Curriculum Vitae [PDF]

Paola Valbonesi
Last Updated: December 2014
Age: 49 - born on January 23rd, 1965
in Bagno di Romagna - Forlì – Italy.
Italian citizen.
Married to Fabio Bean.
Two sons: Pietro (22) and Giorgio (16).
Home Address: Valbonesi Bean Paola
Via San Martino 19 – 35142 Padova – Italy
Current Position
Since 2002, Associate Professor of Economics (permanent)
at the Department of Economics and Management - University of Padova
Since December 18, 2013, Italian qualification for Full Professorship in:
- Economic Policy (13/A2 - SECS-P/02)
- Applied Economics (13/A4 - SECS-P/06)
Address for Correspondence :
Via del Santo 33 - 35100 Padova - Italy
Phone, office: 049/8274058 ; mobile: 0039-3666686050; fax: 049/8274211
e.mail:; skype: valbonesi
web page:
Other Affiliations
- Research Fellow at Proxenter (Center of Research in Procurement and Supply Chain).
- Research Fellow at IEFE (Centre for Research on Energy and Environmental
Economics and Policy) – Bocconi University, Milan.
- Research Professor at the Higher School of Economics, National Research University
(HSE-NRU), Moscow-Perm. Research Leader in the Laboratory of Institutional Analysis
of Economic Reforms, Research Group on Public-Private Contracts.
Previous Employment
03/1999 – 12/2002
10/1996 – 02/1999
03/1996 – 09/1996
01/1995 – 06/1995
Researcher, Faculty of Law, Dept. Economics, Univ. of Padova
Researcher, Faculty of Economics, Dept. Eco., Univ. of Verona
Post-Doctoral Fellowship, Dept. of Economics, Univ. of Padova
Research Assistant, Dept. of Economics, EUI, Florence
10/1990 – 05/1995
European University Institute - EUI, Florence: Ph.D in Economics. Thesis:
“Four Essays on Privatisation in Central Eastern Europe”. Committee: Stephen Martin (supervisor);
Louis Phlips; John Micklewright; John Earle; Stephen C. Smith.
10/1989 – 07/1990
European Univ. Institute - EUI, Florence: M.A. in Economics.
11/1984 – 07/1988
University of Padova: Laurea in Political Science (top marks).
09/2014 – three weeks
07/2013: four weeks
10/2012 - 11/2012
09/2010: one week
08/ 2009 – 09/2009
02/2008 – 05/2008
10/2007: one week
10/2006 – 09/2007
National Research Univ. – Higher School of Economics, Moscow-Perm
University of Nottingham – School of Economics & School of Law
Université Paris 1 – Pantheon Sorbonne (Professeur Invité)
Copenhagen Business School – Department of Economics
University Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona – Department of Economics
Florence School of Regulation – EUI – Firenze
University of East Anglia, Centre for Competition Policy, Norwich
University of Leicester, Dept. of Economics (sabbatical leave)
03/1998 – 06/1998
06/1997 – 08/1997
09/1993 – 12/ 1993
09/1991 – 12/ 1991
08/1989 – 09/1990
University of Copenhagen, CIE (Centre of Industrial Economics)
University of York - Department of Economics and Related Studies
Academy of Science, Department of Economics – Budapest
Academy of Science, Department of Economics – Budapest
International Integrated Project - Cooperazione Iscos - Maputo
Regulation of public utility (Theory & Empirical Analysis)
- water, motorway, waste, tlc, and energy sectors
- affordability issues in essential level of consumption (energy markets and water)
Antitrust, Competition Policy in the EU & State Aid to Firms (Theory & Empirical Analysis)
- state aid and the EU market integration
- state aid to firms in the EU car sector
Public-Private Contracts (Theory, Experiments, Empirical Analysis)
- incentives to firm’s performance and quality provision
- optimal design in auctions: allotment, sophisticated bidders, collusion, scoring rule
- enforcement of contractual clauses; flexibility (discretion) vs rigid rules
- corruption and favouritism
Quasi Markets in Education (Theory & Empirical Analysis)
- human capital, “quality” of university and success in the labour market
- incentives and career concerns in university
Private Provision of Public Good (Theory & Experiments)
- threshold public goods
- private contribution to public goods and altruism
In English
Journal articles and book chapters
22. “Firms’ Qualification and Subcontracting in Public Procurement: an Empirical Investigation”,
The Journal of Law, Economics and Organisation, forthcoming, (2015), 31: xx-xx, (with L.
