Conference Making internationalisation work: Joint degrees

Programme for the conference
internationalisation work
Joint programmes & transnational education
Thursday 16 October 2014, 9:00 – 17:30
Course and meeting centre Domstad, Utrecht
Selecting your subsession of choice – subsession information
Plenary speakers
Subsession speakers
Location and route
Contact information & requests from the organisation
List of participants
Room for notes
1. Programme
09.00 - 09.45
Registration - Coffee & tea
09.45 - 11.00
Plenary session
09.45 – 9.50
09.50 – 10.05
10.05 – 10.20
10.20 – 10.45
10.45 – 11.00
Welcome by the chairperson of the conference Maria Henneman
Elmer Sterken – Rector Magnificus University of Groningen
Project Stimuleringsfonds Joint Degrees – Anke Buiteveld – Ministry of Ed.
Robin Middlehurst – Kingston University London
Questions Robin Middlehurst – Kingston University London
11.00 – 11.30
Coffee break
11.30 – 12.45
Subsessions (Round 1)
Subsession 1
Subsession 2
Subsession 3
Subsession 4
Subsession 5
Vision on internationalisation: Ministry of Education and Higher Education
Institutions (Dutch)
Strategy please: how to implement strategy in your organisation (English)
How do I start a joint programme? (English)
Forms of structural mobility 1 (Dutch)
International branch campuses (English)
12.45 – 13.45
13.45 – 15.00
Subsessions (Round 2)
Subsession 6
Subsession 7
Subsession 8
Subsession 9
Subsession 10
European accreditation (English)
Quality of joint doctorates (English)
How to manage joint programmes? (English)
Forms of structural mobility 2 (Dutch)
Monitoring quality of internationalisation (English)
15.00 – 15.15
Coffee break
15.15 – 16.30
Plenary session
15.15 – 16.00
Panel discussion lead by Karl Dittrich (President of the VSNU), Pauline van der Meer
Mohr (Erasmus University Rotterdam), Stephan Geifes (DAAD director projects
abroad section) & Freddy Mortier (University of Gent)
16.00 – 16.30
16.30 – 17.30
Drinks & Networking
The locations of the various subsessions will be shown on screens at the venue.
Making Internationalisation work: Joint programmes & transnational education – Programme
9.00 – 9.45
9.45 – 11.00
11.00 – 11.30
11.30 – 12.45
Registration – Coffee & tea
9.45 – 9.50
Welcome by the chairperson of the conference Maria Henneman
9.50 – 10.05 Elmer Sterken – Rector Magnificus University of Groningen
10.05 – 10.20 Project Stimuleringsfonds Joint Degrees – Anke Buiteveld – Dutch Ministry of Education
10.20 – 10.45 Robin Middlehurst – Kingston University London
10.45 – 11.00 Questions to Robin Middlehurst – Kingston University London
Coffee break
Visie op
Strategy please: how to
How do I start a joint
Vormen van structurele
implement strategy in
mobiliteit (1)
OCW & Instellingen
your organisation
Workshop (English)
Best practice (Dutch)
Beleid (Dutch)
Policy (English)
OCW – Melissa Keizer
VSNU – Jurgen Rienks
Avans Hogeschool –
Peter van Bragt
Universiteit Utrecht –
Femke van der Geest
Gespreksleider: Maria
Freie Universität Berlin Matthias Kuder
Nuffic – Madalena
Radboud University –
Marian Janssen, Robin
Kayser en Koen Schilders
Durham University –
Michael Blakemore
Technische Universiteit Delft
– Udo Ouwerkerk – Master
Water Management – virtuele
University of Gent –
Freddy Mortier vice-rector
Gent opened a campus in
Universiteit Maastricht – Anja
Krumeich – Master Global
Health – structurele mobiliteit
Technical University Berlin
– Daniel Karsch
The TU Berlin has a campus
in Egypt
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen –
Rieks Bos – gevorderde
mobiliteit in double degree
12.45 – 13.45
International branch
Best practice (English)
Moderator: Elmer Sterken
13.45 – 15.00
European accreditation
Policy (English)
Quality of joint
Best practice (English)
How to manage joint
Workshop (English)
Vormen van structurele
mobiliteit (2)
Best practice (Dutch)
Monitoring quality of
Best practice (English)
NVAO & ECA - Mark
Réseau FrancoNeerlandais – Richard
University of Leipzig Tabea Mager Results of
Avans Hogeschool – Johan
Wouters: the European
project semester
NVAO & ECA - Thomas
Blanc de la Carrere
Moderator: Erick de Jong
Réseau FrancoNeerlandais – Leen
UNESCO-IHE – Piet Lens
Moderator: Elmer
University of Utrecht –
Femke van der Geest
Moderator: Wessel
Erasmus Universiteit
Rotterdam –René Olie Academic Director van MScInternational Management
/CEMS (The Global Alliance of
Management Education)
Université de Reims
Champagne-Ardenne –
Harald Schraeder
Maastricht University –
Tom van Veen (dean
internationalisation) &
Alexandra Rosenbach
Moderator: Alexandra
15.00 – 15.15
15.15 – 16.30
16.30 – 17.30
Coffee break
15.15 – 16.00
Panel discussion lead by Karl Dittrich (VSNU), Pauline van der Meer Mohr (Erasmus University Rotterdam), Stephan
Geifes (DAAD) & Freddy Mortier (University of Gent)
16.00 – 16.30 Conclusion and closing
Drinks and networking
2. Keynote
Professor Robin Middlehurst, Kingston University London
“Developments in Internationalisation and TNE: concepts, models, strategies, challenges”
This keynote presentation aims to set the Netherlands’ ‘Internationalisation Vision’ in the broader context
of developments in internationalisation and transnational education in other parts of the world. It will focus
on concepts and models, identify trends, and offer some case examples of institutional strategies. It will
also discuss practical steps and challenges in implementing institutional and national strategies.
3. Selecting your subsession of choice – subsession information
There are two rounds of five subsessions. Although most subsessions are in English, some are in Dutch.
The location of each subsession will be presented on the screens at the venue. The locations will also be
presented at the end of the plenary session in the morning.
Please note:
1) That the number of participants per subsession is limited. On the day of the conference,
participants can therefore decide to join a particular subsession by taking a voucher of that
subsession. These are placed at the registration desk. When there are no more vouchers available
for a subsession that session is full.
2) All subsession have an interactive format. Some sessions request that you, when possible, bring
your smartphone or even a portable computer. While this is requested it is not a requirement for
joining the particular subsession.
