPILOT IN A SECURE AIRCRAFT SIMULATOR (VIRTUAL REALITY COCKPIT) TWO WAY SECURE GROUND CIPHERED DIGITAL DATA LINK May 27, 2014 Looking for the MH-370 and its Relationship to 9/11 The Scandalous Lack of Modern Communication IEEE Buenaventura Comm. Society FIGURE 2. AVIONICS SYSTEM GPS/GLONASS Navigation Satellite Global Satellite Two-Way Secure Ciphered Digital Data Communication Link GPS/GLONASS Receiver Advisory System Performance and Control Sensor Data Aircraft That Can Be Remotely Piloted Acoustic Data Sensor Multiplexer Transceiver Video Data Remote Pilot Electronic Interface (FCU, ILS, AUTOPILOT INTERFACES) May 27, 2014 Looking for the MH-370 and its Relationship to 9/11 The Scandalous Lack of Modern Communication IEEE Buenaventura Comm. Society FIGURE 3. TWO-WAY CIPHERED DIGITAL DATA & VOICE COMMUNICATION LINK CGBS Central Ground-Based Processing Station May 27, 2014 Looking for the MH-370 and its Relationship to 9/11 The Scandalous Lack of Modern Communication IEEE Buenaventura Comm. Society TABLE 1. BASIC DATA STORAGE AND RATES 25 MEGA-BAUD AND STORAGE 100 GIGA-BYTE/DAY Note: In 2014 PCs Have 1 Terabyte (1000 Gigabytes) of Storage COM. SATELLITE CAPABILITY/ YEAR 2008 2006 2004 2000 NUMBER FLTS/DAY (GROWTH 2.5%/YR.) 38,896 37,944 35,280 33,600 AVERAGE FLIGHT TIME IN MINUTES 95 95 95 95 DFDR DATA RATE IN WORDS/SEC/AIRCRAFT 128 128 128 64 DFDR DATA WORD LENGTH IN BITS 12 12 12 12 1,536 1,536 1,536 768 12.288 12.288 12.288 12.288 DFDR DATA RATE (BITS/SEC/AIRCRAFT) TOTAL DATA RATE FOR ALL OPERATIONAL AIRCRAFT (NOTE: LESS THAN 8000 AIRCRAFT IN OPERATION – SKY OR TARMACK) IN MEGA-BAUD USING 2X (SHANNON) MULTIPLICATION YIELDS THE TOTAL DATA RATE IN MEGA-BAUD 25 25 25 25 DAILY STORAGE FOR ALL AIRCRAFT EASILY FITS ON A SINGLE PC DISC. IN GIGA-BYTES 100 100 100 100 May 27, 2014 Looking for the MH-370 and its Relationship to 9/11 The Scandalous Lack of Modern Communication IEEE Buenaventura Comm. Society FIGURE 4. CENTRAL GROUND-BASED PROCESSING STATION (CGBS) Aircraft Warnings and Cautions Aircraft Simulation Antenna Control & RF and UHF Interface DISPLAY & CONTROL (Cipher, Anti-Jam & Anti-spoof Controller) Data Storage GROUND BASED Processor ENHANCED SAFE AND SECURE “BLACK BOX”DATA REMOTE PILOT SECURE ATC Module AIRCRAFT SIMULATOR May 27, 2014 Looking for the MH-370 and its Relationship to 9/11 Air Carriers and Aircraft Manufacturers Communication Module The Scandalous Lack of Modern Communication IEEE Buenaventura Comm. Society FIGURE 5. GROUND-BASED DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM Processor Air Carriers and Aircraft Manufacturers Communication Module ATC/M Module 1 1 TRACON ATC/M N En - route ATC/M Map Database Topographic Database Weather Database N 1 Air Carrier&Aircraft and Aircraft Air Carrier Manufacturer Facility Manufacturer Facility Emergency & Maintenance Warnings/ Cautions SAFELANDER (REMOTE PILOT CAPABILITY) SECURE AIRCRAFT SIMULATOR May 27, 2014 Looking for the MH-370 and its Relationship to 9/11 N The Scandalous Lack of Modern Communication Simulations IEEE Buenaventura Comm. Society FIGURE 6. GENERIC REPRSENTATION OF THE 583 FATALITY TENERIFE CRASH & OTHERS TRANSLATOR DOWN Note: The 583 fatality Tenerife crash was head on. This pictorial is a generic representation and shows aircraft orthogonal on the runway. UP LANDING GEAR -- LANDING GEAR DOWN- BRAKE ON PROJECTION AIRCRAFT FUSELAGE ENGINE BRAKE COLOR CODE TRANSLATOR GREEN RED BLUE PLANE MOVING HIGH THRUST ------ STOPPED OFF ON ------LOW ------- COLLISION TRAJECTORY ESTIMATED COLLISION POINT SAFELANDER PROVIDES AUTOMATED COLLISION AVOIDANCE ALERTS ATC/M & CAS ENHANCED