Personal Mastery

Spirit of LO
LO is…
one“that is… continually expanding
its capacity to create its future.”
(Peter M. Senge)
ปัจจัยอะไรล่ะ... ทีจ่ ะทำ
 Organizations learn only through individuals who
 Individual learning does not guarantee
organizational learning.
But without individual
no organizational learning
Peter M. Senge
LO, according to Senge
 where
people continually expand their
capacity to create results they truly desire,
 where new and expansive patterns of thinking
are nurtured, where aspiration is set free,
 and where
people are continually learning
how to learn together.
OK, Senge.. เรำเห็นด้วยกับ
นำยนะว่ำ องค์กรจะเรียนรูแ
้ ละ
ขยำยขีดควำมสำมำรถได้ ก็
่ “คน” ในองค์กรเรียนรู ้
แล้ว “คนแบบไหนล่ะ ทีจ่ ะ
้ บบ LO?”
่ ี
Mastery ไง
่ ้องอยำกรูใ้ ช่มย้ ั ว่ำ
่ ี Personal
Mastery เป็ นอย่ำงไร
ลองดูตวั อย่ำงองค์กร
whether it is research and development, company
management, or any other aspect of business,
the active force is "people.“
And people have their own will, their own
mind, and their own way of thinking.
If the employees themselves are not sufficiently
motivated to challenge the goals of growth and
technological development... there will be simply
be no growth, no gain in productivity, and no
technological development.
Kazuo Inamori
founder of Kyocera
Duty as a manager starts
with... "providing for both
the material good and
spiritual welfare of my
Kazuo Inamori
founder of Kyocera
"Managers' fundamental
task is...
providing the enabling
conditions for people to
lead the most enriching
lives they can .
Bill O'Brian
President of
Hanover Insurance
เข้ำใจรึยงั พีน
่ ้อง...
ถ้ำยัง... ลองมองไปในองค์กรแล้ว
“คนทีร่ กั /สนุกกับกำรเรียนรู”้
vs .
คนทีเ่ บือ
่ /ซังกะตำยกับกำรเรียนรู”้
enjoy to learn
Learning is boring
Let’s exercise…
Ask working adults,
“What do they want from their lives?”
Senge พบว่า...
Most adults often talks first
about what they’d like to get
rid of.
Not relate to organization.
By contrast, the discipline of
personal mastery starts with
clarifying the things that really
matter to us, of living our lives in
the service of our highest
Get รึยงั พีน
่ ้อง...
ถ้ำยัง... ลองมำดูคำนิยำมของผมใน
หนังสือ The Fifth Discipline
Personal mastery is…
the discipline of continually clarifying and
deepening our personal vision, of focusing
our energies,
of developing patience,
and of seeing reality objectively. (P.7)
People with a high level of personal
mastery are able to consistently
realize the results that matter most
deeply to them. (P.7)
ลองดู Case ไทยบ้ าง...
ที่ โรงพยาบาลบ้ านตาก
(case ‘Programmer’)
Personal Mastery
 the discipline of personal growth and learning.
 People with high levels of personal mastery are
continually expanding their ability to create the results
in life they truly seek.
 From their quest for continual learning comes the spirit
of LO.
What Is Personal Mastery?
 Personal mastery is about approaching life from a different
 Sometimes people would refer to it as a journey towards
continuous improvement.
 Personal mastery is guided with key principles like vision,
personal purpose, creative tension, commitment to truth and
understanding the subconscious mind.
 One of the most important fundamental aspects of personal
mastery is “Personal vision.”
 Personal mastery when combined with personal vision can
create a framework or guiding philosophy on how you can
operate and live your life.
 Some people would say that personal vision serves as a guide
that would keep you on track.
Personal Mastery + Personal Vision = Guiding Philosophy
Let’s Try to check your personal visions
Drawing Forth Personal Vision
• Checklist for personal values
Influencing others
Physical challenge
Supervising others
Advancement and
Inner harmony
Time freedom
Ethical practice
Power and authority
Affection (love&caring)
Intellectual status
Public service
Challenging problems
Job tranquility
Work under pressure
Change and variety
Quality of what I take
part in
Work with others
Close relationships
Fast living
Quality relationships
Working alone
Fast-paced work
Recognition (Respect
from others, status)
Personal development
(living up to the fullest
use of my potential)
Financial gain
Economic security
Market position
Meaningful work
Responsibility and
Having a family
Helping other people
Helping society
(being around people
who are) open and
Ecological awareness
Order (tranquility,
stability, conformity)
 Followers of personal mastery see that there are great
opportunities to improve their growth.
 Followers recognize that there are many avenues for growth
and opportunities like books, tapes, lectures and school
courses. People also benefit from organizations during their
quest for personal mastery.
 Personal mastery is about loving yourself and expressing your
gift to its fullest.
 Some would think that personal mastery is controlling and
limiting one self, but actually it is about understanding your
 To control or overcome some habits, it would be important to
identify how and why those habits arise.
 The more you suppress things, the more you would have
difficulty in conquering and overcoming them.
Personal mastery is self-discipline. It is
about taking responsibility for the
direction that your life is going to take.
You would slowly realize that you can do
anything with the aid of your skills and
talents. Discipline would clarify and
deepen your perspective in life. Those
who quest for personal mastery would
develop patience and see life objectively.
Personal mastery can actually help you
become successful in life. You can say that
you have developed personal mastery if you
are starting to fully understand your
strengths, talents and your purpose in life.
 Personal mastery enables you to be inspired,
energized and happy with your life. You start
to show a sense of commitment in changing
how people perceive life and the world. The
ultimate thing about personal mastery is that
you would always feel that you are guided
and supported by God.
It is also important for a person who is in
a quest for personal mastery to develop
integrity, humility, justice and industry.
