Aktuella exjobbsförslag hos Tribomaterialgruppen Energi‐ och nötningsoptimering av tekniska keramer i papperstillverkning Bakgrund I pappersindustrin går en vattenlösning med träfibrer på nån sekund från att bestå av 99% vatten till att endast innehålla ett fåtal procent. Detta görs genom att vattnet sugs ut från lösningen (slurryn) genom en polymerväv, en så kallad vira. För att möjliggöra detta låter man viran passera över vakuumlådor varvid vattnet sugs ut. När viran passerar över lådan nöts den vilket medför att den får en begränsad livslängd. Genom att optimera kontakten mellan viran och vakuumlådan nötningen minskas och livslängden hos viran därmed ökas. Detta kan göras till exempel genom rätt materialval eller ändrad ytstruktur hos ett valt material. Uppdrag Uppgiften består i att utvärdera hur materialval och ytstruktur hos den tekniska keram som utgör glidytan påverkar: • nötningen av viran • friktionsbeteendet (eftersom viran är mycket bred, har hög hastighet, och vattensuget leder till relativt höga kontakttryck ger friktionen upphov till stora energiförluster) Praktisk provning i en labuppställning i Tribomateriallabbet samt mikroskopi och analys av ytor kommer vara en stor del av projektet. Arbetet genomförs i samarbete med Albany International, vilket är en stor svensk producent av viror. SEM-bild av vira (vänster) jämte ljusmikroskopbild av den keramyta viran glider mot (höger). Kontaktperson: Åsa Kassman Rudolphi Aktuella exjobbsförslag hos Tribomaterialgruppen Triboron lågfriktionsadditiv — Mycket lovande för renare avgaser och starkare motorer – men hur fungerar det? En ny familj smörjmedels- och bränsleadditiv baserade på bor har introducerats på marknaden. Framförallt inom båtsport (2-taktsmotorer med oljeinblandning i bränslet) har man mycket positiva resultat att visa upp. Inte bara får man högre effekt och högre vridmoment, utan också renare avgaser (ingen blårök) och en motor som är mycket renare på insidan (viktigt i båtsport, där ju motorn plockas ner och fixas mellan varje tävling). Företaget som tillverkar och marknadsför produktfamiljen har även många andra lovande resultat, med bäring både på förbättrade prestanda och goda miljöeffekter. RESERVERAT En bredare introduktion av produkterna kräver nu ett djupare kunnande om hur de faktiskt fungerar; vad det är som gör dem så bra. Det finns vissa idéer och tankar, förstås, men företaget är litet och saknar egna forskningsresurser. Här kommer examensarbetet in. I examensarbetet skall smörjmedlen provas i ett antal av Tribomaterialgruppens riggar, med variation av laster, temperaturer och kontaktgeometrier. Resultaten skall utvärderas i form av friktionskurvor och skärningslaster: Efterföljande studier i SEM och med EDS skall avslöja eventuella tribofilmer och förklara de bakomliggande tribologiska mekanismerna. Resultaten skall hela tiden jämföras med referenser utan tillsatt boradditiv. Kontaktperson: Staffan Jacobson Utföres på Ångström, men med diskussioner och studiebesök på företaget Tribolator. Aktuella exjobbsförslag hos Tribomaterialgruppen Kombinatorisk sputtring och karakterisering av tribologiska gradientbeläggningar Under de senaste åren har utvecklingen av nya PVD-beläggningar förenklats kraftigt genom introduktionen av s.k. kombinatorisk sputtring. Med denna metod är det möjligt att producera beläggningar med kontinuerligt varierande sammansättning över en yta. Moderna analysmetoder med hög rumsupplösning (XRD, EDS, XPS etc.) möjliggör också högupplöst karakteriserering av sammansättning och struktur. Även de lokala mekaniska egenskaperna kan undersökas, med t.ex. automatiserad nanoindentation. Med hjälp av de här metoderna kan vi på ett tidseffektivt sätt studera hela materialsystem i ett enda prov. För tribologiska beläggningar har det dock saknats lämpliga metoder för att undersöka de lokala friktionsegenskaperna. Inom Tribologigruppen har en testmetod utvecklats för att göra just detta. Metoden har testats på ett antal olika gradienter och har visat sig kapabel att upplösa lokala friktionsskillnader längs en yta. Vi står nu i begrepp att utnyttja den nya möjligheten till snabb, materialsystemorienterad tribologisk karakterisering. Det kan röra allt från visualisering inom välkända materialsystem, som exempelvis hur Zn-halten styr egenskaperna hos mässing, till okända materialsystem, som exempelvis hur elementsubstitution i keramiska beläggningar påverkar tribologiska egenskaper. Det aktuella examensarbetet syftar till att inom ett eller flera utvalda materialsystem visa hur sammansättningen kan påverka det tribologiska prestandan hos en komponent- eller verktygsbeläggning. Arbetet kommer sannolikt att förutom tribologisk provning av beläggningar innefatta urval av materialsystem, deponering, samt karakterisering. Kontaktpersoner: Harald Nyberg Urban Wiklund Aktuella exjobbsförslag hos Tribomaterialgruppen Triboelektrisk utvärdering av kolbaserade metalldopade beläggningar Det finns många applikationer, alltifrån elektriska handverktyg till högspecialiserad medicinsk utrustning, där ström eller signaler behöver överföras från en komponent som roterar till en som är stillastående. I kontakten mellan de två ytorna, som rör sig mot varandra, ska ström/signaler kunna överföras utan stora förluster. Samtidigt är det viktigt med låg nötning och låg friktion för stabil prestanda under hela livslängden och små mekaniska förluster. Sintrade metallgrafiter är vanligt förekommande i sådana triboelektriska applikationer. Ofta är motytan en ren metall så även om grafit i sig är ett lågfriktionsmaterial så kan friktion och nötning mellan de två materialen variera och vara