THE 2ND INTERNATIONAL ISLAMIC WOMEN POLICE CONFERENCE ISLAMABAD, NOVEMBER, 21-24, 2011 1 Area : 1,919,440 km² Population: 237,556,363 , 122.922.553 (women) INDONESIAN POLICE WOMEN Religion : 90% Islam, 2 Established on September 1, 1948 in Bukit Tinggi, Western Sumatera. Because of the need for the handling and investigating of criminal cases involving women, both victims and perpetrators of crime. In 1948, when the Indonesia government experienced large-scale evacuation from the Malay Peninsula with quite big number of women. A that the refugees denied to be checked, especially physically searched by police men. Then, in 1948 the State Police Bureau in Bukit Tinggi opened up opportunities for 6 women to pursue education as a Policewomen Inspector in the State Police School in Sukabumi. In 1951 the six women was sworn in as the first Policewomen in Indonesia. INDONESIAN POLICE WOMEN 3 In addition, they did not serve duty in the administration matter, but also in commandarea of operations. Nowadays there are 6 Brigadier-General (ret.) and 1 still on duty. First Policewoman posted as chief of Police District in 2003. Since then there are 21 Police Woman perform job as chief of Police District and few number as chief of Police Sector and other positions. First Chief of Regional Police : in 2007 INDONESIAN POLICE WOMEN 4 Police Ratio Policewomen Police Officer Police officers : 373.515 Policemen : 360.837 Policewomen : 12.678 (3,25% of the whole police officers or 3,51% of policemen) Ratio police officer to population of Indonesia is 1 : 611 INDONESIAN POLICE WOMEN 5 5 Police Ranks Contd… 300000 250000 200000 150000 100000 50000 0 Ranks (Ratio) : Brigadier Inspector Commissioner General Policemen Policewomen = 9.702 : 272.705 = 2.260: 90.136 = 1.356 : 10.711 =1 : 235 INDONESIAN POLICE WOMEN 6 6 Contd… Annual Intake Number 3000 2500 2000 Men 1500 Women 1000 500 0 2009 2010 2011 Annually growth: approx. 10% of the entire recruited police officers INDONESIAN POLICE WOMAN 7 7 NEW RECRUITS MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST OTHERS : POLICE ACADEMY SCHOOL OF POLICE BRIGADIER SCHOOL OF POLICE OFFICER (UNI GRADUATES) : FIRSTLINE SUPERVISOR MIDDLE MANAGER SENIOR MANAGER : TECHNICAL FUNCTION : UNIVERSITY JOINING THE TRAINING OF OTHER INSTITUTIONS INDONESIAN POLICE WOMEN 8 8 Basically, the uniforms are a skirt/trouser and blouse. Type of uniforms: Daily activities (staff/office and field works) and special events (ceremony). INDONESIAN POLICE WOMEN 9 9 (Contd …) INDONESIAN POLICE WOMEN 10 10 (Contd …) INDONESIAN POLICE WOMAN 11 11 The Indonesian Policewomen have the same tasks as the policemen. However, they do more administrative duties. Considering their nature they are assigned to deal with women and children protection by handling cases of domestic violence, violence against children, human trafficking. In addition, Indonesia has the first unit of women and children services in 1999. INDONESIAN POLICE WOMEN 12 12 INDONESIAN POLICE WOMEN 13 13 INDONESIAN POLICE WOMEN 14 14 INDONESIAN POLICE WOMEN 15 15 INDONESIAN POLICE WOMEN 16 16 INDONESIAN POLICE WOMEN 17 17 The Indonesian government has the will and strong commitment to eliminate discrimination against women. It can be seen through the following evidence: 1. Article 27 of the 1945 Constitution: "All citizens shall be equal before the law and government and shall uphold the law and government, with no exception" 2. Indonesia has ratified the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination with the Republic of Indonesia Law No. 7 of 1984 on Ratification of Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women. Indonesia has also ratified international instruments relating to the equality rights of women and men, other among others related to women's work in soil and mining, payment of workers men and women for work of equal value, women's political rights , discrimination in education, and others. 18 3. Law No. 5 of 1998 concerning the ratification of Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, which contains a statement that the recognition of international conventions into force of the UN General Assembly approved December 10, 1984 4. Presidential Decree No 181 of 1998 on the National Commission on Violence against Women 5. Law No. 39 of 1999 on Human Rights which includes the recognition of various human rights in general, in particular also includes the recognition and guarantee the protection of various rights of women 6. Presidential Instruction 9/2000: women should have 30% same opportunities INDONESIAN POLICE WOMEN 19 - Weaknesses implementation of the policies - There is no certain institution as part of the organization doing gender mainstreaming - Scarcity of data - Lack of human resources conducting gender analysis - Need more gender advocacy INDONESIAN POLICE WOMEN 20 Gender mainstreaming programs in INP just implemented in 2002. Still facing obstacles : - Weak support from the top management - Patriarchal culture Policemen‘s point of view on the performance of policewomen 1. Policewomen are more appropriate in administration works 2. Hard duties for Policewomen are against the nature of women, ethics and traditional norms 3. Policewomen are physically not appropriate doing i.e. intelligence and crime investigation INDONESIAN POLICE WOMEN 21 Increasing the number of policewomen (30%) The equality of education opportunities and positions Empowering of policewomen Cultural change within the INP : gender mainstreaming INDONESIAN POLICE WOMEN 22 INDONESIAN NATIONAL POLICE