PRE-EMPLOYMENT SCREENING Christine Jenner Partner, DAC Beachcroft LLP \presentation4 What form should screening take? Identity checks Right to work checks Criminal records checks (DBS checks) Health checks Reference checks Qualification checks \presentation4 What are the key legal issues? Data Protection Act 1998 and the Employment Practices Code Rehabilitation of Offenders 1974 and the DBS Code of Practice The Equality Act 2010 \presentation4 Criminal records and barring Under ROA - normally no requirement to disclose spent convictions but reasonable to ask for details of unspent convictions The exceptions order identifies types of role that are exempt from ROA protection even where the conviction is spent: professions those employed to uphold the law certain regulated occupations those concerned with care services to vulnerable adult, health services or who work with children national security risk \presentation4 Criminal records and barring How do you obtain information on criminal records? Option 1: Ask for voluntary disclosure Option 2: Official DBS checks Note: On 1 December 2012 CRB and ISA merged to become the Disclosure and Barring Service and a CRB check is now a DBS check How should you respond to disclosure of a criminal record? Factors to consider Refusing to employ soemone if they have a criminal record \presentation4 Criminal records and barring The Employment Practices Code: Only obtain information about criminal records if the information can be justified in terms of the role offered Check that it is clear spent convictions do not have to be declared (unless the job is one covered by the exceptions order). Limit the collection of information to offences that have a direct bearing on suitability for the job in question. Only request criminal history information for an individual being recruited not all applicants \presentation4 Pre-employment health screening Employer must not ask job applicant questions about health: before making an offer (conditional or not) before including applicant in a pool/or on a short list Sanctions: EHRC can take action to enforce breach unsuccessful job applicant claiming disability discrimination \presentation4 Pre-employment health screening Exceptions to rule include: questions to establish reasonable adjustments to assessment (recruitment) process questions to establish if applicant can carry out a function intrinsic to work concerned questions posed as part of diversity monitoring \presentation4 Pre-employment health screening In practice: Do ask applicants for details of disabilities in order to make reasonable adjustments to recruitment process Don’t ask other questions about applicant’s health in writing/during the interviews up to the offer stage Consider whether to make offer of employment conditional on satisfactory health check \presentation4