relativt höga. Genom att optimera motytan, alltså genom att byta ut den rena metallen, tror vi att kontaktsituationen kan optimeras så att den tribologiska prestandan ökar utan att den elektriska blir lidande. Inom ramen för detta examensarbete skulle vi vilja utvärdera kolbaserade metalldopade beläggningar i ett samarbete med en japansk forskare, Takanori Takeno vid Tohoku universitetet i Sendai. Deras beläggningar har visat lovande resultat (T.Takeno et.al, Deposition, structure and tribological behavior of silver-carbon nanocomposite coatings, Diamond & related materials, 39 (2013) 20-26) men har aldrig testats mot ett metallgrafitmaterial, vilket vi har möjlighet att göra tillsammans med Carbex, ett svenskt företag som tillverkar metallgrafiter. (www.carbex.se). Beläggningarna kommer till en början att behöva karaktäriseras. Det kan handla om ytfinhet, hårdhet, E-modul, tjocklek och sammansättning. Det huvudsakliga utvärderingsarbetet kommer att bestå i att testa beläggning mot metallgrafit i fram och återgående rörelse i en av våra tribologiska testuppställningar där friktion och kontaktresistans mäts i den glidande kontakten och last och ström kan varieras. Ytorna utvärderas sedan genom avbildning i SEM och kemisk analys. Kontaktpersoner: Martina Grandin Urban Wiklund Aktuella exjobbsförslag hos Tribomaterialgruppen Aktuella exjobbsförslag hos Tribomaterialgruppen Nya belagmaterial för bättre skidglid Kontakta Staffan Wear of cemented carbide drill inserts in different rock conditions Med Sandvik /Susanne Norgren. Kontakta Staffan Mikrofluidik för höga tryck Vi forskar på komponenter och system till mikrofluidik för höga tryck. Vår forskning har bland annat resulterat i extremt starka mikroventiler och världens starkaste mikromekaniska pump. Bland tillämpningarna finns allt ifrån miniatyriserade ubåtar via kemiska analysutrustningar till satelliter. Vi kan erbjuda flera projekt lämpliga för examensarbeten. Förslag på områden är exempelvis: • • • • Utveckla nya tillverkningstekniker Utveckla nya mikroventiler Optimering av mikropumpar Utveckling av en miniatyriserad integrerad flödescell för optiska mätningar Intresserad? Kontakta mig för mer information: Roger Bodén Avd. f. Mikrosystemteknik roger.boden@angstrom.uu.se Rum Å2203 Telefon 018‐471 3028 Information in English: Diploma work in microfluidics for high pressures For more information contact roger.boden@angstrom.uu.se EXJOBB i Nanoteknologi och funktionella material: Utveckling av nytt material för brännskadevård; syntes och karakterisering. Brännskador är de vanligast förekommande skadorna på huden och bara i USA behöver 130.000 personer läggas in på sjukhus varje år p.g.a. sådana skador. Enligt key opinion leaders (KOLs) inom brännskadeområdet innefattar drömönskelistan på en brännskadeberedning följande egenskaper. Beredningen skall 1) bidra till bibehållen fuktig miljö, 2) agera fysikaliskt skydd mot omvärden, 3) hindra infektion, 4) vara möjlig att forma; elastisk, 5) vara enkel att applicera och att ta bort (med minimal smärta), 5) reducera smärta, 6) vara porös för att tillåta gastransport, 7) vara icke‐toxisk, icke‐allergen och icke pyrogen, 8) vara mekanisk stark. Ingen beredning som uppfyller alla dessa önskamål finns tillgänglig på marknaden. Inom nanoteknologi och funktionella materialgruppen på Ångströmlaboratoriet har vi utvecklat en ny typ av polymer som kan syntetiseras utan kemiska tvärbindare. Detta material har visat så många fördelaktiga egenskaper i initiala studier att överläkare inom brännskadevården nu är intresserade av att vi utvecklar materialet för att kunna testa kliniskt på sjukhus. Vi söker nu två examensarbetare som får möjlighet att lära sig att syntetisera olika typer av det aktuella materialet och också karakterisera det med en rad metoder relevanta för användningsområdet. Examensarbetarna kommer att handledas av Ass. Prof. Albert Mihranyan och Prof. Maria Strömme och kommer även att få följa de kliniska prövningarna på materialet. Kontaktinfo: Albert.Mihranyan@Angstrom.uu.se Maria.Stromme@Angstrom.uu.se Fig. 1. Elektronmikroskopibild av den porösa strukturen hos en version av brännskadeförbandet som tillåter maximal syrepermeabilitet för optimal sårläkning (vänster) samt fotografi av ett formgjutet förband med hög mekanisk styrka och vattenhalt för differentierad vidhäftning och användning på utsatta kroppsdelar (mitten). Bilderna till höger visar formgjutning till mekanisk stabil struktur för användning på ytor med oregelbunden form. Development of a novel dental material for pedodontics (treatment of children's teeth) Dental materials represent one of the biggest classes of biomaterials. There is a constant development of new materials with specific features designed to fulfill unmet medical needs and advance the treatment of teeth, e.g. root canal materials, dental fillings (caries treatment) and dental cements. One area where there are specific needs related to handling and biological properties is pedodontics (treatment of children´s teeth). Often children can be caries active and need sealants or materials for small caries lesions. Currently the development of new materials for pedodontics is directed towards minimal invasive technologies and improved biological properties. At the applied materials science division (Ångström Lab, Engineering Sciences) significant efforts are made to build a research environment that is creative and passionate about materials science and drives the advancement of new materials within specific fields. One growing field is biomaterials for children, where dental materials will be the largest initially. The diploma work