The role of Hindu Dharma & Our role in Hindu Dharma

The role of Hindu Dharma & Our role in Hindu Dharma
Introduction of the topic and participants
Hindu Basics: Dharma & not religion
What is Dharma? What is Hindu Dharma?
What is unique about it?
What it can do for the modern world?
How to bring Hindu Dharma to maximum number of
Our Duties: Rnas, Ashrama dharma
What is my duty, dharma and what I can do for it?
Individually? Collectively?
The role of Hindu Dharma & Our role in Hindu Dharma
What is our organization?
It is a channel through which we are learning
from and learning about our heritage for a
peaceful, harmonious, happy and prosperous
life and also for a world beyond self which is
also peaceful, harmonious and progressive.
The role of Hindu Dharma & Our role in Hindu Dharma
What is its product and service we offer?
Hindu Dharma: Knowledge, tools
Hindu issues: Issues affecting the Hindus
and action towards those
The role of Hindu Dharma & Our role in Hindu Dharma
What is our role?
Be benefited by Hindu Dharma ourselves
Help others to get the same
The role of Hindu Dharma & Our role in Hindu Dharma
As leaders of the organization it is absolutely
necessary that we have the following:
We know the fundamentals
We know how to implement them in daily life
We know how to articulate/present them
We, all the key players are on the same page
We should be able to not only defend, but
also remove ignorance from those who do not
understand us and attack us
The role of Hindu Dharma & Our role in Hindu Dharma
We feel the urge within.
We feel that we have the answer.
We are inspired and motivated
Yet at times we feel helpless.
The role of Hindu Dharma & Our role in Hindu Dharma
We find ourselves to be stuck with our
personal life and organizational details.
We feel that we the Hindus are weak and
lacking some vital requirements.
The role of Hindu Dharma & Our role in Hindu Dharma
We feel that the heritage which has allowed
the descent of Ram, Sita, Draupadi, Krishna,
Buddha, Nagarjun, Aryabhatta ,Kanad, Panini,
Patanjali, Mahavir ,Sankara, Madhava,
Chaitanya, Ramana, Ramakrishna ,
Vivekananda and Aurobindo are less relevant
to the world.
The role of Hindu Dharma & Our role in Hindu Dharma
On one hand….
We have a grand vision for the entire
We have most complete systems for the
evolution from animal to human to
We have lofty ideals such as “Ahimsha
parama dharmo.”
The role of Hindu Dharma & Our role in Hindu Dharma
Our Vision includes…
Byakti/Individual: Aham Brahmashmi
Samasthi/Samaj: Sarve Sukhina santu, sarve
santu niramayah
Sristhi/Universe:Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam
The role of Hindu Dharma & Our role in Hindu Dharma
Everyday Hindus are persecuted, tortured,
raped and killed in different parts of the world.
Hindu population is shrinking (comparatively).
Hindu land is being lost.
Hindu culture is vanishing.
The role of Hindu Dharma & Our role in Hindu Dharma
Hindu ideas are being misused against the
Hindu control & power is lost: e.g. Nepal,
Bangladesh, Fiji, Trinidad, Mauritius
These are the ground realties.
The role of Hindu Dharma & Our role in Hindu Dharma
We have a major challenge within:
The lack of articulation and application of
what our great seers have presented and
done in past – from Sri Krishna to Chanakya
to Sri Aurobindo.
We lack clear understanding, articulation,
strategy formation, planning, resource
allocation and professional application Hindu
vision for today.
The role of Hindu Dharma & Our role in Hindu Dharma
Hindu Basics:
Before we talk about anything else, let us
refresh our memory with the basics.
The role of Hindu Dharma & Our role in Hindu Dharma
Hindu Basics:
Source of the word ‘Hindu’?
What is Hinduism?
The term was used by the Christian
missionaries. To them it was a strange
tribalism and because Christianity was the
only ‘religion’ to them, any other ideas had to
be an ‘ism’ so the called it Hindu-ism.
Other names?
Sanatana Dharma, Vedic Dharma, Brahminism
or Brahminical Dharma or Just Dharma
The role of Hindu Dharma & Our role in Hindu Dharma
Hindu Basics
For thousands of years of experimentation
in all possible fields of human domain are
being done by the people of Bharat.
