2-1-1 Bay Area Connecting Residents in Need to Vital Community Services May 2007 Quick Reference 2-1-1 Local Community Services 3-1-1 City Government Services (currently in San Francisco) 4-1-1 Directory Assistance and Information 5-1-1 Traffic and Weather Information 7-1-1 Call Relay for Hearing Impaired 9-1-1 Emergency Services United Way of the Bay Area 2 Imagine thousands of times a day… I can’t pay my rent My kid is on drugs I want to kill myself I need to find childcare We can’t help with that Please call back when we’re open I’ll try to transfer you to an agency who can help We only do senior daycare Why did you call us? I don’t know, please hold. United Way of the Bay Area I want to volunteer We only serve San Jose I’m not sure who you can call. 3 Imagine a single solution… I can’t pay my rent My kid is on drugs United Way of the Bay Area I need to find childcare Bay Area 2-1-1, how can I help you? Suicide Prevention I want to kill myself Yes, I can connect you with someone who can help… 2-1-1 Catholic Charities Senior I&A I want to volunteer Crisis Hotline Volunteer Center 4 What is 2-1-1? 2-1-1 is an easy-to-remember phone number that connects people in need with important community services. This free, confidential, 24-hour multilingual service also serves as a vital link for individuals seeking to volunteer, provide resources and assist during times of crisis. 2-1-1 serves approximately 196 million Americans – over 65% of the US population; 212 active 2-1-1 systems covering all or part of 41 states (including 19 states with 100% coverage, plus Washington, DC and Puerto Rico.) United Way of the Bay Area 5 Why do we need 2-1-1? • Many people make as many as 4-8 phone calls • Many give up • Twenty to forty percent of calls received by service providers need to be directed to another, more appropriate provider. • Professionals often try to help callers nonetheless, resulting in misspent professional and client energy. United Way of the Bay Area 6 Benefits to Non- Profits and Public Agencies • Fewer inappropriate calls • More time and resources available to serve clients • Easy referral source for their clients • Complements specialized I&R services • Visibility for their services • Online updating capacity – Real time accuracy United Way of the Bay Area 7 United Way HELPLINK , Eden I&R, Contra Costa Crisis Center Comprehensive Information and Referral service with 30 years of experience serving the Bay Area Free, confidential, 24/7, multilingual service Professional staff, certified by Alliance of Information and Referral Systems Thousands of calls per year, assisting low-income parents, immigrants, laid-off workers, homeless, and many others For information and referral service across the Bay Area: HELPLINK 800-273-6222 United Way of the Bay Area Eden I&R 888-886-9660 Contra Costa Crisis Center 800-830-5380 8 2-1-1: Provides Assistance and Information • Calls typically last 3 – 5 minutes. • Information and Referral Specialists: Help the callers tell their story, understand and prioritize their needs. Identify and offer them appropriate resources. Provide advocacy for those needing extra support accessing services. Follow up on 100% of crisis calls, such as those for shelter or housing assistance, and 20% of non-crisis calls. Our goal is individuals empowered to be their own advocates. United Way of the Bay Area 9 What types of services can 2-1-1 callers find? • Basic Human Needs: food, clothing, shelter, rent assistance, utility assistance. • Physical and Mental Health Resources: medical information lines, crisis intervention services, support groups, counseling, drug and alcohol programs, community clinics, Medi-Cal and Medicare, maternal health, children’s health insurance programs. • Employment Services: job search assistance, unemployment benefits, financial assistance, job training and placement, education programs, vocational skills assessment. • Support for Seniors and Persons with Disabilities: independent living skills workshops and adapted devices, home health care, adult day care, congregate site and home delivered meals, respite care, transportation, and homemaker services. • Support for Children, Youth and Families: quality childcare, homework assistance and after school programs, Head Start, family resource centers, summer camps and recreation programs, mentoring, tutoring, protective services. • Volunteer opportunities and donations: local volunteer centers, donation drop-off and pick-up services, distribution of donated goods, thrift stores. United Way of the Bay Area 10 Resource Database Eden I&R’s comprehensive provider database for Alameda County includes 1250 agencies; Plus specialized databases for people living with AIDS/HIV, and a housing database of over 54,000 units includes subsidized, Below Market Rent and Market Rent units. HELPLINK maintains an all-inclusive database of over 1300 agencies providing services to residents of Marin, Napa, San Francisco and Solano Counties; Plus specialized databases for Immigration Assistance Line of Northern California, the Bay Area Self Help Clearing House and