Sheet4 Name - First Name - Last Institution/Organization Email Janna Abalichin Institut für Meteorologie/Freie Universität Berlin janna.abalichin<-a t-> Peggy Laurent Alice Achtert Bertino Bradley Institute for Climate and Atmospheric Science, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK NERSC University Colorado Boulder P.Achtert<-a t-> laurent.bertino<-a t-> alice.bradley<-a t-> Ian Barbara Brooks Brooks University of Leeds National Centre for Atmospheric Science i.brooks<-a t-> barbara.brooks<-a t-> Andrew Carleton Dept. of Geography and Earth and Environmental Systems Institute, Penn State University andrewmcarleton<-a t-> John Dmitry Cassano Chechin University of Colorado Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics john.cassano<-a t-> chechin<-a t-> Andrey James Debolskiy Doyle Moscow State University Naval Research Laboratory and.debol<-a t-> james.doyle<-a t-> Alice Andrew DuVivier Elvidge CIRES/University of Colorado at Boulder University of East Anglia alice.duvivier<-a t-> a.elvidge<-a t-> Igor Chris Ezau Fairall Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Centre NOAA ESRL Physical Sciences Divisiion igore<-a t-> chris.fairall<-a t-> Christopher Fairless University of Manchester christopher.fairless<-a t-> Francis Marine and Coastal Sciences, Rutgers University francis<-a t-> Rune Günther Paul Christopher Scott Graversen Heinemann Hezel Horvat Hosking Department of Physcis and Technology, University of Tromsø University Trier University of Bergen Harvard University British Antarctic Survey rune.graversen<-a t-> heinemann<-a t-> paul.hezel<-a t-> bndnchrs<-a t-> jask<-a t-> Jun Richard Thomas Inoue Jones Jung National Institute of Polar Research University of East Anglia AWI inoue.jun<-a t-> Richard.W.Jones<-a t-> Thomas.Jung<-a t-> Sarah Keeley European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts sarah.keeley<-a t-> Seong-Joong Kim Korea Polar Research Institute seongjkim<-a t-> Martin King Svenja Kohnemann Uni Research Climate; Bjerknes Centre for martin.king<-a t-> Climate Research University of Trier kohnemann<-a t-> Tsubasa Kohyama University of Washington Erik Jørn Kolstad Kristiansen Uni Research / Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research erik.kolstad<-a t-> Met Norway jornk<-a t-> Hanneke Luijting Norwegian Meteorological Institute Lüpkes Alfred-Wegener-Institut Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung christof.luepkes<-a t-> Francois Massonnet Université catholique de Louvain (UCL), Belgium / Catalan Institute of Climate Sciences (IC3), Barcelona Kelly McCusker University of Victoria / Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling and Analysis kemccusk<-a t-> Clio Michel Geophysical Institute, University of Bergen Clio.Michel<-a t-> Richard Moore Erlend Hisashi Thor Erik Moster Knudsen Nakamura Nordeng Norwegian Meteorological Institue, University of Oslo University of Bergen RCAST, University of Tokyo Norwegian Meteorological Institute Aleksi Nummelin Geophysical Institute, University of Bergen aleksi.nummelin<-a t-> Jennifer Christof Page 1 kohyama<-a t-> hanneke.luijting<-a t-> francois.massonnet<-a t-> richardm<-a t-> erlend.knudsen<-a t-> hisashi<-a t-> t.e.nordeng<-a t-> Sheet4 Tiina Nygård Finnish Meteorological Institute Fumiaki Ogawa Einar Ingrid Husøy Olason Onarheim Geophysical Institute, University of Bergen fumiaki.ogawa<-a t-> NERSC einar.olason<-a t-> Geophysical Institute, University of Bergen ingrid.onarheim<-a t-> tiina.nygard<-a t-> Yvan ORSOLINI Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NILU) orsolini<-a t-> Stephen Stephan Maury Outten Paul Pauline Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Centre University of Trier Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique stephen.outten<-a t-> paul<-a t-> pmaury<-a t-> Will Perrie Bedford Institute of Oceanography william.perrie<-a t-> Ola Persson CIRES/University of Colorado/NOAA/ESRL ola.persson<-a t-> Ruth Alek Petrie Petty NCAS-Climate, University of Reading University of Maryland (ESSIC) r.e.petrie<-a t-> alek.petty<-a t-> Andreas Preußer Dept. of Environmental Meteorology, University of Trier preusser<-a t-> John Jamie Prytherch Rae University of Leeds J.Prytherch<-a t-> Met Office Hadley Centre, United Kingdom jamie.rae<-a t-> Roger Randriamampianina Norwegian Meteorological Institute Helene Nansen Environmental and Remote Reinertsen Langehaug Sensing Center helene.langehaug<-a t-> Ian Andrew Renfrew Roberts University of East Anglia Naval Postgraduate School i.renfrew<-a t-> afrobert<-a t-> Maxence Rojo Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique mrojo<-a t-> Bert Dominic Rudels Salisbury Finnish Meteorological Institute University of Leeds bert.rudels<-a t-> eedjs<-a t-> Kazutoshi Sato The Graduate University for Advanced Studies sato.kazutoshi<-a t-> Elisabeth James Schlosser Screen Inst, of Meteorology and Geophysics Univ. Innsbruck University of Exeter Elisabeth.Schlosser<-a t-> j.screen<-a t-> Joseph Sedlar Stockholm University josephs<-a t-> Raymond Sellevold Universitetet i Bergen rse021<-a t-> rogerr<-a t-> Vladimir Semenov Tido Semmler Denis Sergeev A.M. Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics RAS vsemenov<-a t-> Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre tido.semmler<-a t-> for Polar and Marine Research University of East Anglia d.sergeev<-a t-> Matthew Harald Shupe Sodemann CIRES / University of Colorado and NOAA matthew.shupe<-a t-> University of Bergen harald.sodemann<-a t-> Georgia Thomas Sharon Irene Sotiropoulou Spengler Stammerjohn Suomi Department of Meteorology, Stockholm University University of Bergen INSTAAR/University of Colorado Boulder Finnish Meteorological Institute georgia<-a t-> thomas.spengler<-a t-> sharon.stammerjohn<-a t-> irene.suomi<-a t-> Annick Terpstra University of Bergen annick.terpstra<-a t-> Amelie Tetzlaff Alfred-Wegener-Institut Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung amelie.tetzlaff<-a t-> Steffen Michael Teresa Marie Timo Alexandra Heini Tietsche Tjernström Valkonen Vicomte Vihma Weiss Wernli NCAS/Department of Meteorology, University of Reading Stockholm University Norwegian Meteorological Institute LMD Finnish Meteorological Institute British Antarctic Survey BAS Cambridge ETH Zurich s.tietsche<-a t-> michaelt<-a t-> teresav<-a t-> marie.vicomte<-a t-> timo.vihma<-a t-> aiw<-a t-> heini.wernli<-a t-> Sascha Willmes University of Trier willmes<-a t-> Tobias Wolf Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center tobias.wolf<-a t-> Page 2