Child and Volunteer Protection
Advocate Training
Job Training for CVPAs
Course Credit
Please sign the Course Roster
Use your legal name,
Home address & phone,
And Date of Birth
There are more than ½ million children playing
AYSO soccer and each one of those children has a
right to a safe, fun, fair and positive environment for
experiencing the benefits of youth sports.
What is Safe Haven?
• One of AYSO’s programs designed to fulfill the
promise of a safe, fun, fair and positive environment
or a “safe haven” for all participants.
• Created to address the need for both child and
volunteer protection in youth sports.
Creating a Safe Haven
The Safe Haven program supports the creation of a
“safe haven” for all participants by:
Registering and Screening all Volunteers
Requiring Training and Certification
Providing Child and Volunteer Protection
Promoting Safety and Injury Prevention
The Role of the CVPA
The Child and Volunteer Protection Advocate is the
Safe Haven Representative in the local Region, Area or
CVPA’s Duties
Volunteer Screening
Volunteer Registration
Child & Volunteer Protection
Vision of AYSO
The Vision of AYSO is to provide world class youth
soccer programs that enrich children’s lives.
What Makes AYSO Unique?
The AYSO Mission is to develop and deliver quality
youth soccer programs in a fun, family environment
based on the AYSO philosophies:
Everyone Plays® Balanced Teams Open Registration
Positive Coaching Good Sportsmanship
Player Development
Volunteer Philosophies?
We want everyone willing to register and embrace
AYSO’s philosophies to volunteer to work together to
bring a balanced, quality AYSO experience to our families.
About AYSO
AYSO’s governing documents support the vision and
philosophies and are found in the AYSO Reference Book:
– National Bylaws
• Organizational structure & governance
– Rules and Regulations
• Conduct of AYSO Games
– National Policy Statements
• AYSO Policy
– Standard Regional Guidelines
• Regional Responsibilities
CVPA Duties
Screen volunteers at the Regional level
Ensure all AYSO volunteers are registered
Present volunteers to Regional Board for approval
Assign volunteers to positions in eAYSO
Meet with the RCA, RRA, Coaches, and Referees to
provide an Annual Safe Haven Refresher
• Serve as Region contact for child abuse and
volunteer protection issues
Volunteer Protection
Congress passed the Volunteer Protection Act in
1997 to promote volunteerism and grant immunity
from certain types of prosecution for volunteers
who meet its requirements.
Volunteer Requirements
For protection under the Volunteer Protection Act
and applicable laws, AYSO requires all volunteers to:
– Sign and submit a Volunteer Application every year,
– Be authorized to do their job,
– Act within the scope of their Job Descriptions and
AYSO’s policies, procedures and guidelines,
– Complete Safe Haven Training and
– Be properly trained in their jobs.
Volunteer Screening
AYSO, like many youth organizations today, asks
adult volunteers to submit character references and
agree to background checks in order to protect
players, volunteers and Region resources.
Volunteer Screening
“Youth sports treasurer accused of embezzlement;
Corona man has been charged with embezzling
$100,000 from a youth sports program that receives
“Montgomery County police arrested a longtime
money from the city.”
soccer coach on Thursday and charged him with
inappropriate contact with a juvenile six months
“South Dakota (Soccer) — A 42 year-old adult man
strikes the soccer referee, who happened to also be
the town’s mayor, during a match between 11-yearold girls. The coach was sentenced to one year in jail,
Volunteer Applications
• Review Volunteer Application for completeness
• Verify Identify of person on the Application with
government issued photo ID
• Applications must be submitted without any changes
to disclaimers, waivers and agreements represented
on the form.
• A new Application must be signed and dated each
and every year.
• Do not use old blank Volunteer applications
Volunteer Application
Required Fields:
•Social Security Number
•Birth Date
•Driver’s License or State I.D.
•Answer to Conviction Question
and disclosures
•Signature and Date
Note: References required for
new volunteers.
If the application is missing
any of these fields,
or waivers are crossed out on
either side of the form,
DO NOT accept the application.
Social Security Numbers
• AYSO conducts background checks based on
identifying information, including SSN. Without SSN:
– we cannot perform national criminal background checks
– verify where the applicant has lived in order to run
county-level record searches
• AYSO’s National Board of Directors provides a
memorandum on the requirement for SSN
Reference Checks
• Check References for all new Coaches, Referees,
Board Members, Team Parents, & Others with
Direct Supervision of Players.
