NEWSLETTER 24 • AUGUST Dear reader, 1 Introduction As summer holidays are almost finished, we look back to NEWS a very inspiring and positive first half year. EFL makes a 1 EFL Year Accounts approved difference; our valued members proof it each day. 2 New Logo and corporate brochure We are at the forefront of economical and sustainable 2 New members: ISTA and MOAT community development and provide each other the best solutions for innovations and sustainable NEWS FROM THE WORKING GROUPS ­approaches. Our strong members are the backbone of 3 Update Working Groups our organization. The newly founded EFL working groups work hard and EFL in the Press have committed themselves to tangible output. 5Article EFL Chairman Financial Daily EFL members are on track for new projects in the EU Newspaper Netherlands 5 “Across the border there is a lot to learn” Horizon 2020 program. Progress is made in finding alternative financing solutions for social housing ­organizations; we cover the challenges for accessible OTHER EFL NEWS & UPCOMING EVENTS housing for elderly people and of Social Return on 5 Full Zero House (FZH) Investments. The first EFL House in Görlitz is ready and 6IStay@Home Conference hosted by SWB currently the first tenants entered their new home. Lienden at September 17-19 6Erhin Award: Eigen Haard and Circle Housing We are ready to proceed with full speed and reckon on your valuable support. among nominated EFL members 6 CIH Conference Manchester 7Change name of WBG Görlitz into KOMM Wohnen 7 November 12-14: General Assembly in Paris 7French meetings on future social housing in Lyon and Strassbourg 8 Agenda Ben Pluijmers, Joost Nieuwenhuijzen, Chairman EFL Managing Director EFL EFL Year Accounts ­approved The EFL Year Accounts for 2012 and 2013 have been approved by the legal auditor. Both EFL EEIG and EFL Expertise Ltd received qualified audit reports. The year results are positive. For those interested, a copy can be provided on request. NEWSLETTER 24 1 NEWS CONNECT WITH OTHER INNOVATORS IN EUROPEAN HOUSING New Logo and corporate brochure EFL changes and looks forward. With our dynamic growth and increasing significance in the European residenial sector, we adapted our corporate image. First step you witness today: a new EFL logo and a brand new corporate brochure. The brochure is also available on our website. Further changes will follow soon with a completely new website in due time and new communication chanels. New members: ISTA and MOAT knowledge exchange platform, ISTA would not only like to share and discuss their experiences and best practices within the federation, but also would like to actively As we introduce in each Newsletter new members, we support the overall objectives and reputation of EFL are happy to present you a new associate from Germany The services offered to property managers, house owners and a new member from the UK. With the new entrances, and energy utilities range from the supply and installation the total number of members and associates reached 34. of meters up to billing and analysis of energy data. The further growth of EFL enables us to undertake more ISTA is located in Essen, Germany. projects, deliver more value for our members and increase Moat is one of the foremost housing associations in the our collaboration throughout Europe. United Kingdom working in the South East, providing high Any relevant organization interested in an EFL ­membership can contact the managing director of EFL. NEW MEMBERS quality homes and services. By joining forces and transferring knowledge with congenial partners, MOAT likes to gain not only leading-edge expertise, but build a ISTA is the global leading energy service provider for the mutual beneficial relationship in which MOAT will be of consumption-dependent billing of energy, water and valuable support to other members. ancillary costs. With their products and services, ISTA After joining the latest General Assembly of EFL in Bad helps to save energy, cut CO2 emissions and reduce Aibling, MOAT decided to join EFL as Europe’s unique costs sustainably. Ista is deeply interested in aligning their and most professional network of housing providers, interests and their visions with the housing industry and the supply industry and scientific institutions. other energy service providers at a European level. MOAT ‘s head quarters are located in Kent. As EFL is a unique European-wide networking and NEWSLETTER 24 2 NEWS FROM THE WORKING GROUPS EU Subsidies The next meeting of the Working Group Energy Efficient Housing will be chaired by Prof. Dr. Henk Visscher from the Delft University of Technology. The aim of the