Bharat has a heritage that has developed a
great spiritual culture, great traditions,
unmatched artistic achievements, and
grand social, economic, political, health
and educational systems from which all
nations have learned.
The role of Hindu Dharma & Our role in Hindu Dharma
Hindu Basics
Hindu history is written with immense
contribution to the world in the field of
science, math, language and a glorious
history of heroic valor without attacking
others. But the most important is its
knowledge of the Self and the universe in
its Vedic and Vedantic treasure houses. All
of these are part of what is called
The role of Hindu Dharma & Our role in Hindu Dharma
Hindu Basics
How the universe, a society, a system or a
being is sustained depends upon certain
principles and laws. The eternal and
unchanging rules of being, becoming and
sustaining, the order that holds things
together is literally Sanatana (eternal)
Dharma (sustaining principles).
The role of Hindu Dharma & Our role in Hindu Dharma
Dharma is a Sanskrit term, which literally
means ‘that which holds together’ or ‘sustains
the natural order of things’.
It refers to the universal principles and laws,
duties and righteousness, which bring about
peace, harmony and progress.
According to Dharma, religion is one of
innumerable possible paths towards
individual aspirations
It includes morality, ethics & justice
The role of Hindu Dharma & Our role in Hindu Dharma
Taoism: Tao is an emblem, meaning order,
the whole, responsibility, efficiency. It is the
Responsible Efficient, Total Order, creations
as a whole, the whole of what is, multiplicity.
The role of Hindu Dharma & Our role in Hindu Dharma
“Dhamma means (a) the state of nature
as it is, (b) the laws of nature, (c) the
duties that must be performed in
accordance with the laws of nature, and
(d) the results that are derived from the
fulfillment of such duties.”
- Buddhadasa
The role of Hindu Dharma & Our role in Hindu Dharma
"Twofold is the Vedic Dharma: Of the nature
of advancement in the world of action and
achievement (pravrttilaksana) and withdrawal
or turning inward into the world of Spirit and
Freedom (Nivrtti-laksana), both of which are
the necessary means and counterparts of the
world, leading directly to the attainment of
secular welfare and prosperity (abhyudaya)
and Spiritual Good (nihsreyasa) of all beings."
- Acharya Sankara (Introduction to his
commentary on Geeta).
The role of Hindu Dharma & Our role in Hindu Dharma
"Religion (Dharma) has made man what he is,
and will make of this human animal a God.
That is what religion can do. Take religion
from human society and what will remain?
Nothing but a forest of brutes." - Swami
The role of Hindu Dharma & Our role in Hindu Dharma
" the manifestation of divinity already in
man. It is being and becoming, not hearing
and acknowledging." - Swami Vivekananda.
DHARMA <=> Sustenance, growth, evolution –
The role of Hindu Dharma & Our role in Hindu Dharma
The knowledge and systems are not based
on ‘beliefs’ but through experiments and
experiences over thousands of years.
It is super-scientific
Modern science relies only on physical and
sensory evidences.
Dharma is based on physical, emotional,
intellectual and intuitive experiences and
The role of Hindu Dharma & Our role in Hindu Dharma
These are not one-sided views as evident in
other systems:
Not based on only one person or one group
of people – prophets/theologians/secular
scientist or economist or political person
The role of Hindu Dharma & Our role in Hindu Dharma
-A worldview is complete if it is perceived
through the eyes of all: physicists,
psychologists, mathematicians, biologists,
social scientist, economics, artists and yogis
– based on all of them and more.
-These are applicable to all people of all times
-These are modifiable according to desh-kalpatra (place, time and context)
The role of Hindu Dharma & Our role in Hindu Dharma
What Dharma can do for the modern world?
Peace, progress, harmony
Health: Physical, emotional, intellectual,
Society, Politics, Economics
Science & Technology
Justice: Ethics, Morality and Law
Trade and Business
The role of Hindu Dharma & Our role in Hindu Dharma
Contemporary religions like Christianity and
Islam’s Theo-philosophical content is nonconfirming with the present scientific
understanding of the universe.
Most of the latest theories in physics
correspond to the world view visualized by
ancient Indian scriptures.