Round 1 (11.30 – 12.45)
1.1 Visie op Internationalisering: OCW & instellingen – Beleid (Dutch)
Van 2010 t/m 2014 loopt het project ‘Stimulering Joint Degrees’, waarin met financiële stimulans vanuit het
Ministerie van OCW, de ontwikkeling van joint degrees en joint programmes is bevorderd. Na een kick-off
conferentie in 2010 zijn wij nu aanbeland bij het einde van dit stimuleringstraject. Belangrijk is om nu de
balans op te maken. Hoe kijken we terug op de afgelopen vier jaren? Hoe is OCW aan de slag gegaan met
de aanbevelingen voortkomend uit de tussenrapportage over de periode 2010-2012? In een open gesprek
met vier stakeholders zal onder leiding van Maria Henneman worden ingegaan op wat er de afgelopen
jaren in het kader van joint programmes is gebeurd en wat er in de (nabije) toekomst gaat gebeuren. Ook
de zaal wordt in het gesprek betrokken. Aan het gesprek zal van OCW Melissa Keizer aanschuiven. Jurgen
Rienks vertegenwoordigt de VSNU, en vanuit het werkveld zullen twee ervaringsexperts het woord voeren:
Femke van der Geest van de Universiteit Utrecht en Peter van Bragt van Avans Hogeschool.
1.2 Strategy please: how to implement strategy in your organisation – Policy (English)
For part of this subsession the speakers ask that, if possible, you bring your smartphone or ipad, in order
to engage you fully in their interactive session.
Joint and double degree programmes have become a regular part of internationalisation portfolios at many
higher education institutions around the world. Such programmes can offer a range of opportunities for
students, faculty, and entire institutions alike. Using synergies with their international partners, institutions
can pool resources and design unique programmes, attract additional students, and raise their global
profiles. However, there is evidence that many institutions may enter these complex forms of international
collaboration partly based on incorrect expectations and without a clear understanding of how to manage
their development. This contribution argues that challenges in developing collaborative often result from
the lack of a strategic approach and the absence of appropriate institutional policies and guidelines. This
can not only hinder the ability of institutions to fully capitalize on the potential offered by collaborative
degree programmes but it can also lead to negative effects.
Based on the recent publication „Global Perspectives in International Joint and Double Degree Programs“
(DAAD/IIE, 2013) and on previous international surveys, Matthias Kuder of the Freie Universität Berlin
addresses a select set of examples that will ultimately prompt us to raise the question: How strategic are
we about internationalisation, and specifically about joint and double degree programmes?
The Raboud University Nijmegen will subsequently present an interactive best practice they used during
their international staff week. This practice allowed them not only to present their policy paper on
internationalisation to their own staff and foreign partners working in the field internationalisation, but
also to acquaint the participants with the concept and development of a policy paper and the
implementation of this vision on internationalisation in their daily practice. Marian Janssen, Koen Schilders
and Robin Kayser will engage participants of this session into an interactive questioning and answering
routine using a programme called Shakespeak. The answers given by the participants will be used as fuel
for discussion and the speakers will present their own practice, tips and tricks.
1.3 How do I start a joint programme? – Workshop (English)
This subsession will engage it’s participants in a direct practice. In order to directly assess the resources
you are asked to bring your own portable computer. (Smartphones will not suffice as they do not
provide the support needed).
In this session Michael Blakemore from the University of Durham and Madalena Pereira from the Nuffic
will guide you through the range of issues to consider when developing a joint programme. You will have
the opportunity to test/experience two tools developed to support HEIs working with joint programmes
and gain insights into the institutional, educational, international, and multi-disciplinary challenges that
need to be considered. This session offers it’s participants a very practical approach and aims to provide
insight in how to start a joint programme.
At the end of the session participants:
1) Are aware of two existing tools (JDAZ and EMQA) and understand how these tools can support
their work with joint programmes;
2) Understand one to three of the most important issues to take into account when developing a joint
3) Have shared their own learning issues with fellow colleagues.
1.4 Vormen van structurele mobiliteit (1) – Best practice (Dutch)
Internationale samenwerking en studentuitwisseling kunnen verschillende vormen aannemen. In de
praktijk worden verschillende vormen van mobiliteit al met succes toegepast. Sterk in opkomst is o.a.
virtuele mobiliteit. Bij de TU Delft zijn zij hierin al ver gevorderd; hier worden verschillende vormen van
online onderwijs gebruikt. In zijn presentatie zal Udo Ouwerkerk ingaan op deze vormen en wat de
samenhang hiertussen. De focus zal hierbij vooral liggen op wat in de MSc-track Watermanagement al
wordt toegepast, o.a. het gebruik van online practica. De Master Water Management is als programma
volledig online te volgen.
Anja Krumeich of Maastricht University will speak of the Maastricht Master of Science in Global Health,
which has been developed in collaboration with partners in Canada, Colombia, Thailand and India. This
programme offers a unique set of options for students at each of the partner institutions: while each of the
partners offers core courses based on their views on Global health in the first trimester (Sept.-Dec.), in the
second trimester students can take an elective track at each of the institutions. This allows them to
specialize in the area of their interest in another part of the world. Besides this more traditional form of
student exchange, students of all universities participate in on-line tutorials and lectures in the so called
“Foundations of Global Health courses”. These courses have been developed jointly and are executed
jointly by the five partners. Students from the different universities are placed in virtual tutorials were they
meet peers from the other universities and were they work on group assignments guided by a tutor from
any one of the partner universities. Supporting lectures organized collectively and group assignments are
graded by representatives from the five partners. Moreover, all students meet each other during the yearly
symposium in Manipal, India. This two-week annual symposium is organized and executed by the
collaborating partners as well and offer students to meet their virtual peers face-to-face and to collaborate
once more in one of the many fieldprojects Manipal is involved in. In her presentation Anja will discuss
experiences, challenges and benefits of this form of intensive collaboration.
Advancing mobility through Double Degree Programmes is het onderwerp dat Rieks Bos van de
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen zal bespreken. Internationale "double degree" programma's kunnen een
effectief en efficiënt instrument zijn om de internationalisering van een HEI te stimuleren. Ze kunnen
internationale mobiliteit van studenten en staf bevorderen, studenten bijzondere kennis en ervaring
bieden en de internationale zichtbaarheid en reputatie versterken. Dat vraagt echter wel om een breed
gedragen strategische visie, een goede inbedding in de reguliere onderwijsorganisatie, en een flinke dosis
pragmatisme en creativiteit.
1.5 International branch campuses – Best practice (English)
This session will present best practices regarding the development of international branch campuses in
foreign countries. The Dutch Minister of Education has made her intentions clear for opening the possibility
of transnational education for Dutch institutions of higher education. Freddy Mortier, vice-rector of the
University of Gent, shall explain how Gent’s International campus in Korea came to pass. He will discuss the
following questions: What is the Global Campus concept that was launched by the Korean authorities? Why
did Ghent University decide to step in and focus on molecular biology, environmental technology and food
technology? How was a specific governance structure with a fire wall between Ghent University and the
Korean branch set up? How did the negotiations with the local authorities (more specifically the Ministries
involved, the Incheon Free Economic Zone Authority and the Global Campus Company) went about? And,
what are the business challenges and risks involved for the universities that participate in the Global
Campus project?
Daniel Karsch of the Technical University of Berlin will elaborate on the experiences they had with their
campus in El Gouna, Egypt. What were the strategic reasons behind this step? What challenges and
successes were they confronted with? And, what is the future of this international campus?
