Chapter 17/16.4 Rapid Software Development / Prototyping ©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 17/16.4 Slide 1 Objectives To explain how an iterative, incremental development process can lead to faster delivery of more useful software To discuss the essence of agile development methods To explain the principles and practices of extreme programming ©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 17/16.4 Slide 2 Objectives (cont'd) To explain the roles of prototyping in the software process To explain the need for user interface prototyping. (16.4) ©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 17/16.4 Slide 3 Topics covered Rapid Software Development Agile methods Extreme programming Other rapid development approaches: RAD, visual programming, software reuse Software prototyping ©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 17/16.4 Slide 4 Rationale for rapid software development Quickly changing global markets mean businesses must be responsive to new opportunities and competition. Thus, rapid development and delivery is often the most critical requirement. Businesses may even be willing to accept lower quality if rapid delivery of essential functionality is possible. ©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 17/16.4 Slide 5 Requirements instability Being responsive to changing environments = coping with unstable requirements. In many such cases: a waterfall model of development is impractical evolutionary development based on iterative specification and delivery is the only way to deliver software quickly. ©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 17/16.4 Slide 6 Characteristics of rapid development processes Processes of specification, design and implementation are concurrent. No detailed specification and design documentation is minimal. System may be developed as a series of increments. (Users evaluate increments and make proposals for later increments.) ©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 17/16.4 Slide 7 Recall Mills “incremental development” process (Ch. 4) ©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 17/16.4 Slide 8 Advantages of incremental development Accelerated delivery of high-priority customer services. Each increment incorporates the (next) highest priority functionality. More user involvement in development. System is more likely to meet requirements and users are more committed to system success. ©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 17/16.4 Slide 9 Problems with iterative development / incremental delivery Management problems Progress can be hard to assess (lack of regular deliverables). poor process visibility May require unfamiliar technologies or special skills. Contractual problems Normal contractual model requires a requirements specification. (Cont’d) ©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 17/16.4 Slide 10 Problems with iterative development / incremental delivery (cont'd) V&V problems Without a specification, what is the system being tested against? Maintenance problems Continual change tends to corrupt software structure. Documentation is lacking. And recall: it may be difficult to partition requirements into stand-alone increments. (Cont’d) ©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 17/16.4 Slide 11 Problems with iterative development / incremental delivery (cont'd) For some large systems, evolutionary / incremental development may be impractical… when multiple teams are working at different sites when high reliability or safety is required when maintainability is paramount (Cont’d) ©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 17/16.4 Slide 12 Problems with iterative development / incremental delivery (cont'd) In such cases, throw-away prototyping, where an experimental system is developed as a basis for formulating the requirements may be used. This system is “thrown away” when the requirements have been validated. We consider throw-away and other types of prototyping in detail later… ©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 17/16.4 Slide 13 Agile methods for evolutionary / incremental development Dissatisfaction with overhead of waterfall method led to creation of agile methods. They: Focus on code rather than the design; Are based on an iterative development; Are intended to deliver working software quickly which can evolve quickly to meet changing requirements. See: ©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 17/16.4 Slide 14 Principles of agile methods P rinc ip le D escrip tio n C us tom er in vo lv em en t T h e c us to m e r s h ou ld b e c losely inv olve d t hrou gh ou t the d eve lopm en t p ro ce ss. T he ir ro le is p ro vide an d p rioritise n ew system req u irem en ts a nd to ev alu at e th e iterat ions of t he s ystem . Inc rem en tal d el ive ry T h e softw are is de ve lop ed in in crem en ts w it h t he c ustom er spe cifying th e req uire me nt s to be in cl u de d i n e ach i n cr e m e nt. P eo pl e no t pr oc e ss T h e skills of t he de v el o pm en t tea m sh ou ld b e rec o gn ised a n d ex ploi ted . T h e t e am sho uld be le ft to de v elo p the ir own w a ys of w orking w it h ou t pr escrip tiv e p ro ce sses. E m brac e c h an g e E x pec t th e sys tem re q uirem en ts to ch an g e a nd de sign th e sys tem so th at it c an acc om m o da te th es e c h an g es. M a in tain sim pl ici ty F oc us o n sim plic ity in bo th th e so ftw a re be ing d eve lop ed a n d in th e d ev el o pm en t pr oce ss used . W he re v er p ossib le , ac tiv ely w ork to elim in at e com pl e xity from the s ystem . ©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 17/16.4 Slide 15 Problems