Actually, these are "rules" on how we
could conduct ourselves professionally,
socially and spiritually.
attaining personal mastery has no
shortcuts or no "quick fixes.“
Sometimes it would take a lifetime for
personal mastery to be attained.
Personal mastery detaches a person from
self-interest or selfishness and encourages
people towards providing care and service
to other people.
Also individuals who follow personal
mastery see the connections in their
surroundings and perceive everything as a
Proactive behavior is also something that
personal mastery helps you to develop.
Reactive behavior like thinking
beforehand that you cannot do things is
dealt with when developing personal
mastery. Actions and services that you
provide are based on how you can
creatively maximize your skills.
To summarize it, personal mastery guides
you to develop being aware with your
beliefs, attitudes and behavior impacts. It
also enables you to accept yourself and be
responsible with your own action,
attitude, and thought.
Experts would say that personal mastery
could be truly gained by living
purposefully and by living with integrity.
Living purposefully would include showing
talents, gifts and strengths to achieve
goals and be successful. Living with
integrity is by integrating your ideals,
standards and behavior.
Personal Mastery
There are people who fully understand
how important it is to develop their skills
and to know their strengths and
weaknesses to be able to deal with their
growth and development.
 Those who have known and developed
personal mastery would be able to listen
to themselves and maintain balance in
their life.
Personal mastery would also enable
people to manage their energy levels and
minimize dependence with stimulants to
increase their energy levels. To attain
personal mastery, there are principles
that would be the guide of a person in a
quest for growth and maturity.
Principles behind personal and self
mastery are actually fundamental
concepts that are essential when building
professional, social and spiritual
relationships. The first principal is how
success is defined. In personal mastery,
the internal change is actually more
important than what had happened to
Personal mastery is also based on reality.
It is important for the follower to spend
time and energy in things that can be
controlled, like the present and the future.
It is important to let go of reactive
attitude like resentment, complaint,
blame and just wishful thinking.
 Another principle behind self mastery is,
understanding that what happens to your life is
based on your own choices and not from
anybody else.
 We should take responsibility for what had
happened in our life.
 Therefore, decisions about our lives should be
made by our own will. We have to know the
weaknesses and strengths of our character. This
would enable us to change how we think, feel and
 Having a clear vision of what we want and what we
should do to achieve it are also principles behind
personal mastery.
 After identifying our goals and how we can attain
our goals, then it is about time to translate them
into action.
 This would be the application of our vision, values
and principles that we chose to follow.
These key principles would help
the followers:
1. How to deal with difficult and challenging
2. Isolate positive behaviors and feelings and
work on them.
3. Accept difficult and harsh realities of life.
4. Let go of negativities like resentment and
5. Understand the importance and freedom
that comes with responsibility.
6. Set goals for yourself.
7. Identify your principles in life.
8. Prioritize what is more important to you
These key principles would help
the followers:
9. Deepen your commitment
10. Develop self-confidence and selfesteem
11. Accept imperfection and build on
one's strength
12. Feel the connection between oneself
to others
13. Develop an inquisitive mind
14. Adapt and work with change
Personal mastery is something that does
not happen as an accident not overnight.
It would require discipline and
reinforcements. Those who are in the path
or personal mastery would oftentimes
attend trainings, seminars, coaching and
counseling to make sure that what they
have learned in personal mastery is not
lost again in the midst of selfishness and
Personal mastery helps everybody
understand that life is full of opportunities
for expanding our vision and skills, until
later on we succeed.
Mastery and Proficiency
 Personal mastery goes beyond competence and skills, though
it is grounded in competence and skills.
 It means approaching one’s life as a creative work,
living life from a creative as opposed to reactive viewpoint.
When personal mastery becomes a
It embodies 2 underlying movements:
1. Continually clarifying what is important to us.
“Vision” (What we want)
Continually learning how to see current reality more
A clear picture of current reality (where we are
relative to what we want)
 Does not mean acquiring more information.
 But expanding
the ability to produce the
results we truly want in life.
 It is life long generative learning.
แนวคิด Mastery แบบเดิม
Levels of Human Competence
 Novice: new to a work situation, lacks the knowledge
and skills necessary
Specialist: can perform specific units of work
unsupervised. Still needs to be coached individually
Experienced specialist: can perform the work with
ease and skill.
Expert: respected by others and highly regarded by
peers. Can deal with routine & nonroutine cases, with an
economy of effort.
Master: the expert among experts; set the standard and
ideals for others.
ดร. สมบัต ิ กุสุมาวลี
มนุ ษย
 Gaining dominance over people or things.
 But mastery can also mean a
special level of
 Personal mastery = a special level of
proficiency in every aspect of life –
personal and professional.
People with a high level of personal
share several basic characteristics…
 They have special
sense of purpose that lies behind
their visions and goals.
 For such a person, a vision is a
calling rather than simply
a good idea.
 They see “current reality” as an
ally, not an enemy.
 They have learned how to perceive and work with forces of
change rather than resist those forces.
 They are deeply inquisitive, committed to continually seeing
reality more and more accurately.
 They feel connected to others and to life itself.Yet they
sacrifice none of their uniqueness.
 They feel as if they are part of a larger creative process,
which they can influence but cannot unilaterally control.
Personal Mastery
 First, one must define what one is trying to
achieve (a goal). (รู้เป้ าหมาย)
 Second, one must have a true measure of
how close one is to the goal. (ประเมินตนเอง
Asst, Prof. Dr. Sombat
Creative tension
Our Goals
Where we are
การมี Personal Mastery
จะช่วยทะลายความไม่มน่ั ใจในตนเอง
Asst, Prof. Dr. Sombat
What next?
Connection between
‘Personal Vision’
‘Organizational Visions’
Connection between
‘Personal Learning’
‘Organizational Learning’