CRIMINAL HISTORY BACKGROUND CHECKS – A KIWANIS INTERNATIONAL POLICY HOW IMPLEMENTING THIS IN THE NEW ENGLAND AND BERMUDA DISTRICT CAN PROTECT YOUTH AND AKTION CLUB MEMBERS, THE COMMUNITY, YOUR CLUB MEMBERS, YOUR CLUB, AND KIWANIS INTERNATIONAL. CRIMINAL HISTORY BACKGROUND CHECKS – A KIWANIS INTERNATIONAL POLICY • • • • BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA CHURCH PERSONNEL PENN STATE FOOTBALL PROGRAM BBC’s CHILDREN’S TV STAR JIMMY SAVILE CRIMINAL HISTORY BACKGROUND CHECKS – A KIWANIS INTERNATIONAL POLICY • PURPOSE: TO INSURE THE HIGHEST STANDARDS OF LEADERSHIP KI REQUIRES A CRIMINAL BACK- GROUND CHECK FOR ALL ADULTS (KIWANIANS & NON-MEMBERS) WORKING WITH YOUTH IN SLPS, REGISTERED FOR, PARTICIPATING IN, OR STAYING OVERNIGHT AT ANY EVENT KI ORGANIZES THAT INVOLVES INTERACTION BETWEEN ADULTS & YOUTH UNDER AGE 18. CRIMINAL HISTORY BACKGROUND CHECKS – AND A ROTARIAN INTERNATIONAL POLICY Rotary International has a zero-tolerance policy toward abuse and harassment, and is guided by the following Statement of Conduct for Working with Youth: Rotary International is committed to creating and maintaining the safest possible environment for all participants in Rotary activities. It is the duty of all Rotarians, Rotarians’ spouses, partners, and other volunteers to safeguard to the best of their ability the welfare of and to prevent the physical, sexual, or emotional abuse of children and young people with whom they come into contact. (RCP 2.110.1)All Rotaractors, Rotarians, clubs, and districts should ensure that their programs are consistent with both this statement and all RI youth protection policies. • RI PROCEDURAL MANUAL IS A 130-PAGE DOCUMENT ON ABUSE AND HARASSMENT CRIMINAL HISTORY BACKGROUND CHECKS – A KIWANIS INTERNATIONAL POLICY CONVICTIONS THAT CAUSE INELIGIBILITY: ABUSE, AGRAVATED ABUSE, OR NEGLECT OF AN ELDERLY PERSON OR DISABLED ADULT ADULT ABUSE, NEGLECT, OR EXPLOITATION OF AGED PERSONS OR DISABLED ADULTS AGGRAVATED ASSAULT AGGRAVATED BATTERY BATTERY CARJACKING CHILD ABUSE, AGGRAVATED CHILD ABUSE, OR NEGLECT OF A CHILD CRIMINAL HISTORY BACKGROUND CHECKS – A KIWANIS INTERNATIONAL POLICY CONVICTIONS THAT CAUSE INELIGIBILTY (CONT.): CONTRIBUTING TO THE DELINQUENCY OR DEPENDENCY OF A CHILD FALSE IMPRISONMENT HOME-INVASION ROBBERY INCEST KIDNAPPING LEADING, TAKING, ENTICING OR REMOVING A MINOR BEYOND THE STATE LIMITS OR CONCEALING THE LOCATION OF A MINOR WITH CRIMINAL INTENT PENDING DEPENDENCY PROCEEDINGS OR PROCEEDINGS CONCERNING ALLEGED ABUSE OR NEGLECT OF A MINOR. CRIMINAL HISTORY BACKGROUND CHECKS – A KIWANIS INTERNATIONAL POLICY CONVICTIONS THAT CAUSE INELIGIBILTY (CONT.): LEWDNESS AND INDECENT EXPOSURE LURING OR ENTICING A CHILD MANSLAUGHTER, AGGRAVATED MANSLAUGHTER OF AN ELDERLY PERSON OR DISABLE ADULT, OR AGGRAVATED MANSLAUGHTER OF A CHILD MURDER OBSCENITY CRIMINAL HISTORY BACKGROUND CHECKS – A KIWANIS INTERNATIONAL POLICY CONVICTIONS THAT CAUSE INELIGIBILTY (CONT.): POSSESSING AN ELECTRIC WEAPON OR DEVICE, DESTRUCTIVE DEVICE , OR OTHER WEAPON AT A SCHOOL-SPONSORED EVENT OR ON SCHOOL PROPERTY PROSTITUTION RESISTING ARREST WITH VIOLENCE ROBBERY CRIMINAL HISTORY BACKGROUND CHECKS – A KIWANIS INTERNATIONAL POLICY SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF THE BACKGROUND CHECK (A CLEAR CHECK) IS BASED ON VERIFICATION THAT NONE OF THE CONVICTIONS STATED ABOVE, OR