21. “Energy affordability and the benefits system in Italy”, in Energy Policy, (2014), 75: 289-300,
(with R. Miniaci and C. Scarpa).
20. “Sticks and carrots in procurement: an experimental exploration”, in The B.E. Journal of
Economic Analysis & Policy, (2014), 14/3: 893-936, (with M. Bigoni and G. Spagnolo).
19. “Time overruns as opportunistic behavior in public procurement”, in Journal of Economics,
(2013), 110 (1): 25-42, (with C. D’Alpaos, M. Moretto and S. Vergalli). DOI: 10.1007/s00712-0130352-6
18. “Aiding car producers in the EU: money in search for a strategy, (2012), in Journal of Industry,
Competition and Trade, 13(1): 67-87, (with M. Nicolini and C. Scarpa). DOI: 10.1007/s10842012-0146-5
17. “The design of the university systems”, (2012), Journal of Public Economics, 96:317-330. (with
G. De Fraja). DOI: 10.1016/j.jpubeco.2011.10.005.
16. “Technology and incentive regulation in the Italian motorway industry”, (2009), Journal of
Regulatory Economics, 35(2): 201-221. (with A. Iozzi and L. Benfratello).
15. “Equilibrium state aid in integrating markets”, (2008), The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis
& Policy, Vol. 8: Iss. 1 (Topics), Article 33. (with S. Martin).
14. “Distributional effects of price reforms in the Italian utility markets”, (2008), Fiscal Studies,
29/1: 135-163. (with R. Miniaci and C. Scarpa).
13. “Measuring the affordability of basic public utility services in Italy”, (2008), Giornale degli
Economisti e Annali di Economia, 121-67/2: 185-230. (with R. Miniaci and C. Scarpa).
12. “Profit sharing and firm regulation: a real option approach”, (2007), The B.E. Journal of
Economic Analysis & Policy, Vol. 7 : Iss. 1 (Topics), Article 56. (with M. Moretto).
11. “Institutional and regulatory reform of the Italian motorway industry: a first empirical
assessment”, in Marrelli, M., F. Padovano and I. Rizzo (eds.): Servizi Pubblici: Nuove
Tendenze nella Regolamentazione, nella Produzione e nel Finanziamento, Milano: Franco
Angeli, (2007) , (with L. Benfratello and A. Iozzi).
10. “State aid to business”, in P. Bianchi and S. Labory, (eds.): International Handbook of
Industrial Policy, Elsevier: Amsterdam, Chapter 7, pp. 134-152, (2006), (with S. Martin).
9. “Profit-sharing regulation in water service supply”, in Defrancesco E., Thiene M., Galletto L.,
(eds.) Food, Agriculture and the Environment. Economic Issues, Franco Angeli, Milano, pp.
291-304, (2005), (with M. Moretto).
8. “Revenue Sharing Rules for International Telephony”, (2001), Journal of Regulatory
Economics, 20, 1-21, (with G. De Fraja).
7. “State Aid in Context”, in G. Galli and J. Pelkmans (ed.) Regulatory reform and
competitiveness in Europe, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, vol.1:176-201, (2000), (with S.
6. “Foreign Direct Investment, Policy Uncertainty and Irreversibility: an Option Pricing
Approach”, (1999), Rivista di Scienze Economiche e Commerciali, 66, 653-675 (with M.
5. “Privatisation and EU Competition Policy: the case of the Italian Energy Sector”, in S. Martin
(ed.) Competition Policy in the EU, Amsterdam: North-Holland, pp.323-350, (1998).
