United Way of South Mississippi Volunteer Center

The Importance of Volunteer Centers
In Mississippi
Sue Suter, CEO
April 29, 2014
Map of MS Volunteer Centers
To rally resources, collaboratives
and leadership to improve the
quality of life in South Mississippi.
Volunteer Centers
Can they help us accomplish our
Working Collaboratively to provide
Vital Services and Solve Community
Combined Opportunities
All three sectors provide services or access to meet
individual needs and desires.
All three affect the public agenda.
Each sector appears to be more engaged in the
traditional turf of the others (Change).
Interaction offers opportunities for rich and
constructive, mutually reinforcing relationships.
Successful Cross-Sector Collaborations:
• Different kinds of collaboration require different kinds
of capacities.
• Capacity is the wherewithal–what it takes—to get a
job done.
• It includes people, money, skills, technology, authority,
legitimacy, power, relationships, and other resources.
The $1 Trillion dollar
National Non-Profit
Sector has grown
rapidly in recent years.
To keep up with this
expanding need, NonProfits will require an
increase in volunteer
One of America’s Greatest
Natural Resources
Non-profits are using volunteers to fill important roles within their organizations,
including the following:
Board of Directors
Financial management
Legal counsel
Administrative support
Program and service
 Marketing and
 Organizational
 Fundraising and
 Strategic partnerships
Non-Profits depend on this Vital Resource
Volunteers can:
• Increase capacity.
• Increase active donors.
• Increase access to new
corporate, public, and
community partners.
• Increase R.O.I.
• Decrease Admin %
Capitalizing on volunteer resources, even through shortterm contacts such as “days of caring” events, can later
lead to a cadre of community supporters
• people who know about your organization,
• value the services you provide,
• and commit to supporting your mission in an
ongoing way.
Increase annual gift
Regular scheduled financial gift
One time financial gift
Volunteer long term
Volunteer one time event
Volunteering and the Giving Continuum
Planned Gift
A growing commitment is often dependent on your ability to engage them
Volunteers Donate Significantly More Money
to Nonprofits than Non-Volunteers
 On average, those who have volunteered in the last
12 months donate ten times more money to
charities than non-volunteers ($2,593/yr
 Two-thirds (67%) of those who have volunteered in
the last 12 months say they donate to the same
charities they volunteer for.
 These volunteers also say they are more likely to
increase their charitable donations in 2010 (32%) vs.
(26%) of non-volunteers.
Fidelity® Charitable Gift Fund
Volunteerism and Charitable Giving in 2009
Executive Summary
Households in which
members volunteer
give more than twice as
much money to
charities than
households with no
Independent Sector, 2001
Volunteering in America 2012 – National %s
Volunteering in America 2012 – South %s
Value of volunteering 2011-12
• Assuming a full-time employee works 1,700 hours
a year, volunteer hours were the equivalent of 8.9
million full-time employees in 2011.
• At average private wages, volunteer time was
worth $296.2 billion, about the same as donations.
Permission is granted for reproduction of this document with attribution to the Urban Institute.
Copyright ©2012
Volunteering in America 2012 – National vs. South%
Volunteering in America 2011-12
• In 2011, 26.8 % of adults in the United States
volunteered with an organization. Volunteers contributed
15.2 billion hours, worth an estimated $296.2 billion.
• On an average day in 2011, approximately 6% of the
U.S. population, or 14.6 million Americans, volunteered
for an average of 2.84 hours.
Permission is granted for reproduction of this document with attribution to the Urban Institute.
Copyright ©2012
Volunteering in America 2011 – National vs. South %
• 25.8% of residents
volunteer, ranking
them 35th among
the 50 states and
Washington, DC.
• 19.4% of residents
volunteer, ranking
them 51st among
the 50 states and
Washington, DC.
• 22.9% of residents
volunteer, ranking
them 45th among
the 50 states and
Washington, DC.
• 574,850 volunteers.
• 670,820 volunteers.
• 3.41 m volunteers.
• 83.4 million hours of
• 89.4 million hours of
• 458.7 million hours
of service.
• $1.8 billion of
service contributed.
• $1.9 billion of
service contributed.
• $10.0 billion of
service contributed.
Volunteer Centers and United Ways
• 1800 – United Ways across the globe.
• 1200 – United Ways in the United States.
• 292 – United Ways have a Volunteer Center.
(United Way DB2 Survey, 2012)
• 2.68 million – volunteers connected to
opportunities through UW. (ibid.)
• 1.3 million – volunteers serving directly with
United Way. (ibid.)
Board members
Loaned Executives
Campaign Volunteers
Interns/National Service
Members (VISTAs)
• Annual Events (Days of Caring,•
MLK Day, Days of Service,
9/11 Day of Remembrance)
Special Events (CEO Talent
Show, ACE, Awards Luncheon)
Community Building Events
Finance, Technology,
Personnel, Advisory Councils
Communication and
Volunteer Center Projects
Mission: Engage and support Mississippians of all ages and
backgrounds in service to their communities.
Over the next 3-7 years:
1) Involve more citizens in meaningful, focused
volunteer work
2) Strengthen the work of nonprofits by
• recruiting a strong volunteer workforce
• providing the tools to effectively utilize financial,
human, and in-kind resources
In 2010 – one of only 19 State Commissions to receive
Volunteer Generation Fund (VGF) dollars to increase
volunteer rates and create a Volunteer Center Network.
Initiated 3 new volunteer centers in Starkville, Oxford and
Hattiesburg; helped strengthen 3 existing volunteer centers
in Hernando, Columbus and Gulfport.