• For Professional Reference -Try to talk with Direct
• Do Not Discuss Race or Sex
• Reference Check Guidelines in CVPA Manual
• Parents/Volunteers can complete and eSign their
Registration/Volunteer Applications online in eAYSO
• eSigned Player and Volunteer forms do not have to
be stored at the Region level after the season.
• eSigned volunteer forms are available immediately to
Safe Haven for background checking and do not
have to be mailed to the AYSO National Office.
• Every volunteer should eSign their application
Flagged vs Un-Flagged
Un-Flagged Applications
• Most applications are not flagged; the applicant
answered no to the Disclosure question.
• After checking references (new volunteers), place on
the list for approval by the Regional Board.
• Register all approved volunteers in eAYSO.
• Send originally hand-signed forms to National Office
with a Control Sheet using Certified Return Receipt,
UPS or Overnight service with a tracking number.
Flagged Applications
Do not assign any volunteer with a “yes”
answer to the conviction question until
cleared by Safe Haven.
Do not accept a handwritten application without a
complete explanation of the disclosure including
dates and locations of convictions.
Send all originally hand-signed, flagged forms to the
National Office with a Control Sheet immediately.
Flagged Applications
Flagged applications must be background checked
and cleared to volunteer by Safe Haven before they
can be assigned a position.
Flagged Applicants given volunteer positions
who cannot be cleared according to the
National Background Check Policy, must be
removed from service by the Region.
Volunteers removed by Safe Haven are not entitled
to due process at the Region level.
Flagged Applications
If the application cannot be approved:
─ Applicant will receive a letter via US Mail.
─ Applicant has the right to review Background
─ RC and CVPA will receive an e-mail.
If the volunteer application is approved, CVPA, RC
will receive an e-mail.
National Screening
Background Checks are conducted year-round
Federal law requires a signed application before
performing certain background checks
We screened almost 200,000 volunteers last year!
Processing of a flagged volunteer form takes about
1 week from date of receipt at National Office –
except during August and September.
Registered Sex Offenders
Sex Offender Searches conducted on all eAYSO
Using DOJ Sex Offender Registry
Many States Have Online Sex Offender Registries:
Other States Provide Searches at Local Sheriff
Station - Megan’s Law.
Every Region should check local sites for possible
offenders near fields.
Targeted Background Checks
Un-Flagged volunteers are background checked on
an on-going basis with a priority given to:
• Coaches
• Assistant Coaches
• Officers, Board Members and Staff who Lead
or Organize Children’s Activities
• Referees
National Background Check
The AYSO National Background Check Policy is in
the CVPA Manual & on
Includes a partial Table of Convictions
Only National Safe Haven Dept is authorized to
run criminal background checks and to determine
volunteer eligibility
Policy determines restrictions on volunteering
based on risks associated with convictions.
National Background Check
Make sure Volunteers understand they will be
background checked – consent language is on the
back of the Volunteer Application.
Make National Policy available at Volunteer
Recruiting and Registration events – allows
potential volunteers to determine their eligibility
Inform Regional Commissioner, Regional Coach
Administrator and Regional Referee Administrator
of policy
Each year, a Region can choose whether or not to
accept a volunteer. True or False?
Volunteering is a privilege, not a right. Regions can
simply say “Thank you, no thank you.” without giving
any reasons that may invite an argument.
Application vs Registration
• CVPAs must register accepted Volunteer applicants
in eAYSO either by entering/registering a Volunteer
from a form, renewing an existing volunteer for the
Membership Year or registering applications
submitted online.
• Unaccepted volunteers stay in applicant status and
are not assigned a volunteer position.
eAYSO Volunteer Registration
Select “Region” > “Volunteer” >
eAYSO Volunteer Registration
Ck Applicants;
“Submit” to Register
Add a New Volunteer or
Youth Volunteer
Registering vs Assigning
Register all non-flagged volunteers in eAYSO
approved by the Regional Board to volunteer.
Once Regional Commissioner, Coach
Administrator, Referee Administrator, and Regional
Managers have assigned volunteers to their
positions, assign the volunteer to specific position
in eAYSO.
eAYSO Volunteer Positions
Select “Region” > “Volunteer” >
“Manage Positions”
eAYSO Volunteer Positions
Select Volunteer
Restricted Roles
– CVPAs can view Safe Haven status for volunteers.