4. “Market Perfomance in a Transition Economy: Interactions between Employee-Controlled and
Profit-Maximising Firms”, (1997), Rivista di Scienze Economiche e Commerciali, 44, 23-42,
(with M. Moretto).
3. “Large scale privatisation and management incentives in Central Eastern Europe”, (1995),
Economic System, 2, 125-146.
2. "Privatising by Auction in the Eastern European Transition Countries: the Czechoslovak
Experience", (1995), Moct-Most, 1: 101-132.
1. “Modelling interactions between state and private sector in a previously centrally planned
economy”, (1995), Journal of International and Comparative Economics, 1: 39-59.
Working papers and mimeos
In the referees’ process
“Benefits to vulnerable consumers in Italian energy markets: a focus on the eligibility
criterion”, in Jon Strand (ed.): The Economics and Political Economy of Energy Subsides, the MIT Press,
(with R. Miniaci and C. Scarpa). Submitted, under the referee process.
“Salience, Coordination and Cooperation in Contributing to Threshold Public Goods“ (with L.
Corazzini and C. Cotton). ISLA Working Paper, 44/ 2012. Revised as: “Too many Charities? Insight
from an experiment with multiple public good and contribution threshold”, Univ. of Padova, Dept. of
Economics and Management, Working Paper, 170/2013, Second Revision required from Journal of
Public Economics – Revised and Resubmitted as “Donor coordination in project funding:
Evidence from a threshold public goods experiment”.
“Allotment in First-Price Auctions: an experimental investigation”, Univ. of Padova, Dept. of
Economics and Management, Working paper, 150/2012, (with L. Corazzini, S. Galavotti e R.
Sausgruber). Revised on July, 2013. Revision required from to Experimental Economics. Revised and
“State Aid to Business in the European Union: a Focus on the Car Sector” (with M. Nicolini
and C. Scarpa), Univ. of Pavia, Dept. of Economics and Management, Working paper, 1/2012. Second
Revision Required by Industrial and Corporate Change – under Revision.
“Court Efficiency and Procurement Performance”, Univ. of Padova, Dept. of Economics and
Management, Working paper, 164/2013, (with Coviello, D., Moretti, L. and G. Spagnolo), Submitted to
the Scandinavian Journal of Economics.
“Sophisticated Bidders in Beauty-Contest Auctions”, Univ. of Padova, Dept. of Economics and
Management, Working paper, 184/2014 (with S. Galavotti and L. Moretti), Submitted to the Journal of
Economic Behavior and Organization.
Other working papers and mimeos (i.e. version different from that which went published in referred journals)
“Subcontracting in public procurement: an empirical investigation”, Univ. of Padova, Dept. of
Economics and Management, Working paper, 151/2012, (with L. Moretti).
“Fuel poverty and the energy benefits system: the Italian case”, Working paper, IEFE, 66/2014,
(with R. Miniaci and C. Scarpa).
“Time Overruns as Opportunistic Behavior in Public Procurement”, FEEM Working Paper
2012/078, (with C. D’Alpaos, M. Moretto and S. Vergalli).
“Designing procurement contracts: a review of recent empirical evidence” (with M. Colombo),
Mimeo, 2010.
“The Design of the University System“, CEPR Working Paper, 7038/2008, (with G. De Fraja).
"Towards defining and measuring the affordability of public utility services", The World Bank
Policy Research Working Paper Series, 4915/2008, (with I. Kessides, R. Miniaci, and C. Scarpa).
“The State Aid Game”, Univ. of Padova, Dept. of Economics and Management, Working Paper,
24/2006, (with Stephen Martin).
“Restructuring the Italian utility markets: household distributional effects”, FEEM Working
Paper, 134/2005, ”(with Miniaci R. and C. Scarpa).
"Small and Medium-Size Enterprise networks in Italy: Theoretical and Empirical Relevance",
in Proceedings of the Conference: "Italian-Czechoslovak partnership in restructuring", Academy of
Science, Praha, May 14-16, 1991.
