Lean Manufacturing Symposium 主 办: Organizer: 联 合 主 办: Co-organizer: 精益制造业论坛 2010年9月15日·天津 September 15th, Tianjin 演讲主题 Topics 精益生产和运营管理 Management 精益企业转型 供应链管理,供应商开发 人才培养,团队建设 Key-note speaker Lean Manufacturing and Enterprise Lean Transformation Supply Chain Management and Supplier Development People Development 主题演讲人 迈克尔•伯乐博士 Dr. Michael Balle 《金矿》、《精益管理者》作者 co-author of “Gold Mine” and “Lean Manager” 迈克尔•伯乐博士在过去的15年中致力于研究 组织转型及其内在成因,在这方面进行了大量的探 索和实践,尤其是在精益管理领域有着深厚认识。 他善于同管理层一起深入现场实施改善并将其 过程整理为文字,并因此积累了丰富的现场经验。 Dr. Michael Balle has been studying the link between individual reasoning and large-scale change for the past 15 years; this has led him to experiment and research on various aspects of change in organizations and in particular the practice of lean management. He works with senior executives on the shop floor improving processes and then writes it up. Agenda 08:30 - 08:45 欢迎致词 Opening remark 赵克强博士,精益企业中国总裁 Dr. Marcus Chao, president, Lean Enterprise China 08:45 - 09:45 精益的管理者 Lean manager 迈克尔•伯乐博士,《金矿》、《精益管理者》作者 Dr. Michael Balle, co-author of “Gold Mine” and “Lean Manager” 09:45 - 10:15 Coffee Break 10:15 - 11:15 肯纳金属的精益之旅 Kennametal's lean journey 菲利普•威尔,肯纳金属供应链、制造及物流副总裁 Mr. Phil Weihl, Vice President, Integrated Supply Chain and Logistics, Kennametal 11:15 - 12:15 从本田的角度看丰田生产系统 From Honda to see Toyota Production System 森田喜芳 Morita Association总裁,前本田高管 Nobu Morita President of Morita Association; retired Honda executive 12:15 - 13:30 Lunch 13:30 - 14:15 企业精益推行 Apply lean in your enterprise 孙桂翔,诺和诺德制药 cLEAN&业务支持部高级经理 – Ellen Sun, Senior Manager, cLEAN & Business Support, Novo Nordisk Pharmaceuticals (China) 14:15 - 15:00 我的精益之旅 My personal lean journey 孙永明,ABB开关(天津)供应链经理 Simon Sun, Supply Chain Manager, ABB Switchgear Company (Tianjin; 15:00 - 15:30 Coffee Break 15:30 - 17:00 圆桌论坛 Round Table Discussion 菲利普•威尔先生 Mr. Phil Weihl 肯纳金属全球副总裁 Vice President of Kennametal 菲利普•威尔先生是肯纳金属的副总裁,负责 供应链、制造及物流。他于1986年加入肯纳金属 担任生产经理,95年成为冶金业务总监。2001年 他升任全球制造副总裁,并于09年起任现职。 Philip H. Weihl is Vice President, Integrated Supply Chain and Logistics for Kennametal. He joined Kennametal in 1986 as Manufacturing Manager,. He became Director of Metallurgical Operations in 1995, VP of Global Manufacturing in 2001, and take on the responsibility of Integrated Supply Chain, manufacturing, and Logistics in 2009. Operation System For more information 更多信息可通过以下方式获得: Web: www.LeanChina.org Tel: 021-65979076 Email: summit@leanchina.org / info@leanchina.org 从你的运营中挖掘金矿 Workshop:Dig Out Gold from Your Operation 2010年9月14日, 8:00 – 17:00 授课语言:英语/ Language: English 主题大纲 “金矿”概述 挑战, 现场(Gemba) 和改善(Kaizen) 准时化(Just-in-time)和 自働化(Stop-at-first-defect) 节拍时间 & 预算 人的培养 精益文化 & 精益企业 PDCA管理 收获 了解在运营系统中导入精益的要素及过程 了解如何制定并实施企业精益改善计划,并不断持续改进 了解培养精益骨干及企业建立精益骨干团队的机制 了解如何将企业从传统生产领导向精益转型 讲师:迈克尔·伯乐博士 迈克尔•伯乐博士在过去的15年中致力于研究组织转型及其内在成因,在这方面进行了大量的探索和实践,尤其是在精 益管理领域有着深厚认识。 他善于同管理层一起深入现场实施改善并将其过程整理为文字,并因此积累了丰富的现场经验。 