is directed towards pushing the development of a new technology towards a target profile for pedodontics. The diploma work will include design and synthesis of a new material formulation and basic bench testing and material analysis. Contact person Håkan Engqvist Applied Materials Science hakan.engqvist@angstrom.uu.se Avdelningen för mikrosystemteknik Mikrofluidala hetvattensystem Genom att trycksätta en vätska samtidigt som den värms upp är det möjligt att hålla vätskan flytande långt över kokpunkten vid atmosfärstryck. Blir det tillräckligt varmt övergår vätskan till en superkritisk fas med gaslika egenskaper. För vatten sker detta vid 374°C och 218 bar. Även om vätskans egenskaper ändras kraftigt just vid den superkritiska punkten, sker stora förändringar även vid lägre temperaturer. Vid 250°C har exempelvis vatten egenskaper som liknar de hos etanol, vilket möjliggör att använda vanligt vatten som ett substitut till många lösningsmedel som ett miljövänligt alternativ, exempelvis i analytiska system och mikroreaktorer. Ökande temperatur och tryck ökar de kemiska och mekaniska påfrestningar som systemet utsätts för vilket gör att polymerbaserade mikrofluidala system inte kan användas. I dagsläget är de flesta system som klarar dessa höga tryck och temperaturer för stora för att kunna ta del av de fördelar som exempelvis mikrofluidik kan erbjuda, så som små volymer, laminära flöden och stora ytareor för snabba reaktioner. Målet med examensarbetet är att utveckla och studera ett kisel/glas-baserat mikrofluidalt flödessystem för att kunna studera olika fenomen som uppkommer i hetvattensystem. Intresserad och vill veta mer? Kontakta Stefan Knaust. Epost: stefan.knaust@angstrom.uu.se Tel: 070-3406853 Rum: Å1214 (Ångströmlaboratoriet) Figur: Tidsserie (30 s per bild) av agglomererande partikar mot glasvägg i gränsskiktet mellan varmvatten (130°C) och kallvatten (30°C) i en 200 µm bred kanal. Materialutveckling för kranieimplantat Vi på OssDsign AB tillverkar och säljer ett egenutvecklat implantat för att reparera stora kraniedefekter. Implantatet är baserat på en kombination av titan och kalciumfosfat som ger det unika biologiska egenskaper. Syftet med examensarbetet ”Materialutveckling för kranieimplantat” är att studera en specifik komponent i den kalciumfosfat-komposition som används i materialet. Baserat på kemisk karaktärisering och biologisk utvärdering ska nya materialformuleringar med den specifika komponenten utvecklas och testas. OssDsign har ett nära samarbete med Ångströmlaboratoriet och delar av exjobbet kommer att utföras på Ångström. Om företaget OssDsign är ett spinoff företag från Uppsala Universitet och grundades 2011 och har nu 5 anställda. För mer information om företaget gå in på: www.ossdsign.com Kontaktperson: Jonas Åberg, ja@ossdsign.com EXAMENSARBETE MATERIALEGENSKAPER HOS BENCEMENT FÖR VERTEBROPLASTIK Bencement baserade på poly(metyl metakrylat) (PMMA) används för att fixera höftledsproteser samt för minimalt invasiva procedurer såsom vertebroplastik (se figur), där de injiceras in i en skadad kota för att ge smärtlindring och stabilisering av brott. Bencementen som används idag är dock för styva och patienterna får ofta nya, smärtsamma brott pga en förändring i lastdistribution i ryggen efter behandlingen. Vi har utvecklat ett nytt cement, baserat på PMMA, som är mer elastiskt, och ditt jobb kommer att bestå i att utvärdera cementets materialegenskaper i relation till användningsområdet. Detta kan vara mekaniska egenskaper under olika lastscenarion och hanteringsegenskaper såsom härdtid. Om du är intresserad av detta projekt, maila malin.nilsson@angstrom.uu.se. Lämplig bakgrund är ingenjörsstudenter inom material, kemi, mekanik, biomedicinsk teknik eller teknisk fysik (tex K eller Q studenter från UU). A MSc Thesis Project for 30 hp Fabrication and characterization of flexible transistors based on carbon nanotubes Background: The realization of flexible electronics can open up a new class of application, like electronic skin, sensors, and displays which are not achievable by conventional semiconductor technology. To accomplish this purpose, new materials and techniques have to be found and applied. Single-walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT) thin films have been widely used as semiconductor in this field, and polymer as substrates, because of their mechanical flexibility. SWCNT-based thin-film transistors (SWCNT-TFTs) have been successfully fabricated which are the building blocks in flexible electronics. Currently, we have established solution-processed SWCNT-TFTs which show good electrical performances and awaits further optimization. In addition to the conventional semiconductor techniques like lithography and lift-off process, other low-temperature processing techniques like atomic layer deposition (ALD) for dielectrics and jet-ink printing are required. In addition, the fabrication and engineering of flexible substrates also need further investigated. Problems: A major concern in SWCNT-TFTs is poor in electrical performances and uniformity as compared to Si-based devices. In this project, processing technique for preparation of SWCNT solution and deposition of SWCNTs will be optimized on the basis of our established procedure. TFTs with SWCNTs as semiconductor will be fabricated on flexible plastic substrates and device performances will be characterized. Approaches: for TFT fabrication, we will use low temperature atomic layer deposition (ALD) for dielectric layer, dip-coating for the SWCNT thin films, and combine other lowtemperature processes for complete TFT. Electrical characterizations of the