In Italian
Journals articles and book chapters
“Verso la definizione e misurazione dei concetti di affordability nei servizi elettrici”, in Riforme
Elettriche e Ruolo delle Istituzioni tra obiettivi europei e servizio pubblico”, in F. Boffa, S. Clo’ and A.
Clò), Bologna: Il Mulino, forthcoming (with R. Miniaci and C. Scarpa).
“Riforme nei servizi di pubblica utilità e tutela dei vulnerable consumers in Europa”, 2013, in
AA.VV. "Evoluzione e riforma dell’intervento pubblico - Saggi in onore di Gilberto Muraro",
Giappichelli Editore, Milano.
Comment to the paper: “La rinegoziazione dei contratti di lavori pubblici: un’analisi teorica ed
empirica”( F. Decarolis and G. Palumbo), 2011, Banca D’Italia: Report Ricerca sulle Infrastrutture
(with L. Moretti).
“Il controllo europeo degli aiuti di stato all’industria: l’esperienza italiana nel periodo 20002006”, 2007, in Guerra C. and A. Zanardi (eds.): Rapporto di Finanza Pubblica 2007, Bologna: Il
Mulino, pp. 223-254, (with S. Martin).
“La riforma del settore autostradale: un cantiere aperto”, 2007, in Cambini C., Giannaccari A. e
F. Pammolli (eds.): Le politiche di liberalizzazione in Italia: proposte di riforma e linee di
intervento settoriali, Bologna: Il Mulino, pp. 143-170, (with L. Benfratello and A. Iozzi).
“Una valutazione delle ipotesi di revisione del Metodo Tariffario Normalizzato per il sistema
idrico integrato in Italia”, Economia Pubblica, 2006, 36: 97-125, (with C. D’Alpaos).
“Autostrade”, Rivista di Politica Economica, 2006, III: 329-364, (with L. Benfratello, A. Iozzi).
“Quali tariffe di trasporto nel settore del gas naturale?”, Mercato Concorrenza e Regole, 2004,
6:1; pp. 151 – 175, (with C. Cambini and A. Iozzi).
“Monopolio naturale ed efficienza nell’offerta di servizi pubblici”, 2003, in Muraro G. e P.
Valbonesi (eds.): I servizi idrici tra mercato e regole, Roma: Carocci, pp.59-96, (with V. Rebba)
“La regolamentazione dei prezzi”, 2003, in Muraro G. e P. Valbonesi (eds.): I servizi idrici tra
mercato e regole, Roma: Carocci, pp. 97-166, (with M. Moretto).
“Le concessioni di servizio“, 2003, in Muraro G. e P. Valbonesi (eds.): I servizi idrici tra
mercato e regole, Roma: Carocci, pp. 167-236, (with A. Meggiolaro).
“Caso AIIP vs Telecom Italia. Nuovi Mercati, Vecchie Condotte”, Economia e Politica
Industriale, 2002, 112, 191-204, (with A. Nicolo’, F. Manenti and P. Tedeschi).
“Regolamentazione e tutela della concorrenza nell'essential facility: il caso Snam - tariffe di
vettoriamento”, Economia e Politica Industriale, 2001, 110, 109-124, (with A. Nicolo’, F. Manenti and
P. Tedeschi).
“Il ruolo della lega calcio nella vendita dei diritti televisivi”, Economia e Politica Industriale,
2001, 110, 95-108 (with A. Nicolo’, G. Marcato and P. Tedeschi).
“Diseguaglianze di genere nel consumo della risorsa tempo”, 1997, in M.C. Belloni and F.
Bimbi (eds.): Microfisica della cittadinanza. Cittadinanza, Città, Genere, Milano: Franco Angeli,
“Crescita economica e sviluppo umano”, Sviluppo, 1997, 5: 31-52, (with G. Tusset).
Book edited
 I servizi idrici tra mercato e regole, (Water Services in between Regulation and Market
rules), Muraro G. and P. Valbonesi (eds.), Roma: Carocci, 2003.
