Mahsa Teimourikia - CV: Security & Risk Management

Mahsa Teimourikia
Address: 34/35 Via Ponzio, Milan, Italy 20133
Tel. (+39) 02 2399 9679, cell. (+39) 392 135 3982
Emergency and Risk Management, Access Control Models, Risk-Aware Access Control, Game Theory, Safety, and Privacy.
Doctor of Philosophy,
Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy, (2013 - Now)
Research Field: Security and Safety in Risk-prone Environments.
Description: Data and resources managed for people safety in various risk-prone
environments is an increasingly relevant issue. In particular, when huge quantities of
data are available to monitor areas, to locate people during a crisis, or to intervene to
handle a risky event, it is important to preserve data and individual confidentiality
and privacy, while allowing dynamic adaptation of security rules (e.g., augmenting
permissions of risk management teams) to face risks and emergencies. The purpose of
this research is to design a security model, which is flexible enough to accommodate
varying security rules according to changes in the environment conditions.
Master of Science, Computer Engineering
Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy, (2010 - 2013)
Major: Communication and Society
GPA: 3.71/4
Bachelor of Science, Computer Engineering
Sadjad Institute of Higher Education, Mashad, Iran, (2004 - 2009)
Major: Computer Software
GPA: 3.26/4
Current and Past Visiting PhD Student
Jul. 2014 - Sep. 2014
Department of Computing
Imperial College London, London, UK
Working on adaptive and risk-aware access control models, under the supervision of
Prof. Emil Lupu.
PhD Student
Nov. 2013 - Present
Department of Electronics, Information, and Bioengineering (DEIB)
Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy
With focus on security and safety in risk-prone environments, under the supervision
of Prof. Fugini.
Research & Development
Mar. 2012 - Feb. 2013
Linkme Srl, Milan, Italy
With main concentration on web content management systems (CMS) based on
Model-View-Controller Model, and Gesture-based user interfaces.
SCHOLARSHIPS 2013-2016 Politecnico di Milano - Theme-based scholarship for PhD field of research.
2010-2012 Politecnico di Milano - University scholarship for the Master of Science
March, 2014 Best Paper Award, The Seventh International Conference on Advances
in Computer-Human Interactions, ACHI, Barcelona, Spain.
PUBLICATIONS (2014) Fugini M., Hadjichristofi G., & Teimourikia M., A Framework for Trust Modeling for Environment Risks Using Spatial Data. 13rd International Conference on
Cryptology and Network Security, (Submitted).
(2014) Fugini M., & Teimourikia M., Adaptive Security For Risk Management. INTECH 2014, (In press).
(2014) Fugini M., & Teimourikia M., Access Control Privileges Management for Risk
Areas. ISRAM-MED 2014, (In press).
(2014) Fugini M., Hadjichristofi G., & Teimourikia M., Adaptive Security for Risk
Management Using Spatial Data. DEXA 2014, 25th International Conference on
Database and Expert Systems Applications, (In press).
(2014) Fugini M., Hadjichristofi G., & Teimourikia M., Dynamic Security Modeling
in Risk Management Using Environmental Knowledge. WETICE 2014, 23th IEEE
Conference on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises.
(2014) Saidinejad H., Teimourikia M., & Comai S., Static Hand Poses for Gestural Interaction: A Study. AVI 2014, International Working Conference on Advanced
Visual Interfaces..
(2014) Teimourikia M., Saidinejad H., & Comai S., Personalized Hand Pose and
Gesture Recognition System for the Elderly. HCI International 2014, 16th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction..
(2014) Teimourikia M., Saidinejad H., & Comai S., Handy: A configurable gesture
recognition system. ACHI 2014, The Seventh International Conference on Advances
in Computer-Human Interactions, IARIA.
Design and Development of a Kinect-based Multipurpose Gesture Interface for Fragile
People, Advisor: Prof. Sara Comai, M.Sc thesis, Oct. 2013, Politecnico di Milano,
Como Campus, Como, Italy. Accepted with full mark (7/7)
Implementation and Evaluation of ANTHOCNET Routing Protocol on NS-2, Advisor: Prof. Vahid Asadpour, Bachelor thesis, Oct. 2009, Sadjad Institute of Higher
Education, Mashad, Iran. Accepted with full mark (20/20)
Languages & Software: C++, Java, C#.NET, PHP, SQL, HTML, XML, MATLAB.
Operating Systems: Windows, Macintash, Linux.
English: Fluent
(July 2009): Internet-Based Test 99/120
Reading (29/30), Listening (26/30), Speaking (22/30), Writing (22/30).
Italian: Intermediate
Persian: Native
Available upon request.