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te Karlsruhe
17 en 18 september
17 september: ‘PLOT, GUS, CEEES meeting
Fraunhofer ICT, Lecture Hall
Per bus naar Fraunhofer
14.30 Coffee/tea break
15.00 Introduction Fraunhofer / introduction Fraunhofer ICT
Fraunhofer is Europe’s largest application-oriented research organization. Their research efforts are geared
entirely to people’s needs: health, security, communication, energy and the environment. As a result, the
work undertaken by our researchers and developers has a significant impact on people’s lives. Fraunhofer
ICT scientists carry out research and development work within the key competences areas energetic
materials, energetic systems, applied electrochemistry, environmental engineering and polymer engineering.
Presenter: Stefan Tröster, Head of Department General Management, Fraunhofer ICT
15.20 Test plan Development / Test Tailoring
Tailored environmental tests ensure that a component is sufficiently tested without placing it under
excessive stress. Economic factors play an important role in environmental simulation. The cost of
environmental qualification of technical products is normally compensated by the higher quality and
reliability of the product. Environmental simulations can also form part of life cycle engineering and
resource-efficient material management
Presenter: Joachim Cäsar, Environmental Engineering Expert, Fraunhofer ICT
15.50 Gas Generator Development and Airbag Testing
Pyrotechnic gas generators are reactive solid mixtures that release large quantities of gas when they react.
Beside their application in airbag systems, their potential for separating electrical connections, generating
motion and expelling powders and liquids has attracted attention. Pyrotechnic gas generators are light and
low-maintenance, have a small installation size and an adjustable gas flow rate, and also have no pre-loaded
pressure gas system. In the presentation some aspects for environmental testing will be presented.
Presenter: Jochen Neutz, Energetic Systems, Group Leader, Fraunhofer ICT
16.30 Drinks
17.00 Technical tour
- Battery Testing Lab
- Environmental Lab
- Airbag Qualification Lab
18.00 Diner georganiseerd door GUS. Aansluitend welkomst receptie met deelnemers van het seminar dat
plaatsvindt op 18 september
21.00 Terug naar hotel ‘AAAA Hotelwelt’
18 september CEEES Conference "Environmental Testing and
Safety of Batteries and Fuel-Cells"
07.30 uur ontbijt
9.00 – 17.00 uur vindt het seminar plaats met het thema "Environmental Testing and Safety of Batteries and FuelCells". Het programma wordt momenteel samengesteld. Catering wordt de gehele dag verzorgd.
„The objective oft he conference is to share and show today’s and future situation on “Environmental Testing and
Safety of Batteries and Fuel-Cells" in Europe.
The intention is to have plenary presentations, parallel special session presentations and poster presentations. We
aim for a good combination between scientific, industrial and application-oriented presentations.“
Heeft u input voor het programma? Zie bijgevoegde call for presentations.
17.00 uur Buffet
18.00 Busreis naar Nederland
Gratis voor PLOT leden
1 persoon per lidbedrijf (extra persoon: € 149,-)
Inschrijven middels bijgevoegd antwoordformulier (voor 15 augustus).