– If you try to assign a volunteer position and find it
unavailable, check the CVPA Notes.
– Safe Haven volunteer restrictions are entered:
“Restricted from managing Region Funds/PID”
“Restricted from Coaching/Assistant Coaching”
“Restricted from coaching/asst coaching/officiating”
“Disqualified from volunteering”
Select “Region” > “CVPA” >
CVPA/Safe Haven
Safe Haven Notes
track key facts and
eAYSO CVPA Vol Export Data
Vol Export Data
eAYSO CVPA Vol Export Data
Generate Excel
CVPA Vol Export Data
AYSOID First Name
Last Name
67191566 Andrew
90/A/9696 Rgnl Volunteer
51402973 David
Role Description MY
90/A/9696 Rgnl Volunteer
67161831 Deborah
90/A/9696 Rgnl Volunteer
67163040 Joshua
90/A/9696 Rgnl Volunteer
69653451 Matthew
51320568 Neil
90/A/9696 Rgnl Volunteer
Team Coach,
90/A/9696 Rgnl Volunteer
69650972 Oliver
90/A/9696 Rgnl Volunteer
67181279 Robin
90/A/9696 Rgnl Volunteer
69639173 Ross
90/A/9696 Rgnl Volunteer
69645351 Thomas
90/A/9696 Rgnl Volunteer
90/A/9696 Rgnl Volunteer
69649850 Tom
Youth Volunteers
• Under the age of 18 years, must
also complete a Youth Volunteer
Application every year but are not
• Should abide by the same
protection guidelines when in the
company of younger players or VIP
• Should be protected by the same
protection policies as players.
Youth Volunteers
• May hold: Youth Referee, Youth Team
Assistant, Youth VIP Buddy or other
Youth Volunteer positions which are
supervised by adults.
• May not be a Team Coach, Assistant Coach or
Regional Board Member and may never be in a
position of supervising players or managing a game.
• See National Policy Statement 2.13
Volunteer Application
Required Fields:
•Parent/Guardian Information
•Parent/Guardian Signature
Signed copied must be in the Youth
Volunteer’s possession during all
volunteer activities.
Privacy & Confidentiality
CVPA Maintains all Volunteer Form copies
– If using Data Entry Assistants, be sure to track
forms and retrieve as soon as possible.
Requiring volunteers to use eAYSO is best way to
ensure privacy protection.
Forms should never be left unattended; should be
stored under lock and key to protect Volunteers
from Identify Theft.
Privacy & Confidentiality
Do Not discuss sensitive Volunteer information.
Securely store forms until end of Membership
Year. Copies of Forms sent to the AYSO National
Office (with confirmation), may be destroyed by
shredding or burning.
Otherwise, the Region must store them securely
for seven years.
Training and Certification
Training and Certification is the only way to ensure
the fulfillment of the AYSO vision and the protection
of Volunteers and Players.
Training and Certification
Training provides job position and standard specific
training such as U-6 Coach, Intermediate Referee or
Registrar training.
Certification requires competency in the assigned
position (Job training), Child and Volunteer Protection
(AYSO’s Safe Haven) and AYSO Policies and Guidelines.
Continuing Education includes training to improve
skills like Principles of Play, Dispute Resolution and
Problems Outside the Touchline.
Training and Certification
• All Coaches, Referees and Board Members are required
to be trained and certified.
• Practices and Games are NOT permitted without an
AYSO trained and certified Team Coach.
• Official games are NOT permitted without an AYSO
trained and certified Referee for the U-8 division and
Training and Certification
Regions must have the 7 required Board Positions and
the volunteers serving in these positions, must be
trained and certified:
Regional Commissioner,
Coach Administrator,
Referee Administrator,
Safety Director and
Child and Volunteer Protection Advocate (CVPA).
eAYSO Volunteer Certifications
Select “Reports” >
“Vol Position Certification”
eAYSO Volunteer Certifications
Select Discipline, Positions &
Generate Report
eAYSO Volunteer Certifications
Child Protection
The Child Protection Acts (1993,1997) enabled
screening of volunteers who work with children and
mandated reporting of suspected child abuse.
Child Abuse is Against the Law
• AYSO is a mandated reporter of suspected abuse in
many states – there are legal reporting standards.
• In almost all states, legislation asks any adult who
suspects abuse to file a claim.
