How do we recruit and retain international expertise

How do we recruit and retain international expertise to
the benefit of our companies, local communities and to
the best of our national wealth creation?
A national survey on expertise immigration ,
Project Manager Kristin Omholt Jensen, Arctic Innovation Group AS
Expertise Immigration –
How do we make Norway to a preferred country?
Identification of obstacles and some proposals to create “a change”
Whom did we address this report to?
 The media
 Central and local authorities
 Enterprises, research institutions and universities
 Local Chambers of Commerce / Næringsforeninger
What make this report different from other reports?
 A co-operation with many different stakeholders.
 Industry neutral
 Includes a benchmark survey
 A things to do list is addressed to the stakeholders
The Goal of the study
 To make it easier for companies to recruit and retain
employees with foreign backgrounds and education in a
global world where place matters.
 To influence different interest groups to find new
solutions that makes it even easier for highly competent
employees, to come to Norway to live and work.
Our working process and
“research method”
 We have read many reports ...... and there are many reports
 We have interviewed the management within many companies in Norway
 We have interviewed highly educated people with a "non Norwegian"
background / nationality living in Norway
 We have interviewed people in the bureaucracy (departments, directorates
and other authorities)
 We have discussed with an Advisory Board,
 We have bench-marked our country with our neighbouring countries”
(Sweden, Finland, Denmark and ……… Canada )
Members of our Advisory Board
Advisory Board
Paul Chaffey, Abelia
Knut Aarbakke, Akademikerne
Silvija Seres, TechnoRocks
Thor Simonsen, Manpower
Mathilde Fasting, Civita
Kathleen Mathisen, DOF Subsea
Torben Vad, Damvad
Ingeborg Lund, SINTEF
Tove Selnes, Opera Software
Ole Berrefjord, Berrejord & Thomassen
Frode Vik Jensen, Deloitte
Harald Seip Stubbe, Statoil
Harald Martinsen, Sydvaranger Gruve
Terje Meyer, Kirkenes Næringshage
Paul Kristian Thoresen, Agility Group
Trude Helgesen, DNV
Tom Pettersen, Tilflyttingsprosjektet i KS
June Murison, International School of Bergen
Ingvild Myhre, selvstendig næringsdrivende, flere styreverv bl.a styreleder i Forskningsrådet
Lars-Kåre Legernes, Oslo Handelskammer Tarje, Bjørgum, Abelia
Solveig Holm, Bergen Næringsråd
Hans M. Borchgrevink , Forskningsrådet
Inger Tone Ødegård, Næringsforeningen i Stavanger-regionen
Kristin Omholt-Jensen, Arctic Innovation Group AS
The world - is it flat or….?
…or do place matter (attractives)?
“Oil & gas , Marine and Maritime –
the backbone of the industrial development
in Norway:
 These industries are located along our coastline
 The three industries are historically linked together
 Expectations of economic growth within these industries
 The interest from the industries to focus on innovation and
technology is great
 There are many highly innovative companies who need to
attract the best global talents if these industries are to succeed
A growing need for highly trained / skilled personnel
Else Ragni Ytterdal v/Møreforsk
Do we need global expertise immigration to Norway?
Demografi - Kan vi få flere i arbeid?
ca 5(1,4
mill mill
2,7 mill
menn / 1,3 mill kvinner)
pr kvinne
3,2% i 2012 1,85 (Europa 1,5)
vi utdanne flere?
viser%at norsk
blir stadig
i jobb:
/ 68,3
vi utdanne
ift etterspørsel?
dag de
Ca 700 lønnsnivå
000 som isier
vil jobbe men
• 28 prosent over de svenske,
som står
utenfor arbeidsmarkedet
40 prosent over de danske
54 prosent over de tyske og
69 prosent over snittet av våre handelspartnere.
H øy løn nsve k st h a r git t h øye k ost n a de r
Kilder: Statsbudsjettet 2013: OECD, Finansdepartementet og Teknisk beregningsutvalg
Pressekonferanse Konjunkturrapporten 2013
Norway – The best country in the world to
live and work in!
Everyone wants to come to Norway of course!!!