meeting is to exchange state of the art experiences and insights in how to achieve energy efficiency goals in the European housing stock. The input derives from EFL members and external experts. European research and demonstration projects can give input to the group. On June 27, the Topic Group on European Subsidies met in Brussels. Pierre Touya, host and spokesman, along with the other attendees contentedly welcomed Wheatley Group’s Accessible Housing represent Lorraine McLaren to the EFL Topic Group. On June 13, the Working Group ‘ Accessible Housing’ Wheatley Group is Scotland’s largest housing association. convened in London. Hosted and chaired by Habinteg’s Many thanks in part to the efforts of Danielle Baetens Glen Joseph, the first meeting focused on establishing the (Grant@vice) and Mireille van der Graaf (Welcome goals and output. Europe), for contributing to the meeting by sharing Framework and goal of the group: remarkable presentations that granted new insights to the •The ageing society is presenting some significant challenges subject of Horizon 2020. The input that was received allowed the attendees to come to a common vision and to health, care and housing services across Europe; •The Working Group provides an environment in which caused the meeting to be very fruitful and productive. members can draw on all their diverse experience and Meanwhile, most of the members represented in the expertise; to working group delivered concrete project proposals for Develop solutions that can help address some of the funding opportunities. Among them are Vilogia, challenges our tenants may face ­GEWOBAG, Orbit, Circle and Eigen Haard. The TU Delft Defined objections of the first meeting: committed for scientific support. Next meeting is •Agree on a funding framework for the group ­scheduled beginning of October in Brussels. •Agree on one or two projects on which to work on together Energy Efficient Housing •Agree the terms of reference Furthermore, the Working Group is dedicated to organize Chaired by Frank Thesseling (KEOTO), the working group an European competition for ideas and best practices of energy efficient housing gathered on June 11 in Amsterdam. accessible housing. The group focused on the opportunities of the Horizon Next meeting: September 16, Lienden (NL). 2020 program, the massive supporting European package for sustainable, innovative and inclusive growth. Especially the Calls for proposals within the Energy Efficient Buildings (EEB) program and the so called EE calls (Energy Efficiency) received the interest from the members. The participants shared several ideas for project proposals and discussed the formation of ­application consortia. From the part of the Swiss architect/ engineering company ‘KEOTO’ , the so called ‘Full Zero House’ concept has been presented to the group in more detail. Opportunities for the construction of Full Zero Buildings are currently assessed by Dutch and English members of EFL. NEWSLETTER 24 3 Financing Social Domain/CSR The Working Group ‘Financing’ shares information and develops EFL reporting standards for social housing companies. The Working Group has decided to extend the scope of their approach. Not only financing instruments and subsidy systems will be compared, also investment policies and asset management will be taken into account. The first step has been completed: an overview of financing and funding systems throughout ‘EFL countries’ is ready. Both regular financing, ­guarantee systems and funding schemes have been taken into account. The study has been The preparations for the next meeting of the working performed for Germany, France, Netherlands, group Social Domain have been started. Main topic of this UK and Switzerland. working group is the enhancement of social economic conditions in urban areas by learning of experiences Next step of the Group is the comparison and throughout Europe. Site visits in major European cities assessment of the different financing and funding and learning from demonstrations of successful systems in Europe, based on the real day to day approaches adds to the improvement of social- economic business of financing properties. The TG strategy of EFL members. All best practices have been ­members are asked to add suitable case studies collected in a serie of ‘EFL Brochures’. to illustrate the funding opportunities in their countries. During the next meeting, taking place in After the successful completion of the “Toolbox London at September 18 and 19th , rating office Neighborhood Approach” , the group decided to develop Moody’s will present their expertise in rating a new instrument