constructed devices will be combined with materials analysis such as Raman spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Who can apply: The cross-disciplinary nature of the projects invites students with background in engineering physics, chemical engineering, materials sciences to apply. Where and how to work: The work will be carried out at The Ångström Laboratory. The project details will be given during interview. Although working as a team, the student should work independently in the given tasks including materials preparation and characterization. When to start: Now! As soon as a mutual agreement is reached after an interview in person. Contact: Zhibin Zhang (tel: 018-471 3146 , e-mail: zhibin.zhang@angstrom.uu.se) Fasta tillståendets elektronik (FTE), Teknikvetenskaper, Ångströmlaboratoriet Two MSc Thesis Projects with the possibility to continue for doctoral studies Modelling and characterisation of electronic ion sensors Background: Ion sensing represents a grand research and application field. It has great importance in areas such as early detection of diseases, environmental and bioprocess analysis, food quality and security monitoring. Ion Sensitive Field-Effect Transistor (ISFET) is one of the most widely used electronic ion sensors. A recent revolution in sequencing a whole human genome is based on a smart integration of ISFET technology in the microelectronics chip. However, major challenges to the realisation of satisfactory ISFET sensors remain, and they include interfacing between the solution and the electronic part. This MSc thesis project announced here concerns modelling and characterisation of ISFET sensors with a focus on the interfacing between solution and the electronic part. Problems: A reliable sensor should be selective and specific since a large number of different ions coexist in real samples such as plasma. Poor selectivity of ion-sensitive devices invites problems as many charged species in the sample may contribute to the electric signal. This vexing situation makes most sensors incompatible with real samples although excellent detection limits can be attained in standard solutions. To understand the impact of the surface condition to the interaction between solution and the electronic device and the output signal is the key to achieve a reliable sensor with good selectivity. Approaches: Atomic layer deposition (ALD) and layer-by-layer growth (LBL) are examples for device sensing surface treatment. Electrical characterisation of the ISFET sensors will be combined with modelling to understand the solution/electronic device interaction. Who can apply: The cross-disciplinary nature of the projects invites students with background in electronic engineering, engineering physics, chemical engineering, materials sciences to apply. Where and how to work: The work will be carried out at The Ångström Laboratory. The project details will be given during interview. Each student will be responsible for own tasks including sample preparation and device characterization. When to start: As soon as a mutual agreement is reached after an interview in person. Contact: Dr. Zhen Zhang (tel: 018-471 3131, e-mail: zhen.zhang@angstrom.uu.se) Fasta tillståendets elektronik (FTE), Institutionen för teknikvetenskaper, Ångströmlaboratoriet MSc Thesis Projects Fabrication of thermoelectric generator by means of solutionbased process Background: When heat flux is applied on one side of a substance, electrical potential is generated between the hot and the cold side, which is called Seebeck effect. This principle can be used for thermoelectric generator (TEG), a device that harvests waste heat energy from everywhere. TEG has a variety of applications, for instance, in vehicle where the waited heat in engine is exploited to power electronic devices. Currently commercial TEG products are fabricated with solid thin films that deposited in vacuum. In our project, we develop solutionbased process for manufacturing TEG featuring low cost and large area fabrication. Furthermore, solution-processed device has lighter weight and can be fabricated on flexible or stretchable substrates that can be used where rigid electronics cannot be applied. Problems: With solutions containing thermoelectric nanomaterials, proper processing technique is an important issue for large area production of uniform thin films. Patterning of thin films deposited from solution is also a challenging task for the fabrication of TEG. For a successful deposition of thin films by means of the optional techniques like spray, inkjet and contact printing, the wettability on substrate material is a critical issue and will be investigated in this project. Approaches: Process steps for the fabrication of TEG structure will be designed and tested based on solution-processable thermoelectric materials. Surface treatment to control wettability will be explored, followed by patterning of thin films. After the fabrication of TEG, evaluation of device performance will be conducted in terms of power efficiency and mechanical reliability. Tools for processing including exposure, sputter, exposure, inkjet and spray are available in Ångström and KTH. Who can apply: The cross-disciplinary nature of the projects invites students with background in engineering physics, chemical engineering, materials sciences to apply. Where and how to work: The work will be carried out at The Ångström Laboratory with access to KTH in Electrum-Kista. The project details will be given during interview, and the student can choose to sit in Ångström or in Electrum. When to start: Now! As soon as a mutual agreement is