The Economist har utarbeidet
”The Global Talent Index report – The Outlook to 2015”
Norway – The best country in the world to
live and work in, or…..?
Fra ”The Global Urban Competitiveness
Report 2011” (Pengfei Ni)
If you look hard – you will find
Norway …..there!
 Do you think Norway is the most preferred country to live and work in?
 Do you think it is a good idea that one region in Norway compete with another
region in Norway?
 Do you think our regions can compete with other regions in other countries?
Expertise immigration – who are they?
Expertise immigration – who are they?
What do the companies say?
60-70% of our balance sheet consists of ”talents / bright heads “ – Access to
global talents is an important issue for us!
International expertise provides the knowledge and insight that makes
innovation and adaptability easier and we get impulses from outside Norway
If we are unable to attract and retain the right skills for positions in Norway.
In the short term:
 Re-organizing internally (also not hiring)
 Using employees in our offices in other locations / in other countries,
 Interact via digital projects and project management tools that allow
people to live where they want
In the longer term it will prevent investment, adaptability and economic
growth in Norway and this will take place where we can recruit global
talented people.
"Our business lies where the human resources are” Henning Ramfjord (National Oilwell Varco)
What do the companies say ?
What is important in attracting international
competence ?
 Interesting and challenging tasks
 A company with a strong trade mark,
global recognition and presence.
 Attractive location with strong knowledge
based industry.
What do the companies say ?
Easier to integrate young singles than families
Most important «stay in Norway factor» -well being
at work and for the family .
Most important «leave Norway factors» depend on
the immigration group.
• Global Globetrotters.
• Project workers hired for a certain period.
• Employees considering settling down in Norway.
What do the people say?
• Most people in Norway work, important that the partner also
finds a relevant job.
• Important that companies (or someone) offer social activities
outside the workplace and include the family.
• Access to international schools is important for the global
talent group, when considering a Norwegian city .
• They all want the urban lifestyle
• A possibility to change job ?
Global mobility
There are three groups of skilled immigrants with very different needs ….
Global Globetrotters;
Travelling around.
Mostly single.
Focus on career and challenging work.
Choose countries with low entry barriers.
2-4 year perspective.
Hired project workers;
– Many in this group from India.
– Do not bring family.
– Focus on getting the job done.
Employees considering settling down in Norway
Stay if employee and family like it - Partner also gets a job.
A summary
 Interessant jobb i et
internasjonalt kjent firma
 Regionen er kjent for å
være god i noe (for
eksempel olje & gass,
maritim sektor og marine)
 Folk forstår engelsk
 Tilgang på internasjonal
 Fredsnasjon og
 Godt velferdssystem
 Trygt, rent og pent
 Prøve noe annet – “The
Nordic” er litt eksotisk
 Norge er ikke “første ønske”
på en karriere stige?
 Dyrt å bo og leve
 Høye skatter
 Jobben er veldig spennende
 Familien trives; partner har
jobb, fått barn og de trives på
 Lite hieraki - direkte tilgang
til “sjefen”
 Alle behandler individ med
respekt(et likeverdig
menneskesyn - uansett
posisjon og penger)
 Liten levestandard forskjell
mellom “fattig og rik
 Selvstendighet i arbeidet
(ingen forteller deg i detalj
hva du skal gjøre)
 Trygt for for barn å vokse opp
 Vi kan kombinere jobb og
 Partner trivdes ikke
 Ingen forfremmelses mulighet
 Ingen mulighet for å bytte jobb
til annet firma
 Dyrt å bo og leve, dårlig utvalg
av mat og dyrt!
 Savner “puls”, bylivet, familie
og venner – alle nordmenn drar
hjem eller på hytta i helgene.
 Å spise på restaurant er veldig
kostbart, så da sitter vi hjemme
 En kø for alle – ingen fordel å
være VIP/flink
 Utdannelse slår ikke ut ift
høyere lønn!
What kind of policy do we have in Norway?