More than 45,000 volunteer engagements and over 400,000
hours of service
• Up from only 1500 volunteer engagements
So where do you locate quality volunteers?
AmeriCorps State National and AmeriCorps VISTA.
RSVP – Retired Seniors Volunteer Program
Foster Grandparents
Senior Companions
Senior Corps
Colleges and Universities
Local Schools
Civic Clubs (e.g, Rotary, Civitan, Elks Lodge and VFW)
Faith Groups
Retired Volunteer Groups
Corporate Partners –
2011 Deloitte Volunteer IMPACT Survey
Corporate Volunteer Findings
55% of employees who
volunteer on a regular
basis would recommend
their company to a friend
The Corporate Benefit of Volunteering
Millennials who frequently volunteer are more likely to be proud, loyal,
and satisfied Employees as compared to those who rarely or never
Career Progression
Would Recommend
Empoyer Satisfaction
Company Loyalty
Deloitte Volunteer Impact Survey,
The Corporate Benefit of Volunteering
Millennials who frequently participate in their company’s employee volunteer
activities are two time more likely to rate their corporate culture “very positive” as
Compared to Millennials who rarely or never volunteer (56% vs. 28%).
Deloitte Volunteer Impact Survey, 2011
Promote and support
volunteerism to enhance the MS
Gulf Coast Community.
“You make a living by what you get.
You make a life by what you give.”
—Winston Churchill
United Way of South MS Volunteer Center
Who We Are: Match Makers
• Born in 2006 to manage Katrina related volunteer
• Started as a joint venture with the MS Commission for
Volunteer Services (Marsha Meeks Kelly)
• Internal to the United Way of South Mississippi.
• One of 6 volunteer centers in MS.
• A Points of Light/HandsOn affiliate.
• An 24/7 online tool that provides access to volunteer
• A place to give or request product donations.
• A resource for management of service related events
and disasters.
What We Do:
 We promote agency volunteer opportunities.
 We educate volunteers and area agencies on best practices.
 We respond to community needs that require volunteers and
volunteer management (Days of Service and Disasters).
 We facilitate corporate volunteer engagement.
The Numbers:
• Average of 138 ongoing or date
specific opportunities
• 180 member agencies
• 2012 registered volunteers
• 6 Annual Events
 Last year the Volunteer Center returned an estimated $3.1
million to our community through volunteer hours, grants and
product donations.
For Every $1 Donors Invest, UWSM
Return on Investment
Benefits for Volunteers:
• Discover opportunities that match time, talent and
• Option to track volunteer hours and print reports.
• Elect to receive email alerts about area
opportunities and special events.
• Complete a user profile to target select opportunities
• A one-stop-shop for everything related to
Benefits for Non-Profit Partners:
Plan and manage their employee “Days of Service”.
Employee get to know charities through service.
Employees can track their time (measure value).
Company volunteer managers can receive regular
training and resources for improving employee
volunteer experiences.
• Employees who volunteer are happier at work.
A Case in Point
From highly skilled volunteers
who provide specialty services
to youth groups who complete
simple repairs, most non-profits
rely on their volunteers for their
very survival.
Jan - MLK Day of Service
 EITC/VITA Tax Program Education
 Reached over 3500 people at MLK Day Celebration
 Distributed flyer about Volunteer Center and UWSM
March – 2013 Alternative Spring Break
 62 participants from 28 states come to serve
 1,535 hours by 62 volunteers = $33,447.65
 “ASB program fee: $250; gas to Biloxi: $30; an
unforgettable week of friendship and service:
priceless.” – Anika Langaigne
April – Spring Day of Caring
 3 corporate volunteer groups - the IP Casino Resort Spa,
Hard Rock Casino Biloxi, and Coast Electric Power
 Service Project Locations (Boys & Girls Clubs, Women's
Center, YMCA, Community Garden, Recovery Center).
 76 volunteers X 5.95 avg. number of hours per volunteer =
June 22 - Day of Action
 United Way of South Mississippi invited corporations across the Coast to
partake in the school supply drive.
 American Red Cross Biloxi-My Charter Bank-Mississippi PowerHancock Bank-University of Southern Mississippi Gulf CoastButler/Snow-Coast Electric-DuPont.
 Total number of youth served: 50 ($1,000.00 in supplies)
Sept 11 - Day of Remembrance
 450 Students and teachers collect donations for local USO
Students have Celebration Patriotic Rally on 9/11/12
Local Military Officer Speaks to kids about service and giving back
$2500 in donated items and over 1200 service hours contributed.
Lessons learned by students…PRICELESS!!
Fall 2012 - Leo Seal Day of Caring
 Primary Annual Corporate Day of Caring
 11 Project sites (Play grounds, Painting, Senior Vet
Luncheon etc…).
 171 volunteers donate 770 hours = $17,000.00
Disaster Response and National Service
Katrina – Volunteer Center was born out of this disaster (2006).
Deep Water Horizon Oil Spill – Opened VRC for Volunteer Management
Hurricane Isaac – Virtual VRC and Volunteer Management.
Currently have 3 AmeriCorps Vista members (In 2nd year of Grant).
Moving towards becoming a AmeriCorps Hub for 25-30 AmeriCorps
State/National service members (2014).
Internal Volunteers
 Board members
Campaign committee members
Advisory and technology committees
Marketing and Community Impact Committees
Office Assistance and much more….
United Ways of the Gulf Coast
 Possibilities for Shared Voluntourism Projects
 Joint Disaster Assistance and management capabilities
 Marketing and Training Partnerships