reached after an interview in person. Contact: Zhibin Zhang (tel: 018-471 3146, e-mail: zhibin.zhang@angstrom.uu.se) Fasta tillståendets elektronik (FTE), Teknikvetenskaper, Ångströmlaboratoriet Job Number 1871402 Business GE Healthcare Business Segment Healthcare Life Sciences About Us What do you envision for your future? At GE Healthcare, our vision involves looking at Healthcare in a completely new way. Focusing on earlier, pre-symptomatic disease detection and prevention, instead of late diagnosis. Helping clinicians access more information and intervene sooner with targeted treatments so their patients can leave longer, fuller lives. We believe we can help make that happen – and we’d like you to be a part of our mission. As a global leader, GE can bring together the best in science, technology, business and human resources to redefine the frontiers of healthcare. Something remarkable happens when you bring together people who are driven to make a difference – they do. ---Your Life. Your career. Your purpose. Re-imagined--About our Life Sciences business: Life Sciences delivers breakthroughs in drug discovery, biopharmaceutical manufacturing and the latest in cellular technologies, so scientists and specialists around the world discover new ways to predict, diagnose and treat disease earlier. The Life Sciences business also makes systems and equipment for the purification of biopharmaceuticals. About GE – Employer Value Proposition – for posting please do not modify What makes GE Healthcare different? Leadership & Learning Learning is more than a classroom activity. It’s how we come together to embrace change, develop skills for change, and get energized. GE spends more than $1 billion annually in employee development and leadership training. What makes GE Healthcare different? High-integrity business practices - Ours is an invigorating, high performance environment that emphasizes high-integrity business practices. We seek to lead in workplace and marketplace integrity by respecting the human rights of everyone touched by our business, and by enforcing legal and financial compliance. What makes GE Healthcare different? Culture at a personal level We all have varying priorities at different stages in our lives. Recognizing that this may mean different things to different people, GE Healthcare strives to meet the needs and desires of its employees on a personal level. This is accomplished by working to align career opportunities with the priorities of talented individuals throughout the organization. What makes GE Healthcare different? Committed to personal growth - At GE Healthcare, we pride ourselves on growing leaders of tomorrow. Our people, processes, and culture are designed to support and grow the individual, giving them the opportunity to develop their skills in a variety of ways while moving throughout the organization. We are dedicated to helping you build a career at GE Healthcare. What makes GE Healthcare different? Total Rewards - GE Healthcare focuses on the total reward package in order to attract, engage and retain top talent in the organization. With a structure that rewards performance, behaviors and values, GE Healthcare is proud to offer competitive compensation and benefit plans at all levels of the organization. What makes GE Healthcare different? Community Involvement We believe a company does well when it does good. This belief drives organizational practices – from the philanthropic efforts of the GE Foundation to the millions of volunteer hours donated by our employees towards community initiatives worldwide. Posted Position Title Master Thesis- Disposable flow sensors Career Level Co-op/Intern Function Engineering/Technology Function Segment Administration and Support Location(s) Where Opening Is Sweden Available City Uppsala Postal Code 75184 Relocation Expenses No Role Literature study, perform a feasibility study including analytical Summary/Purpose consideration and computer simulations with the purpose to identify critical design parameters and their influence, writing a report. The project is collaboration between GE Healthcare Biosciences AB, Uppsala and the Division of Microsystems Technology, Uppsala university. You will perform you work at the Ångström Laboratory, Uppsala Essential Responsibilities Several physical principles can be utilized to measure fluidic flows. For process control of larger flows, there are many commercial solutions available. For systems with disposable flow paths, especially if the needed range is wide, fewer options are available because the sensor needs to be low cost. In this diploma thesis work, you will make a feasibility study for making a flow sensor, using smart materials and components. The task is to study a flow sensor suitable for use in a disposable bio processing system. You will study a resonating system, and identify critical design parameters that affect the accuracy, measurement range, and expected signal levels. For technical information: Lena Klintberg, Division of Microsystems Technology, Uppsala University 018-471 7267. Qualifications/ Requirements Master of Science student, or equivalent, with documented background in physics, calculation and simulation. Knowledge or interest in signal processing, flow mechanics and oscillators is a merit. Job Number 1871293 Business GE Healthcare Business Segment Healthcare Life Sciences About Us What do you envision for your future? At GE Healthcare, our vision involves looking at Healthcare in a completely new way. Focusing on earlier, pre-symptomatic disease detection and prevention, instead of late diagnosis. Helping clinicians