The role of Hindu Dharma & Our role in Hindu Dharma
Last few years’ research has shown, many of
the claims of Yoga and Ayurveda are truly
scientifically relevant.
Clinical trials by western medical institutes
are proving the truth of some of the claims of
Hindu philosophy on the character of the
body and mind and their close
interconnectedness - an idea that remained
totally alien to modern medicine until recently.
The role of Hindu Dharma & Our role in Hindu Dharma
So, how the creation would look like if we
view it through the vision of Hindu Dharma?
The role of Hindu Dharma & Our role in Hindu Dharma
Personal Growth: Spiritual, Mental,
Emotional, Physical: Yoga
Application of Integral Yoga in the following
Family, Society | Education, Politics, Economics |
Ethics, Morality, Justice | Environment, Health |
=Integral Humanism (IH)
Understanding, feeling, application (IH)= Modern
The role of Hindu Dharma & Our role in Hindu Dharma
What Dharma can do for the modern world?
It seems like the only way out to the current
moral, judicial, environmental, economic
crisis in the world is the Dharmic way.
British Historian Arnold Toyenbee said:
"Today we are still living in a transitional
chapter of the world's history, but it is already
becoming clear that a chapter which had a
Western beginning will have to have an Indian
ending if it is not to end in the self-destruction
of the race."
The role of Hindu Dharma & Our role in Hindu Dharma
What it can do for the modern world?
The challenge
First of all we the Hindus don’t understand it
If we understand it we do not practice it
If we practice it others don’t get it
If they get it, they don’t accept it
If they accept it they don’t practice it
The role of Hindu Dharma & Our role in Hindu Dharma
What it can do for the modern world?
The challenge
Then how the concepts of dharma is going to
impact the world?
Well, it must start with us. We are just doing it,
right now. Then, through our networking,
organization we will get there
The role of Hindu Dharma & Our role in Hindu Dharma
How to bring Hindu Dharma to maximum
number of people?
Organization, service
It is true that one plus one is two. We can start
with ourselves. However, in the psychic world
the equation is not that long. Just few
powerful minds or a critical mass can change
the thought process and direction of the
The role of Hindu Dharma & Our role in Hindu Dharma
Why should we get into these activities? This
is my life, what am I supposed to do with it ?
Let us first look into the things which makes
us, the individuals HAPPY! According to
Hindu Dharma the happiness requirements
The role of Hindu Dharma & Our role in Hindu Dharma
Happiness requirements:
The Purusharthas: Pursuits
1. We need materials, possessions and wealth
to sustain life - Artha
2. We have physical, mental & emotional
desires and we need satisfaction and
happiness - Kama
The role of Hindu Dharma & Our role in Hindu Dharma
Happiness requirements:
The Purusharthas: Pursuits
3. We need to have some
personal/social/spiritual principles to have an
order, to achieve harmonious fulfillment of
personal, social & global needs - Dharma
4. Realize full potential of human beings,
overcome the challenges of life and free
oneself from problems of living in material
world –detachment, freedom, liberation Moksha
The role of Hindu Dharma & Our role in Hindu Dharma
Happiness requirements
Material Satisfaction (abhyudaya)
Is attained primarily by the first two (Artha
and Kama) Purushartas being satisfied.
It is said that any average human being
cannot comprehend Dharma or Moksha until
they experience Artha and Kama.
Siddharta Gautama or Lord Buddha was a
prime example of one who possessed
immense wealth and lead a family life, but
later realized that he must go and search for
the understanding of Dharma and Moksha
The role of Hindu Dharma & Our role in Hindu Dharma
What am I supposed to do now? What are our
primary duties?
According to Hindu Dharma, we need to work
on our Rnas…
The role of Hindu Dharma & Our role in Hindu Dharma
Happiness requirements
Spiritual Salvation (Nihsreyasa)
Is provided by following one’s Dharma
towards spiritual attainments and finally
attaining Moksha.
Saints and yogis through their own devotional
faith and power attain the last two
The role of Hindu Dharma & Our role in Hindu Dharma
Rna is usually translated as debts or
obligations. It actually means duties in the life
of a person following dharma (to sustain the
order – personal, societal, world).
Every Dharmic individual must discharge
four pious obligations/duties.
