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The 3D – project
Comenius: a cooperation between European schools.
What is Comenius?
 Globalisation expands boundaries, broadening our horizons and making our world smaller.
International cooperation, the Internet and travel make personal and business relationships across
borders increasingly common. A young person graduating from secondary school at this moment has
a good chance of studying, working or living in an international environment. Pupils who come into
contact with the international and intercultural community at a young age through
internationalisation at school have a broader perspective and better chances on the international job
 Internationalisation prepares pupils to take their part in the international community, promotes
teachers’ professional development and enriches the school curriculum. Through its role as the Dutch
knowledge centre for internationalisation in primary and secondary education and teacher training,
the European Platform contributes to increasing the quality of Dutch education through
 Our goal is that all pupils in primary and secondary education receive a foundation based on
internationalisation, in order to inspire and prepare them to study, work and live in an international
environment. In addition, the European Platform provides support to schools wanting to establish
internationalisation as an extra distinguishing aspect of their school. The European Platform also
encourages the internationalisation of teacher training institutions for primary and secondary
education in the Netherlands.
 Comenius will be named Erasmus in the future.
The original ambitions of the project:
Interaction between schools.
3D technology and thinking (not just printing!).
How 3D technology can be integrated into the everyday curriculum.
Learning about culture.
To carry on with the things that have been learnt after the project ends.
What makes a good Comenius project:
 The project should have a measurable impact on the school.
 Each partner school must have an input into the project.
 All partners must communicate with each other (in between mobility meetings too!).
 The project should be put into the curriculum somehow.
 The project should reach a wider audience – dissemination is key! Media, other
schools, parents, local community, open evenings, student exchanges etc. Tell everyone!
Show them what we are doing now and later they can get more involved.
 Importantly, enjoy the project and be enthusiastic about it!
Cooperation Partners
The Netherlands
 VMBO De Krijtenburg: Ben Matoren, Thijs Speelman, Jan Moorlag
 obs De Wielen: Jannet Bosma, Arjan Verbeem
 obs De Zeester; Cees Visser
 The House of Design: Eileen Blackmore, Tobias ?
 Province of Fryslån
UK England
 Alde Valley School: Samantha Jay
 Jonathan Keep – independent artist
 AB International Network Ltd.: Ann Brown
 Eriklundskolan: Henrik Liljenberg-Hansson
 Navet Science Center: Anna Gunnarsson
 Alstergymnasium Henstedt-Ulzburg: Nadine Heisterberg, Bente Rickmers, Bernd
 (hamburgunddesign.de: not represented)
What’s 3D printing ?
 Children learning to think 2D to 3D.
 Children learn to work with various computer software.
 Doodle (age 3-6 year)
 Tinkercad (age 7-18)
 Blender (10-18)
 Children learn other children to learn thinking 3D and to
work with the printer.
 Children learn adults to think and to work 3D.
 3D printer and materials, recycling plastic, sustainability.
What did we do ?
 Sunday: we had diner at 19.00 and after that we trained
for the presentation of Monday.
 Monday: Presentation of our experiences and the
teacher manual on an E-reader.
 Thursday: Discussion of the expectations of the goals
and different views.
 Wednesday: the next meeting(s), projects and the final
goals we have in June 2015 in Leeuwarden.
Filmpje Annemiek &
Cees video diary
 Start
What are we going to do?
 We need to write reports, dairies of our lessons and
We/ our pupils need to make contact with other
schools and exchange their ideas of designs.
Sharing our experiences and keep spreading the word.
Involve our colleagues, implement this project into
Where can we put it in our curriculum?
What is the value of this project for the community of
Vlieland (ITGWO-Province-leading school for Europe)
3D and Sustainability
The future is where our pupils will
life and work
The beach of Vlieland
 3D-printing is more than just a printer
 Plastic island and 3D- printing
 We must learn our children to live in a better world and so we
need to recycle.
 The “good”example, we chose to drive by car instead of flying.
 This project
 How to continue after 2015?
 Our position as leading school.
 What is our chance to spread the word?
Trends and future of 3D
 3D technology in the field
 Innovation, building houses, the moon
 Recycling
 Sharing ideas
 Dare to think differently
3D technology in the field
Plastic collection on the beach and recycling it to “ink” for the printer.
Islanders and tourists involved in this project
3D printing in 24hrs…
Building 3D
Thank you !
 Thank you for making this possible
 Thank you for supporting this project.