Round 2 (13.45 – 15.00)
2.1 European accreditation JOQAR & MULTRA – Policy (English)
The European Consortium for accreditation (ECA) has developed several tools in order to better and
simplify the accreditation of joint programmes in Europe. Mark Frederiks of the NVAO will present new
possibilities offered by initiatives such as MULTRA (Multilateral Agreement on the Mutual Recognition of
Accreditation) and JOQAR (Joint Programmes Quality Assurance and Recognition of degrees awarded). The
JOQAR project 2010-2013 had to facilitate the accreditation of Erasmus Mundus programmes. MULTRA
offers institutions the opportunity for quicker and easier accreditation by all accreditation organisations
involved. The European master Euroculture is the first programme that, in a pilot phase, used the
opportunities MULTRA has to offer.
2.2 Quality of joint programmes – Best practice (English)
A connection to twitter will come in hand for this subsession.
‘A Guide for Joint Doctorates’. In 2013, the Réseau Franco-Néerlandais (RFN) and the Frans-Nederlandse
Academie (FNA, whose responsibilities have been transmitted to the Nuffic) published a Guide for Joint
Doctorates on PhD Programmes between France and the Netherlands. Leen Drieskens (RFN) will be
presenting this guide, which lists the most salient points of negotiation and discussion between both
parties. It also includes background information so that administrators, supervisors and PhD candidates in
France, the Netherlands or a third partner country can better understand the respective country’s situation
and to shed light on why some aspects may not be easily managed. The guide is intended to limit back and
forth negotiations required to come to an agreement on joint doctoral programmes, and was developed
with the expertise of the RFN/FNA team and with the input of French and Dutch experts. As an illustration,
several good examples of contracts for joint doctorates will be presented in Utrecht. The director of the
RFN Richard Davis will lead a short discussion based on remarks and ideas that will have possibly been
tweeted by the audience during the session.
Subsequently Piet Lens from UNESO-IHE will engage the participants in his experiences with the Erasmus
Mundus Joint Doctoral programme “Environmental Technologies for Contaminated Soils, Sediments and
Solid Waste (ETECOS3)”. The last few years a joint PhD is developed within this programme. A joint PhD
degree that is awarded by the Université Paris-Est (France), University Cassino (Italy) and UNESCO-IHE. Piet
will described how this PhD programme was developed, which quality requirements were specified and
which aspects are important for establishing the joint degree.
2.3 How to manage joint programmes? – Workshop (English)
JOIMAN was a European workgroup that in 2012 offered advice on managing and administrating joint
programmes. On the basis of the workgroup’s findings, a training programme is developed for current and
future managers and supervisors of joint programmes. Tabea Mager of the University of Leipzig will offer a
training on the do’s and don’ts of managing joint programmes. She will be assisted by both Femke van der
Geest of Utrecht University and Wessel Meijer of the Radboud University Nijmegen, who will share their
experiences of the Dutch practice.
2.4 Vormen van structurele mobiliteit (2) – Best practice (Dutch)
Johan Wouters of the Avans University of Applied Sciences will give the example of the European Project
Semester (EPS). The EPS is a semester-long (30 EC) programme, which is divided into two parts:
1) A real-life project on site of and for a real-life company, performed by a multi-national,
multi-disciplinary team of students;
2) A study programme comprising courses with subjects like project management, problem-solving
techniques, teambuilding, communication skills, cross-cultural behaviour, and languages.
The main objective is to train students from different countries and different disciplines to work together in
multi-cultural and multi-disciplinary groups. Over the years EPS has proven itself as a low threshold
programme for students to get international experience and to acquire necessary skills to operate in a
multi-cultural environment. Students attend the programme sponsored by Erasmus. Because of the
structuring of the programme, the constant supervision of coaches from companies as well as universities,
the care of local student buddies, and the assistance in finding proper housing, the EPS programme offers a
safe and relatively carefree opportunity for students to go abroad. At the same time the EPS programme
has stimulated and accommodated teaching staff of participating universities to take part in staff mobility.
Contacts between the participating universities has helped to develop international awareness and the
development of an intercultural path within each own institution. It has also been instrumental in
developing international exchange relationships.
Het CEMS-programma is een geslaagd voorbeeld van een grensoverschrijdend Masters-programma. CEMS
is in 1988 door vier Europese business schools opgericht als de ‘Community of European Management
Schools’ waarna het langzamerhand doorgroeide naar een wereldwijd samenwerkingsverband van 29
topscholen op het gebied van management & business (en sindsdien gewoon CEMS heet). Sinds 2005 heeft
het altijd in de top-10 van beste pre-experience managementprogramma’s van The Financial Times ranking
gestaan. In zijn presentatie legt René Olie van de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam uit hoe CEMS
functioneert en hoe het zich tot een succesvol voorbeeld van grensoverschrijdende samenwerking op
onderwijsgebied heeft ontwikkeld.
2.5 Monitoring quality of internationalisation – Best practice (English)
Maastricht University (UM) is one of the most international universities in the Netherlands.
Internationalisation is at the very core of UM’s DNA: almost all of the study programmes are offered in
English, half of the degree-seeking student population comes from outside of the Netherlands, almost all
study programmes offer students the possibility to go abroad as part of a student exchange or a
joint/double degree…to name just a few examples. To underline this, Maastricht University acquired the
NVAO Distinctive Quality Feature Internationalisation on institutional level in 2013. Moreover, several of
our bachelors and masters carry this quality feature on programme level. However, their credo is not
‘internationalisation for the sake of internationalisation itself’, but it should serve a purpose and deliver
measurable results. How to monitor the effects and the quality of internationalisation in a Higher Education
institution? In their contribution, Tom van Veen and Alexandra Rosenbach will address Maastricht
University’s quality assurance system with regards to internationalisation on both central and decentral
level and present best practices. Maastricht University’s application for and successful acquisition of the
NVAO Distinctive Quality Feature Internationalisation will serve as a framework for the session.
Following this presentation, Thomas Blanc de la Carrere, will elaborate further on the Distinctive Quality
Feature Internationalisation (DQFI) as implemented so far by NVAO. Since 2012, in the framework of the
CeQuInt project, a consortium of 12 quality assurance agencies has been working in porting this successful
NVAO experience at European level. The initial NVAO framework was updated with the input of the project
consortium member agencies, approved by the European HE stakeholders and tested in 12 pilot
procedures to assess the quality of internationalisation at programme, faculty (school) and institution
levels. This new framework will replace the DQFI of the NVAO and will be implemented across Europe. The
presentation will introduce the public to the milestones of the CeQuInt project, the evolution of the
internationalisation assessment frameworks as compared to the initial DQFI of NVAO and the upcoming
implications of these changes for Dutch institutions. This presentation will be followed by a feedback from
the University of Reims - one of the 12 pilot procedures of the CeQuInt project having undergone an
assessment of internationalisation according to the new frameworks.
