Paul Giblin - Devon County Council

1. Local Healthwatch in Devon
Who am I?
Paul Giblin, DCC Strategic Planning &
Commissioning Manager – People
(and Olympic torch-bearer!)
Why am I here?
To talk about how we can build Local
Healthwatch in Devon, hopefully using
existing providers in a more effective way.
2. Local Healthwatch in Devon
The challenge:
Devon County Council has to procure a
Local Healthwatch for the County, just as it
had to procure a Local Involvement
The new organisation has to be in place
by 1 April 2013.
Poisoned chalice or great opportunity?
3. Local Healthwatch in Devon
Whereas LINk is a membership network
supported by a host organisation (EDVSA),
Local Healthwatch (LHW) will be “a corporate
body carrying out statutory functions”,
“embedded in local communities”. It will be
able to employ staff and volunteers, keep
accounts and make its annual reports available
to the public.
Localism means little else has been specified
4. Local Healthwatch in Devon
In Devon we are working on an
‘outcomes-based’ specification for our
Local Healthwatch (LHW).
This will enable an organisation or group
of organisations to show how they can
carry out the range of LHW functions.
To help us determine that eventual spec
we are undertaking the following
5. Local Healthwatch in Devon
Started by LINk, still used at their local meetings
Sent to user & carer engagement networks
Sent to independent providers
Sent to Devon Voice citizens’ panel
Distributed by CABx
Added to online Devon News Centre
Listening events
4 locality LINk events with DCC/NHS input
Stakeholder event today
NHS and social care provider discussions
Potential LHW provider information event in April
6. Local Healthwatch in Devon
Rebecca Keeling from LINK Devon
presents their survey findings so far…
Steve Edwards from DCC’s Place
Grouping talks about DCC’s latest
consultation on LHW…
Then I will tell you what will happen to our
7. Local Healthwatch in Devon
Reference Group
The survey and event findings are being
fed into a Reference Group of people with
an interest in LHW, inc. County & District
Councillors, voluntary sector reps and
relevant DCC and NHS officers.
This group is clarifying our vision and
honing up the set of requirements for LHW
in Devon…
8. Local Healthwatch in Devon
Steering Group
Our Reference Group discussions will then
inform the work of our officer-only
Steering Group which will finalise the
contract specification for which
organisations will be able to tender for the
role of LHW.
Depending on procurement advice we
may have ‘Steering Group-plus’ group…
9. Local Healthwatch in Devon
Current Timetable:
27 Jan- 16 Feb
24 Feb
Mid March
Early April
April 2013
4 Locality Public Listening events
Reference Group
Stakeholder Event
Potential Provider Information Event
Reference Group deliberations
Steering Group tender development
possible tender period
possible tender evaluation
possible contract award & prep
LHW Devon in place!
10. Local Healthwatch in Devon
Reference Group’s principles for a successful LHW:
• Involving the community in LHW development.
• Having a distinct brand and identity, backed by
published standards and a performance framework.
• Establishing a reputation for being fair, equitable
and trustworthy.
• Making experiences count with a ‘you said, we did’
• Reaching out to the public in a way which does no
exclude people.
• Working effectively with existing bodies such as the
Overview Scrutiny Committee,
11. Local Healthwatch in Devon
• Attaining a high profile with health, social and primary
care professionals.
• Ensuring the public know how to access LHW and know
what it stands for.
• Building on what is already working well and improving
current practice.
• Being imaginative about involvement and using modern
communication methods.
• Encouraging advocacy and involvement groups to cooperate for a coherent LHW.
• Using evidence as well as individual feedback to
determine priorities.
12. Local Healthwatch in Devon
Current LHW functions in Devon, TODAY’S REAL FOCUS:
Engagement & involvement
LINk public engagement alongside ULO networks and wider
voluntary sector.
DCC and NHS consultation
LINk and ULOs sit on a Joint Engagement Board (JEB), with
sub-groups for different levels of consultation.
Service monitoring
Involving the public and service users in monitoring services
happens in many ways, linked to the Care Quality
Commission, being consolidated in DCC’s emerging Quality
Strategy and with service user input via a JEB group.
13. Local Healthwatch in Devon
NHS complaints advocacy
This is currently carried out by the national Independent
Complaints Advocacy Service, DCC will be responsible for
commissioning this from April 2013, LHW will be able to either
provide the service or signpost to it.
Information provision & helping people make choices
There is a range of information providers, inc. Care Direct
social care single number, NHS Choices, online Devon
Community Directory, Devon Virtual Carers Centre, etc. NHS
Patient Advice & Liaison Services (PALS) also provide aspects
of the above.
14. Local Healthwatch in Devon
Work with GPs/Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs)
NHS Devon will no longer exist in April 2013, we will
have two CCGs:
Southern Devon
North, East & West Devon (inc. Plymouth).
Representing views on Health & Well-being Board
LINK and JEB have seats on DCC’s Shadow Board and
on full Board from April 2013.
15. Local Healthwatch in Devon
In Devon we are also want to add children’s health &
social care to the LHW remit.
The JEB already covers children’s engagement.
LINk Devon have set up the LOGO children’s group.
NHS services are cradle to grave.
And there must be signposting opportunities to children’s
information etc
16. Local Healthwatch in Devon
Today’s discussions
We want stakeholders to use the DH
document LHW: a strong voice for
people and the information on how LHW
functions are currently provided in Devon
to help further scoping of the requirements
which will inform the final tender spec.
We also have displays from current
providers for quality networking and to
inform your discussions…
17. Local Healthwatch in Devon
As you can see, LHW gives us a
great chance to join up lots of
This will require Teamwork by
people who don’t usually work
18. Local Healthwatch in Devon
So, to abuse an often-quoted
management- motivation phrase:
There’s no ‘I’ in HealthWatch!
19. Local Healthwatch in Devon
I once described forming LHW as like herding cats, so
who wants a place in our lovely joined-up basket?
20. Local Healthwatch in Devon
Thank you very much for listening
to me, I hope I made sense.
Jenny McNeill from NHS Devon
will now introduce the discussion