Public utility:
Private and public governance of the local water service (with A. Bordin and M. Padula)
Solid waste regulation: an empirical analysis of economic and environmental costs
Benefits to vulnerable consumers in Italian energy markets: the take-up rates (with R. Miniaci and
C. Scarpa)
Public-Private Contracts:
Local government’s financial constraints and cost overruns in public procurement (with P.
Chiades, L. Greco, V. Mengotto and L. Moretti)
The cost of mafia infiltrations in public procurement. (with A. Bucciol and L. Moretti)
Quality screening and procurement auction (with G. De Fraja)
Quasi Market of Education: University System
A model on the academic job market, (with G. De Fraja)
Spillover effects from research in university, (with G. De Fraja)
Private Contribution to Public Goods
o Does philanthropy increase (private) efficiency? (with L. Corazzini and T. Reggiani)
Referee for the following journals: Journal of Public Economic Theory, The Manchester School, European Journal of
Law and Economics, Energy Policy, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics (JITE), Water Policy, Journal of
Economics, Law and Organization (JELO), Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organization (JEBO), The B.E. Journal of
Economic Analysis and Policy, The Journal of Regulatory Economics, International Journal of Industrial Organization,
Fiscal Study, Journal of Industrial Economics, Economic Systems, Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade, Journal of
International and Comparative Economics, Bulletin of Economic Research (BOER), Rivista di Scienze Economiche e
Commerciali, l’Industria, Economia Pubblica, Politica Economica – Journal of Economic Policy.
Member of the Advisory Board of Economia e Politica Industriale – Journal of Industrial and Business Economics, since
January 2015
2014 – Mediterranean Energy Regulators (Medreg) Working Group on Consumer Issues, Cairo, 2014.; ICAREs2, NRU-HSE,
Moscow-Perm; “The Economics and Political Economy of Energy Subsidies”, CESifo, San Servolo Venezia; Seminar at the
Dept. of Economics, Univ. of Trento; First Brazilian Conference Series on Public Procurement and Concession Design, San
Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, Invited presentation; Paris 1- Pantheon – Sorbonne, Department Seminar.
2013 - Società Italiana degli Economisti (SIE), Bologna : Coordinator of the Session on “Public Procurement and PrivatePublic Partnership”; Società Italiana di Economia Pubblica (SIEP), Pavia; The International Society for New Institutional
Economics (ISNIE), Firenze ; 11th International Industrial Organization Conference, Boston ; Florence School of Regulation,
European University Institute, Firenze, International Workshop: "Smart governance & regulation of water services in Europe",
Invited presentation; European Union, Bruxelles: DG ENERGY and DG SANCO, “Workshop on Vulnerable Consumers”,
Invited presentation.
2012 - Journadas de Economia Industrial, Murcia ; European Association of Research in Industrial Economics (EARIE),
Paris, Chaire EPPP, IAE Pantheon- Sorbonne, Conference on: “Contracts, Procurements, Public-Private
Arrangements”, WKS on Governance Structures and Efficiency for Water in Europe, Chaire EPPP, IAE PantheonSorbonne ; CERRE, Bruxelles : Workshop on “Analysing the role of consumers in regulated markets”, Invited presentation.
2011 - University of Innsbruck, Department of Public Economics, Invited Presentation; Bank of Italy, Conference on the
Economy in the North-East: Discussant for the Session on “Material and Immaterial Infrastructures”, University
of Padova; Toulouse School of Economics: Workshop on Infrastructure, Procurement and Corruption, Invited presentation;
Conference: “Contracts, Procurements, Public-Private Arrangements”, Paris 1, Pantheon-Sorbonne.
2010 - Società Italiana degli Economisti, SIE, Catania; Workshop of the Bank of Italy on the Project on Infrastructure,
Perugia, Sa.Di.Ba; Seminar at the Dept. of Economics, Università of Firenze, Invited presentation; Copenhagen Business
School, Seminar at the Department of Economics, Invited presentation; Conference: “Contracts, Procurements, PublicPrivate Arrangements”, Paris 1 – Sorbonne ; Seminar at the Dept. of Economics, Università Cattolica, Milano.
