Chapter 8: Home and Automobile Insurance

8 Home and Automobile Insurance
• Insurance
– Protection against possible financial loss
– Provides peace of mind
• Insurance company (insurer)
– Risk-sharing firm that assumes financial
responsibility for losses from an insured risk
• Procedure
– Purchase a policy known as coverage
– Insurance firm assumes a risk for a fee
– Insured policyholder pays a periodic premium
Objective 1
Identify Types of Risks and Risk Management Methods
and Develop a Risk Management Plan
• Risk
– Chance of loss or injury
– Uncertainty or lack of predictability
• Peril
– Anything that may cause a loss
– Fire, windstorm, robbery, or accidents
• Hazard
– Anything that increases the likelihood of a loss
– For example, driving drunk, defective house
Most Common Types of Risk
• Personal Risks
– Loss of income or life
– Caused by illness, disability, old age, or unemployment
• Property Risks
– Losses to property
– Caused by perils such as fire or theft
• Liability Risks
– Losses caused by negligence
– Resulting in injury or property damage
• Pure Risk = Insurable
– Accidental, unintentional
– Nature and financial loss of the risk can be predicted
• Speculative Risk = Uninsurable
– Chance of loss or gain
– Starting a small business, gambling, or investing
Ways to
Wear seatbelts
Buy Insurance
Self Insurance
Don’t stop at a
convenience store in
a bad part of town
after midnight
Install an
alarm system
Planning an Insurance Program
Set insurance goals to reduce possible loss of:
Income due to premature death, illness, accident or
Property caused by perils
Income, savings and property due to personal negligence
Develop a plan to reach your goals
What do you need to insure?
How much should you insure it for?
What kind of insurance should you buy?
Who should you buy insurance from?
Put your plan into action
Check your results
Insurance needs and goals change
Property and Liability Insurance
• Potential property losses
– Home, automobiles, furniture, clothing, personal belongings
– Risk #1: Physical damage caused by perils (e.g., fire)
– Risk #2: Loss or damage caused by criminal behavior
• Liability = legal responsibility for the financial cost of another
person’s losses or injury (if you are held legally liable)
• Liability due to negligence
– Failure to take ordinary and reasonable care
• Vicarious Liability
– You are held responsible for the actions of another person, such
as your child throwing a ball through a neighbor’s window
Objective 2
Assess the Insurance Coverage and
Policy Types Available to Homeowners
and Renters
Homeowner’s Insurance Coverage
– Damage or destruction of the building in
which you live, and other structures on
the property
• Garage, tool shed, trees, and shrubs
– Additional Living Expenses
• May be limited to 20-30% of property value
• May be limited to 6-9 months
Homeowner’s Insurance Coverages
– Personal Property
• Furniture, appliances and clothing
• Household inventory advisable
• Usually 55%, 70%, or 75% of property value
• Limits on certain items such as jewelry
– Personal Liability and Related Coverage
• Covers injuries to others on property (e.g., fall on ice)
– Specialized Coverage
• Earthquake endorsement
• Flood coverage
Homeowner’s Insurance Coverages
• Medical Payments Coverage
– Coverage for minor injuries caused by you,
your family members, or pets, occurring on
your property or away from home
• Personal Liability Coverage
– Umbrella policy - also called a personal
catastrophe policy
– Supplements basic personal liability coverage
– $1,000,000 or more in coverage
• Endorsements and Floaters
– Endorsements add coverage
– Personal property floater
• Covers specific items of high value
• Jewelry, furs, art collections
Renter’s Insurance
• Broad Form
– Covers personal property loss or damage
specified in the policy
• Comprehensive Form
– Protects property against all perils not excluded
• Renter’s insurance is relatively inexpensive
– Replacement value coverage more costly
– Covers property only in your home
– Usually includes liability coverage
• Many renters do not have insurance
Home Insurance Policy Forms
• Basic Form (HO-1)
– Protects against perils such as fire, lightning, windstorms, hail, smoke,
theft, vandalism and riots (specific named perils)
• Broad Form (HO-2)
– Wider coverage including falling objects and damage from ice, snow or
sleet (more specific named perils)
• Special Form (HO-3)
– Basic + Broad form + all other risks unless specifically excluded
(commonly earthquake, flood, nuclear accidents, business usage)
• Tenant’s Form (HO-4)
– Covers personal property against listed risks
• Comprehensive Form (HO-5)
– Expands HO-3 coverage to replacement cost; increasingly rare!
• Condominium Owner (HO-6)
– Covers personal property and building additions
Objective 3
Analyze the Factors that Influence the
Amount of Coverage and Cost of Home
• Determine amount of coverage needed:
– Replacement value of home ?