• In order to promote a safe haven, AYSO prohibits
abusive behaviors beyond the legal reporting standards.
Reporting Abuse
Reporting is generally required when a child is:
• physically injured by other than accidental means,
subjected to willful cruelty or unjustifiable punishment,
or sexually abused or exploited.
• neglected by a parent or caretaker who fails to
provide adequate food, clothing, shelter, medical care
or supervision.
Many states have penalties for failing to report.
Emotional Abuse
The most common: attacking the emotional well
being and stability of an individual.
Emotional Abuse
• Legally required to report suspected abuses visibly
affecting the emotional stability of the child.
• Abusive behaviors not allowed in AYSO include
making comments about the size, inability or
appearance of a player in front of others. Jokes,
even in fun, can be emotionally abusive.
• Social bullying, derogatory comments and racial,
ethnic or gender slurs must not be tolerated.
Physical Abuse
The most obvious: harming the physical well being of
an individual.
Physical Abuse
• Legally required to report acts resulting in “any nonaccidental physical injury to the child” or
circumstances that create a substantial risk of harm.
• Abusive behaviors not allowed in AYSO include
corporal punishment, punishing players by making
them run laps or denying water, bullying or fighting.
• AYSO has a zero tolerance policy for violence.
Not always easy to identify: harming an individual by
abandoning, ignoring, or rejecting basic needs.
• Legally required to report the failure of a parent or
guardian to provide needed food, clothing, shelter,
medical care, or supervision.
• AYSO does not allow neglectful behavior including
never playing a below average player more than half
of every game or consistently excluding a player
from practice drills.
• Players should not be allowed to exclude a single
player or a few players from team activities.
Ethical Abuse
The newest identified form of abuse: harming an
individual by convincing him/her to commit an act that
is against his/her physical, moral, or ethical interests.
Ethical Abuse
• Abusive behaviors not allowed include asking a
player to “take down” an opposing player or faking
an injury.
• Adults should refrain from asking children to keep
“secrets” from parents.
• Youth volunteers should be encouraged to inform an
adult if told a “secret” about abuse.
Sexual Abuse
Frequently hidden: harming an individual through
inappropriate sexual contact, lewd behavior, or exploitation.
Sexual Abuse
• Legally required to report any form of sexual abuse
or exploitation.
• AYSO prohibits making lewd comments, sexual
harassment or any type of inappropriate physical
• Minors must be supervised to prevent minor-onminor abuse. 20% of reported cases involve minors.
• Please contact Safe Haven immediately with
any concern. 1-800-USA-AYSO.
Suspecting Abuse
• If abuse is suspected, notify your CVPA and the
National Safe Haven Office. 1-800-USA-AYSO.
• If the abuse is considered life threatening, contact
local law enforcement immediately.
• Remember reporting is a means of helping; let
professional agencies investigate. Do not confront
alleged abuser.
• Youth volunteers should be encouraged to inform
an adult if told a “secret” about abuse.
Protection Guidelines
Adults who work with children should take
precautions to protect children from abuse and
themselves from misunderstandings and accusations.
Supervision Protocols
AYSO requires the following Supervision:
One Adult for every 8 or fewer children
At least 2 Adults present at ALL times
At least One Adult of the same gender as players
Adults should never be alone with a child
Supervision Protocols
Team Coaches are responsible for
all players until they are picked up
or leave the area as authorized.
Parents must not “drop” players off
at fields without contact with
No child shall be left unsupervised
after a game or practice.
The AYSO “Buddy” system must have at least 3 players.
Supervision Protocols
AYSO does not recommend that children walk or
ride a bicycle home alone. However, when allowed,
the Coach should secure a release form from the
parent/guardian to ensure their approval.
Protection Guidelines
In order to prevent misunderstandings, physical
contact with children should be:
In Response to the need of the child only
With the child’s permission
Respectful of any resistance or hesitation
Careful to avoid private parts
In the Open, Never In Private
Brief in duration
Age and developmentally appropriate
Protection Guidelines
• Adults should avoid being alone with a child including
transporting a child in a car.
• When it is necessary to speak privately with a child,
select a spot out of earshot but within sight of
• Set boundaries.
• Maintain adult privacy.
• Respect the privacy of children.
• Hug from the side.
• No sexual jokes, comments.
• No corporal punishment.
Protection Guidelines
Social Media & Electronic Communications
• Volunteers should maintain transparency and not
engage in private electronic messages or conversations
with minors.