2009 - Seminar at the Dept. of Economics, Univ. of Padova; Seminar at the Dept. of Economics, Univ. of Bologna; Società
Italiana degli Economisti, SIE, Roma; European Economic Association, EEA, Barcelona; Workshop: Per una gestione
sostenibile delle risorse idriche, ISAE, Roma; Ischia, Advancement of Economic Theory (VC SAET); Lecce, Workshop on
Industrial Organization: Theory, Empirics and Experimental; - Royal Economic Society, University of Surrey; Seminar at the
Dept. of Economics, Univ. of Trento.
2008 - EARIE (European Association of Research in Industrial Economics), Toulose; European Economic Association, (EEA),
Milano; BRICK-DIME Workshop, Collegio Carlo Alberto, Torino, Invited presentation; Workshop Cofin 2006/08, Dept. of
Economics, Univ. of Padova.
- Workshop on “How do Governance Complexity and Financial Constraints affect Public-Private Contracts?
Theory and Empirical Evidence”, University of Padova, 11 April, 2014.
- Institutional Conference (in Italian) at the University of Padova, on “L’efficienza della spesa pubblica: in focus
sui contratti pubblico-privati” (The efficiency of public spending: a focus on public-private contracts) – 10 April, 2014.
- International Conference on “Sustainable Public Procurement: research trends and new challenges”, at the Higher
Shool of Economics, Moscow, October 4-5, 2013, jointly organised with Elena Podkolzina (Higher School of
Economics, National Research University, Moscow) and Carine Staropoli (Universitè Paris 1 – Pantheon,
Sorbonne). See: and
- International Conference on “Public Procurement and Sustainable Growth”, jointly organised with A. Estache
(Ecares and CEPR) at San Servolo 20 and 21 October, 2011 – Venice – as conclusion of the research project
“Contract enforcement and contract design in public utility: evidence from public procurement”, funded by the
University of Padova, 2009-2011. See:
- Workshop at the Florence School of Regulation, European University Institute, Firenze, October, 3, 2008
“Affordability in Public Utility Sectors“.
- Conferences and Workshop at the University of Padova:
“Politiche di liberalizzazione e concorrenza in Italia: Proposte di riforma e linee di intervento settoriali”,
“Liberalizzazione nei mercati delle public utility in Italia: effetti distributivi e consumi delle famiglie”, 05/6/05.
Workshop Project Cofin- MIUR 2008-2010 (funded for 2010-2012), Padova: May, 6-7, 2010
Workshop Project Cofin- MIUR 2006-2008, , Padova: February, 8-9, 2007
Workshop Project Cofin- MIUR 2004-2006, Padova: March 31 and April 1, 2005
Workshop “Antitrust and Regulation”, Padova: April, 11 – 12, 2003.
- Seminars on ”Competition and Regulation Policies”, at the Dept of Economics and Management, University
of Padova - one seminar every month, since 2002.
Winner of the Scholarship for “Visiting Scientist, 2014 – University of Padova”, Professor invited: Prof.
David Martimort, September 2014; 3500 euro.
Scientific Coordinator of the research project on: ''Public Procurement and Sustainable Local Growth'',
Excellence Research Project Bank Cariparo 2012, Evaluated as: “International top level, excellent, to be
strongly recommended for funding as first priority”, not funded for lack of resources.
Scientific Coordinator of a two years Research Assistant Schoolarship, 2011-2013, University of Padova.
Funded for 22.818 euro.
Scientific Coordinator of the research project on: "Contract enforcement and contract design in public
utility: evidence from public procurement”, funded by the University of Padova, 2009-2011. Funded for
79,000 euro, 8 researchers involved.
