HRM3 - Performance Management 1
Performance Management – Learning
By the end of this unit you should be able to:
Explain what is meant by performance management
Describe the process of performance management
Critically evaluate the appraisal process
Explain what is meant by an appraisal interview and describe it’s benefits and drawbacks to the organisation, the manager and the employee
Describe 3 performance appraisal techniques
Evaluate the 360 degree feedback method of appraisal
Describe three interview styles associated with appraisal
Describe the key actions required to conduct an effective appraisal interview
Discuss the ethical dilemmas associated with performance appraisal
Describe 5 key errors associated with the appraisal process
HRM3 - Performance Management 2
• Performance Management
• Performance Appraisal
• The Appraisal Interview
• 360 degree feedback
• Ethical Dilemmas in appraisal
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Factor influencing performance
According to Sparrow & Hiltrop (1994) the use of PMS is on the increase because of the following changes in the workplace
• Delayering
• Devolution of accountability & responsibility
• Changing career & job expectations
• Flexible working arrangements
• Individuation
• Competitive pressures
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Performance Appraisal
Measuring a person’s job performance against predetermined work standards versus
Performance Management
A strategic management technique that links business objectives & strategies to individual goals, actions, performance appraisal & rewards thru a defined process. Incorporates appraisal, training & development, rewards, employee relations, individualism
(Sparrow & Hiltrop 1994)
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• Motivating performance
• Helping individuals develop their skills
• Building a performance culture
• Determining who should be promoted
• Eliminating individuals who are poor performers
• Helping implement business strategies
• Performance management is a management process of linking individual, group and organisation performance with the main strategic mission and values
• It is an organisation-wide activity concerned with the continuous assessment and review of performance against pre-determined strategic objectives
• Owned and driven by line managers
• Emphasis on shared goals and values
• Something that is developed specifically and individually for the particular company
• It should apply to all staff
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Read CIPD Factsheet :
Performance Management
What does the article mean when it says that performance management should be
• Integrated
• About improvement
• About development
What is the difference between an objective & a performance standard? Give an example of each from your own experience.
Explain what is meant by 360-degree feedback.
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Characteristics of GOOD P. Mgt System
• Tailored to the organisation
• Support the culture
• Support the mission
• Defines the critical success factors
• Clarifies the principal accountabilities
• Enables systematic review of performance
• Effective PRP system
• Integrated approach
Philpott & Sheppard (1993)
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Characteristics of BAD P. Mgt System
• No clear objective
• Departmental rivalry
• Failure to meet objectives
• Lack of clear accountabilities
• Role ambiguity
• Absence & turnover
• Lack of training, development or career plans
• Resistance
• Loss of credibility
Philpott & Sheppard (1993)
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Criticisms of Performance Management systems
• Form filling exercise
• Company goals only
• Means to set pay levels
• Does not identify future potential in employees
• Does not improve organisational performance
• A HR thing!!
• Dependent on your boss
• The 3 objectives conflicting objectives
• Subjective & unfair ratings
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How to overcome these criticisms
• Training
• Involvement in design
• ‘Open’ system
• Visibly owned by senior management
• Ease administration
• Follow up on appraisal actions
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1. Explain what performance management is both in writing and diagrammatic format
2. What makes a good performance management system?
3. What are the criticisms normally levelled at Performance Management Systems?
4. How might you minimise these criticisms?
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Performance Appraisal
Systematic approach to evaluating employee’s performance, characteristics or potential with a view to assisting with decisions in a wide range of areas such as pay, promotion, employee development, and motivation.
(Gunnigle and Flood 1990)
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Performance v’s
Appraisal Management
• Imposed on managers
• Individual focus on individual performance
• Owned and driven by line managers (Armstrong
• Organisation focus
• A beginning and an end
• Just one part of the performance management process
• Links individual , group and organisational performance
• Tied to the organisations strategy
• Continuous and integrated process
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Why Appraise??
• Assess the performance of individuals
• Set individual objectives
• Assess how well objectives are being attained
• Confirm what jobs/tasks are actually being done
• Determine who should be promoted/transferred
• Determine who needs training
• Assess who should be considered for advancement
• A career development exercise
• A way of assessing needs and if organisation can meet them
• To clarify job, duties etc.
• To identify own potential and how to fulfill it
(Hunt 1992)
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Perceived Benefits of P.A.
