NAGC PowerPoint 2012 - Productive Changes Life Coaching

Life Coach or Counselor?
A New Paradigm for
Serving the Gifted.
Dr. Merla Hammack
Educator of Gifted
and Life Coach
Not everyone needs
a counselor. . .
but everyone needs
a coach.
The Question
Which one is the better "fit" for the
gifted individual-- children, adolescents,
The Answer
It depends on personal goals, desired
outcomes, and motivation.
The Purpose for Life Coaching the Gifted
(to use a coaching term)
To assist them from continually
“circling Dallas” — i.e. get stuck.
Coaching can be defined as:
A process providing an individual with
feedback, insight and guidance on achieving
their full potential and exceptional gifts
inherent within themselves.
Coaching can be defined as:
A strategy used to help gifted individuals
understand their unique characteristics.
Giftedness is its own normal.
Coaching can be defined as:
A set of practical skills and a style of relating
that develop the potential of both the
individual being coached and the coach.
Coaching can be defined as:
A professional relationship in which you work
together with your coach to clarify your options,
set goals and develop action plans to achieve
these goals.
What are Life Coaches?
Life coaches are guides who give clients the
confidence to get unstuck– every day, normal
people who realize the value of having
somebody to help them think outside the box.
Life coaches work
with the worried well.
Peterson, K.S. (2002, April 8). Life coaches all the rage.
USA Today.
What a Life Coach Does Not Do…
Life coaches do not deal with past hurts. A
life coach is not a psychologist, professional
counselor, or a therapist. Life coaches do not
treat clients with mental health issues.
Peterson, K.S. (2002, April 8). Life coaches all the rage. USA Today.
What a Life Coach Does …
A life coach does mentor and guide. A life
coach does support, encourage, and train a
client. A life coaches does help a client clarify
what the client wants to achieve
and does help them achieve it
by providing encouragement
and resources.
Peterson, K.S. (2002, April 8). Life coaches all the rage. USA Today.
The Benefits of Coaching
The International Coach Federation describes the
benefits of coaching as, “providing an ongoing
partnership designed to help clients produce
fulfilling results in their personal and
professional lives. Coaches help people improve
their performances and enhance the quality of
their lives.”
Working with a Gifted “Explorer”
 Initial 15-minute phone consultation
 Appointment(s) Scheduled - –selection from
fees listing
 Completion of MBTI® - Form M
 Session(s) begin:
Goal Setting
 Life Coaching clients usually choose to hire a coach
of their own personal choice.
 Life Coaching can be a quick fix.
 Life Coaching takes a “wholistic” approach and
looks at the person without any preconceptions.
 Life Coaching helps people from their starting point.
 Life Coaching is solution and goal driven with the
desire to help move the client as quickly as possible to
where they want to be.
Statistics from the International Coach Federation
Results found with Life Coaching
o A higher level of self-awareness: 67.6%
o Smarter goal-setting: 62.4%
o A more balanced life: 60.5%
o Lower stress levels: 57.1%
o Self-discovery: 52.9%
o More self-confidence: 52.4%
o Improvement in quality of life: 43.3%
Statistics from International Coach Federation
Results found with Life Coaching -- continued
o Enhanced communication skills: 39.5%
o Project completion: 35.7%
o Health or fitness improvement: 33.8%
o Better relationships with boss or co-workers:
o Better family relationships: 33.3%
o Increased energy: 31.9%
Statistics from International Coach Federation
Results found with Life Coaching -- continued
o More fun: 31.9%
o More income: 25.7%
o Stopped a bad habit: 25.7%
o Change in career: 24.3%
o More free time: 22.9%
o Increased profitability of business: 17.1%
o Started new business: 12.9%
o Empowered employees: 11.0%
The ICF Standards of Ethical Conduct
Preamble: ICF Professional Coaches aspire to conduct
themselves in a manner that reflects positively upon the
coaching profession; are respectful of different approaches to
coaching; and recognize that they are also bound by
applicable laws and regulations.
1) I will not knowingly make any public statement that is untrue or
misleading about what I offer as a coach, or make false claims in any
written documents relating to the coaching profession or my credentials or
the ICF.
2) I will accurately identify my coaching qualifications,
expertise, experience, certifications and ICF Credentials.
3) I will recognize and honor the efforts and contributions of
others and not misrepresent them as my own. I understand
that violating this standard may leave me subject to legal
remedy by a third party.
4) I will, at all times, strive to recognize personal issues
that may impair, conflict, or interfere with my coaching
performance or my professional coaching relationships.
Whenever the facts and circumstances necessitate, I will
promptly seek professional assistance and determine the
action to be taken, including whether it is appropriate to
suspend or terminate my coaching relationship(s).
5) I will conduct myself in accordance with the ICF Code
of Ethics in all coach training, coach mentoring, and coach
supervisory activities.
6) I will conduct and report research with competence,
honesty, and within recognized scientific standards and
applicable subject guidelines. My research will be carried
out with the necessary consent and approval of those
involved, and with an approach that will protect participants
from any potential harm. All research efforts will be
performed in a manner that complies with all the applicable
laws of the country in which the research is conducted.
7) I will maintain, store, and dispose of any records
created during my coaching business in a manner that
promotes confidentiality, security, and privacy, and
complies with any applicable laws and agreements
8) I will use ICF member contact information (e-mail
addresses, telephone numbers, etc.) only in the manner
and to the extent authorized by the ICF.
My Personal Mission:
“To provide what you need to make positive,
productive change.”
400 East Hillcrest Dr., Suite 240, DeKalb, IL 60115
Ph: (01) 815-748-0887 Fx: (01) 815-748-0888