– Value of home’s contents ?
– Protection for specific items ? (Jewelry, furs, art)
– Liability coverage ?
• Consider “loss frequency” (likely # of times for loss) and
“loss severity” (potential magnitude of a loss)
• Principle of Indemnity- insurance will pay no more than
actual financial losses suffered
• Policy Limits- specify the maximum dollar amounts that
will be paid under a policy
Policy Provisions
• Look for a policy with full coverage (100% value)
– Coinsurance clause requires you to pay a part
of a loss.
• Claim settlement methods:
– Actual Cash Value (ACV)
• Replacement cost less depreciation
– Replacement Cost
• Full cost to repair or replace the damaged or
lost item
• 10-20% > actual cash value coverage
Factors That Affect Home
Insurance Costs
• Location of Home (e.g., rural vs. urban)
• Type of Structure (e.g., brick vs. wood)
• Coverage Amount and Policy type
• Home Insurance Discounts
– Alarm system
– Smoke detectors
– If you insure car with the same company
• Company Differences
– Compare costs and coverages
Objective 4
Identify the Important Types of
Automobile Insurance Coverage
• Financial Responsibility Law
– State legislation requiring proof of financial
ability to cover the cost of damage or injury
caused in an automobile accident
– 45 states have compulsory automobile
liability insurance laws
– NJ has very low liability limits:15/ 30/5
Motor Vehicle Bodily
Injury Coverage
• Bodily Injury Liability
– Covers financial loss due to legal expenses, medical
expenses, lost wages, etc. associated with injuries
caused by an accident for which you were
– Expressed as 3 numbers: 100/300/50
• Maximum coverage in $1,000’s
• $100,000 maximum paid for injuries to any one
• $300,000 maximum paid in total (2+ people)
• $50,000 maximum paid for property damage
Motor Vehicle Bodily
Injury Coverage
• Medical Payments Coverage
– Covers the cost of health care for persons injured in your
automobile, including yourself
– Also covers you or family members injured while riding in
or hit by another vehicle
• Uninsured Motorist’s Protection
– Protection against the risk of getting into an accident with
someone with no insurance
• Underinsured Motorist’s Coverage
– Pays costs if your car is hit by a person who doesn’t have
enough insurance to cover the damage they did to you and
your car
Motor Vehicle Property
Damage Coverage
Property Damage Liability
– Covers damage to the other person’s car
when you are at fault.
– Includes damage to such things as street
signs, telephone poles, and buildings
• Example: during a snow storm you accidentally
slide your vehicle into a neighbor’s mailbox. This
coverage would pay for repair or replacement of
the mailbox  
 
Collision Coverage
Pays for damage to your automobile,
regardless of who is at fault.
– If you are not at fault, your insurer will try to
collect from the other driver’s property
damage liability first.
– Coverage limited to the retail value of your
Comprehensive Physical Damage
Covers damage to your vehicle not
caused by a collision, such as:
– Fire, theft or vandalism
– Glass breakage
– Hail, sand, or wind storm
– Falling objects or hitting an animal
No-Fault Insurance
• Each driver collects from his or her own
insurance company for medical expenses,
lost wages, and related injury costs
• 30 states have some variation of the system
• Intended to provide fast, smooth method of
paying for damages without determining fault
• Variations among states; designed to reduce
cost and time to settle cases
Objective 5
Evaluate Factors that Affect the Cost of
Automobile Insurance
Automobile Insurance Costs
• Legal Concerns
– Have enough coverage if you are sued
– Recommendations:
• $100,000/$300,000 bodily injury liability
• Additional $1,000,000+ umbrella liability policy
• Property Values
– $50,000-$100,000 suggested for property
damage liability
Motor Vehicle Insurance
Premium Factors
• Vehicle Type
– Year, make, model, and theft rate
• Rating Territory
– Accident, auto theft, and vandalism rates in the area where you live
• Driver Classification
– Age, sex, marital status, credit history, driving record, driving habits
– Assigned risk pool for those unable to obtain insurance
Reducing Automobile Insurance Premiums
• Compare Companies
• Premium Discounts
Establish and maintain a good driving record
Install security devices such as a car alarm
If more than one vehicle, insure with the same company
Larger deductibles
Wrap Up
• Chapter Quiz
• Concept Check 8-1- Four Methods of Avoiding
Risk with Examples
• Concept Check 8-2- Complete the Statements
• Concept Check 8-3- True of False?
• Concept Check 8-4- True or False?
Study collections