• Learn about employee now & future
• Goal clarification
• Measuring work performance
• Motivate employee
• Clarification
• Succession planning
• Facilitate HRP
• Link business and individual objectives
• Improve communications overall
• Improve performance both individual and organisational
HRM3 - Performance Management
Evenden & Anderson (1992)
• Receive feedback
• Communicate views
• Career options
• Recognition
• Training & development needs
Evenden & Anderson (1992)
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1. To motivate staff and improve performance thru objective & target setting
2. To assess employee performance and distributing pay
3. To identify training & development needs as well as career aspirations
Fletcher (1993)
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Methods (techniques) of Appraisal
Paired comparison
Critical incident
*Free form
*Performance or objective oriented systems
Assessment centre
*360º feedback
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• Appraiser of appraise
• Against predetermined scale
• Uses a series of relatively standard headings
• Often part of a results oriented schemes
/objectives based scheme
• Armstrong (1995)convenient but ignore the complex set of variables that deter. Work performance. Very subjective
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Rating continued
• Problems with consistency across managers
• Error of central tendency
• Forced distribution using the normal distribution curve
• Or
• Forced choice technique
• BARS – Behaviourally anchored rating scales
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• Completely unstructured
• Allows for discretion
• Can create many inconsistencies
• Does not allow for effective comparisons
• Some managers like structure
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Performance/Results/Objective Oriented
• Measured against previously agreed KRA’s
• Jointly set
• Manager must understand the employee’s job
• Manager must be committed to observation, feedback, target setting etc.
• Difficult in a job that is subject to a lot of variation
• Dificult in a job where you are very dependent on other jobs
• Quantity versus quality issue
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360 º Feedback/Multi Rater Assessment
• Relatively new
• To give a multi dimensional overview of an employee’s performance
• Structured questionnaires completed anonymously
• Can be done on computer
• May require more training
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What are some of the criticisms of appraisal interviews?
What does the article say about how to improve appraisal?
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9 Common appraisal errors -Grote (1996)
1. Contrast effect
2. First impression
3. Halo/Horns
4. Similar to me
5. Central tendency
6. Negative & Positive skew
7. Attribution bias
8. Recency Effect
9. Stereotyping
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Hunt (1992)
• Poorly designed
• Over-ambitious
• Inadequately resourced
• No training
• No guidelines
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• Torrington & Hall (1995), Fletcher (1993) conflicting purposes of PA
• Line manager sees it as a HR thing (Grint,,
1993, Torrington & Hall 1995)
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4 Core Obligations of Management -
Longenecker & Ludwig (1990)
1. Sound procedure
2. Training
3. Top level support
4. Audit
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(Norman Maier 1958)
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When would it be appropriate to use the different types of approach to the appraisal interview?
(Tips: think about the type of appraiser/appraisee, nature of the business/organisation, availability of resources/time, what the appraisal will be used for)
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General discussion, present level of success
The body
• Self-criticism
• Self-help
– Confirm decisions, commitments, agreements, recommendations
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Effective Appraisal Interviews
• Start with purpose
• Establish rapport
• Main tasks and responsibility discussion
• Focus on work targets and standards
• Encourage self analysis
• Career aspirations, training needs discussion
• Manage expectations
• Summary
• Notes
• Follow up
Evenden & Anderson (1992)
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Guidelines for the Appraisal Interview
• Emphasize positive aspects
• Emphasize improvement
• Privacy/Confidentiality
• Regular basis
• Criticisms: specific & constructive
• Stay calm
• Identify specific actions which need to be taken
• Emphasize assistance
• End by stressing the positive aspects of performance
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Read article: A lovely audience
1. Pick out key points from the article, about how to conduct the appraisal interview that have not been discussed on the previous slides.
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Extra Reading – all in Moodle!
• Chapter 8 in core text book
• CIPD Factsheets:
– Performance Management
– Performance Appraisal
– 360 degree feedback
• Class handouts/articles
Human Resource Management 41
Discuss the characteristics of good and bad performance management systems.
Outline the steps to be taken to ensure a successful appraisal interview
“Performance management is the same as performance appraisal.” Discuss.
Describe any three methods of appraisal.
Why is it important to manage & appraise performance? Discuss this from the employer, employee & company perspective.
Evaluate the effectiveness of the appraisal interview in the context of performance appraisal.
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Autumn Paper 04/05
Discuss the characteristics of good and bad performance management systems. (20 marks)
• Describe THREE key errors associated with appraisal interviewing.
(10 marks)
Summer Paper 04/05
Explain what a performance management system is.
(10 marks)
Discuss the criticisms of performance management systems and what an organization can do to overcome them.
(20 marks)
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