statewide Key Access to other comprehensive I&R and 2-1-1 programs. CORD (County Online Resource Database), created and maintained by the Contra Costa Crisis Center, has current, comprehensive information on 2,500 services available to Contra Costa residents. Up to date English and Spanish Resource guides for central, east, and west Contra Costa can be downloaded from CORD. United Way of the Bay Area 11 Resource Database Partnerships between 2-1-1 service providers designate agencies to provide seamless transfer of callers needing assistance in those counties Resource management program to maintain current and accurate information about available services and add new resources as they become available Searchable public access provider database online at 211bayarea.org United Way of the Bay Area 12 Others who Use 2-1-1 Disaster Officials Have a dissemination mechanism for critical up-to-the-minute public information 9-1-1 Gets fewer non-emergency calls Public Officials Have a place to refer constituents in need of help General Public and Potential Donors Have easy access to give or get help - donations, funds, time United Way of the Bay Area 13 2-1-1 Disaster & Emergency Information Communications System In 2004 Florida was hit by five “tropical cyclones” in a single year. 2-1-1 centers across a state played a vital role throughout the major emergency. Pre-storm—information about evacuation, location and availability of shelters, inquiries from people with special needs, preparation for the storm During the storm—reassurance, crisis intervention, emergency assistance Immediate aftermath—location of essential services (water, ice, food), rescue needs, debris removal, power outages Recovery—disaster relief financial assistance, property damage, disaster-caused health issues, disaster-related transportation issues United Way of the Bay Area 14 2-1-1 Disaster & Emergency Information Communications System “We estimated that 2-1-1 got 60,000 calls that normally would have gone to 911, freeing those operators to handle emergency calls.” Matt Recommier, 911 Coordinator for Lee County, FL United Way of the Bay Area 15 2-1-1 Disaster & Emergency Information Florida 2004 Case Study • 2-1-1 Community Resources in Orlando took 19,551 calls between August 12 and Sept. 20— a 300% increase over their normal call volume. United Way of the Bay Area 16 2-1-1 Disaster & Emergency Information Katrina Case Study Government emergency numbers were slammed to capacity Louisiana Governor selected 2-1-1 as the “go to“ number for all social services, shelter, feeding station, volunteer and donation information. Call volume of The United Way of North Eastern Louisiana’s 2-1-1: 7,358/day Up from normal call volume which was: 200/day In Texas, 2-1-1s helped determine what services evacuees needed and how to best provide those services, especially those who needed medical attention. In Texas, September 2005 call volume: 267,000/month Up from normal call volume which was: 70,000/month United Way of the Bay Area 17 2-1-1 Disaster & Emergency Information How many 9-1-1 calls are for non-emergency services? 5% of callers yearly dial 2-1-1 for non-emergency services instead of 9-1-1 (University of Texas) In 2004, 911 in Lee County, Florida estimated that 2-1-1 received 60,000 calls that otherwise would have gone to 911 during relief efforts for hurricane season. (Trial by Wind and Water, 2004) A Grand Jury review of the Sacramento County Sheriff's Department’s 9-1-1 Call Center found that about 53 percent of the 9-1-1 calls were not emergencies. United Way of the Bay Area 18 2-1-1 Disaster & Emergency Information What is the relationship with 9-1-1 and Emergency Services? • San Diego County: MOU with Office of Emergency Services Working relationship with 9-1-1 • Ventura County Discussing MOU with 9-1-1 but have open working relationship Work with both 9-1-1 and OES as a part of Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (VOAD) • Santa Barbara County Works with 9-1-1 as a part of a Disaster Emergency County Plan Collaboration and working relationship with OES for emergency planning United Way of the Bay Area 19 2-1-1 Disaster & Emergency Information What effect has 2-1-1 had on county 800 crisis lines? San Diego County Social Services refers to 2-1-1 for food, shelter and clothing needs. The Health and Human Services Agency also refers to 2-1-1 for their services. Orange County Social Services refers to 2-1-1 for most services, but has its own Health Referral Line for Public Health programs and needs. United Way of the Bay Area 20 Contacts and References 2-1-1 Information Statewide 2-1-1: www.211california.org National 2-1-1: www.211.org CAIRS: www.cairs.org Bay Area: www.211bayarea.org 2-1-1 Contacts: 2-1-1 San Francisco 2-1-1 Alameda 2-1-1 Contra Costa Ed Schoenberger Executive Director United Way HELPLINK (415) 808-4304 eschoenberger@uwba.org Barbara Bernstein Executive Director Eden I&R (510) 537-2710,ext.8 bbernstein@edenir.org John Bateson Executive Director Contra Costa Crisis Center (925) 939-1916 johnb@crisis-center.org United Way of the Bay Area 21