for common use in the European (social) housing companies. housing sector. The in UK widely used tool ‘Social Return The preparations are carried out by the experts of on Investment’ (shortly SROI) is a very practical way to Dr. Klein & Co (Berlin) and Circle Housing demonstrate the effectiveness of delivering social value. (London). Bernadette Arends , manager at De Woonplaats (NL), chairs this working group. Next meeting takes place in Glasgow on November 6 and 7. NEWSLETTER 24 4 EFL IN THE PRESS OTHER EFL NEWS & UPCOMING EVENTS Article EFL Chairman ­Financial Daily Newspaper ­Netherlands Full Zero House (FZH) EFL Chairman Ben Pluijmers and fellow EFL member Hendrik Jellema (GEWOBAG Berlin), published an article in the Dutch Newspaper “Financieel Dagblad’ about alternative governance structures for the Dutch Social Housing Sector. The concept of Full Zero House provided by As the public hearings of the Dutch Parliamentary EFL associate KEOTO received interest from a Investigation Commission have been finalized, a period of few EFL members for further study and possible evaluations has been started. Both Mr. Pluijmers and realization. Mr. Jellema are convinced that ‘one shoe fits all’ solutions, FZC’s approach goes beyond current “green” as the only legal form of the Dutch housing association is the architectural practices focused on passive design “foundation”, is not the answer for the very pluralistic sector. to reduce energy demand; instead, it seeks to Both argument that learning from foreign experiences and achieve overall effective solutions. In concrete models can be very helpful for the Dutch sector. terms, the FULL ZERO CONCEPT pursues the The article (in Dutch) is available on the EFL website. following objectives: Systemic Approach. Integration of knowledge “Across the border there is a lot to learn” EFL Managing Director Joost Nieuwenhuijzen published in the Dutch Magazine “Tijdschrift voor de Volkshuisvesting”, a professional magazine for the social housing sector, an article about the added value of TIJDSCHRIFT VOOR DE VOLKSHUISVESTING NUMMER 4 AUGUSTUS 2014 VOLKSHUISVESTING OVER DE GRENS 21 OVER DE GRENS VALT EEN HOOP TE LEREN Volkshuisvesting eid zijn, langzaam maar zeker mag van oudsher primair een nationale aangelegenh vertoont het wel degelijk een internationale DOOR JOOST NIEUWENHUIJZEN, EUROPEAN kant. FEDERATION FOR LIVING I viert en de nationale proIn een tijd waarin euroscepsis hoogtij Europese eenwordingsproces jecten die onderhevig zijn aan het verduurt, is het opmerkeeen veelheid aan eurokritische smaken een ander geluid hoorbaar is lijk dat er steeds vaker en massiever . vanuit het werkterrein van woningcorporaties tussen het Nederlandse sociaUit een inventarisatie van de raakvlakken in verschillende Europese le huisvestingsysteem en andere systemen te leren is over de grens. Uiteraard landen komt naar voren dat er veel rijke volkshuisvestingstraditie kent ook andersom, daar Nederland een voorraad aan sociale huurwoen een naar Europese maatstaven grote de European Federation ningen telt. Vanuit deze gedachte ontwikkelde netwerk van woningcorpoEuropees for Living, EFL, zich tot een breed instituten. Op dit moment raties, marktpartijen en wetenschappelijke landen en de trend is stijgend. Hoe telt EFL 35 leden uit 7 verschillende Europese samenwerking te veris de toenemende belangstelling voor van een samenwerking op klaren, en wat is precies de meerwaarde Europees niveau? tussen woningcorporaties De essentie van Europese samenwerking gelegen in waardecreatie. Dat wil door het uitwisselen van kennis is iets moet opleveren en niet is zeggen dat het partnerschap concreet Partijen gaan gemeenschapbedoeld voor een eindeloos overlegcircuit. gebruik van de kennis van gelieerde pelijk over tot cocreatie en maken niet noodzakelijk uniformiteit is partijen in de vastgoedketen. Het doel en diensten, maar eerder innovatie. door het integreren van producten in drie Europese subsidieproInmiddels hebben EFL-leden succesvol in de maak. Een aantal project jecten samengewerkt en is een nieuw ter illustratie. voorbeelden van succesvolle projecten is een goed voorbeeld van een Het succesvolle I-Stay@Home project op Europees niveau. Het is evigeslaagd resultaat van samenwerking als vergrijzing het best gebaat dent dat grensoverschrijdende kwesties het bundelen van krachten en zijn bij een gezamenlijke inzet door ‘actief ouder worden en solidariexpertise. In het kader van het thema daarom in 2012 toegezegd een teit tussen de generaties’ heeft de EU financieren via het Interreg IV-B deel van het I-stay@home project te 2,5 miljoen euro aan projectsubsiprogramma, door het toekennen