CAPABILITY DISPLAY May 27, 2014 Looking for the MH-370 and its Relationship to 9/11 The Scandalous Lack of Modern Communication IEEE Buenaventura Comm. Society FIGURE 7. TENERIFE, ET AL., NO MORE TRANSLATOR DOWN LANDING GEAR Note: The 583 fatality Tenerife crash was head on. This pictorial is a generic representation and shows aircraft orthogonal on the runway. UP -- LANDING GEAR DOWN- BRAKE ON AIRCRAFT FUSELAGE ENGINE BRAKE COLOR CODE TRANSLATOR GREEN RED BLUE PLANE MOVING HIGH THRUST ------ STOPPED OFF ON PROJECTION SAFE TRAJECTORY ------LOW ------- SAFELANDER PROVIDES A SAFE TRAJECTORY DISPLAY ATC/M & CAS ENHANCED CAPABILITY May 27, 2014 Looking for the MH-370 and its Relationship to 9/11 The Scandalous Lack of Modern Communication IEEE Buenaventura Comm. Society FIGURE 8. FATAL TARMAC CRASHES ARE SIMPLY UNNECESSARY AND ARE PREVENTABE A FATAL CRASH IN THE GROUND INCURSION FAMILY IS THE 79 FATALITY 10/31/00 SINGAPORE AIRLINE’S FLIGHT 006 CLEARED FOR RUNWAY 05L FATAL RUNWAY 05R TAKEN The 21st Century Aviation System controller and the pilot would have full visibility display of the plane going onto the wrong hazardous runway way long before the fatal accident occurred. The controller would then provide manual and automatic alerts to the pilot of the problem. These alerts would have probably prevented the needless loss of lives. If these alerts to the pilot failed, the controller would shut the plane down to prevent the fatal accident. The system, not the pilot’s error, killed these passengers. We have allowed ignorance and a dark age autopsy mode to solely exist. Most errors or problems need not result in fatal accidents. May 27, 2014 Looking for the MH-370 and its Relationship to 9/11 The Scandalous Lack of Modern Communication IEEE Buenaventura Comm. Society FIGURE 8-A. Comair Flight 5191 Fatal Crash On Aug. 27, 2006 Killing 49 People (First Officer James Polehinke Was The Sole Survivor) Flt 5191 should have gone down the 7003 foot Runway 22 SAFELANDER would have prevented this crash by displaying to the pilot in real-time the safe trajectory Flt 5191 erroneously went down the 3500 foot Runway 26 This is a recurring tarmac crash that was readily preventable. It was due to a fatal flaw in the traffic control shared information system and not pilot error. May 27, 2014 Looking for the MH-370 and its Relationship to 9/11 The Scandalous Lack of Modern Communication IEEE Buenaventura Comm. Society FIGURE 9. SAFELANDER CAS DISPLAY PROJECTED COLLISION TRAJECTORY BASED ON AIRCRAFT TRACK NOTE: ONE LANDING GEAR IS DOWN FLASHING PROBLEM ICONS LANDING GEAR VECTORS 15 MINUTES OF FUEL REMAINING • VELOCITIES ( Vn,Ve, Vh) • PRESENT POSITIONS • PROJECTED POSITIONS PROJECTION TRAJECTORIES SAFE TRANSLATOR DOWN LANDING GEAR UP COLLISION -- ESTIMATED COLLISION POINT May 27, 2014 Looking for the MH-370 and its Relationship to 9/11 The Scandalous Lack of Modern Communication IEEE Buenaventura Comm. Society FIGURE 10. SAFELANDER PROVIDES AN AIRCRAFT DATA SUPERHIGHWAY (SIMILAR TO THE INTERNET) THAT RESPECTS AN AIR CARRIER’S PRIVILEGED DATA LEO DATA LINK SAT GPS SAT AC1/P1 AC2/P1 AC# = AIR CARRIER (1,2,...) P# = PLANE (1,2,...) ONLY AC1 DATA P1 P2 A B May 27, 2014 Looking for the MH-370 and its Relationship to 9/11 ATC/M &CAS DATA CGBS PRIVILEGED AIR CARRIER CIPHERED DATA ONLY AC2 DATA A,B,C,D,... DATA The Scandalous Lack of Modern Communication IEEE Buenaventura Comm. Society P1 P2 C D FIGURE 11. CHRONOLOGY OF SATELLITE PER FLIGHT COMMUNICATION COSTS AVERAGE $ COST PER PLANE PER AVERAGE FLIGHT (AVG. FLT. TIME = 95 MIN.) 1000.00 800.00 600.00 400.00 $cost/plane/avg.flt. 200.00 2008 ESTIMATE $9.1/FLT. 0.00 1990 1992 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 May 27, 2014 Looking for the MH-370 and its Relationship to 9/11 The Scandalous Lack of Modern Communication YEAR IEEE Buenaventura Comm. Society TABLE 2. WORLDWIDE AIR CARRIER FATALITIES AND FATAL ACCIDENTS THE YEARS 1987 THROUGH 1996 (NOTE: DOESN’T INCLUDE 3000 DEATHS IN 9/11/2001) FATAL ACCIDENT TYPE/QTY Controlled Flight Into Terrain (CFIT) - CFIT Only On Approach Loss of Control In Flight In Flight Fire Sabatage Mid-air Collision Hijack Ice and/or Snow Landing Windshear Fuel Exhaustion Other Unknown Runway Incursion Rejected Take Off (RTO) TOTAL FATALITIES % REDUCTION IN FATALITIES FATAL ACCIDENT TYPE/QTY Controlled Flight Into Terrain (CFIT) Loss of Control In Flight In Flight Fire Sabatage Mid-air Collision Hijack Ice and/or Snow Landing Windshear Fuel Exhaustion Other Unknown Runway Incursion Rejected Take Off (RTO) TOTAL FATALITIES % REDUCTION FATAL ACCIDENTS RAFT RAFT RAFT Total Total US Operators US Operators Total Total US Operators Fatalities %Fatalities Fatalities %Fatalities Fatalities %Fatalities Fatalities 2396 32.01% 312 19.68% 479 17.04% 62 957 12.79% 0.00% 191 6.81% 0 2228 29.77% 482 30.41% 1114 39.62% 96 760 10.15% 340 21.45% 152 5.41% 68 607 8.11% 254 16.03% 546 19.43% 229 506 6.76% 0 0.00% 101 3.60% 0 306 4.09% 38 2.40% 275 9.79% 34 162 2.16% 57 3.60% 32 1.15% 11 128 1.71% 3 0.19% 26 0.91% 1 119 1.59% 37 2.33% 36 1.27% 11 113 1.51% 0 0.00% 23 0.80% 0 111 1.48% 17 1.07% 22 0.79% 3 45 0.60% 45 2.84% 5 0.16% 5 3 0.04% 0 0.00% 1 0.02% 0 7484 100% 1585 Fatal % Fatal US Fatal Accidents Accidents Accidents 36 26.47% 38 27.94% 4 2.94% 5 3.68% 2 1.47% 8 5.88% 5 3.68% 9 6.62% 3 2.21% 7 5.15% 14 10.29% 4 2.94% 1 0.74% 136 100% May 27, 2014 Looking for the MH-370 and its Relationship to 9/11 4 11 2 1 0 1 3 1 1 0 6 4 0 34 100% 2812 62% 100% 521 67% RAFT RAFT RAFT US % Fatal Fatal % Fatal US Fatal Accidents Accidents Accidents Accidents 11.76% 7 15.32% 32.35% 19 40.43% 5.88% 1 1.70% 2.94% 5 9.57% 0.00% 0 0.00% 2.94% 7 15.32% 8.82% 1 2.13% 2.94% 2 3.83% 2.94% 1 1.91% 0.00% 1 2.98% 17.65% 3 5.96% 11.76% 0 0.00% 0.00% 0 0.00% 100% The Scandalous Lack of Modern Communication 47 65% 100% 1 2 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 8 78% IEEE Buenaventura Comm. Society US AIRLINE SAFETY INCLUDES ALL 9/11 FATALITIES Average = 4.02 Median = 1.89 20.00 15.00 10.00 5.00 0.00 Average = 1.73 Median = 1.89 19 92 19 94 19 96 19 98 20 00 20 02 20 04 20 06 FATALITIES 3 YR. ENSEMBLE SLIDING AVERAGE FATALITIES PER 100 MILLION MILES YEARS May 27, 2014 Looking for the MH-370 and its Relationship to 9/11 The Scandalous Lack of Modern Communication IEEE Buenaventura Comm. Society WITHOUT SAFELANDER IT WILL RECUR May 27, 2014 Looking for the MH-370 and its Relationship to 9/11 The Scandalous Lack of Modern Communication IEEE Buenaventura Comm. Society WITH SAFELANDER WE HAVE A COST EFFECTIVE SOLUTION TO OUR SAFETY AND SECURITY May 27, 2014 Looking for the MH-370 and its Relationship to 9/11 The Scandalous Lack of Modern Communication IEEE Buenaventura Comm. Society WITH SAFELANDER WE HAVE A COST EFFECTIVE SOLUTION TO OUR SAFETY AND SECURITY May 27, 2014 Looking for the MH-370 and its Relationship to 9/11 The Scandalous Lack of Modern Communication IEEE Buenaventura Comm. Society WITH SAFELANDER WE HAVE A COST EFFECTIVE SOLUTION TO OUR SAFETY AND SECURITY May 27, 2014 Looking for the MH-370 and its Relationship to 9/11 The Scandalous Lack of Modern Communication IEEE Buenaventura Comm. Society WITH SAFELANDER WE HAVE A COST EFFECTIVE SOLUTION TO OUR SAFETY AND SECURITY May 27, 2014 