A2 Religious Ethics Revision Conscience Synderesis & Aquinas SYNDERESIS In NT, Greek word for conscience is synderesis. first used by Aristotle became well-known through St. Jerome St. Jerome “Synderesis is the gleam of conscience” SYNDERESIS the ability of the mind to understand the first principles of moral reasoning. St Paul conscience bears witness to the requirements of the law Conscience is the means by which a person knows they have done wrong THOMAS AQUINAS (1224 – 1274) Synderesis is the means of distinguishing between right and wrong THOMAS AQUINAS a natural part of mental activity •it provides an individual with moral guidance. THOMAS AQUINAS Synderesis takes the basic principles of behaviour and applies them, through the conscience, to individual situations. THOMAS AQUINAS Synderesis is never mistaken! An individual only does wrong when the conscience makes mistakes when it applies synderesis to a situation THOMAS AQUINAS believed that conscience was binding, but that it could be mistaken the error was to be treated in one of two ways A factual mistake the individual did not know that a general rule applied to a particular situation. OR A mistake that is due to ignorance of a rule the individual should have known better. A factual mistake The individual is not responsible for their wrongdoing. Ignorance of a rule The individual is responsible for the wrongdoing THOMAS AQUINAS Conscience is the activity that takes place when reason is making right decisions THOMAS AQUINAS It is the process of weighing up good and bad THOMAS AQUINAS Synderesis is right reason the awareness of being able to do good and prevent evil The Synderesis Rule Seek to do that which is the good and seek to avoid that which is the evil Conscientia distinguishes between right and wrong It makes and takes moral decisions THOMAS AQUINAS Conscience is the voice of reason The End Now just pass the exam!