SIMILAR THERETO, HAVE BEEN DETERMINED FOR THAT PERSON. CRIMINAL HISTORY BACKGROUND CHECKS – A KIWANIS INTERNATIONAL POLICY KIWANIS INTERNATIONAL ONLY RECOGNIZES ITS OWN CRIMINAL HISTORY BACKGROUND CHECKS AS VALID. EACH PERSON TO UNDERGO A CHBC SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ITS COST. CRIMINAL HISTORY BACKGROUND CHECKS – A KIWANIS INTERNATIONAL POLICY NEDK POLICY & PROCEDURES APPROACH: EMBRACE KI STANDARDS FOR THE DISTRICT & ITS CLUBS, LT. GOVERNORS, ADMINISTRATORS FOR SLPS CHAPERONES AT SLP CONVENTIONS ADMINISTRATION SYSTEM IN PLACE COMING: CLUBS INVOLVEMENT WORKING DIRECTLY WITH KIDS – OFFICERS, SLP ADVISERS, COMMITTEE CHAIRS & ALL WORKING WITH KIDS HAVE A NEDK-DESIGNATED FIRM AT A REASONABLE COST CRIMINAL HISTORY BACKGROUND CHECKS – A KIWANIS INTERNATIONAL POLICY Likely Next Steps: • 1. Need to separate what needs to be done at the District level-What will be the process related to Who, What, When, Where, Why and How? • Who should submit forms for background checks? Should we start with those who attend overnight events or direct contact with young people? • What company (or companies) should we use? • When should these be started? • Where will information be sent (and to the fewest possible people)? • What will we need to explain to members: WHY this is necessary! • How will all of this work together so that we keep accurate records? CRIMINAL HISTORY BACKGROUND CHECKS – A KIWANIS INTERNATIONAL POLICY Likely Next Steps (continued from prior slide): • WE need to outline how clubs will be able to plug into this process-What will be the process related to Who, What, When, Where, Why and How? • Who should submit the forms within their club? • What will those submitting forms need to do? • When should these be done? How much time do we allow for processing? • Where will information be sent and what will be done with the information received? • Why could a person fail? What if they do fail – what do we do? • How will we keep accurate records and guard the privacy of our members? CONDUCT UNBECOMING A MEMBER OF THE KIWANIS FAMILY – A KI POLICY “Conduct unbecoming a member of the Kiwanis family” is defined in Kiwanis International policy as any conduct that: • a) Is incompatible with the best interests of the public or of members of Kiwanis, and/or • b) Tends to harm the standing of Kiwanis in the local or global community. (10/12) “Conduct unbecoming an Kiwanis member” in addition to the definition provided in the International Bylaws, is further defined as any of the following offenses committed while serving in office: (4/10) • a. Engaging in offensive action, language, profanity, or derogatory statements of a racial, ethnic, age-related, disability-related, or sexual nature. (4/02) • b. Engaging in unwanted touching at any time. (6/99) • c. Creating a hostile atmosphere. (6/99) • d. Relating off-color jokes, ethnic jokes, and any derogatory statements or engaging in any other actions that are offensive on account of race, color, gender, age, disability, economic status, religion, or national origin. (4/02) • e. Being convicted of any felony or being convicted of a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude. (4/02) • f. Acting contrary to personal and professional ethical standards such as integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, and honesty. (4/10)