with agile methods Can be difficult to keep the interest of customers who are involved in the process. Team members may be unsuited to the intense involvement that characterizes agile methods. Prioritizing changes can be difficult where there are multiple stakeholders. (Cont’d) ©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 17/16.4 Slide 16 Problems with agile methods (cont'd) Maintaining simplicity requires extra work. Contracts may be a problem as with other iterative development approaches. ©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 17/16.4 Slide 17 Sommerville’s position Agile methods are probably best suited to small/medium-sized business systems or PC products. In particular, they are not well suited for dealing with: (compare to slide #12) large-scale development with multiple teams working at different sites complex interactions with other systems high security or safety applications ©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 17/16.4 Slide 18 Extreme programming (XP) Perhaps the best-known and most widely used agile method. Takes an “extreme” approach to iterative development: New versions may be built several times per day Increments are delivered to customers every 2 weeks All tests must run successfully for every build “iterative development on steroids” ©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 17/16.4 Slide 19 The XP release cycle ©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 17/16.4 Slide 20 Extreme programming practices 1 Incr em en tal p lann ing R e qui rem en ts a re re cord e d on Story C ards and the St or ies to be inc luded i n a re le as e a re de ter mi ned by th e tim e a va il ab le a nd the ir relati ve pr iorit y. The deve lope rs br e ak the se S tori es i n to deve lop m en t ŌT asks Õ. Sm all R eleas e s T he mi nim al u sefu l set o f func ti ona lit y tha t prov ide s bu si nes s va lue i s deve loped fir st. R el eas e s of the sys tem are fr equen t and inc rem en tall y a dd func ti ona lit y to the fi rst r elea se. Sim pl e De si gn E nough de si gn is ca rri ed ou t to m ee t t he cu rr en t requ ir em en ts and no m ore. T es t fir st deve lop m en t An au tom ated un it t es t fram ewo rk is u sed to w rite t ests f or a new piece of func ti ona lit y be fore tha t fun ct ion a lit y it se lf is im plem en ted . R e fa c to ri ng A ll d e ve lope rs a re expe c te d to re fac tor the code con ti nuous ly as soon as po ssible code im p rove m en ts are found . T his keeps t he code sim ple and m ain taina bl e . ©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 17/16.4 Slide 21 Extreme programming practices 2 P air Pr ogra mmi ng Deve lop e rs wo rk in pa ir s, che c king ea c h o the rÕs w ork and p rov iding t he suppo rt to a lw ays do a good job . Co ll ec tive Owne rs hip T he pa ir s o f deve lop e rs wo rk on all a re a s of the sys tem, so tha t no isl ands of expe rti se deve lop and al l t he deve lope rs own a ll t he code . Anyon e c a n chang e any th ing . “egoless programming” Con ti nuou s In tegr at ion A s soon as wo rk on a t ask i s co m pl et e it is i n teg rated i n to the who le sy st em . Af ter any such in teg rati on , a ll th e un it test s i n the sy st em m u st pa ss. S us tainab le pac e L arg e a m oun ts o f ove r-t ime are not con sid e re d ac c ep tab le a s the ne t ef fec t i s of ten t o reduc e code qua lit y a nd m ed ium term p roduc ti vity On -sit e Cu sto m er A rep resen tati ve of t he end -u ser o f the sy stem (t he C us to m er) shou ld be ava il ab le fu ll tim e fo r th e u se o f th e X P te am . In an ex tr em e prog rammi ng p roce ss, the cus to m er is a m em be r o f th e deve lop m en t t ea m a nd is r espon si b le for b ri nging sy st em requ ire m e nts to t he te am for im plem en tati on. ©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 17/16.4 Slide 22 Summary of XP and agile principles Incremental development is supported through small, frequent system releases. Customer involvement means full-time customer engagement with the team. Focus is on people – not process – through pair programming, collective ownership, and a process that avoids long working hours. (Cont’d) ©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 17/16.4 Slide 23 Summary of XP and agile principles (cont'd) Change supported through regular system releases. Maintaining simplicity (maintainability) through constant refactoring of code. ©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 17/16.4 Slide 24 Requirements scenarios Requirements are expressed as scenarios or user stories written on cards. Development team breaks them down into implementation tasks. Tasks are the basis of schedule and cost estimates. Customer chooses stories for inclusion in the next release based on priorities and schedule estimates. ©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 17/16.4 Slide 25 Story card for document downloading Down loadin g an d pri ntin g an articl e First, y ou select t he art icle that y ou want from a disp layed list . t hen have to t ell t he syst em how you will pay for it - t his can eit her be through a subscrip tion, through a comp any account or by credit card. You Aft er t his , y ou get a copy right form from t he syst em to fill in and, when y ou have submit ted t his, t he art icle you want is downloaded onto your computer . You t hen choose a p rinter and a copy of t he art icle is print ed. t ell t he syst em if printing has been s uccessful. If the article is a p rint -only art icle, you canÕ so it is automat ically deleted from your computer ©Ian Sommerville 2000 You t keep the P DF version . Software Engineering. Chapter 17/16.4 Slide 26 