van die. woningverhuurders als technische Het initiatief, afkomstig van zowel zich ten doel gesteld het realisepartners uit Noordwest Europa, heeft dat oudere huurders van corporaren van een Europees ICT-platform aanbod van ondersteunende domoties toegang verschaft tot een groot , waaronder het woningcorporaties Participerende diensten. tica Lienden, krijgen de unieke geleNederlandse De Woonplaats en SWB (!) huurwoningen van de participegenheid om hun oplossingen in 100 kunnen zij producten en rende corporaties live te testen. Daarnaast en de beschikbaarheid diensten in de platformdatabase integreren de corporaties, maar mensen hiervan vergroten, waardoor niet alleen van de oplossing. uit alle delen van Europa kunnen profiteren vangt in het najaar van Het project TRIME (Trias Mores Energetica) uit 5 landen samen aan het beïn2014 aan. Hier werken 12 corporaties van energie. Innovatieve vloeden van bewonersgedrag ter besparing worden getest en geïmplemenervaringen uit binnen en buitenland Haard (Amsterdam) en Eigen participeren Nederland teerd. Vanuit aanvraag is inmiddels ingeHavensteder (Rotterdam). Een succesvolle diend bij de Europese Commissie. het zogenaamde ‘Full Zero Het Zwitserse EFL lid KEOTO ontwikkelde benadering voor de toeConcept’. Dit is opgezet als een systematische oplossingen in de bouwsecpassing van duurzame en kostenefficiënte over de gehele levensloop van tor. Full Zero is CO neutraal, gerekend Het streven naar een zo duureen gebouw, productie/beheer en sloop. door optimaal gebruik gerealiseerd wordt oplossing zaam mogelijke zo veel mogelijk realiseren in de van ‘on site’ productie’, dat wil zeggen nieuwe projecten als renovaties pre-fabricatie. Het project omvat zowel context, om zo een maximum en wordt ontwikkeld in een Europese buitenland. Er wordt momenteel aan kennis binnen te halen uit het Amsterdam. Een pilotlocatie is geïnventariseerd voor een pilot in along the projects’ lifecycle: design, construction, use, and disposal. • Zero Emissions. Massive use of renewable sources to provide the total building’s energy demand. • P lus Energy. Energy harvested by the building’s energy system could be higher than its energy. • C ost effective projects by balancing the costs cooperation on European of: construction of the building, energy system, level. Examples as the maintenance, and expected energy use. recent EU funded projects • Z ero Waste. Use of prefabricated components TRIME and ISTAY@Home to reuse materials at the end of the building’s have been mentioned in use. the article, but also the • M inimal Maintenance. Low complexity of low cost EFL House in building’s energy system for effective Görlitz has been implementation. described as very You will be informed in this Newsletter about the concrete examples of proceedings. cooperation within Europe. The article (in inmiddels aangewezen. van geslaagde uitwisseling Het is slechts een klein aantal voorbeelden partners in de volkshuisvesting. tussen Nederlandse en buitenlandse Dutch) is available on the EFL website. NEWSLETTER 24 5 IStay@Home Conference hosted by SWB Lienden at September 17-19 Eigen Haard Amsterdam is nominated for their Neighborhood Approach ‘Indian Neighborhood’ in the category ‘Local Social Sustainability’. The project has been described in one of the EFL Best practice brochures, available on EFL’s website. The next conference of the project “ISTAY@Home” will take Besides the project ‘Indische Buurt, Eigen Haard has also Gema k bestendig Levensloop Sociale interactie Technologie InternetEenzaamheidMobilitei Regie t Comfort AanpasbaZorg ar op maat Betaalbaarheid Familie Ontspanning Onafha eid Veiligheid nkelijkh Alarmsystemen Communicatie Duurzaa Monitoring gezondhe id mheid place between Vragen Voor vragen kunt u contact opnemen met: Sharon Honders of else-marie van oorschot telefoon (0344) 60 19 14. September 17 and 19 in Locatie Buitenplaats amerongen Drostestraat 12 3958 BK amerongen Gratis parkeren op eigen terrein. the Netherlands. De routebeschrijving is te vinden op de website Hosting organizations been nominated for the approach “Co Green” in the category “Environment”. Circle Housing is also nominated in the category ‘Environment’ for their project’s objectives: to help residents reduce their Uitnodiging Congres I Stay @ Home Donderdag 18 september 2014 energy consumption and associated bill without impairing their well-being at home. are SWB Lienden and The Award Ceremony takes place on october 6th in De Woonplaats. Brussels. The programme will start at 9:00h in the morning and will consist of workshops and discussions focusing on the topics of I-stay@home. Due to limited