Harald Schraeder of the University de Reims Champagne-Ardenne will share the experience of his
university as a participant in the pilot of the European method to assess the quality of internationalisation.
4. Plenary speakers
Since 2011 prof. dr. Elmer Sterken is the rector magnificus of the
University of Groningen. It was also at the University of Groningen
that he studied Econometrics and received his PhD in Economics.
Staying true to his own university he became an assistant professor at the Faculty
of Economics and subsequently professor of Monetary Economics. From 1991 until
2009 he held visiting positions at various foreign universities. From 2008 until 2011
he acted as dean of the Faculty Economics and Business, and eventually became
rector magnificus in 2011.
Prof. dr. Robin Middlehurst is professor of Higher Education in the vice chancellor’s
office at Kingston University London. She is also seconded part-time as Adviser to
the UK’s Higher Education Academy, the national centre for quality enhancement of
teaching, learning and the student experience in higher education. Her areas of
research, teaching and consultancy include ‘borderless’ and international higher
education policy and developments; national and international quality assurance
and enhancement; leadership and leadership development; governance and
management; private providers in higher education; she has published extensively in
these fields. Robin has degrees and diplomas from the Universities of Lancaster,
Reading and Brighton. In addition to academic work in three UK universities, she has
worked as a director in 2 policy agencies, has been a university governor in two
universities and a consultant to UNESCO, OECD and overseas’ governments. With
dr. Tom Kennie, Robin co-designed and directed the UK’s Top Management
Programme for Higher Education from 1999-2014. More than 600 leaders have
participated in this programme. Robin was elected a Fellow of the Society for
Research on Higher Education in 2009.
Drs. Anke Buiteveld is director International Policy at the Dutch Ministry
of Education, Culture and Science. This directorate coordinates the Dutch
input at the meetings of the European Union, the OESO and Unesco. It
connects international and national knowledge and issues.
Drs. Maria Henneman is director/owner of Maria Henneman Media
Management BV., and chair person of this conference. Her company operates
on the cutting edge of (crisis)communication, media and policy. She is an
experienced chair at conference and seminars. As a strategic policy and
(crisis)communications advisor, she consults multinationals, non-profit
organisations and (local) governments. She also leads brainstorm sessions and
media- and presentation training sessions. Maria achieved her Masters in
Contemporary History at the VU University Amsterdam.
Afternoon panel discussion
Since the end of 2012, dr. Karl Dittrich is president of the VSNU (the Association of
Universities in the Netherlands). He studied Political Science at Leiden University,
where he also achieved his doctorate by researching city council elections.
Afterwards he became a researcher at Maastricht University. In 1986 Karl became
a member of the executive board of Maastricht University and in 1994 he became
the president. From 2005 till 2012 he was the president of The Accreditation
Organisation of the Netherlands and Flanders NVAO.
Since 2010 mr. Pauline van der Meer Mohr holds the chair and is responsible for
general administrative matters, including the relationship with the Supervisory
Board and the University Council. Her portfolio includes strategic policy,
international affairs and external relations, for one thing with the region of
Rotterdam, the business community and other knowledge institutions. She was
reappointed for another four years in January 2014.
Dr. des. Stephan Geifes, born in Germany in 1968, has been head of
division “Higher Education Projects Abroad” within the German Academic
Exchange Service (DAAD) in Bonn since 2013. Prior he was director of the
Paris office of the DAAD, secretary general of the Franco-German
University and scientific coordinator at the German Historical Institut of
Paris. Stephan Geifes studied History, Sociology, Roman languages and
Political Sciences. After his Master’s degree in History from the University
of Bielefeld, he continued his studies at MPA level at the Ecole nationale
d’administration (ENA, Paris). In 2012 he finished his PhD in History at the
Ruhr-Universität Bochum. He has published on international higher
education exchanges, with particular focus on relations between France
and Germany.
Prof. dr. Freddy Mortier, born in Ghent (1958), studied Philosophy at Ghent
University and at the Université de Paris I. Got his doctoral degree at Ghent
University in the field of ethics, and continued his career there as research assistant
and later in several other junior and senior assistant positions. Specialisation:
religion (life stance) and bio-ethics. Teaching positions at the “hogeschool” HISKWA
(Brussels) and the Studio Herman Teirlinck (Antwerp). He became lecturer at Ghent
University and full professor in 2000. Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Philosophy
(2004-2012), Vice-Rector since 1 October 2013.
5. Subsession speakers Round 1 (11.30 – 12.45)
1.1 Visie op Internationalisering: OCW & instellingen – Beleid / Moderator: drs. Maria Henneman
Drs. Melissa Keizer works since 2002 at the directorate Higher Education and
Finance of the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. As a policy
worker at the international cluster she is responsible for e.g. the mobility agenda
Germany, the financial policy of international organisations and the law
amendment regarding joint programmes. From 1997 unto 2002 she worked for
the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs. She studied Business Economics at the
VU University Amsterdam.
Mr. Jurgen Rienks is the director international relations at the Association of
Universities in the Netherlands. He advises on international dossiers and
supervises projects that construct an overview of international developments
and policies. Together with the Netherlands Association of Universities of
Applied Sciences he developed the Internationalisation Vision. Jurgen studied
Dutch law at the University of Amsterdam. Before joining the VSNU he worked in
Brussels as head of the department Education, Culture and Audiovisual at the
Dutch Permanent Representation at the European Union. He represented the
Netherlands at negotiations e.g. about the EU educational programmes. As a
national expert he was seconded by the Directorate-General Education and
Culture of the European Commission.
Drs. Femke van der Geest is policy advisor internationalisation at the Directorate
Education and Research of Utrecht University. As a policy advisor she is
responsible for Erasmus+ and joint programmes. She is also board member of
the International Neighbour Group that organizes activities for international staff
members, postdocs, PhD and Master degree students at Utrecht University.
From 1997 – 2005 she worked as an international officer at the University
College Utrecht.
Drs. Peter van Bragt, Avans University of Applied Sciences (Avans) is a biology
graduate from Utrecht University. He started his academic career in basic
research in Nuclear Medicine, Oncology, Human Genetics and Molecular
Virology in various institutes in the Netherlands and the University of Texas
Health Science Centre Medical School, USA. Since 1991 he joined the
predecessors of Avans to organize and deliver international postgraduate
courses in the Life Sciences and became interim director at the training centre
medical biotechnology. In 2002 he was appointed senior policy advisor
international Affairs at Avans. Among his responsibilities are: support of
international partnership contracts and grant applications; international mobility
calamity management; management advise on all aspects of internationalisation.