XP and change Conventional SE wisdom is design for change (via “information hiding”) to reduce maintenance costs. XP maintains this is not worthwhile since changes cannot be reliably anticipated. (Which position is correct?) (Cont’d) ©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 17/16.4 Slide 27 XP and change (cont'd) (Instead,) XP proposes constant code improvement (“refactoring”) to make changes easier when they have to be implemented. ©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 17/16.4 Slide 28 Testing in XP Test-first: write tests before coding. helps clarify requirements Involve Users in test development and validation. Use automated test harnesses to run all previous and new tests before each new release. regression testing ©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 17/16.4 Slide 29 Task cards for document downloading Task 1: Impl emen t pri nci pal workflow Task 2: Impl emen t articl e catalog an d selecti on Task 3: Impl emen t payment col lection Payment may be made in 3 dif ferent way s. The user select s which way t hey wish t o pay . If the user has a library subscrip tion, then they can inp ut the subscriber key which should be checked by the sy stem. Alternatively , they can inp ut an or ganisat ional account number . If this is valid, a debit of t he cost of t he art icle is posted t o t his account . Finally , they may input a 16 digit credit card number and expiry date. This should be checked for validity and, if valid a debit is p osted t o t hat credit card account . ©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 17/16.4 Slide 30 Test case description Test 4: Test cr edit card val idi ty Input: A stringrepresentingthe credit card number andtwo integersrepresenting t he month and y ear when the card expires Tests : Check that all by tes in the st ring are digits Check that the mont h lies bet ween 1 and 12 and the year is great er t han or equal t o t he current year . Using the first 4 digits of t he credit card number , check that the card is suer is valid by looking up the card is suer t able. Check credit card validity by submit ting the card number and exp iry date informat ion t o t he card issuer Ou tput: OK or error message indicating t hat the card is invalid ©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 17/16.4 Slide 31 Pair programming in XP Programmers work in pairs, sitting together to develop code but not the same pairs Helps develop common ownership of code and spreads knowledge across the team. facilitates “egoless programming” Serves as an informal, continuous review process (Cont’d) ©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 17/16.4 Slide 32 Pair programming in XP (cont'd) Encourages refactoring since the whole team benefits Measurements suggest development productivity is comparable to two people working independently (but with all the benefits of pair programming). ©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 17/16.4 Slide 33 “Rapid Application Development” (RAD) environments Other rapid development approaches have been around for years. RAD environments evolved from “fourthgeneration languages” (4GL’s) and are designed to develop data-intensive business applications They rely on a high-level programming language integrated with a database. ©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 17/16.4 Slide 34 A RAD environment Database management system ©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 17/16.4 Slide 35 RAD environment tools Database programming language (e.g., SQL) Interface generator to create forms for data input and display Links to office applications such as spreadsheets or word processors Report generators ©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 17/16.4 Slide 36 Visual programming with reuse Scripting languages such as Visual Basic support visual programming Applications are developed by creating an iconic user interface and associating components with the graphical icons. Large libraries of reusable components exist to support this. Components may be tailored to suit the specific application requirements. ©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 17/16.4 Slide 37 Visual programming application screen Hy pert ext d is pl ay co m po nen t Dat e co m po nen t F i le Ed it Vi ew s Lay ou t Op t io ns Gen eral Ind ex 1 2t h J anu ary 2 00 0 R ang e ch ecki ng s cri pt Hel p 3 .87 6 Us er p rom p t com p on ent + s cri pt Draw can vas com p on ent Tree d isp lay com p on ent ©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 17/16.4 Slide 38 Problems with visual programming Difficult to coordinate team-based development No explicit system architecture (hidden) Complex dependencies between parts of the program can cause maintainability problems. ©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 17/16.4 Slide 39 Component assembly Systems are created quickly from a set of reusable components plus a mechanism to “glue” components together. Composition mechanism must include control facilities and a mechanism for component communication. Must take into account availability and functionality of existing components ©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 17/16.4 Slide 40 Reuse based Application-level rapid development: COTS Existing “off the shelf” applications can be configured and linked together. For example, a requirements management system could be built by using: A database to store requirements; A word processor to capture requirements and format reports; and A spreadsheet for traceability management. ©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 17/16.4 Slide 41 Compound documents Some applications/prototypes can be