access more information and intervene sooner with targeted treatments so their patients can leave longer, fuller lives. We believe we can help make that happen – and we’d like you to be a part of our mission. As a global leader, GE can bring together the best in science, technology, business and human resources to redefine the frontiers of healthcare. Something remarkable happens when you bring together people who are driven to make a difference – they do. ---Your Life. Your career. Your purpose. Re-imagined--About our Life Sciences business: Life Sciences delivers breakthroughs in drug discovery, biopharmaceutical manufacturing and the latest in cellular technologies, so scientists and specialists around the world discover new ways to predict, diagnose and treat disease earlier. The Life Sciences business also makes systems and equipment for the purification of biopharmaceuticals. About GE – Employer Value Proposition – for posting please do not modify What makes GE Healthcare different? Leadership & Learning Learning is more than a classroom activity. It’s how we come together to embrace change, develop skills for change, and get energized. GE spends more than $1 billion annually in employee development and leadership training. What makes GE Healthcare different? High-integrity business practices - Ours is an invigorating, high performance environment that emphasizes high-integrity business practices. We seek to lead in workplace and marketplace integrity by respecting the human rights of everyone touched by our business, and by enforcing legal and financial compliance. What makes GE Healthcare different? Culture at a personal level We all have varying priorities at different stages in our lives. Recognizing that this may mean different things to different people, GE Healthcare strives to meet the needs and desires of its employees on a personal level. This is accomplished by working to align career opportunities with the priorities of talented individuals throughout the organization. What makes GE Healthcare different? Committed to personal growth - At GE Healthcare, we pride ourselves on growing leaders of tomorrow. Our people, processes, and culture are designed to support and grow the individual, giving them the opportunity to develop their skills in a variety of ways while moving throughout the organization. We are dedicated to helping you build a career at GE Healthcare. What makes GE Healthcare different? Total Rewards - GE Healthcare focuses on the total reward package in order to attract, engage and retain top talent in the organization. With a structure that rewards performance, behaviors and values, GE Healthcare is proud to offer competitive compensation and benefit plans at all levels of the organization. What makes GE Healthcare different? Community Involvement We believe a company does well when it does good. This belief drives organizational practices – from the philanthropic efforts of the GE Foundation to the millions of volunteer hours donated by our employees towards community initiatives worldwide. Posted Position Title Master Thesis- Sensors for bioprocess monitoring Career Level Co-op/Intern Function Engineering/Technology Function Segment Administration and Support Location(s) Sweden Where Opening Is Available City Uppsala Postal Code 75184 Relocation Expenses No Role A smaller literature study, practical work in the laboratory Summary/Purpose modifying and evaluating the sensors and constructing a test bed, writing a report. The project is collaboration between GE Healthcare Biosciences AB, Uppsala and the Division of Microsystems Technology, Uppsala university. Major part of the experimental work will be performed at the Ångström Laboratory, Uppsala. Essential Responsibilities Microsensors have become standard components in automotive and process monitoring, and are also widely used in consumer products, e. g. smartphones. Since microsensors can be manufactured in large amounts at a low cost, they are attractive for use in disposable systems. Besides being reliable, there are a number of additional demands on sensors that used for bioprocess monitoring. The sensors need to be possible to sterilize, and the material in contact with the media need to be bio compatible. The risk for contamination can be further decreased if the sensors are disposed after use, making the cost for the sensors a critical parameter. In this project, a number of low cost physical micro sensors for physical parameters like temperature, pressure, conductance and flow will be evaluated. Since the sensors are not originally intended for use in bio systems, there are issues with biocompatibility. The purpose of this project is to investigate the possibility to coat the sensors with a biocompatible material, and investigate how this approach affects the performance. The possibility to sterilize the sensors will also be evaluated. A test bed with the sensors and needed electronic circuits will be developed for making the evaluations. For technical information: Lena Klintberg, Division of Microsystems Technology, Uppsala University 018-471 7267. Qualifications/ Requirements Master of Science student, or equivalent, having an interest in practical work. Documented knowledge and interest in measurement technology and a background in electronics or material science is a merit. Model the 17th century warship Vasa The Applied Mechanics group is offering an MSc project on numerical modeling of the 17th century Vasa warship. Reduced material properties of three‐hundred‐and‐fifty‐year‐old degraded oak wood of the Vasa have caused increasing deformation in the