1.2 Strategy please: how to implement strategy in your organisation – Policy (English)
Matthias Kuder is the head of the liaison offices network of the centre for
international cooperation of the Freie Universität Berlin. Matthias
works with the centre for international cooperation at Freie Universität Berlin, a
unit focusing on strategic internationalisation. He is in charge of developing
strategic partnerships with universities abroad and heads FUB’s global liaison
offices network, with representations in Beijing, New York, Brussels, Moscow,
Sao Paulo, New Delhi and Cairo. Kuder is co-editor of the several publications on
collaborative degree programs, including “Joint and Double Degree Programs:
An Emerging Model for Transatlantic Exchange” (New York, 2010) and “Global
Perspectives on International Joint and Double Degree Programs” (New York,
2013). In 2012, he was appointed as member of the center for international
partnerships in higher education advisory group at the institute of international
education, New York. Before joining Freie Universität, Kuder worked as
consultant with Lemmens Media specializing in services for higher education
institutions. He also served with the Science and Technology Section of the
Canadian Embassy in Berlin. Kuder studied at Bonn, Toronto and Berlin, and
holds a Master’s degree in North American Studies.
Dr. Marian Janssen is head of the international office at Radboud University
Nijmegen. Her PhD dissertation was published as The Kenyon Review (19391970): A Critical History by Louisiana State University Press and her recent
biography on the poet Isabella Gardner, Not At All What One Is Used To, by the
University of Missouri Press. Janssen was a Fellow of the American Council of
Learned Societies and Visiting Scholar at Harvard and the University of California
at Berkeley. The international office has as its main role to prepare and
implement the university’s internationalisation policy. The daily activities of the
international office range from cooperation with international academic
partners to the management and administration of European
programs, international mobility, and housing and support services for
international staff and students.
Koen Schilders MA is policy worker internationalisation for the Nijmegen School
of Management of the Radboud University. He is also programme coordinator of
two Erasmus Mundus joint Master Programmes EMSD and Planet-Europe.
Before starting in this function, he gained extensive experience in the area of
recruitment, in coming and out going mobility of students and organising various
European programmes.
Robin Kayser MSc is head of the international office social sciences (IOSS) of the
Radboud University Nijmegen. He is also head of the department of education,
research and social services where IOSS is a part of. He long has been active on
the domain of internationalisation. He gladly shares his experiences with you.
1.3 How do I start a joint programme? – Workshop (English)
Prof. Michael Blakemore has been a UK Bologna Expert, and is Technical
Director of Ecorys UK, Emeritus Professor of Geography at Durham University,
and honorary research fellow at Durham Business School. He has worked with
OECD (LEED) on regional information strategy, and with the European
Commission at the interface of education and the labour market. This has
involved work with DG EAC building quality assurance structures and indicators
for Erasmus Mundus courses, as well as working on issues of degree recognition
and sustainability of joint programmes. In 2013 he led a study on the innovative
international Master and Doctoral programmes of the EIT – European institute
of innovation and technology. In 2013-2014 he led the contract with EACEA to
design a quality review framework for Erasmus Mundus joint Master courses. He
has worked at high-levels with the commission as rapporteur for ministerial
conferences on eGovernment and eInclusion, and is chair of the Marie Curie
Fellowships Economics and Social Science Evaluation Panel since 2012.
Madalena Pereira is programme administrator at Nuffic and coordinated the
activities of the Dutch Erasmus Mundus National Structure (EMNS)between
2006 and 2013. She was the coordinator at the NA of the project National team
of Bologna experts between 2004 and 2012. She participated as partner in
several international projects of the network of EMNS aiming to enhance the
attractiveness of the EHEA and support the development of joint curricula since
2009 like ASEMUNDUS, EMMAP2 and INTERUV. She is presently the coordinator
of the JDAZ project, joint degrees from A to Z, that aims to develop a reference
guide gathering available information and project results on the topic to support
HEIs and national agencies. She is also responsible of the decentralized funds for
international credit mobility KA1 at the Erasmus+ NA.
1.4 Vormen van structurele mobiliteit (1) – Best practice (Dutch)
Ir. Udo Ouwerkerk, instructional designer, is sinds 2014 werkzaam voor TU
Delft. Hij behaalde in 2014 zijn master Civiel Techniek, specialisatie
Gezondheidstechniek. Na het behalen van zijn master is hij mee
gaan werken aan de ontwikkeling van online onderwijs voor de MSc-track
Watermanagement van de faculteit Civiele Techniek. Sinds september maakt
hij deel uit van het support team open & online education.
Anja Krumeich PhD, head teacher at Maastricht University, studied Cultural
and Medical Anthropology at the University of Amsterdam. In 1994 she
obtained her PhD based on a medical anthropological study on mother and
child health care in the Commonwealth of Dominica. Since 1992 she works for
the department of Health Ethics and Society, faculty of Health, Medicine and
Life sciences of Maastricht University where she currently holds a position as
associated professor in Global Health. Between 2006 and 2010 she
coordinated the development of the Master of Public Health for professionals’
successor, the Master of science in Global Health of which she currently is the
programme coordinator. The Maastricht Master in Global Health was
developed in collaboration with partners from Canada (McMaster University,
Hamilton, Ontario), Thailand (Thammasat University in Bangkok), India
(Manipal University in Manipal) and Colombia (Rosario University in Bogotá)
and offers a variety of exchange options and student interaction. In spring
2014 the programme underwent re-accreditation by the NVAO which resulted
in the overall assessment “good”. The NVAO also awarded the programme
with the Distinctive Quality Feature internationalisation and assessed the
programme’s international content and structure as “good” with some
elements as excellent (best practice).
Drs. Rieks Bos studied Art and Art Policy at the University of Groningen. There
he worked as a researcher and teacher at the cluster of Marketing. In 1999 he
became programme manager of one of the first “joint international
programmes’ of the University of Groningen, offered in a consortium with the
University of Florida and Uppsala University. Now, he works as an
international affairs officer at the faculty of Economics and Business of the
University of Groningen. He is occupied with internationalisation in general,
with specific attention for international institutional cooperation and
international marketing and recruitment.
1.5 International branch campuses – Best practice (English) / Moderator: prof. dr. Elmer Sterken
Prof. Freddy Mortier was born in Ghent (1958). He studied Philosophy at Ghent
University and at the Université de Paris I (Paris-Sorbonne). He got his doctoral
degree at Ghent University in the field of ethics (1986), and continued his career
there as research assistant and later in several other junior and senior assistant
positions. Specialisation: religion (life stance) and bio-ethics. Teaching positions
at the “hogeschool” HISKWA (Brussels) and the Studio Herman Teirlinck
(Antwerp). He became lecturer at Ghent University in 1995 and full professor in
2000. Dean of the faculty of Arts and Philosophy (2004-2012), vice-rector since 1
October 2013.
Ing. Daniel Karsch, was born in Bremen in 1979 and moved to Berlin to study
Architecture and then Urban and Regional Planning at TU Berlin. He started to
work as a student assistant during his studies in different projects carried out by
a unit within TUB named WANACU – West Asia North Africa Cooperation Unit,
aiming to develop activities with partners from that region. After he finished his
studies in 2009, Daniel worked as the coordinator for this unit until 2013. Since
June 2013, he has worked for TU Berlin Campus El Gouna as the
“Communication and Collaboration Manager”, which is an administrative
position dealing e.g. with acquisition of third party funding, project
development, internal communication, issues cutting across our three master
courses, examination issues, and representation of Technical University Berlin in
the Cairo office and within the German science center in Cairo.
