Which of the following statements about crime is TRUE? I. II. III. IV. 5 Official crime statistics accurately reflect the amount of crime in Canada. Most organized criminals are affiliated with the Italian Mafia. Organized crime exists largely to provide goods and services demanded by “respectable” members of the community. Rates of murder and other violent crimes have been steadily rising for the past twenty years. 25% 25% 25% 2) 3) 25% 0 0 1) 4) Deviant behaviour I. is always serious in nature and is clearly distinguishable from nondeviant behaviour. is relative because it varies from place to place, time to time, and from group to group. is always recognized as such, regardless of who’s doing it. all of the above. II. III. IV. 25% 25% 25% 2) 3) 25% 5 0 0 1) 4) According to strain theory, the cause of deviance is I. II. III. IV. 5 that people are unable to obtain cultural goals through accepted means, so they turn to deviant means. a weakening of the bonds tying a person to conventional society. largely a function of individual psychopathology. attributed to frequent association with other deviants. 25% 25% 25% 2) 3) 25% 0 0 1) 4) An example of “outer containments” as described by Walter Reckless in his social control theory is I. II. III. IV. self-control. a sense of responsibility. a supportive family. resistance to unlawful diversions. 25% 25% 25% 2) 3) 25% 5 0 0 1) 4) The study by William Chambliss found that while the “Saints” committed more offenses than the “Roughnecks,” the “Roughnecks” were more likely to be labelled as deviant because I. II. III. IV. 5 the Saints were white while the Roughnecks were black. the Roughnecks came from lower-income families and did poorly in school. the Saints came from lowerincome families and did poorly in school, so people felt sorry for them. the Saints had much weaker social bonds than the Roughnecks. 25% 25% 25% 2) 3) 25% 0 0 1) 4) A person takes drugs once, doesn’t get caught, and never does it again. This demonstrates ____________ deviance. 25% 25% 25% 25% I. secondary II. primary III. tertiary IV. fundamental 5 0 0 1) 2) 3) 4) Which of the following analyses of prostitution best illustrates the radical feminist approach to deviance? I. II. III. IV. 5 Prostitution is seen as a reflection of society’s double standard, whereby it is acceptable for a man to pay for sex but unacceptable for a woman to accept money for it. Prostitutes are viewed as deviant because they have been successfully labelled as such by others. Prostitutes accept their identity as deviants because they continue to engage in the deviant behaviour that led to the label. The rise in prostitution has to do with the women’s liberation movement; as women gain power, they will also commit more crimes. 25% 25% 25% 2) 3) 25% 0 0 1) 4) Which of the following is/are classified as a “summary conviction” offense? I. sexual assault II. robbery III. causing a disturbance IV. a and b above 25% 25% 25% 2) 3) 25% 5 0 0 1) 4) Which category of crime includes all violent crime, certain property crimes, and certain morals crimes? 25% 25% 25% 25% I. street II. occupational III. organized IV. political 5 0 0 1) 2) 3) 4) If a worker commits fraud in order to help a company achieve greater profits, that worker has engaged in a form of 25% 25% 25% 25% I. street crime. II. corporate crime. III. property crime. IV. conventional crime. 5 0 0 1) 2) 3) 4) Which of the following activities is often linked to organized crime? I. corporate price fixing II. prostitution III. false advertising IV. embezzling 25% 25% 25% 2) 3) 25% 5 0 0 1) 4) Based on the text discussion of crime statistics, which of the following statements is FALSE? I. II. III. IV. 5 Our most important source of crime data is the Canadian Uniform Crime Reports (CUCR) system. Police statistics always overestimate the actual amount of crime in order to guarantee their budgets are not cut back. The vast majority of the offences reported in the CUCR come to the attention of the police from the reports of victims of crime. Victimization surveys provide us with information about crimes that have not been officially reported. 