• Messages should be conveyed through parents or in
the case of older players, copied to parents. This
includes emails, text messages, instant messaging and
postings on social networking sites.
• Protect the identity and privacy of children at all times.
Do not post names of players with pictures or rosters
on public pages.
Protection Guidelines
• It is illegal for minors to possess, control or use
alcohol, tobacco products or prescription-only drugs
without authority and may subject them to
• Any adult who knowingly provides such substances to
a minor is subject to criminal prosecution.
• The Volunteer Protection Act does not protect adults
who violate alcohol, tobacco and drug laws.
Preventing Abuse
• Screening who volunteers in the AYSO program is
just the first step.
• Training volunteers to recognize abuse and abusive
behavior is necessary to report and stop abuse.
• It would all be meaningless unless we implement
policies and guidelines to prevent opportunities for
abuse to occur.
• Experts agree that is also important to foster
positive self-images, a safe environment and the
courage in our players to speak up.
AYSO Volunteers
What does it mean to be an AYSO Volunteer?
You are entrusted with the AYSO Vision
AYSO Role Models
The messages we send by our behavior to
impressionable young players are so important.
Players emulate the behavior of
adults at sporting events and
develop long lasting attitudes and
values based on what they see.
Willing or not, we are role models
and we must do our best to set
AYSO Role Models
AYSO asks Volunteers to support the following
principles designed to provide children with the maximum
benefit from participating in youth sports.
AYSO Role Models
• Create an environment that enriches children’s lives.
• Promote the benefits of soccer and sport.
• While performing volunteer duties, remember the
reasons kids play sports.
• Model and promote good sportsmanship.
• Model ethical conduct.
• Foster a “safe” learning environment.
• Participate in continuing education.
AYSO Role Models
Do not tolerate abusive behavior.
– Document and report any misconduct.
– Regional Boards should address any abuses,
provide training and awareness, and if necessary
take additional actions under the guidelines of
Dispute Resolution and Due Process. Consult
Area and Section for additional support.
– If bad conduct becomes threatening or violent,
contact the AYSO National
Office immediately. 85
Help make every game a kids zone!
Kids Zone guidelines encourage
appropriate sideline behavior –
key to promoting a fun, safe,
family-friendly environment.
Parents and Spectators pledge to
respect the tenets of Kids Zone.
Coaches, Referees, Parents and
Players abide by a Code of
Kids Zone Sidelines
Spectators agree to respect the following rules:
Kids are # 1
Fun, not winning is everything
Fans only cheer, only coaches coach
No yelling in anger
Respect the volunteer referees
No swearing
No alcohol, tobacco products or other controlled substances
No weapons
Leave no trash behind
Set a proper example of Good Sportsmanship
Annual Safe Haven Reminders
Work with the Coach and Referee Administrators
to provide coaches, referees and team parents an
annual presentation of child and volunteer
protection guidelines.
A PowerPoint presentation is available on
The CVPA is not certified for teaching the Safe
Haven course itself.
CVPAs should take the CVPA Annual Update
webinar yearly.
A new volunteer wants to coach his daughter’s team.
The season is going to start next week. He hasn’t
filled out a volunteer form yet. Can the Coach
Administrator assign him to a team pending the
receipt of his volunteer application?
Other Safe Haven Topics
CVPAs should familiarize themselves with topics
covered in Safe Haven Certification including:
• Safety Concerns
• Environmental Hazards
• Emergency Medical Conditions
Available Support
Regional Commissioner
Area CVPA and Area Director
Section CVPA and Section Director
National Safe Haven Department
National Office
National Board of Directors
CVPA Resources
CVPA Job Description
CVPA Manual
AYSO’s Safe Haven Manual
AYSO Reference Book CVPA Page
It’s for the Kids!
Thank you for volunteering to bring a quality youth
soccer program to your community and for
supporting the AYSO philosophies.
Everyone Plays Balanced Teams Open Registration
Positive Coaching Good Sportsmanship
Player Development
Safe Haven Department
• Yadira Alba, Safe Haven Associate
800 872-2976, ext. 7967,
• Tim Zimmerman, Safe Haven Coordinator
800 872-2976, ext. 7996,
• Karen Mihara, Natl Safe Haven Administrator
800 872-2976, ext. 7995,
• Jill Meshekow, Director
800 872-2976, ext. 7905,