Round 2 (13.45 – 15.00)
2.1 European accreditation JOQAR & MULTRA – Policy (English) / Moderator: Erick de Jong MA
Dr. Mark Frederiks is coordinator of the international policy department of
NVAO, the Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands and Flanders.
Since 2004 he is also the coordinator of the European Consortium for
Accreditation in higher education (ECA). He has managed four EU funded
ECA/NVAO projects, including the current international JOQAR project on QA
and recognition of joint programmes. He coordinated the NVAO pilots on the
distinctive quality feature internationalisation which were carried out in 2010.
Before joining NVAO in 2003 he worked for 5 years as QA policy adviser with
HBO-raad, the Netherlands Association of Universities of Applied Sciences. In
1998 he was a consultant on higher education with PricewaterhouseCoopers
Management Consultants. In 1997 he was based in London as a research fellow
with the quality support centre at the Open University UK. Mark obtained his
PhD. from the University of Twente.
Erick de Jong (MA in Educational and Organisational psychology, 1985) is an
education expert at an international institute of higher education: UNESCO-IHE
institute for water education, located in Delft. The mission of this institute is to
contribute to the education and training of professionals (MSc and PhD
programmes, short-, online- and tailormade courses) and to build the capacity of
sector organisations, knowledge centres and other institutions active in the fields
of water, the environment and infrastructure in developing countries and
countries in transition. He works as educational policy advisor for UNESCO-IHE.
His main responsibilities concern the development and implementation of
educational policies and academic quality assurance. He is co-author of various
strategic plans of the Institute and advices the rectorate and programme
committees of UNESCO-IHE on all academic matters. He has thorough
knowledge about of many educational systems used in the world, and the
accreditation of education programmes. Erick has intensively dealt with the
renewal of UNESCO-IHE’s Master programmes and the development of joint
programmes with international partners. In the framework of these partnership
programmes, he assists institutes throughout the world in curriculum
development, course design, and reviewing didactical concepts. He carries out
curriculum development and didactic training programmes for UNESCO-IHE staff
as well as for academic staff from partner institutes. These courses focus on
curriculum development and didactical skills, and organisational and institutional
concepts. These course are organised both at the partner institutes and
2.2 Quality of joint programmes – Best practice (English) / Moderator: prof. dr. Elmer Sterken
Leen Drieskens graduated at the Ghent University in Belgium, where she
obtained a Master of Arts in Linguistics and Literature: French – Italian, to which
she added a Master of Arts in Translation: French – Italian at the University
College Ghent, both magna cum laude. After passing a selection test for
language attachés at the Belgian Council of State, she worked at the translation
service of the Belgian Senate and in June this year, moved on to the Réseau
Franco-Néerlandais to organise the events and follow up the programmes and
activities of the organisation with her colleague Nettie Abbring.
Richard Davis is professor of British Studies at the University of Lille, France
where he teaches modern British and European history. He is the author of
several works on British and European history including Britain and France
Before the War: Appeasement and Crisis, 1934-1936, London: PalgraveMacmillan, 2001, The Liberal Party in Britain (1906-1924). Paris: CNED – Presses
Universitaires de France, 2010, and La Décolonisation britannique de 1919 à
1984. Paris: Editions Fahrenheit, 2012.
He is director of the Réseau Franco-Néerlandais (from 1st October 2014) and
vice-president for international relations of the University of Lille 3.
Prof. dr. ir. Piet Lens is professor of Environmental Biotechnology at the
Pollution Prevention and Resource Recovery Chair Group of the department of
Enivronmental Engineering and Water Technology of UNESCO-IHE. Previously, he
was on the faculty of the sub-department of Environmental Technology at
Wageningen University (1999-2006), where he still has a zero nomination. He
has also held visiting faculty appointments at the Universities of Louvain La
Neuve (UCL) and Leuven (KUL). He is the co-initiator of the Erasmus Mundus
Master course “International Master of Science in Environmental Technology
(IMETE)”, het UNESCO-IHE and Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) joint MSc
programme in environmental technology for sustainable development, the
Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctoral programme “Environmental Technologies for
Contaminated Soils, Sediments and Solid Waste (ETECOS3)” and the Marie Curie
European Joint Degree Initial Training Network "Advanced Biological Waste-toEnergy Technologies (ABWET)".
2.3 How to manage joint programmes? – Workshop (English) / Moderator: drs. Wessel Meijer
Drs. Tabea Mager has been working in the fields of student recruitment and joint
program management at Leipzig University since 2009. As coordinator of
JOI.CON she centrally managed the training and dissemination project on Joint
Program Management. Currently she advises academic staff at Leipzig University
in the process of implementing Joint Programs on Bachelor and Master level.
That entails the integration of the programs in institutional structures, optimizing
administrative procedures, exploring funding opportunities, and, crucially, facing
questions of sustainability. In this context, Tabea Mager draws from her
experience in the administration of several Erasmus Mundus programmes and
networks. She has furthermore gathered experience in the JOIMAN network as
part of the work groups dealing with financial issues and with cooperation
outside the European Union and in other LLP networks such as EMQT (Erasmus
Mobility Quality Tools). A native from Germany, she graduated from Leipzig
University in the fields of Cultural Studies, Journalism, and English Studies.
Drs. Femke van der Geest is policy advisor internationalisation at the directorate
education and research of Utrecht University. As a policy advisor she is
responsible for Erasmus+ and joint programmes. She is also board member of
the international neighbour group that organizes activities for international staff
members, postdocs, PhD and Master degree students at Utrecht University.
From 1997 – 2005 she worked as an international officer at the University
College Utrecht.
Drs. Wessel Meijer is an all-round international relations manager with 25 years
of experience in the internationalisation of higher education, both as a manager
and as a specialist. He is currently Deputy Director of the International Office of
Radboud University Nijmegen, responsible for strategic and general
management issues. Next to his own projects, he leads a team that is responsible
for European projects, scholarship programmes and corporate partnerships. As
Head of the international office of Fontys University of Applied Sciences, he
managed a team of 15 staff at three locations. At Utrecht University his
responsibilities were the Erasmus programme and the development and
implementation of the international marketing strategy. He started his career at
the Utrecht School of Arts, in the early days of student mobility. Wessel is
involved in several other international project activities as a trainer, speaker and
expert in assessing projects at the EACEA in Brussels and auditing international
2.4 Vormen van structurele mobiliteit (2) – Best practice (Dutch)
Johan Wouters MSc. Born in Eindhoven, the Netherlands in 1954. Graduated
Industrial Engineering at Technical University of Eindhoven in 1977. Worked for
30 years in various companies, some 15 years in general management positions.
International experiences at practically every company. For the past 4 years
senior lecturer at Avans University of Applied Sciences, ‘s-Hertogenbosch, the
Netherlands, Engineering department. Responsible for the European project
semester (an international exchange and learning program), internationalisation
and lecturing various courses related to Industrial Engineering.
