Innovatie Attaché Tokio Kikuo Hayakawa and Jan-Hein Chrisstoffels 09 April 15, more information: Nederlandse cyber security delegatie bezoekt Japan WebSamenvatting Aan de vooravond van de Cyberconferentie GCCS in Den Haag reisde een delegatie Nederlandse cyberexperts af naar Japan. Doel: samenwerken aan cybersecurity-oplossingen voor kritieke infrastructuur. Gedurende twee (!) weken werd een keur aan Multinationale ondernemingen (o.a. Toshiba, NEC, NTT Communication) en kennisinstellingen (o.a. Tokyo University) bezocht. Een geslaagd bezoek met high-tech matchmaking van hoge kwaliteit. Concreet resultaat: deuren geopend bij key-players, waardoor nieuwe kansen voor onderzoeks- en commerciele samenwerking. In November staat een follow-up missie naar Japan gepland. Summary A Dutch cyber security delegation visited Japan from March 29 - April 4, 2015. Focus was on cybersecurity solutions to secure critical infrastructures. The delegation was joined by Alliander, ENCS, SecurityMatters and Redsocks, coordinated by RVO and arranged by the office of the Innovation Counsellor at the Netherlands Embassy Tokyo. The programme included quality visits and meetings with companies, governmental organizations and universities in the field of cyber security. All of them were very fruitful and successful. Influenced by this positive result, we will plan a follow-up visit - of larger size (appx 20 participants) – on cyber security to Japan in November 2015. Please contact the authors for more information. Japan-Netherlands collaboration on cybersecurity The Hague-based ENCS (European Network for Cyber Security) and the Japanese association CSSC (Control System Security Center) signed an LoI on October 2014 in Tokyo, which was joined by EZ Minister Henk Kamp during the State Visit to Japan (Fig. 1). (1-2) For further collaborations including the follow-ups based on the LoI, the cyber security delegation to Japan was planned and realized on March 29 - April 4, 2015. The delegation members Alliander, ENCS, and the SME companies SecurityMatters and Redsocks - had visits and meetings with Japan’s National center of Incident readiness and Strategy for Cybersecurity, Minitry for Economy Trade and Industry, CSSC, Tokyo Electric Power Company, LAC, NEC, NTT Communications, Mitsubishi Electric, Toshiba, Mitsubishi Chemical Engineering, Nara Institute of Science and Technology, University of Tokyo, and others. Without exception, these visits were fruitful and successful, with follow-up assured. On the research front, ENCS extended its visit to have bilateral meetings with knowledge institutes AIST, Nagoya Institute of Technology, , NICT, CSSC testbeds, as well as visits to companies Tokyo Gas, JAB, NTT Data and SECOM Trust Systems. Inspired by all the positive receptions and discussions, the next large-sized cyber security mission to Japan will be planned for November 2015. -----NOST Tokyo | Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands 3-6-3 Shibakoen, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0011, Japan | T:+81-3-5776-5510 | F:+81-3-5776-5534 | Figure 1. Signing ceremony between ENCS and CSSC, joined by Prof. Shin (CSSC president), Mr. Tomita (METI DG), Henk Kamp(EZ Minister), Jouke Eikelboom(ENCS Managing Director) (source: ENCS) Sources: 1) CSSC and ENCS Announce Increased Collaboration with Signing of New Cooperative Agreement 2) CSSC -----NOST Tokyo | Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands 3-6-3 Shibakoen, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0011, Japan | T:+81-3-5776-5510 | F:+81-3-5776-5534 |