seating, interested participants are requested to register in advance. Program public conference I-stay@Home 2014 on September 18. The program is split into morning and afternoon sessions. The morning program offers three workshops with a maximum number of participants of 80 people. The afternoon program can accommodate 200 people. CIH Conference Manchester Information: During June 24-26, the annual conference of the Chartered Erhin Award: Eigen Haard and Circle Housing among nominated EFL members Institute of Housing (CIH) took place in Manchester. This conference is the biggest conference for the public and social housing sector in the UK, with over 1.000 delegates and 300 exhibitors. All relevant issues in the UK social housing as diminishing funding, the role of the state for poor people and the The European Responsible Housing Awards (ERHIN) growing share of Private Rented Ownership have been rewards outstanding CSR practices implemented by discussed. The conference has also been addressed by not-for-profit, public and cooperative housing providers the English minister of Housing, Kris Hopkins. on a voluntary basis, beyond legal obligations. ERHIN is EFL member ORBIT hosted a breakfast meeting on an initiative of CECODHAS Housing Europe and the Neighborhood Improvement , introduced by Orbits CEO International Union of Tenants, co-funded by the Paul Tennant. EFL was represented by the managing European Commission. It aims at leading the way director. towards better embedding CSR in the housing sector. EFL members Eigen Haard Amsterdam and Circle London have been nominated for these award, out of a total of more than 70 submitted projects from all over Europe. NEWSLETTER 24 6 Change name of WBG Görlitz into KOMM Wohnen November 12-14: General Assembly in Paris Hosted by the French EFL member ‘Polylogis’, the next Recently, WBG Görlitz changed it’s name into KOMM General Assembly will take place in the French capital. Wohnen. Translated into English, this means “Come to An interesting program is currently in preparation and the live with us”, but also stands for ‘Municipal Housing members will be introduced in the urban and housing Company’, as KOMM Wohnen is 100% owned by the ambitions of the City of Paris. City of Görlitz. The new name reflects new ambitions and A full program, including Key note speakers, workshops activities of this largest housing company of Görlitz. and the election of the EFL Boards is scheduled. Arne Myckert, CEO of Komm Wohnen, linked the name The meeting will take place in Holiday Inn Hotel ‘Canal la also to the Dutch housing association Com Wonen, the Vilette’ and start Wednesday afternoon November 12. previous name of the Rotterdam housing association Havensteder. French meetings on future social housing in Lyon and Strassbourg As part of the developments in social housing in France, increasingly influenced by European developments and attention from the European Union, two seminars are organized by LHEDCO/ Polylogis in Lyon and in Strassbourg. During both seminars, EFL Chairman Ben Pluijmers will address the attendees and discuss the developments in Europe, and especially from Netherlands. As Netherlands was one of the first countries which received “European” instructions to change national social housing legislation, the topic ‘state subsidies’ and ‘level playing field’ with the private sector is prominent on the European agenda. Are we at the beginning of a European model of social housing?; is one of the questions for the audience. The meetings are focused on ‘how to learn from European examples; best practices as the Greater London developments are presented as well. The organisation of both seminars is in the hands of Pierre TOUYA, Chief Operating Officer at Polylogis Group and the Strassbourg meeting with the French organization ESH. NEWSLETTER 24 7 AGENDA WORKING GROUPS Energy Efficiency 10 or 19 October Delft EU Subsidies 1 October Brussels Accessible Housing 16 September Lienden Financing 18- 19 September London Social Domain 6-7 November Glasgow ISTAY@HOME conference 18 September Lienden USH Congress 22-24 September Lyon Full Zero House 2 October London ERHIN Award 6 October Brussels Expo Real 2014 6-8 October Munich General Assembly 12-14 November Paris Université Eté 24-25 November Strassbourg OTHERS homeconnections choose Berliner Bau- und Wohnungsgenossenschaft von 1892 eG Vilogia Bien dans ma ville S T E R K A D V I E S W E R K Editor: European Federation for Living. Joost Nieuwenhuijzen, - Amsterdam Copyright notice: Reproduction is authorised, provided the source is acknowledged, save where otherwise stated. - © 2014 EFL NEWSLETTER 24 8