A2 Multiculturalism

What is multiculturalism?
• As a descriptive term it refers to cultural
diversity where two or more groups with
distinctive beliefs/cultures exist in a
• It can also refer to government policy as a
formal recognition of the cultural
distinctiveness of particular groups.
• It implies a positive endorsement of
cultural diversity.
The key tenets
• Postcolonialism sought to challenge the cultural dimensions of
imperial rule by establishing the legitimacy of non western political
ideas and traditions.
• It is a challenge of Eurocentrism which is the application of values
and theories drawn from European culture to other groups.
• In response Orientalism developed. This challenges western cultural
and political dominance over the Orient via stereotypes which
demean non western cultures. It also allows for non western ideas
to be considered as equally legitimate with western ideas.
• It can take a variety of forms. Gandhi (1869-1948) fused Indian
nationalism with non violence to overthrow British rule whereas
Franz fanon (1926-1961) advocated violence to overthrow French
rule in the Caribbean.
Multiculturalism is a form of identity politics to advance the interests of
particular groups in the face of perceived or actual injustice.
It seeks to raise awareness via stressing a collective identity and common
It is communitarian- people cannot be understood outside of society and are
shaped by social and cultural contexts to which they belong.
Multiculturalists hold that culture shapes values, norms and assumptions
through which individual identity is formed, and provides a sense of
There is a focus on ethnicity. Members of ethnic groups are seen as
descended from common ancestors making the ethnic group an extended
kinship group. It gives people a common identity and sense of
Religion is also very important for groups of non western groups for
example Muslim groups in western societies.. However, for others, it can be
language the Quebecois in Canada, Welsh or the Spanish Basques.
Language helps to keep alive a body of literature, myths and legends.
Minority rights
• Self government. This applies where people are
territorially concentrated such as native Americans. It
involves the devolution of power (consociationalism)
• In the case of immigration, the granting of polytechnic
rights- e.g. legal exemptions- halal or kosher butchers.
• Minority or multicultural rights are separate from liberal
view on rights because they belong to the group rather
than an individual. Hence multiculturalism is essentially
collective and communitarian.
• Whilst seeking to treat cultural groups as equal in their
entitlement to recognition, multiculturalism is prepared to
grant preferential rights to specific groups as a way of
redressing past wrongs via positive discrimination.
• Multiculturalists believe that cultural diversity is
compatible with political cohesion. People have
multiple identities and therefore loyalties.
• People are able to participate in society because
they have a firm and secure identity rooted in
their own culture. Denial of culture results in
isolation and powerlessness providing a
breeding ground for extremism.
• Diversity should be celebrated. It fosters cross
cultural tolerance and understanding.
Why is multiculturalism compatible
with Liberalism?
• It coincides with liberal commitment to toleration
and a desire to uphold freedom of choice.
• Liberalism is neutral to the moral and cultural
choices citizens make.
• Liberalism is difference blind- cultural difference
is irrelevant because all people should be
regarded as morally autonomous individuals.
• Liberals draws a distinction between the public
and private sphere- the latter is seen as a realm
of freedom where people are free to express
cultural, religious and language identity.
What are the limits to liberal
• Toleration is extended only to views and practices compatible with
personal freedom and autonomy.
• In drawing a distinction between the public and private sphere,
liberals expect everyone to share a consensus civic allegianceleading to ban on hijab in France or of all forms of overt religious
affiliation in French schools.
• Liberals regard liberal democracy as the sole legitimate political
system as it ensures that government is based on the consent of
the people. Therefore, liberals would oppose calls for the adoption
of shari’a law.
• Liberals will only tolerate groups which are prepared to tolerate and
respect thee rights of others.
• Multiculturalism by stressing group needs and interests is another
form of collectivism where the rights and needs of the individual are
subordinated to those of the group and can lead to ‘ghettoisation’
whereby people identify only with the needs of a particular group
and fail to recognise or respect the rights of other groups.
Particularist multiculturalism
• Isaiah Berlin went beyond liberal multiculturalism by
endorsing value pluralism. This is the theory that there
is no single overriding conception of the good life.
• A form of live and let live.
• A ‘post-liberal’ stance in which liberal values are no
longer seen as having a monopoly of legitimacy.
• Cultural diversity takes place within a context of unequal
power in which certain groups have had advantages
denied to other groups. Particularist multiculturalism is
therefore aligned to the needs and interests of
marginalized groups.
Cosmopolitan Multiculturalism
• Cosmopolitan multiculturalists endorse cultural diversity
and identity politics.
• It emphasises cultural exchange and what each culture
can learn from others.
• It encourages cultural mixing or a pick and mix approach
to culture where people can dip into a variety of cultural
• Culture is fluid and related to personal needs and
circumstances rather than being fixed and historically
• Society is a melting pot of different ideas, values and
traditions rather than a cultural mosaic of separate ethnic
and religious groups. This is hybridity whereby people
develop multiple identities.
Why do conservatives fear/oppose
• Shared values and beliefs are seen by Conservatives as necessary
precondition for a stable and successful society.
• Human beings are drawn to those who are similar to themselves
and a fear of strangers and foreigners is natural.
• Multiculturalism is inherently flawed as multicultural societies are
fractured and conflict ridden. Multiculturalist image of ‘diversity
within unity’ is a myth.
• Conservatives press for assimilation in which the immigrant
communities lose their cultural distinctiveness by adjusting to the
values, allegiances and lifestyles of the ‘host’ society.
• Multiculturalism by its association with colonialism and racism by
favouring the culture of minority groups through positive
discrimination and positive rights demeans the culture of the majority
Feminists and multiculturalism
• Feminists are concerned when minority rights
and politics of recognition serve to preserve and
legitimize patriarchal and traditional beliefs that
disadvantage women.
• Feminists are concerned with cultural practices
such as dress codes, family structures etc which
reinforce structural gender biases.
• Feminists are concerned that women will be
under cultural pressure not to speak out for their
rights and seek redress through religious courts
in divorce cases rather than speak out or
advance their rights.
Social reformists and
• Multiculturalism encourages groups to seek
advancement through cultural or ethnic assertiveness
rather than via struggle for social justice.
• Multiculturalism therefore fails to address issues of class
inequality and lack of economic power and social status.
• Multiculturalism divides people and weakens those who
have a common economic interest in alleviating poverty
and promoting social reform.
• A more acute awareness of cultural difference may
weaken support for welfarist and redistributive policies