created by developing a compound document. This is a document with active elements (such as a spreadsheet) that allows user computations. Each active element has an associated application which is invoked when that element is selected. The document itself is the integrator for the different applications. ©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 17/16.4 Slide 42 Application linking in compound documents C om p ou nd d ocu m ent Text 1 Tabl e 1 Tabl e 2 W o rd p roces so r ©Ian Sommerville 2000 Text 2 Text 4 S o un d 1 Text 3 S o un d 2 S p read sh eet Software Engineering. Chapter 17/16.4 Text 5 Au di o pl ayer Slide 43 What is prototyping? Some traditional features: An iterative process emphasizing Rapid development Evaluative use Feedback Modification Learning (based on feedback) Consideration of alternatives Concreteness (a “real system” is developed and presented to real users) (Cont’d) ©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 17/16.4 Slide 44 What is prototyping? (cont’d) Boundary between prototyping and normal system development blurs when an evolutionary (e.g., Extreme Programming) development approach is used. Thus, our primary focus is throw-away prototyping. ©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 17/16.4 Slide 45 Uses of prototypes Principal use is to help customers and developers better understand system requirements. Experimentation stimulates anticipation of how a system could be used. Attempting to use functions together to accomplish some task can easily reveal requirements problems. (Cont’d) ©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 17/16.4 Slide 46 Uses of prototypes (cont’d) Other potential uses: 1. Evaluating proposed solutions for feasibility (Experimental Prototyping) 2. “Back-to-back” system testing 3. Training users before system delivery Prototyping is most often undertaken as a risk reduction activity. ©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 17/16.4 Slide 47 Classifying prototypes By purpose: Throw-away prototyping – to elicit and validate requirements Experimental prototyping – to evaluate proposed solutions for feasibility, performance, etc. horizontal vs. vertical (breadth vs. depth) mockups vs. breadboards (form vs. function) “Wizard of Oz” prototyping (Turing test reversed) ©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 17/16.4 Slide 48 Vertical prototype high F I d e l I t y Horizontal prototype low few Number of features many Simulation, prototyping, and scenarios What are the differences between prototyping and simulation? (Cont’d) ©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 17/16.4 Slide 52 Simulation, prototyping, and scenarios (cont’d) What is the connection between simulation models / prototypes, and scenarios? Simulation models are automatic scenario generators. Prototypes facilitate manual scenario generation. ©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 17/16.4 Slide 53 Simulation, prototyping, and scenarios (cont’d) What is the connection between simulation models / prototypes, and scenarios? Simulation models are automatic scenario generators. Prototypes facilitate manual scenario generation. ©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 17/16.4 Slide 54 Simulation, prototyping, and scenarios (cont’d) What is the connection between simulation models / prototypes, and scenarios? Simulation models are automatic scenario generators. Prototypes facilitate manual scenario generation. ©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 17/16.4 Slide 55 Prototyping benefits Misunderstandings are exposed. Difficulttouse or confusing services are identified. Missing services are detected. Incomplete and/or inconsistent requirements are found by analysts as prototype is being developed. Can demo feasibility and usefulness. Basis for writing a system specification. ©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 17/16.4 Slide 56 Prototyping process What to include & what NOT to include. Es t abl is h p ro to ty pe o bj ect iv es Defi ne p ro to ty pe fun cti on ali ty Develo p p ro to ty pe Ev alu at e p ro to ty pe P ro to ty pi ng p lan Ou t li ne d efi ni ti on Ex ecut ab le p ro to ty pe Ev alu ati on repo rt ©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 17/16.4 Slide 57 Throw-away prototyping Used to reduce requirements risk. Initial prototype is developed from outline requirements, delivered for experiment, and modified until risk is acceptably low. ©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 17/16.4 Slide 58 Throw-away prototyping Elicit/validate REQMTS Ou t li ne requ irem en ts S p eci fy s ys tem Evalu at e p ro to ty pe Dev elo p p ro to ty pe Reus abl e com p on ent s Develo p s oft ware ©Ian Sommerville 2000 Vali dat e s ys tem Software Engineering. Chapter 17/16.4 Del ivered s oft ware s ys tem Slide 59 Throw-away prototype delivery ? Developers may be pressurized to deliver a throw-away prototype as the final system. This is problematic... It may be impossible to meet non-functional requirements. The prototype is almost certainly undocumented. The system may be poorly structured and therefore difficult to maintain. Normal quality standards may not have been applied. ©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 17/16.4 Slide 60 No, no, no! I won’t deliver the prototype to you! User Mgmt Developer Air Tank Pressurizing the Developer Prototypes AS specifications? Some parts of the requirements (e.g., safety-critical functions) may be impossible to prototype and so don’t appear in the “specification.” An implementation has no legal standing as a contract. Non-functional requirements cannot be adequately represented in