Looking for the MH-370 and its Relationship to 9/11 The Scandalous Lack of Modern Communication IEEE Buenaventura Comm. Society WITH SAFELANDER WE HAVE A COST EFFECTIVE SOLUTION TO OUR SAFETY AND SECURITY May 27, 2014 Looking for the MH-370 and its Relationship to 9/11 The Scandalous Lack of Modern Communication IEEE Buenaventura Comm. Society WITH SAFELANDER WE HAVE A COST EFFECTIVE SOLUTION TO OUR SAFETY AND SECURITY May 27, 2014 Looking for the MH-370 and its Relationship to 9/11 The Scandalous Lack of Modern Communication IEEE Buenaventura Comm. Society WITH SAFELANDER WE HAVE A COST EFFECTIVE SOLUTION TO OUR SAFETY AND SECURITY May 27, 2014 Looking for the MH-370 and its Relationship to 9/11 The Scandalous Lack of Modern Communication IEEE Buenaventura Comm. Society WITH SAFELANDER WE HAVE A COST EFFECTIVE SOLUTION TO OUR SAFETY AND SECURITY May 27, 2014 Looking for the MH-370 and its Relationship to 9/11 The Scandalous Lack of Modern Communication IEEE Buenaventura Comm. Society WITH SAFELANDER WE HAVE A COST EFFECTIVE SOLUTION TO OUR SAFETY AND SECURITY May 27, 2014 Looking for the MH-370 and its Relationship to 9/11 The Scandalous Lack of Modern Communication IEEE Buenaventura Comm. Society Table 3. Back-up Material 9/11/2001 Notice that the departure and crash times would have permitted a single remote pilot in a ground-based simulator to take real-time control of each aircraft and sequentially land them at sparsely populated landing sites: On September 11, 2001 the following occurred: AIRCRAFT_ CAR. FLT DEPARTURE BOEING 767 BOEING 767 BOEING 757 BOEING 757 AAL UAL AAL UAL 11 175 77 93 7:59 AM 7:58 AM 8:10 AM 8:44 AM CRASH SITE 8:46 AM WTC 9:03 AM WTC 9:43 AM PENTAGON 10:10 AM PA. FATALITIES 92 65 64 44 A total of 265 died aboard aircraft and about 2700 died on the ground. The cost of the disaster was estimated at over 10 billion dollars which is more than five times the estimated 2 billion dollars required to make SAFELANDER operational. As bad as 9/11 was, the terrorists could have inflicted much worse damage by using the aircraft as a guided bombs and flown/crashed into some nuclear plants. May 27, 2014 Looking for the MH-370 and its Relationship to 9/11 The Scandalous Lack of Modern Communication IEEE Buenaventura Comm. Society RAFT sends the digital flight data and cockpit voice information to the ground in real-time for safe storage, timely retrieval to enhance safety, security, reliability and cost reduction applications (Eliminates The AirFrance, Airbus A330, Flight 447, Category Recorder Problems) GPS/GLONASS Navigation Satellite Global Satellite Two-Way Secure Ciphered Digital Data Communication Link GPS/GLONASS Receiver Advisory System Performance and Control Sensor Data Acoustic Data Sensor Multiplexer Transceiver Aircraft Black Boxes Only For Redundancy May 27, 2014 Looking for the MH-370 and its Relationship to 9/11 Video Data Aircraft’s Flight Data Safely Stored On Ground and Available For Real-Time Utilization The Scandalous Lack of Modern Communication IEEE Buenaventura Comm. Society SAFELANDER PREVENTS 9/11 RECURRENCE Without It We Depend On Luck On October 21, 2009 Northwest, Airbus A320, Flight 188, flew past its destination with no FAA communication for an hour and 18 minutes. (Flt between San Diego, CA to Minneapolis, MN) In all that time no fighter plane took off to intercept Flight 188. This period is longer than either AAL Flight 11 or UAL Flight 175 needed to take-off and crash into the World Trade Center on 9/11/2001. May 27, 2014 Looking for the MH-370 and its Relationship to 9/11 The Scandalous Lack of Modern Communication