哪些人应该参加: 负责下列部门的主管:商业计划、销售及市场、财务、项目管理、生产、流程工程、制造、质量监管、采购、人力资源等。 愿意学习精益的方法,并应用到企业内部运营管理及其他领域的精益思想者和实践者。 Outline: 1. Gold Mine Overview 2. Challenge, Gemba & Kaizen 3. Just-in-time & Stop-at-first-defect 4. Takt Time & Budgets 5. People Development 6. Lean culture & organization 7. PDCA management Benefits: To learn the key elements of a lean operation system To know how to develop improvement strategy and plan, and how to continuous improve To know how to develop people and build a Lean Core Team To know how to act in unison and achieve company-wide goal of transforming from Mass to Lean Enterprise. Offer tips on how to be successful in lean journey Instructor:Dr. Michael Balle Dr. Michael Balle has been studying the link between individual reasoning and large-scale change for the past 15 years; this has led him to experiment and research on various aspects of change in organizations and in particular the practice of lean management. He works with senior executives on the shop floor improving processes and then writes it up. Who should attend? All lean thinkers and practitioners include change agents, engineers, etc. Department Head and above, executives responsible for: Business Planning/ Sales and Marketing/ Financial/ Program Management/ Product Engineering/ Process Engineering/ Manufacturing/ Quality/ Purchasing/ Human Resource or others. For more information 更多信息可通过以下方式获得: Web: www.LeanChina.org Email: summit@leanchina.org Tel: 021-65979076 精益制造业论坛报名表 Registration form for Lean Manufacturing Symposium 收费标准 Fees:(注:恕不接受培训单独报名) 日期 / Date 会务内容 / Activity Sept. 14 培训:精益骨干培养 / Workshop: Developing a Lean Core Team Sept. 15 2010精益制造业论坛 / Lean Manufacturing Symposium 报名信息 Registration:(注:恕不接受培训单独报名) 公司名 Company Name: 参会人信息 / Registration Information 参会人 Attendee 职务 Job Title 电话 TEL 参加内容 / Activity Email symposium 论坛 Workshop + symposium 论坛及培训 □ 3000RMB □ 6000RMB □ 3000RMB □ 6000RMB □ 3000RMB □ 6000RMB □ 3000RMB □ 6000RMB □ 3000RMB □ 6000RMB 主要联络人信息 Key contact person: 姓名 Name: 职务 Position: 电话 TEL: Email: 付款信息 Payment: 总金额 Total fee: 发票的公司名称 Title for invoice: 寄送地址 Please send the invoice to: 收件人 Recipients: 邮编 Post Code: 联系电话 TEL: 优惠方案(只可择一)Preferential treatment (Choose one): 1、2010年8月15日前(含)报名并付款,可享受9折优惠; 10% discount for registration and payment before July 31; 2、同一公司团体报名同一项目5人或以上,可享受9折优惠; 10% discount for any company for five people and above register from one company; 报名流程 Registration Process: 1、将费用汇款至 (payment to): 收款单位:精益企业管理咨询(上海)有限公司 (Account name: Lean Enterprise China, LEC) 银行帐号:交通银行上海分行赤峰路支行 310066344018010014567 Bank of Communications, Shanghai Branch, Chifeng Road Sub-Branch S.W.I.F.T. Code: COMM CN SH SHI. 2、报名表及汇款的底联请传真至 021-65986165 Please fax the Registration Form and the Remittance to 021-65986165 3、汇款收到后我们会与您联系,确认报名成功 Upon receipt of the payment, we will contact you to confirm the registration. 注册后取消: 1、方式:传真或邮件形式来函要求取消注册 2、8月31日前取消注册,可返还80%注册费用;9月10日前取消注册,可返还50%费用;9月15日前取消注册可返还20%费用