hull. In order to design an improved support structure, the applied mechanics group is investigating the archaeological wood and modeling the structure of the ship. Research is focused on both the experimental characterization of Vasa oak as well as computational predictions of the deformation in the structure. Detailed information on the layout and construction of the Vasa ship is available. This information has to be processed and translated into a finite element model that contains the most essential parts of the structure. Special attention will be paid to the joints that have been used to assemble different components. What are the important components, sections and joints and how should they be included accurately in a model? For this challenging task a good background in the field of mechanics and knowledge of finite‐element modeling are needed. The Division of Applied Mechanics offers a cross‐disciplinary research environment with senior researchers in computational mechanics, experimental micromechanics and composite materials. For more information, please visit our homepage (http://www.teknik.uu.se/applmech/) or contact Kristofer Gamstedt (kristofer.gamstedt@angstrom.uu.se, 018‐4713026), Ingela Bjurhager (ingela.bjurhager@angstrom.uu.se, 018‐4717259) or Nico van Dijk (nico.van.dijk@angstrom.uu.se). Master thesis: Biocompability studies of Upsalite, a novel micro- and mesoporous magnesium carbonate Micro- and mesoporous materials with large internal surface areas and controllable pore size distributions are subject for extensive research, especially with regard to the many potential applications for this type of materials e.g. as sorption media, vaccine adjuvants and drug delivery vehicles. In our group we have developed a new type of micro- and mesoporous material called Upsalite that was published this summer. Upsalite is an amorphous, anhydrous magnesium carbonate that is synthesized in a low temperature process and the pores in the material is formed in-situ, i.e. during the synthesis. The aim with this master thesis work is to analyze the biocompability of Upsalite, i.e. how the material interacts with biological systems. The experimental work will be executed in the labs of Nanotechnology and Functional Materials. Supervisors: Ken Welch (ken.welch@angstrom.uu.se) and Sara Frykstrand (sara.frykstrand@angstrom.uu.se) References: Forsgren J, Frykstrand S, Grandfield K, Mihranyan A, Strømme M (2013) A Template-Free, UltraAdsorbing, High Surface Area Carbonate Nanostructure. PLoS ONE 8(7): e68486. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0068486 Antibacterial hemostatic dressing with nanoporous bioglass containing silver G. Hu, L. Xiao, P. Tong, D. Bi, H. Wang, H. Ma, G. Zhu and H. Liu International Journal of Nanomedicine 7 (2012) 2613-2620 Diploma work proposal: Study of sample dimension effects on FMR measurements When a static magnetic field H is applied on a ferromagnet, the electron magnetic moments will tend to align with H in order to minimize the energy of the system. When a small time varying radio frequency (RF) field h is applied perpendicular to the static magnetic field (and thus to the electron magnetic moments), it will exert a torque on the magnetic moments and induce a precessional motion of the moments around the direction of the static magnetic field. This implies that the microwave energy that generates the RF field will be absorbed by the ferromagnet. When the frequency of the RF field matches the natural frequency of the spin system, the absorption will be the largest; the phenomenon is called ferromagnetic resonance (FMR). The absorption spectrum exhibits a Lorentzian shape, from which one can determine important properties of the material, such as the saturation magnetization and the dynamic damping constant (which in turn determines the switching current of the material when used as a building block in a magnetic random accessory memory, MRAM). In our FMR system, the ferromagnetic sample is a thin film placed on a coplanar waveguide. The static magnetic field is applied by an electromagnet along the center conducting wire of the waveguide and the RF field, generated by the microwave current on the centerconducting wire, is perpendicular to the static field. For such a system, the RF field magnitude “seen” by different part of the sample will be different, thus the sample dimensions (i.e. width and thickness) play an important role in FMR measurements. The focus of this study is to experimentally investigate the dependence of the FMR measurements on sample dimensions. Samples of different width and thickness will be measured using the FMR system. The extracted linewidth and resonance peak positions will be compared to systematically investigate the effect of sample dimensions on FMR results. Furthermore, the influence of an insulating capping layer may also be studied. As ferromagnetic materials are electrical conductors, microwave currents carried by the waveguide may leak into the sample, causing potential distortion of the measured absorption spectra. Samples with and without an insulating capping layer will be deposited and measured. Supervisors: Yajun Wei (yajun.wei@angstrom.uu.se) and Peter Svedlindh (peter.svedlindh@angstrom.uu.se). Investigation of the process parameters in the nucleation step on the deposition rate, grain size, texture and uniformity within the charge for for deposition of hard and wear resistant TiCN-coatings by Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD). Sandvik Coromant Sandvik Coromant is the world’s leading supplier of cutting tools, tooling solutions and know-how to