I N V I TAT I O N smart industry DUTCH IN DUSTRY FIT FOR T HE FU T U R E Date Wednesday 9 April, 09.00 - 11.00 a.m. Location Hall 3, Stand F20 Holland Pavilion, Theatre Presentation ‘Smart Industry’ and reflection on the report by Henk Kamp, Dutch Minister of Economic Affairs Smart Industry is about smart manufacturing, factories of the future and a network-centric approach. It’s not all about technology, but also about skills, organisation and new business models. In Germany this is known as Industrie 4.0. This transition is very important for the Dutch industry, not only for the OEMs, but for suppliers as well. Especially companies with a future focus are invited April 9 at 9.00 a.m. in the Theatre of the Holland Pavilion (hall 3), to hear about the ambitions of the Dutch industry. Hannover Messe 1 north 2 west 3 north 1 21 22 23 4 17 5 16 6 FG P34 P33 15 7 14 8 P11 13 east 2 3 26 P36 25 P32 west 1 north 3 IC P35 27 2 18 24 west 2 TB2 12 HN 11 south 2 9 south 1 east 3 PROG RA M Date Wednesday 9 April, 09.00 - 11.00 a.m. Location Hall 3, Stand F20 Holland Pavilion, Theatre 9.00 a.m. Coffee / tea 9.30 a.m. pening statement O Ineke Dezentjé Hamming-Bluemink, President FME and moderator Presentation of the Smart Industry report Arnold Stokking, Managing Director TNO Industrial Innovation Showcase Brainport Industries Marc Hendrikse, President Brainport Industries and CEO NTS Group Showcase Northern Netherlands: Region of Smart Factories and demonstration of the Megafit-sensor developed in the European FP7 project by Philips, Siemens and TNO Rob Karsmakers, Site Manager Philips Consumer Lifestyle Drachten Speaker Siemens, to be announced Response to the report by Henk Kamp, Dutch Minister of Economic Affairs 10.30 - 11.00 a.m.Hand out Smart Industry report / Informal networking in the Holland Pavilion Smart Industries are industries that have a high degree of flexibility in production in terms of product needs, volume, timing, resource efficiency and cost. They are able to (fine-) tune to customers’ needs, and are enabled, networked and driven by ICT and the latest available proven manufacturing techniques. Project team Smart Industry