Sue Gunnion and Sarah Khalil CCG City Wide Commissioning, Quality and Safeguarding Team 0161 765 4710 What is adult safeguarding? ‘Adult Safeguarding’ is a range of activity aimed at upholding an adult’s fundamental right to be safe, at the same time as respecting people’s rights to make choices Adult Safeguarding is shaped by 6 principles: Person led decisions and consent Empowerment Protection Prevention Support and representation for those in greatest need Prevention of harm and abuse is our primary objective National safeguarding Principles Proportionality Accountability Proportionality and least intrusive response appropriate to the risk or risks presented Accountability and transparency in delivering safeguarding Partnerships Local solutions through services working with communities Who does the adult safeguarding process apply to? Inability to be Resilient, including: Risks, including: To others From others From the environment From the care delivered From the support delivered RISKS LACK OF/NO RESILLIENCE Emotional Physical Psychological Clinical Circumstances, including: CIRCUMSTANCES Mental ill health Learning Disability/Difficulty Physical Disability/ill health Physical Frailty Old Age Mental Capacity Department of Health Strategic leadership and direction CQC regulator of providers e.g. dentists, GPs, NHS Trusts. Look at the essential standard of safeguarding NHS England (was NHS Commissioning Board) Monitor Assesses for Foundation Status. Checks if health care is effective, efficient and economical National of NHS England Responsible for policy NHS Trust Development Authority Regional of NHS England Responsible for policy LSABs & LSCBs Agree how organisations will work together and analysis of how well this works through annual report National Quality Board Local Education & Training Boards Look at education for designated and Specialist Professionals Health Education England Public Health England Quality Surveillance Groups Memberships include all commissioners L.As Public Health Teams C.S.Us Research procurement, contract management Local- Area Team of NHS England Responsible for leadership , assurance, day to day support, annual review, GP Safeguarding training Health & Well Being Boards JSNA, H&W strategies Complements the safeguarding Boards Dentists CHC and FNC (patients in care homes) CMFT UHSM Community Health Services Designated and Named Nurses are the source of advice to the CCGs, Providers and Others NMGH MMHSCT The role of the CCG Adult Safeguarding Nurses • To provide expert advice to commissioners and providers regarding safeguarding incidents. • To support a prevention commissioning model with a particular focus on Care Homes. • To support the development and work plan of MSAB and its subgroups Medicines Managem ent Team Informatio n Profession al Registratio n Investigati on Assessme nt of Need Fraud Investigati on Audit Reports Child Safeguardi ng Investigati on Contract Complianc e Investigati on Provider Quality Repositor y Adult Safeguardi ng Investigati on Complianc e Reports Health and Safety Investigati on Criminal Investigati on PALS/Co mplaints Process Regulatory Investigati on Disciplinar y Investigati on Common Themes in Manchester Care Homes • Risk when home manager is also the owner • Recognition of and response to deteriorating patients • Staffing levels and dependency scores • Health professionals not looking at the holistic needs of the patient • NMC record keeping standards Themes continued • Lack of escalation when care is substandard • Knowing how to refer safeguarding concerns • Training needs • Actions taken with regards to weight loss • An acceptance of poor standards of care and response to health needs Themes continued Not using Capacity Assessments or the Best Interests process appropriately End of life care documentation DNARs documentation DOLS applications Your role in safeguarding – 5 mins to discuss: • What challenges and/or issues face your practice team when you are involved with an adult safeguarding issue? • What do you feel works well when you are involved with an adult safeguarding issue? • How do feel your role could positively influence standards in the Care Homes? Any questions? Sarah Khalil and Sue Gunnion Contact details 0161 765 4710