the metalworking industry. We invest extensively in research and development in order to create unique innovations and set new productivity standards together with our customers. These include the world's major automotive, aerospace and energy industries. Description of the project The most common coating structure for CVD-coated inserts for cutting tools is an inner layer of TiCN, an outer layer of Al2O3 and thin wear identification top-layer of TiN. By proper control of process parameters such as temperature, gas flows and partial pressures of gaseous reactants etc desired properties of the coating can be achieved. Moreover, to achieve a uniform quality in mass production, it is important to do this in full scale CVD-equipment. In CVD of Al2O3, for example, it is possible to control the texture (preferred crystal orientation) of the coating, which is important since different textures will give different properties. As an example, the recently launched steel turning grade GC4325 has a very strong 001-textured a-Al2O3, which gives unique properties to the inserts. For TiCN, however, more work need to be done in order to understand and control the texture of the coating. Today, there exist several TiCN-processes in production and this diploma work will focus on the nucleation step of one of these processes. The aim of this work is to study how the process parameters in this step influence the grain size and texture of the TiCN-coating and the uniformity of these properties within the CVD reactor (charge). The desired outcome is to have direct impact on the CVD-production and propose new modified process parameters in order to give a more even quality with respect to TiCN-texture and grain size/shape. The coatings will be evaluated by means of X-ray diffraction for structural analysis and SEM for morphology studies. The micro hardness of the coatings will also be evaluated. The deposited coatings will be tested technologically. Diploma work/Ex-job The length of the project is 20 weeks. The working will be carried out at the Sandvik Coromant R&D center in Västberga. Depending on the outcome, some coatings may also be produced in full scale production in Gimo. Profile of the student Master student with focus on material science, material chemist or a like Contacts Mikael Schuisky, Manager Chemical Vapor Deposition, AB Sandvik Coromant, Västberga, 070-2541970 Investigation of process parameters for deposition of TiSiCN-coatings by Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD). Coromant Sandvik Coromant is the world’s leading supplier of cutting tools, tooling solutions and know-how to the metalworking industry. We invest extensively in research and development in order to create unique innovations and set new productivity standards together with our customers. These include the world's major automotive, aerospace and energy industries. Description of the project The most common coating structure for CVD-coated inserts for cutting tools is an inner layer of TiCN, an outer layer of Al2O3 and thin wear identification top-layer of TiN. By proper control of process parameters such as temperature, gas flows and partial pressures of gaseous reactants etc desired properties of the coating can be achieved. It has been demonstrated in literature that the hardness and oxidation resistance of TiCN can be affected by adding silicon to the coating. In this diploma work process parameters such as temperature, gas flows and precursor chemistry for the deposition of Ti(Si)CN will be studied in a lab scale CVD reactor with a similar design as the production CVD reactors. This is done for possible easy scale up to production. The resulting coatings will be characterized with respect to phase content, composition as well as microstructure. Also coating properties such as hardness, oxidation resistance and possibly testing in turning or milling applications. Diploma work/Ex-job The length of the project is 20 weeks. The working will be carried out at the Sandvik Coromant R&D center in Västberga. Depending on the outcome, some coatings may also be produced in full scale production in Gimo. Profile of the student Master student with focus on material science, material chemist or a like Contacts Mikael Schuisky, Manager Chemical Vapor Deposition, AB Sandvik Coromant, Västberga, 070-2541970 Applied Nano Surfaces Applied Nano Surfaces (ANS) utvecklar en mekanisk-kemisk metod som kallas Triboconditioning® för att i) sänka friktion och ii) minska slitage på stålytor. Metoden förbättrar den behandlade komponentens ytfinhet samtidigt som en tribofilm skapas på ytan, och ar väldigt kostnadseffektiv och attraktiv för bl.a. fordonsindustrin. Vi arbetar konstant med att förbättra processen och vi behöver att utöka vår kunskap om de verktyg som används för att behandla komponenterna för att om möjligt ge så lång livslängd och processtabilitet som möjligt. 1. Bearbeta ståldetaljer med hjälp av verktyg tillverkade i olika material i ANS riggar. De olika typerna av material ger verktygen olika egenskaper som hårdhet, nötningsbeständighet, sprödhet och kan också påverka möjligheten till uppbyggnad av tribofilm på behandlade komponenters yta. 2. Utvärdera verktygen utifrån nötning och processtabilitet samt de deponerade filmernas tribologiska egenskaper. 3. Sammanfatta resultaten ovan samt jämföra med andra studier gjorda av ANS. Kontaktpersoner: Boris Zhmud, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof. Chief Technology Officer och Christian Kolar Applied Nano Surfaces Sweden AB Phone: +46 (0)70 738 48 49 Applied Nano Surfaces Sweden AB Knivstagatan 12 SE-75323 Uppsala Sweden