Dr. René Olie is associate professor of Strategic and International Management
at the Rotterdam School of Management (RSM) of the Erasmus University
Rotterdam. After obtaining a Master’s degree at the VU University Amsterdam in
organizational psychology, he received his PhD training at the University of
Maastricht under leadership of Professor Geert Hofstede, a world-renowned
expert in national cultures. This period has laid the foundation for a broad
interest in the field of international and comparative management including
research topics such as: How do companies achieve optimal integration in their
cross-border operations given the many national and cultural challenges that are
often present? How does societal context affect the background and functioning
of top management? How do multinationals companies and their subsidiaries
deal with the international challenges of the 21st century, including knowledge
management and innovation.
2.5 Monitoring quality of internationalisation –Best practice (English) / Moderator: Alexandra
Rosenbach MA.
Drs. Thomas Blanc de la Carrere, M.A. is a staff member at the ECA secretariat.
He is project officer internationalisation in the international policy department
of NVAO. In this role he has been involved in various ECA project
activities regarding transnational quality assurance of joint programmes and the
assessment of the quality of internationalisation. Before joining NVAO in 2012
he worked for 13 years as institutional European projects coordinator at Leonard
de Vinci university in Paris (France). From 2009 to 2012 he also acted as guest
lecturer in a number of HEIs primarily in Europe on the following topics: lobbying
in the EU, digital culture, intercultural communication. In the period 1996-2000
he accomplished a series of assignments in various institutions including: French
ministry of Economics, Finance and Industry and UNESCO.
Since December 2012 Harald Schraeder is the head of the international office of
the University Reims Champagne-Ardenne (URCA). He is responsible for e.g.
strengthening the university’s contribution in international research projects and
improving the number of outgoing student exchange mobility. Before he was
policy advisor international affairs at the French rectors’ conference (2006 –
2012) and at the Germen rectors’ conference (2002 – 2006).
Prof. Tom van Veen studied economics in Rotterdam and Groningen and he
received his PhD from Maastricht University. In September 1983, Tom van Veen
started to work at the School of Business and Economics of Maastricht
University. Tom van Veen has fulfilled a large number of management tasks at
the School, such as associate dean of education (1998-2001) and associate dean
for internationalisation and strategic development (2005-2011). He was
responsible for national and international accreditations of the School.In January
2011 Tom van Veen was appointed as full professor in Economics at the School
of Business and Economics of Maastricht University, in particular in the
economics of international Education. This position implies being the dean of
internationalisation of Maastricht University. Together with Alexandra
Rosenbach, he was responsible for the application of the NVAO Distinctive
Quality Feature Internationalisation that Maastricht University received in 2013.
Tom van Veen is also affiliated to Nyenrode Business University as Full Professor
in Economics.
Alexandra Rosenbach MA obtained her BA in German and English Linguistics,
Literature and Cultural Studies at Ruhr University Bochum in 2006 and her MA.
in Media Culture at Maastricht University in 2008. She has worked in various
policy advising positions in the administration of Maastricht University since
2008. For the past three years, Alexandra Rosenbach has worked as senior policy
advisor to the Executive Board in the area of internationalisation. Together with
Tom van Veen, she was responsible for the application of the NVAO Distinctive
Quality Feature Internationalisation that Maastricht University received in
6. Location & route
The conference will take place at Course & meeting centre Domstad. (site
completely in Dutch).
Course- and meeting centre Domstad
Koningsbergerstraat 9
3531 AJ Utrecht
The Netherlands
T. +31 (0)30 – 29 27 700
Public Transport
From the train station Utrecht Central you can reach Domstad by foot in 10 minutes. At Utrecht Central
Station you take the exit “jaarbeurs/Beatrix theatre”. For directions, look here.
By car
Please find an actual route at the site of the Dutch road service.
In the vicinity of the Course and meeting centre, all parking is paid. The best option is to park at the
“Jaarbeurs”, which allows you just a short walk towards the venue (see above). For a whole day parking the
rate at the “Jaarbeurs” is € 12 euro.
7. Contact & requests by the organisation
Contact during the conference
Roxanne de Vreede
Fawzia el Bach
+31 (0)6 – 49 25 58 94
+31 (0)6 – 27 03 52 55
Contact after the conference
Any questions, remarks or feedback regarding the conference ‘Making internationalisation work’? Please
contact Roxanne de Vreede at
Requests by the organisation
Please return the name badge you received at registration before you leave.
Please note that the number of participants per subsession is limited. On the day of the conference,
participants can therefore decide to join a particular subsession by taking a voucher of that subsession.
These are placed at the registration desk. When there are no more vouchers available for a subsession that
session is full.
The location of each subsession is displayed on screens at the venue and will be announced after the
morning plenary session.
8. Participants
Conference Making internationalisation work:
Joint degrees & transnational education
16 October 2014
List of participants
Name and position
Jamila Arichi
Student assistant
Tamara Bacsik
International Recruitment Officer
Gerda Baltis-Paridaen
Policy advisor
Rosa Becker
Senior Researcher & Policy Advisor
Ben Betlem
Eductional programme director
Michael Blakemore
UK Bologna expert
Thomas Blanc de la Carrere
Project officer internationalisation
Thomas Böhm
Head of Section International Students,
Rieks Bos
International affairs officer
Tjallie Botden-Scheltinga
Policy Officer
Arianne Breure
Jet Broeken
Policy Officer
Rosanne Broekhuizen
Board member
Anke Buiteveld
Director Internatioal Policy
Falco Carelsz
Iris Caris
Policy officier, Erasmus+ coordinator
Anita Coetzee
Coordinator EEMCS Int. Office
Dirk Cornelissen
Policy advisor
Marianne Cox
Policy advisor
Irma Croese
Head Education and Student Affairs
Richard Davis
Leiden University
Delft University of Technology
Maastricht University
University of Twente
Durham University
German Rectors' Conference
University of Groningen
Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences
Radboud University
University Medical Center Utrecht
Interstedelijk Studenten Overleg (ISO)
Ministry of Education, Culture and Science
Utrecht University
Delft University of Technology
The Netherlands Association of Universities of
Applied Sciences
Delft University of Technology
Réseau Franco-Neerlandais
Conference Making internationalisation work:
Joint degrees & transnational education
16 October 2014
List of participants
Name and position
Gerdien de Graaf
Manager International Programmes
Erick de Jong
Educational policy advisor
Roxanne de Vreede
Policy advisor international domain
Kirsten Dibbet
Karl Dittrich
Petra Drankier
Policy officer international strategy
Leen Drieskens
Project manager
Aparajita Dutta
Head of International Affairs
Saskia Ebeling
Coordinator of doctoral education
Katinka Eikelenboom
Director of Education
Fawzia el Bach