They are deva rna (debt to the divine), pitri rna
(debt to ancestors), rsi rna (debt to teachers
and seers) and bhutaa or manava rna (debt to
The role of Hindu Dharma & Our role in Hindu Dharma
Deva rna –our duties towards the divine, our
deities and ishthas. We need to support the
institutions of worship, including the temples
apart from worshipping and praying.
The role of Hindu Dharma & Our role in Hindu Dharma
Pitri rna - means our obligations, indebtedness and
responsibilities towards all our ancestors, especially
to our father and mother. Apart from doing rituals
such as tarpanas, if one takes care of their family
and maintains the continuity of the institution of
family/parenthood – that is the best way to serve the
Think of those who gave their lives to protect our
heritage, land and dharma. We owe a lot to them.
Only by remembering them and preserving their
memories, great sages, kings, scientists and above
all, the heroes will be produced again.
The role of Hindu Dharma & Our role in Hindu Dharma
Rishi rna - Indebtedness towards the Rishis,
Sages, teachers. seekers of truth, scientists.
We must take actions to preserve, protect and
serve the institutions of education apart from
following the teachings of the Gurus. Rsi Rna
entails to promote knowledge and wisdom,
both scientific and spiritual by the acquisition
and dissemination of knowledge.
The role of Hindu Dharma & Our role in Hindu Dharma
Bhuta/Manava Rna – It is Service to Mankind by every type of seva or social service. It also
means the welfare of all living and non-living
manifestations of Godhead – the entire
The role of Hindu Dharma & Our role in Hindu Dharma
But what is one’s Dharma in life?
Ashrama Dharma
Since the individual is the foundation for a
harmonious society, the duties and
obligations are to be fulfilled during various
stages of a person's life and are referred to as
The role of Hindu Dharma & Our role in Hindu Dharma
But what is one’s Dharma in life?
Ashrama Dharma
Brahmacharya: In the company of brahma –
the creator; the ‘building phase’, the ‘Me, me’
Garhasta: In home – the creative/prfessional
phase – the ‘we we’ phase
Vanprastha; ‘ departure To the forest’, away
from home, serve the society – ‘us us phase
Sannyasa: Alignment with the Sat (truth),
The role of Hindu Dharma & Our role in Hindu Dharma
Ashrama Dharma
Brahmacharya: Life’s phase for acquisition of
knowledge as a student : rsi rna
Garhasta: discharging family responsibilities as a
householder :pitri rna
Vanprastha: devoting oneself to social service:
manav rna
Sannyasa: renunciation of temporal desires to
attain moksha: deva rna
Various samskaras (sacraments) are prescribed for
each stage of life which emphasizes on particular
The role of Hindu Dharma & Our role in Hindu Dharma
What is my duty and what I can do for it?
Dharmic Responsibilities: Personal
•Pay off all Rnas before leaving the
material world.
•Rid yourself of any and all qualities that
pull you down from mode of goodness.
•Seek the eternal truth and true goal of life
•Use necessary and available means to
elevate your soul to divine consciousness
•Merge into Brahman
The role of Hindu Dharma & Our role in Hindu Dharma
What is my duty and what I can do for it
Dharmic Responsibilities: Social
•Interact with everyone in society on an
honest and kind level
•As a student or employee it is important to
fulfill duties diligently for mutual betterment
•Help those in need to the best of your
capacity as long as it is a Dharmic act
•If you have acquired some knowledge that
may be useful to the society or world,
impart it to those who are keen to learn.
The role of Hindu Dharma & Our role in Hindu Dharma
What is my duty and what I can do for it
Manava Dharma
As human beings we all have a common
Dharma and that is to repay all the debts or
rnas we incur after coming to this world.
As human beings we have the ability to make
rational decisions. It is our Dharma to take a
stand for the betterment of the world and do
our best to make a difference.
The role of Hindu Dharma & Our role in Hindu Dharma
Dharma of the Pioneers
The leaders, the pioneers, the reformers and
the social workers have a very unique role,
duties and dharma. They take up the role of a
sevak, to serve others, the society (shudra), a
protector (kshatriya), a trader (vaishya) and a
teacher (brahmin) and at the same time they
are to discharge all the four rnas and also
perform their ashrama dharma.