Opportunities in the Heart of Brazi1l

‘Het IA-Netwerk verbindt in opdracht van het ministerie van Economische Zaken kennis over internationale
innovatieve ontwikkelingen en daaraan gerelateerde trends aan Nederlandse bedrijven, kennisinstituten en
Brazil: Investment opportunities in the Heart of South America
Right in the geographic centre of Brazil is the industrial growth pole on the axis Goiânia – Anápolis. In an area
covered by a circle with a radius of 985 km. around this axis, 80 million inhabitants earn 58% of Brazil’s GDP. Anápolis
is 53 km. from of the state capital of Goiânia and 159 km from Brasília, the national capital. The city offers a
multimodal logistic platform with a dry port and a good road and railway infrastructure that opens up to the country.
A new cargo airport for the biggest planes is under construction. Water and electricity supply is available. It offers its
own customs facilities and a large industrial park with agroindustry, steel industry and pharmaceutic producers. The
automotive industry in the State assembles cars for Mitsubishi, Suzuki and Hyundai. For innovative activities, four
science and technology parks are under way: in Anápolis with focus on logistics and pharmaceutics. In Aparecida de
Goiânia, directly south of Goiânia, a park will be dedicated to TCI and cosmetics. The Goiânia Technology Park directs
itself to the clothing industry, mainly digitalization of patterns and computer cutting of fabrics. A similar centre in
Niquelândia (at 263 km. north of Brasília) will concentrate on construction technologies. All technology parks will
provide relevant laboratorial services. Besides the very favourable location with long term opportunities around the
growth pole in the Centre West of Brazil, the Goiás State Government offers tax reductions up to 98% to foreign
Hans Dorresteijn
13 Maart 2015
Brazilië, Brasília, subsidie