Assistant international domain
Qing-yi Fan
International officer
Carla Fluhr
Deputy Head
Roelfien Folkersma
Assistant educational domain
Mark Frederiks
Coordinator international policy
Marjo Gallé
Advisor Education & International Affairs
Stephan Geifes
Head of division Higher education projects
Niek Graafland
Policy advisor
Jon Grant
Development Manager
Nieke Guillory
Policy Advisory
Diederik Gussekloo
Head Education and Student Affairs
Delft University of Technology
Delft University of Technology
Wageningen University
Réseau Franco-Neerlandais
Royal Academy of Art The Hague
Utrecht University
Delft University of Technology
Delft University of Technology
Erasmus University Rotterdam
DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austuaschdienst)
Delft University of Technology
Cambridge Assessment
Maastricht University
Utrecht University
Conference Making internationalisation work:
Joint degrees & transnational education
16 October 2014
List of participants
Name and position
Esther Heemskerk
Institutional exchange coordinator
Maria Henneman
Director/owner of Maria Henneman BV
Andrew Hennuy
Josta Heyligers
Learning Advisor
Hendrik Jan Hobbes
Policy advisor
Toke Hoek
International officer
Judith Hofstra
Project manager
Marian Janssen
Head International Office
Firos Kariman
Teamleader/ projectmanager
Daniel Karsch
Communication and collaboration manager
Robin Kayser
Head international office social sciences
Melissa Keizer
Policy worker international domain
Timo Kos
Aleksandra Kovac
Programme Coordinator - International
Enny Kraaijveld
Manager International Affairs
Marnix Krop
Advisor Internationalisation
Anja Krumeich
Associated professor in Global Health
Matthias Kuder
Head Liaison offices netwerk
Anja Kuipers
Programme Director
Monique Latour
Piet Lens
Professor of environmental biotechnology
Wageningen University
Maria Henneman Media Management BV
Hasselt University
The University of Auckland
Delft University of Technology
Delft University of Technology
Radboud University
Delft University of Technology
TU Berlin
Radboud University
Ministry of Education, Culture and Science
Delft University of Technology
University of Twente
Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences
Radboud University
Maastricht University
Freie Universität Berlin
Wageningen University
Maastricht University
Conference Making internationalisation work:
Joint degrees & transnational education
16 October 2014
List of participants
Name and position
Peter Lindhoud
Consultant Iternationalisation
Jenneke Lokhoff
Senior policy officer
Sander Lotze
Head of department
Tabea Mager
Project officer internationalisation
Sabine Maresch
Senior policy advisor internationalisation
Wessel Meijer
International relations manager
Tineke Melis
Director Centre for International
Marlise Mensink
Hoofd International Office
Robin Middlehurst
Professor of Higher Education
Freddy Mortier
Vice Rector
Anne Muller
Programme coordinator
Ellen Nelissen
Manager Double Degree and Network
Gery Nijenhuis
Assistant Professor
Gesina Noordewier
Policy advisor
René Olie
Associate professor of Strategic and
international management
Tjalling Oosterhuis
International Coordinator
Jeroen Ouburg
Policy Advisor International
Udo Ouwerkerk
Instructional designer
Maggy Ovaa
International affairs and strategic
Fred Paats
Education manager
Madalena Pereira
Programme administrator
Windesheim University of Applied Sciences
University of Twente
University of Leipzig
HAN University of Applied Sciences
Radboud University
VU University Amsterdam
Utrecht University
Kingston University London
Gent University
University of Twente
Maastricht University
Utrecht University
Wageningen University
Erasmus University Rotterdam
University of Applied Sciences Viaa
Wageningen University
Delft University of Technology
University Medical Center Utrecht
University of Twente
Conference Making internationalisation work:
Joint degrees & transnational education
16 October 2014
List of participants
Name and position
Zarrea Plaisier
International Projects Coordinator
Nadia Ptashchenko
Study Abroad and International Policy
Rik Reussing
Educational coordinator
Jurgen Rienks
Director International Relations
Alexandra Rosenbach
Senior policy advisor internationalisation
Trees Ruijgrok
Policy officer
Karen Schiffner
Policy advisor
Koen Schilders
Programme and policy officer
Hanneke Schlejen
Policy advisor education
Harald Schraeder
Director International relations service
Frans Snijders
Director International Office
Geno Spoormans
Member Core Staff
Jennifer Steetskamp
Head German desk and Mobility
Joost Steevens
Business developer
Elmer Sterken
Rector Magnificus
Monique Swennenhuis
Senior advisor
Marieke te Booij
Policy adivsor
Mascha Toppenberg
Project Manager
Ellen Touw
Policy advisor International affairs
Anouk Tso
Senior Policy Adviser International
Sabine Uijl
Coordinator education epidemiology
Tilburg University
Tilburg University
University of Twente
Maastricht University
Ministry of Education, Culture and Science
University of Amsterdam
Radboud University
Tilburg University
Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne
VU University Amsterdam
Tilburg University
German Institute Amsterdam
Erasmus University Rotterdam
University of Groningen
Hanze University of Applied Sciences
Leiden University
Delft University of Technology
Delft University of Technology
University of Amsterdam
University Medical Center Utrecht
Conference Making internationalisation work:
Joint degrees & transnational education
16 October 2014
List of participants
Name and position
Gungor Uslu
Educational consultant
Peter van Bragt
Senior policy advisor international affairs
Tim van den Brink
Beleidsmedewerker onderwijs
Esther van den Heuvel
International Relations Manager
Femke van der Geest
Policy Advisor internationalisation
Jitske van der Laan
International Officer
Lidy van der Lugt
Assistant HRM
Pauline van der Meer Mohr
Joost van der Veen
Senior policy advisor
Els van der Werf
Senior adviseur internationalisering
Petra van Dijk
Staff member
Cindy van Dijk
International Officer
Marion van Eijck
International coordinator
Monique van Fessem
Director/official secretary
Ingrid van Gaalen
Policy adviser Educational & Student Affairs
Bart van Gent
Charlie van Genuchten
Marleen van Heusden
International Policy Officer
Guido van Leerzem
Policy Officer
Santje van Londen
Tom van Veen
Dean Internationalisation
Cosmicus Foundation
Avans University of Applied Sciences
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Utrecht University
Delft University of Technology
Wageningen University
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Ministry of Education, Culture and Science
Hanze University of Applied Sciences
Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
Radboud University
Delft University of Technology
Utrecht University
Eindhoven University of Technology
Tilburg University
Maastricht University
Conference Making internationalisation work:
Joint degrees & transnational education
16 October 2014
List of participants
Name and position
Astrid Van Vliet
Senior policy advisor
Fay van Zeijl
Policy advisor
Tjebbe Venema
Freelance Camjo at Tjebbe Venema Media
Francine Wartena
Assistant Coordinator Erasmus Mundus
programme Sustainable Animal Nutrition
and Feeding
Eveline Weenink
Freddy Weima
Director General
Sofie Wolf
Johan Wouters
Senior lecturer & programme manager EPS
Mijke Zeegers
Projectmanager International Education
Andreas Zehetner
Vice President International Affairs
The Hague University of Applied Sciences
Wageningen University
Utrecht University
Maastricht University
Avans University of Applied Sciences
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences
9. Notes