a system prototype. (Some) ©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering, 6th edition. Chapter 8 Slide 62 Implementation techniques Various techniques may be used for developing prototypes: Dynamic high-level languages Database programming (RAD) Component and application assembly These are not mutually exclusive – they are often used together. Visual programming is also an inherent part of most prototype development systems. ©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 17/16.4 Slide 63 Dynamic high-level languages Include powerful data management facilities – often typeless and interpretive. Require large run-time support system – not normally used for large system development. Some offer excellent GUI development facilities. Some have an integrated support environment* whose facilities may be used in the prototype. Examples: Lisp (list structure based), Prolog (logic based), Smalltalk (object-oriented), APL (matrix processing). * Function libraries, debuggers, symbolic evaluators, etc. ©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 17/16.4 Slide 64 Choice of prototyping language What is the application domain? (e.g., NLP?, matrix manipulation?) What user interaction is required? (textbased? Web-based?) What support environment comes with the language? (e.g., tools, components) (Cont’d) ©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 17/16.4 Slide 65 Choice of prototyping language (cont’d) Different parts of the system may be programmed in different languages. (However, there may be problems with language communications.) A multi-paradigm language (e.g., LOOPS) can reduce this problem. ©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 17/16.4 Slide 66 User interface prototyping It is impossible to pre-specify the look and feel of a user interface in an effective way. Prototyping is essential. UI development consumes an increasing part of overall system development costs. ©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 17/16.4 Slide 67 User interface prototyping Aim is to allow users to gain direct experience with the interface. Without this, it is impossible to judge usability. May employ a two-stage process: paper prototypes are developed initially, followed by a series of increasingly sophisticated automated prototypes. ©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 17/16.4 Slide 68 Paper prototyping Work through scenarios using sketches of the interface. Use storyboards/scenarios to present a series of interactions with the system. Paper prototyping is a cost-effective way of getting user reactions to an interface design proposal. ©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 17/16.4 Slide 69 User interface evaluation Some evaluation of a user interface design should be carried out to assess its suitability. Thorough evaluation is very expensive and impractical for most systems. Ideally, an interface should be evaluated against a usability specification. However, it is rare for such specifications to be produced. ©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 17/16.4 Slide 70 Usability attributes A ttribut e D escr iption Lea rn ab ili ty H ow lo ng d oe s it ta k e a ne w us er to be c om e prod uc tiv e w it h th e sys te m ? S pe ed of op erat ion H ow w el l do es the syste m re sp ons e m atch th e us er Õs w ork p ra c tic e? R o bus tn ess H ow to le ran t is th e sys te m of use r e rror? R e co v erab ili ty H ow go od is th e sys te m at rec o ve rin g from user e rr ors ? A da p ta b ilit y H ow closely is th e sys te m t ie d t o a s in gl e m od el of w ork? ©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 17/16.4 Slide 71 Simple evaluation techniques Questionnaires for user feedback. Video recording of system use and subsequent tape evaluation. (“protocol analysis”) Instrumentation of code to collect information about patterns of use and user errors. Including code in system to collect on-line user feedback. ©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 17/16.4 Slide 72 Key points An iterative approach to software development leads to faster delivery of software. Agile methods are iterative development methods that aim to reduce development overhead and so produce software faster. Extreme programming includes practices such as systematic testing, continuous improvement, and customer involvement. (Cont’d) ©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 17/16.4 Slide 73 Key points (cont’d) Testing in XP is a particular strength since tests are developed before code is written. Rapid Application Development (RAD) environments include database programming languages, form generation tools, and links to office applications. Throw-away prototyping is used to explore requirements and design options. (Cont’d) ©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 17/16.4 Slide 74 Key points (cont’d) Prototypes give end-users a concrete impression of a system’s capabilities. Rapid development of prototypes is essential. This usually requires leaving out functionality or relaxing non-functional constraints. (Cont’d) ©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 17/16.4 Slide 75 Key points (cont’d) Prototyping techniques include the use of very high-level languages, database programming and prototype construction from reusable components. Prototyping is essential for parts of the system such as the user interface which cannot be effectively pre-specified. Users must be involved in prototype evaluation. ©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 17/16.4 Slide 76 Chapter 17/16.4 Rapid Software Development / Prototyping ©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 17/16.4 Slide 77