Scientific Coordinator of the local unit at the Dept. of Economics, University of Padova of the following
COFIN-MIUR projects (funded by the Italian Ministry of Education):
 2008-2010 “Contracts, incentives, productive efficiency and consumers’ protection in the provision of
public utilities”, (funded for the period 2010 – 2012), 49.572 euro.
 2006-08:“Contracts, Regulation&competition in public utilities with two-ways networks”, 55.000 euro.
 2004-2006: “Externality, costs and investments in regulated sectors: efficient regulation and effective
competition”, 38.800 euro.
 2002-2004: “Regulation, access and technological innovation in network industries “, 41.833 euro.
 2000-2002: “Competition and Sectoral Authorities in technological industries“ (prof. Piero Tedeschi
local coordinator in the first year).
Scientific Coordinator of annual research projects funded by the Department of Economics (ex 60%),
Univ. of Padova, 2000 - present .
TEACHING (since 2002; sabbatical leave on 2006-2007)
- At the School of Law, University of Padova:
“Economic Policy”, since 2014/15
“Public Economics” since 2014/15
- at the Faculty of Statistical Science, University of Padova:
“Microeconomics”, since 2002-03, until 2013/2014
“Industrial Economics”, 2002-03, 2003-04, 2004-05, 2005-06, 2007-08, 2008-09
“Network Economics” , 2002-03, 2003-04, 2004-05, 2005-06
- at the Faculty of Economics, University of Padova:
“Industrial Economics and Productive Sectors”, (2004-2005)
- at School of Law, Univ. of Padova:
“European Economic Institutions”, 2013-2014; in English
- at the Faculty of Statistical Science, University of Padova:
“Personnel (and Organizational) Economics”, since 2010-11 until 2013/14 ; in English
“Advanced Microeconomics”, 2007-08; 2008-09: only one third of the course
“Advanced Microeconomics”, 2009-10, all the course
Master at the National Research University - Higher School of Economics, Moscow-Perm:
Course on Public-Private Interactions, 8 hours, 2012-13, in English
Master at the University Paris 1 – (Panthéon Sorbonne), Professeur Invité:
Course in Public Procurement and Public-Private Partnership, 12 hours, 2012-13, in English
Master in Public Administration – University of Venice, 8 hours, 2011-2012
Master in Antitrust and Market Regulation – Univ. of Rome, Tor Vergata, 12 hours 2004-05; 2005-06
Ph.D Programme in Economics and Management, University of Padova:
- Public-Private Contracts (2011-2012, 2012-2013, 2013-14, in English)
- Microeconomics (2002-03, 2003-04, in English)
- Topics in Industrial Organization (2004-05 , 2005-06, 2006-07, 2008-09, in English)
Current Supervision of Ph.D Students: Riccardo Camboni Marchi Adani,
Previous Supervision of Ph.D Students: Marco Buso
Ph.D Summer School - European School of New Institutional Economics - ESNIE (2014) in Cargese :
Workshop Organiser,
At the University of Padova
 Board of the Dept. of Economics, October 2012 – Nov. 2014.
 Board of the Centro Studi Levi-Cases sull’Economia e Tecniche dell’Energia, June 2003-present
 Board of Seminar Committee at the Dept. of Economics and Management, 2007 – present
 Committee funding Researchers’ scholarships for visiting, Dept. of Economics, October 2008 2011
 Committee for the evaluation of Research Projects and Post-Doc Scholarship funded by the
Univ. of Padova, September – December 2010
 Committee on Researchers’ Assessment, Faculty of Statistical Science, March 2009-2010.
 Board, Faculty of Statistical Science, Univ. of Padova, 2005-2006.
 Committee designing the new teaching offer at the Faculty of Statistical Science, Univ. of
Padova 2004-2006.
 Library’s Executive Committee , Faculty of Statistical Science, 2002-2004.
 Library’s Executive Committee, Dept. of Economics, 2000-2002.
 Board of the Dept. of Economics, October 2000 – Nov. 2002.