Expertise Immigration = asylum and immigration
The labour
market policy
First employment of Norwegian workers
Then EU citizens
Then 3rd party countries
Focus on asylum and refugees – policy wise the global labour skill will sort
under this policy (we adjust and make a regulation(forskrift))
The integration
Responsibility lies with the regions - most focus on the well-being of
asylum and refugees - little focus on "well-being of those with expertise"
The Political responsibility today……
Our central government's responsibilities are:
 Work and residence permits (UDI)
 Approval of skills / education (NOKUT)
 Integration
Our local authorities' responsibilities are :
 Integration
 Language training
 Provision of school and kindergarten and the auditing
 Auditing of the companies policy related to HSE (health – Safety Environment) and the Working Environment Act)
The responsibilities of the companies
 To following the Work Environment Act (and the collective
agreements) for all employees – no special responsibility for foreign
A holistic immigration expertise policy??
Who has the overall responsibility today?
There are five ministries:
Barne, likestillings og integreringsdepartementet.
And there are very many authorities who influence the policy:
NAV Eures
Arbeids og velferdsdirektoratet
Integrering og mangfolds
direktoratet IMDi
Samarbeidsprosjekt NY I NORGE
Samarbeidsprosjekt ”work in
 Senter for internasjonalisering av
utdanning (SIU)
 Lokale Service senter (Oslo,
Stavanger og Kirkenes)
 Politidirektoratet
 Lokale politistasjoner
 Skatte etaten
 Lokale kommuner
Expertise Immigration –
what do they do in other countries?
Labour immigration (arbeidsinnvandring)
A comprehensive expertise working migration policy
(En helhetlig kompetansearbeidsinnvandrings politikk)
Asylum and immigration, adapts "barely" to EU
(Asyl og innvandring, tilpasser seg ”så vidt” EU)
A country built on immigration expertise but clearly
express the countries expectations
What do they do in the regions today?
The “challenge” has been put on the radar- but no one seems to have a co-coordinated
holistic strategy (recruit & retain)!
Building industrial clusters have received increasing attention lately - "let the region
become known for being the best” in a global competition (the competition is global within
the industry not between Norwegian regions).
There are many associations and organizations around but very little cooperation between
the associations in the region.
Very few regions have established regular meeting places where they discuss a long term
policy on how to attract and retain global talents.
Few regions have established regular meeting places where organizations, local authorities,
representatives of public authorities and businesses meet regularly.
Some Chambers of Commence have established INN - International Network of Norway
and there are many Expat / Relocation companies.
What makes a region successful?
What do the successful regions do to compete
in a global world where place matters?
The region has built a strong international Brand (recruit and retain)
Should I stay or should I go………
To attract and retain is two sides of the same coin
& Living
Choice of place to live!
A holistic national expertice
immigration policy must be prepered and the
policy must be based on:
 Company demand driven (and changing demand)
 Demographic trends and the aging European population
 Shift in economic growth centers in the world (from west to East and South)
 We have signed an EU agreement
 We are a part of a global world where place matters
 Many companies today are multinational and their business cross boarders
 Many companies are increasingly dependent on highly skilled expertise
 The working conditions and type of contracts are changing (more project
related work)
 That both parties in a relationship have their own career
A holistic national expertise immigration policy – lets start to work!
Utarbeid en helhetlig kompetanseinnvandrings politikk basert på
næringslivets behov!
Sentrale myndigheter
Rask og forutsigbar saksbehandling
Bedre statistikk så vi ikke blander begrep
Informasjon før personen kommer til Norge og informer gjerne om
rettigheter men også om plikter
Lokale myndigheter
Place matter! Region er viktigere enn land!
La regionen bli kjent for å være flink/ god til noe (innen en næring).
Vær et godt vertskap – ”Velkommen til oss senter!
Legg til rette for bedriftsetableringer slik at det blir mange bedrifter
(enklere å bytte / finne ny jobb) næringsklynger
Arranger regelmessige møteplasser sammen med andre i regionen
Vær mer synlig i lokalmiljøet og jobb tettere med næringslivet og lokale
Bygg bærekraftige bedrifter med internasjonale ambisjoner.
Vær pådriver og delta i arbeidet med å utvikle og innovere regionen.
Bygg trivsel i bedriften og i regionen
THANK YOU – for your attention!
Kristin Omholt-Jensen,