IEEE Buenaventura Comm. Society March 8, 2014, 0041: Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 departs from Kuala Lumpur International Airport and is due to land in Beijing at 0630 the same day. On board the Boeing 777-200ER are 227 passengers and 12 crew. The scandal is that, as of May/27/2014 and extensive/expensive searches, no one knows where the plane is or what caused the tragedy. The critical flight data was locked up in the DFDR recorder aboard the plane and never effectively data streamed to the ground for safe retrievable storage and possible used in real-time for crash avoidance. The communication system on commercial carrier aircraft is a low bandwidth technically obsolete system that wouldn’t be tolerated by the military for UAVs/RPVs (drones). May 27, 2014 Looking for the MH-370 and its Relationship to 9/11 The Scandalous Lack of Modern Communication IEEE Buenaventura Comm. Society In Conclusion "Emerging Technology Can Increase Safety, Security & Reliability While Reducing Cost" Increases: Aircraft payload and fuel economy by reducing aircraft weight and avionics; (eg: does TCAS function better in the air & adds that function on the ground without having the present TCAS hardware on planes) Homeland security of the public and its edifices; – Prevents the recurrence of 9/11 type disasters; – Prevents unauthorized aircraft from flying into restricted airspace and their potential destruction; Airport efficiency, utilization and automation by automatically providing all of the data necessary for enhanced safe visibility; – Through-put (the number of daily takeoffs and landings an airport; can safely accommodate) – Prevents ground incursions. May 27, 2014 Looking for the MH-370 and its Relationship to 9/11 The Scandalous Lack of Modern Communication IEEE Buenaventura Comm. Society In Conclusion (continued) "Emerging Technology Can Increase Safety, Security & Reliability While Reducing Cost" Increases (Continued): Situation awareness to the pilot/s and controllers using simple unified real-time displays that show all of the necessary data required for aircraft safety; ADS-B utility and economical justification; The real-time digital-data required for safe and secure 4dimensional ATC/M and free-flight; Safety of flight; – Prevents decompression disasters, hijacking, rogue pilot and pilot error crashes; – Allows for the use of simulations and expert systems to prevent aircraft problems from turning into fatal crashes; May 27, 2014 Looking for the MH-370 and its Relationship to 9/11 The Scandalous Lack of Modern Communication IEEE Buenaventura Comm. Society In Conclusion (continued) "Emerging Technology Revolutionizing Aircraft Safety, Security, Reliability & Cost Reduction " Decreases: The cost of flying; The need for expensive runway expansion programs; Aircraft crashes; Hijacking; The number of aircraft that fly unauthorized into restricted airspace; Aircraft weight; Piloting and maintenance personnel costs; Aircraft avionics costs; Aircraft purchase costs; Insurance costs; The need to recover flight data recorders; May 27, 2014 Looking for the MH-370 and its Relationship to 9/11 The Scandalous Lack of Modern Communication IEEE Buenaventura Comm. Society In Conclusion (continued) "Emerging Technology Can Increase Safety, Security & Reliability While Reducing Cost" Decreases (Continued): The time and money spent on flight recorder recovery and recorder maintenance (sometimes the recorder isn’t recovered or has problems in the data it is supposed to record); Tthe time to get to a crash site for possible triage and the saving of lives FOQA