25% 25% 25% 2) 3) 25% 0 0 1) 4) Property crimes peak between the ages of __________. I. II. III. IV. 12 and 14. 13 and 15. 15 and 18. 17 and 20. 25% 25% 25% 2) 3) 25% 5 0 0 1) 4) In discussing the similarities between crime rates by males and females, the text observes that: I. II. III. IV. 5 Most crimes are committed by males. Females are more likely to be victims than offenders. The difference between male and female involvement in crime has narrowed over the past three decades. All of the above. 25% 25% 25% 2) 3) 25% 0 0 1) 4) Which of these provinces/territories has the lowest overall crime rate? I. II. III. IV. Alberta Newfoundland Yukon British Columbia 25% 25% 25% 2) 3) 25% 5 0 0 1) 4) Which of the following statements about ethnicity and crime is FALSE? I. II. III. IV. 5 In societies with culturally heterogeneous populations, some ethnic groups will have higher crime rates than others. In the United States, African Americans and Hispanics are overrepresented in arrest data. In Canada, Aboriginal peoples are underrepresented in the federal correctional system’s population. Overall in Canada, non-Aboriginal visible ethnic minorities are underrepresented in the federal correctional system’s population. 25% 25% 25% 2) 3) 25% 0 0 1) 4) Most Canadians learn about crime through I. II. III. IV.5 first-hand experience. academic publications. misrepresentations in the media. police reports to the general public. 25% 25% 25% 2) 3) 25% 0 0 1) 4) This form of punishment is based on the premise that the greater the degree of social harm, the more the offender should be punished. I. II. III. IV. retribution social protection rehabilitation deterrence 25% 25% 25% 2) 3) 25% 5 0 0 1) 4) This form of punishment seeks to return offenders to the community as law-abiding citizens. 25% 25% 25% 25% I. retribution II. social protection III. rehabilitation IV. deterrence 5 0 0 1) 2) 3) 4) The text suggests that the best way to reduce delinquency and crime in the future is through I. II. III. IV. prevention. higher arrest rates. stiffer sentences. active implementation of the death penalty. 25% 25% 25% 2) 3) 25% 5 0 0 1) 4) The text defines deviance as any I. violation of the law by young people under the age of 18. serious violation of consistent moral codes. form of behaviour that produces some degree of social harm. behaviour, belief, or condition that violates cultural norms. act that violates the law. II. III. IV. V. 20% 20% 20% 20% 3) 4) 20% 5 0 0 1) 2) 5) According to sociologist Walter Reckless, selfcontrol, a sense of responsibility and resistance to unlawful diversions would be classified as I. II. III. IV. V.5 social bonds. inner containments. illegitimate opportunities. differential associations. positive selfdevelopment. 20% 20% 20% 20% 3) 4) 20% 0 0 1) 2) 5) According to Richard Quinney I. II. III. IV. V. 5 primary deviance is the initial act of law-breaking, while secondary deviance occurs when a person accepts the new identity and continues the deviant behaviour. people with economic and political power define as criminal any behaviour that threatens their own interests. people learn to engage in deviance through social interaction. people engage in deviant behaviour when their ties to conventional society are weak. for deviance to occur people must have access to illegitimate opportunity structures. 20% 20% 20% 20% 3) 4) 20% 0 0 1) 2) 5) The misuse of power by government officials would be considered I. street crime. II. political crime. III. occupational crime. IV. organized crime. V. corporate crime. 20% 20% 20% 20% 3) 4) 20% 5 0 0 1) 2) 5) Which of the following statements accurately reflects the role of the media in relation to crime? I. The media actually constructs, as opposed to reports, the news. The picture of crime we receive from the media is inaccurate and includes stereotypes of offenders. “If it bleeds, it leads” a news report even though violent crime is relatively rare in our society. Canadians are led to believe that violent crime is prevalent. All of the above II. III. IV. V. 20% 20% 20% 20% 3) 4) 20% 5 0 0 1) 2) 5)