Building a Military Affairs Initiative United Way of Greater Houston June 2014 Presenters Cornelius Blackshear 2-1-1 Texas/United Way HELPLINE Curtis McMinn United Way Community Impact Objectives • Identify ways you can build a veterans initiative in your community • Leveraging I&R and established partnerships to address veterans gaps • Using Community Conversations to engage veterans and define a direction for your initiative United Way of Greater Houston • More than 90 years serving our community • 50+ million a year in programs – Seniors independence – Strengthen families and neighborhoods – Individuals rebuilding their lives – Developing children and youth to their full potential • Key role in convening organizations and building collaboration across the community Background • Growing population of military personnel in Harris County • Increasing numbers returning from Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) and Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) conflicts • Unique needs for this generation of veterans United Way’s Military Affairs Initiative Timeline 2008 2009 2010 Awarded Triad Grant San Antonio Area Foundation 2011 2012 2013 Veterans’ Study and Response 2014 BACKGROUND (2008 -2010) Awarded Triad Grant San Antonio Area Foundation • Hired a 2-1-1 Veteran Specialist • Provided military specific services and advocacy in Harris County • Created Returning Veteran’s Guide (RVI Guide) • Participated in Gulf Coast Veteran Initiative • 2-1-1 United Way • Gathered military specific data • Increased knowledge of 2-1-1 workforce on military needs and available services BACKGROUND (2011-Present) • Hired Additional 2-1-1 Veteran Specialist • Increase military specific services and advocacy to include all of the Gulf Coast Region • Address information gaps, make appropriate referral connections and strengthen collaborations with veteran service providers • 2-1-1 United Way • Education and outreach training for service providers • Utilize United Way’s convening expertise to bring veteran service groups together Military Statistics (2013) Cities HOUSTON Service Branch Sum Army 28667 Navy 9735 Air Force Marine Corps National Guard Coast Guard Military Branch Grand Total Type Veteran Active Duty Grand Total Sum 37824 SPRING 1880 KATY 1408 HUMBLE 1395 BAYTOWN 863 PASADENA 791 6438 MISSOURI CITY 736 CYPRESS 687 5305 CONROE 633 GALVESTON 555 PEARLAND 402 TEXAS CITY 371 RICHMOND 364 DEER PARK 348 LA PORTE 334 SUGAR LAND 333 ARLINGTON 327 WEBSTER 321 DICKINSON 315 CROSBY 313 TOMBALL 301 WACO 276 CHANNELVIEW 266 MONTGOMERY 260 AMARILLO 258 LEAGUE CITY 256 KINGWOOD 255 STAFFORD 250 ROSENBERG 246 ALVIN 243 CLEVELAND 243 1228 364 1 51738 Sum 49748 1990 51738 Community OS Taxonomy (2013) Taxonomy Sum Electric Service Payment Assistance 8461 Rent Payment Assistance 8048 Food Pantries 4700 Veterans 4033 Veteran Benefits Assistance 3755 Transitional Case/Care Management 1983 Food Stamps/SNAP 1895 Water Service Payment Assistance 1207 Homeless Veterans 1186 Gas Service Payment Assistance 985 Families of Veterans 984 Specialized Information and Referral 936 Homeless Shelter 868 VITA Program Sites 765 Prescription Expense Assistance 708 Mortgage Payment Assistance 680 General Legal Aid 641 Housing Authorities 633 Low Income/Subsidized Private Rental Housing 603 Area Agencies on Aging 549 General Dentistry 471 Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers 442 Medicaid Applications 429 Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers 415 Community Clinics 393 Adult Protective Intervention/Investigation 379 Home Delivered Meals 336 Comprehensive Information and Referral 334 Home Rehabilitation Services 333 Families of Military Personnel/Veterans 329 United Way Military Affairs Initiative 2-1-1 Texas/United Way HELPLINE • • • • • • • • Benefits Employment Education Housing & Homelessness Female Veterans Post 9/11 Military Components We Remember United Way Military Affairs Initiative 2-1-1 Texas/United Way HELPLINE • • • • • Boots on the Ground Increase awareness of 2-1-1 in 13 Gulf Coast Counties “Serving Those Who Serve” educational series for providers Identify Community Resources to enhance I&R First point of contact with UW Pre Veterans’ Study 2-1-1 Texas/United Way HELPLINE - Reintegration - outreach -Follow ups Community Impact -Programs serving everyone -Not tracking veterans - Little program focus on veterans Donor Relations -Donors interested in veterans issues - Limited ways to connect with veterans work MORE NEEDED TO BE DONE! …BUT WHAT? Veterans’ Issue Study • August 2012 – December 2012 • Four Components – – – – Provider online survey Community Conversations with veterans Employer focus groups Targeted conversations with key agencies Serves as the foundation for our future work! Community Conversations • • • • • • Kitchen-table style conversations Often had snacks/meal Used staff and volunteers to conduct Facilitator and note taker Same questions asked everywhere Identified common themes Conversation Activity • Conversation Leader • Conversation Note taker • Participants WHAT WERE YOUR CONVERSATION THEMES? Striking Consistency in Findings • Transition from structured military life to unstructured civilian life difficult • Difficulty translating military skills to civilian workplace • Perception that service is not valued • Access to services in a timely way difficult • Ability to interact with other veterans is critical Conversation Quotes “I spent two tours in Iraq and one in Afghanistan. I helped spread democracy and gave people a chance at freedom. Now, I’m a junior analyst looking at spreadsheets every day. I’m grateful, but it just can’t compare.” - Afghanistan veteran Conversation Quotes “In the military, your resume is pages long. You list every project you had a role in. In the civilian world, employers think a shorter resume is better. It is hard to translate what I learned in the military to some of the job openings I see online. When I do get an interview, I feel like all I can talk about is my military experience, and it seems like the interview goes downhill quickly.” - Iraq veteran How did we respond? • Connected Community Impact and Donor Relations with our established veterans work in 2-1-1 • Created the Veteran Services Grant, a small dollar grant to address common themes through collaboration and innovation; donors decided approval • Convened veteran serving and interested organizations together to begin breaking down barriers How did we respond? • Quarterly Veteran Service Provider Meeting with average of 40 participants • Nine veteran service grants in 2013 • More than 15 applicants for 2014 with focus on collaboration Training and Collaborating • Serving Those Who Serve Educational Series • Strengthening the safety net for veterans and their families • Preparing for increase of veterans in the Harris county area due to military downsize 2-1-1 Texas/United Way HELPLINE - Reintegration - Outreach -Follow ups Community Impact -Investing in veteran grants -Working with all partners to serve veterans - Strengthening veteran serving nonprofits Donor Relations - Communicating veteran issues to donor companies - Veteran-specific volunteer opportunities - Marketing materials 5 Tips to Success • Stay true to your mission and services • Identify ways to incorporate veterans into your established work • Even if a community partner hasn’t served veterans doesn’t mean they can’t serve veterans! • Don’t assume you know the problems…ask first! Questions?