costs and its latency period; – All data is automatically telemetered to the ground in real-time for processing and distribution; The number of and ambiguity of avionics and ATC/M displays; – Position, heading, attitude, breaking status, engine status, landing gear status, fuel remaining, etc. are now available & clearly displayed; Voice communication bandwidth and the speech comprehension ambiguities that have led to crashes; – Provides a good portion of the safety related data automatically in Usable display and alert forms; May 27, 2014 Looking for the MH-370 and its Relationship to 9/11 The Scandalous Lack of Modern Communication IEEE Buenaventura Comm. Society In Conclusion (continued) "Emerging Technology Can Increase Safety, Security & Reliability While Reducing Cost" Decreases (Continued): costly runway expansion programs by providing enhanced tarmac visibility; flight delays by safely decreasing aircraft separation; aircraft fuel cost per pound of payload by eliminating items unrelated to payload; the maintenance costs for aircraft avionics and mechanical systems by having less of them; aircraft purchase costs by eliminating items unrelated to payload; and insurance costs and liability claims. May 27, 2014 Looking for the MH-370 and its Relationship to 9/11 The Scandalous Lack of Modern Communication IEEE Buenaventura Comm. Society Some References & URL’s Safelander (see http://www.safelander.com for China Patent (CN101093617 B) and Dutch Magazine Article – The Remote Aircraft Flight Recorder and Advisory Telemetry System, RAFT (Patented), And It's Ability to Reduce fatal Air Accidents By 78% While Enhancing Air Space Capacity, Operational Efficiency and Aircraft Security – http://www.ntsb.gov/events/symp_rec/proceedings/authors/levine.pdft New Statistics Show Need To Improve Air Safety Record – http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0UBT/is_47_13/ai_57788793 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE (PATENT NUMBER SEARCH): – http://patft.uspto.gov/netahtml/PTO/srchnum.htm “Safelander” 7,099,752 Lenell & Levine August 29, 2006 “Remote, aircraft, global, paperless maintenance system” 5,974,349 Levine October 26, 1999 “Remote aircraft flight recorder and advisory system” 5,890,079 Levine March 30, 1999 AIEE/IEEE/SAE Digital Avionics Conference (DASC) Nov. 1998 “The Remote Flight Recorder …” * – htpp://www.ieeexplore.ieee.org/iel4/5955/15955/00739808.pdf?arnumber=739808 AIEE/IEEE/SAE Digital Avionics Conference (DASC) Oct. 2007 “An Onboard Pilot & Remote …” * – htpp://www.ieeexplore.ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs_all.jsp?arnumber=4391923 Advanced Aerospace Manufacturing Conference April 23-24, 2009 – “Emerging Technology Enhances Aviation Safety, Security While Providing Cost Reduction” NOTE: * Both DASC papers won the best session paper awards. May 27, 2014 Looking for the MH-370 and its Relationship to 9/11 The Scandalous Lack of Modern Communication IEEE Buenaventura Comm. Society “Thanks to commercial aircraft I got over my fear of flying.” Lucky Flight 777 Check In “Although you know that it’s still twice as safe to be an astronaut” May 27, 2014 Looking for the MH-370 and its Relationship to 9/11 The Scandalous Lack of Modern Communication IEEE Buenaventura Comm. Society "Emerging Technology Revolutionizing Aircraft Safety, Security, Reliability & Cost Reduction /The New Paradigm " CONCLUDING REMARKS QUESTIONS AND OPEN DISCUSSION OF THE ISSUES & PRESENTATION May 27, 2014 Looking for the MH-370 and its Relationship to 9/11 The Scandalous Lack of Modern Communication IEEE Buenaventura Comm. Society