Integritetsstyring – Et verktøy for økt ytelse Stig Brudeseth, MsC. Manager, Inspection Management Inspection & Integrity Management - Engineering & Construction Mye kontroll og lite ytelse? Vi utfører utstrakt kontroll av tilstand på utstyret vårt – Kan vi få en merverdi ut av det? Inspection & Integrity Management - Engineering & Construction Agenda: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Hvem er Axess? Hvorfor kontrollerer vi utstyret vårt? Hvilken ytelse? Axess TRIM Hvordan? Inspection & Integrity Management - Engineering & Construction HSE : HSE policy Our All goal is zero harm No personal injuries No occupational illnesses No harmful or unintended spills to the environment No damage to material assets or financial losses accidents can be prevented Inspection & Integrity Management - Engineering & Construction Product oriented organization: Axess Engineering & Construction Inspection & Integrity Management Maintenance management Structure Integrity Management Inspection planning / RBI Lifting and Drilling Equipment Certification In-service inspection Fabrication Inspection NDT services Inspection & Integrity Management - Engineering & Construction Crane maintenance and modification Design / analysis of complex structures incl CFD Advanced lifting and skidding operations with RAT Delivery of tailor made cranes and tools Axess News 2011 A strategic partner Structural Integrity Management (Bergen 2011.02.02) Ageing Rigs – Age Management AIMS (Assessment and Integrity Management – Structure) Limit 5YC onshore stay Sensorlink Specialists in instrumentation and monitoring “Piston-Track” Inspection & Integrity Management - Engineering & Construction Axess in numbers: 195 6 number of employees number of offices, Molde, Kristiansund, Orkanger, Trondheim, Bergen and Rio Brazil 5 number of continents we perform projects Inspection & Integrity Management - Engineering & Construction Our clients: Inspection & Integrity Management - Engineering & Construction Agenda: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Hvem er Axess? Hvorfor kontrollerer vi utstyret vårt ? Hvilken ytelse? Axess TRIM Hvordan? Inspection & Integrity Management - Engineering & Construction Hvorfor kontrollerer vi utstyret vårt? Hva er vi pålagt og hva gjør vi fordi det er lurt? Nasjonale krav Klassekrav Kunde / leverandør krav Egne krav Demonstrere kontroll med sikkerhetskritisk utstyr Inspection & Integrity Management - Engineering & Construction Hvorfor kontrollerer vi utstyret vårt? Inspeksjon – hva er det ? 1. Inspection Tradisjonell NDT……. 2. Inspection engineering Evaluering av inspeksjons resultater…… 3. Inspection management Systematisk håndtering av insp. Resultater 4. Integrity engineering Bruke insp resultater, erfaringer, prosessdata etc for analysere hva som skal inspiseres og fremtidige utfordringer 5. Integrity management Systematisk håndtering av insp. resultater, kontinuerlig oppfølging og komplett oppdatering av analyser, trender osv Hva er deres strategi ? Inspection & Integrity Management - Engineering & Construction Agenda: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Hvem er Axess? Hvorfor kontrollerer vi utstyret vårt? Hvilken ytelse? Axess TRIM Hvordan? Inspection & Integrity Management - Engineering & Construction Hvilken ytelse? Kan vi få til: Økt oppetid? Bedre HMS? Redusert ikke planlagt nedetid Større margin mot ulykker Økt risikoforståelse blant egne og kontraktører Økt omdømme (bedre rate, bedre folk osv) Mindre off-hire tid? I operasjon Klasseaktiviteter Inspection & Integrity Management - Engineering & Construction Agenda: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Hvem er Axess? Hvorfor kontrollerer vi utstyret vårt? Hvilken ytelse? Axess TRIM Hvordan? Inspection & Integrity Management - Engineering & Construction Axess Total Rig Integrity Management: Pressurized systems Lifting and drilling systems Drilling systems HP mud, HP cement, kill&choke, Well test, bulk, LP mud etc Drilling area Cranes, pipehandling, drilling hoisting system, winches, loose gear lifting and drilling. Machinery systems SW cooling etc. Marine area Cranes, winches, lifesaving, gear Platform systems Ballast, fire water, bilge, drain etc. Hull & Structure Inspection & Integrity Management - Engineering & Construction Axess Total Rig Integrity Management Increase your performance and reduce your costs Merging scopes and vitalizing your improvement loop Inspection & Integrity Management - Engineering & Construction Axess Total Rig Integrity Management Company / Fleet wide strategies and guidelines Improvement Loop Integrity management Rig-specific program review on a continuous basis Critical factor maintenance/ repair/modifications Program for inspections Axess Total Rig Integrity Management Analysis of inspection results and relevant data Inspection & Integrity Management - Engineering & Construction Inspection and collection of relevant data Axess Total Rig Integrity Management Activities & Programs People Development Planning & Contractors RCM Operator Maintenance and TPM Incentive Schemes Condition-based Control & Computer systems Asset Management systems Gaining Momentum Ref: Alan Wilson ”Asset Maintenance Management” Inspection & Integrity Management - Engineering & Construction Condition Monitoring Preventive Maintenance Multiskilling Training Use of Contractors Restructuring Maintenance system solutions Cost-based and manual system Sustained Growth Mature Agenda: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Hvem er Axess? Hvorfor kontrollerer vi utstyret vårt? Hvilken ytelse? Axess TRIM Hvordan? Inspection & Integrity Management - Engineering & Construction Hvordan? Strategiske partnere Læring med ”aktivt” forbedringshjul Klare ansvar Totalitetsbilde Fokus på lukking av funn, ikke bare å finne de Forutsigbare kostnader Fastpriser Inspection & Integrity Management - Engineering & Construction Inspection & Integrity Management - Engineering & Construction