In other Universities
 Member - Committee for the Ph.D Defense of Julie de Brux - Institute of Business
Administration (IAE) - University Paris 1, Sorbonne, Nov. 2011
Member - Committee appointed by the Research Ministry for the selection of a Researcher in
Economics at the Univ. of Verona, September – Nov. 2008.
Member - Committee appointed by the Research Ministry for the selection of a Researcher in
Economics at the Univ. of Roma La Sapienza, September – Nov. 2002
Member - Committee Ph.D Defense of Roberta Sestini at Univ. of Rome Tor Vergata, May 2003
December 2014 – March 2015: Report on “Inducement prizes and innovation vouchers
for ICT innovation”, The Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS) –
Directorate General Joint Research Centre (DG JRC), European Union.
Febr. 2014 – July 2014: Italian Authority for Electricity and Gas, External Consultant in
the project “Affordability and social tariffs in gas and electricity consumption”, Report on
“The families expenditure in energy and the Italian benefits programme”.
January 2012-July 2012: ETIFOR (, External Consultant in
the definition of the certification process to obtain the carbon footprint from the programme
May 2010 – Jan. 2011: AATO (Local Water regulator) in Cremona - “Economic analysis
of the water service in the local area of Cremona:
regulation of the private firms operating in the area,
tariffs’ design and affordability,
tariffs for wastewater treatments and environmental policy” .
Jan. 2009 – March 2009: Italian Authority for Electricity and Gas, External Consultant in
the project “Affordability and social tariffs in gas consumption”, Report on: “The design of
social tariffs for the Italian gas sector”
Nov. 2008 – Dec. 2008: The World Bank – External Consultant in the project:
“Affordability in public utility services: an analysis of distributive impacts in Western
Africa”, Washington.
Feb. 2005 – June 2006: Veneto Region – External Consultant in the research project:
“Economic Analysis for the Water Integrated System in the Veneto Region”. Report on
“Economic value of the water uses”.
Nov. 2005 – Feb. 2006: The World Bank, External Consultant in the research project:
“Restructuring the Serbian Infrastructure Sectors: Distributive Impacts”, Washington.
Dec. 2004 – Jan. 2005: Veneto Region, External Consultant in the staff in charge to
design the “Tariffs for the wastewater treatments in the Fusina’s Integrated Project”. Report
on “Economic analysis of a tariff system for wastewater treatments “.
July 2002 – Feb. 2004: Veneto Region, External Consultant in the staff in charge to write
down the proposal for the “Regional Law on Multiutility” in Veneto.
Dec. 2000 – Feb. 2002: Italian Ministry of Environmental Policy, External Consultant for
the “Revision of the National Tariff Method in the Water Sector”. Report: “Proposal to the
Italian Ministry of Environmental Policy for the Revision of the Water Tariff System”.
(“Proposta al Ministro dell’Ambiente e Tutela del Territorio di Revisione del D.M. 1 agosto 1996:
Revisione del Metodo Tariffario Normalizzato per definire le componenti di costo e determinare la
tariffa di riferimento del servizio idrico integrato”).
Jan. - April 1997: STET-Telecom Italia, Centro Telecom San Salvador in Venice,
External Consultant, Report on: “Privatisation of public utilities: the case of
Since November 2010: for the Newspaper Corriere della Sera, Corriere del Veneto,
articles on the Italian regulation reforms on the water sector, the referendum on the
management of local public utilities’, on the EU Green Paper on public procurement, etc.
“Liberalizzazione, servizi pubblici e povertà”, (Liberalization in public utility and
poverty), 09/12/2004,
“Poveri... in bolletta”, (Affordability in energy consumption), 24/10/2008,
“The design of the university system” featured in Times Higher Education
“Se la giustizia è lenta, i lavori pubblici sono in ritardo (If courts of law are inefficient,
public works delay delivery), 06/12/2013,
Prof. Gianni De Fraja
Prof. Stephen Martin
Prof. Giancarlo Spagnolo
University of Nottingham
Purdue University - USA
SITE - Stockholm School of Economics
Padova, December, 19, 2014
Paola Valbonesi