Introduction to Assistive Technology

Introduction to
Assistive Technology
For Adult Service Professionals
Young Jeon
Assistive Technology Overview
What is Assistive Technology?
▶ Any device or process
that assist a person with
disabilities to do something
that could otherwise be
difficult or impossible to
United Cerebral Palsy of Washington & Northern Virginia, Inc.
Assistive Technology Overview – Definition
▶ Any item, piece of equipment ,
or product system, whether
acquired commercially off the
shelf, modified, or customized,
that is used to increase, maintain,
or improve functional capabilities
of individuals with disabilities
(from IDEA ’97)
▶ A definition of AT may be a
system of no, low and/or hightech tools and strategies that are
suited to a person based on their
individuals needs
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Assistive Technology Overview –
Universal Design
Universal Design is the design
of products and environments
to be usable by all people, to
the greatest extent possible,
without the need for
adaptation or specialized
design – Ron Mace
Universal Design benefits of all ages and abilities.
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Assistive Technology Overview –
Universal Design
Curb Cut : Originally
designed for wheelchair
but also ease travel for
people pushing strollers,
riding skateboards, using
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Assistive Technology Overview –
AT vs. UD
Assistive Technology
Universal Design
Specifically considered
for an individual
Used by an individual to
Used by a wide range of
individuals with diverse
Makes the environments
accessible to individuals
with varying needs
Assistive Technology Overview –
• High-Tech
 Sophisticated electronics or computers
• DynaMyte, Mercury
• Mid-Tech
 Relatively complicated mechanical devices
• Wheelchairs
• Low-Tech
 Less sophisticated devices
• Velcro fasteners
• Sippy cups
• No-Tech
 Solutions that make use of procedures and services already
in the environment without using devices or equipment
United Cerebral Palsy of Washington & Northern Virginia, Inc.
Assistive Technology Overview –
Adaptive Computer Applications
Aids for Communication
Aids for Daily Living
Environmental Control Systems
Home / Worksite Modifications
Prosthetics and Orthotics
Seating and Positioning
Wheelchair / Mobility Aids
Vehicle Modifications
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AT Delivery System in DC
MRDDA Policy
Provider Organizations that receive DC or Federal
funds to serve MRDDA customers and who are
responsible for the acquisition, repair or
replacement of adaptive equipment
Acquisition Process
 Determination of Need by clinicians’ assessment
 Caregiver apply for the approval and fund within 30
days of assessment
 MRDDA determines of approval
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AT Delivery System in DC
MRDDA Policy
Acquisition shall occur within 60 days of the date of d
If not, caregiver must provide written notice the clinic
al Services Division WEEKLY.
Methods of Payment
Private Health Insurance
Personal Funds
Government Contract/Purchase order
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Barriers and Challenges
Awareness and Knowledge
Fear of Complexity
Funding Limitations
Timeliness of AT delivery System
Equipment Maintenance
Technology Abandonment
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Benefits of Assistive Technology
Environmental control
Activities of Daily Living
Sports and Recreation
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Assistive Technology Consideration
What functional limitation does the individual with disabilities
have that might be helped by assistive technology?
 Have professionals conducted a comprehensive assessment
to determine what assistive technology might be beneficial?
 Will the technology be available for the person to use at all
times in all environments where needed, and if not, what
alternatives exist in other environments?
 Will the assistive technology be a tool and not inhibit typical
development and skill acquisition?
 Does the professional support system exist for the
successful application and use of the identified technology?
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United Cerebral Palsy of Washington & Northern Virginia, Inc.
Adaptive Computer Applications
Hardware and software products that enables persons with
Disabilities to access, interact with, and use computers at
home, work or school.
Input output devices
Alternate access aids
Modified or alternate Keyboard
Switch Interface
Adaptive Software
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Communication Aids
Products and equipment designed to help persons with speech
disabilities or writing difficulties to communicate. At its very
simplest, augmentative communication can be a page with
picture choices or alphabet letters that a person points to. It
can also involve highly sophisticated speaking computers with
on-screen communication boards and auditory or visual scanning.
Hearing aids,
Augmentative Alternative Communication Devices
Voice Output Devices
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Aids for Daily Living
Self-help devices that assist persons with disabilities in daily
living activities such as dressing, personal hygiene, bathing,
home maintenance, cooking, eating, etc.
 Clothing and Dressing Aids
 Eating and Cooking Aids
 Home Maintenance Aids
 Toileting and Bathing Aids
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Environmental Control System
Environmental and structural adaptations that remove or reduce
physical barriers for individuals with disabilities. Environmental
adaptations usually involve building construction, engineering
and architecture, but also include environmental controls and
switches that can control an entire living environment.
 Environmental control switches
 Worksite adaptations
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Home/Worksite Modifications
Structural adaptations or fabrications in the home, worksite or other area
Bathroom changes
Visual alerting system
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Prosthetics and Orthotics
Replacement, substitution or augmenting of missing or
malfunctioning body parts with artificial limbs or other orthotic aids
Foot orthosis
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Seating and Positioning
Accommodations to a wheelchair or other seating system to
provide greater body stability, trunk/head support and an upright
posture, and reduction of pressure on the skin surface
 Seating : adapted and modular seating, cushions and wedges
contour seats, lumbar support seats, standing tables
 Positioning : positioning belts, braces, wheelchair modifications and
cushions, seat lifts, bolster chairs, corner chairs, therapeutic seats,
postural support hardware, postural support systems, pressure
monitors, etc.
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Wheelchair / Mobility Aids
Products that help mobility impaired persons move within
their environment and give them independence in
personal transportation
Manual and electric wheelchairs, mobile bases for
custom chairs, walkers, three-wheel scooters, and other
utility vehicles.
 Ambulatory Aids
 Scooters and Power Chairs
 Wheelchairs
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Vehicle Modifications
Adaptive driving aids, hand controls, wheelchair and other lifts,
modified vans, or other motor vehicles
Includes car-top carriers, custom cars and
vans, adaptive driving control, ramp, lift,
hand-controls, child restraint systems
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Input Output Devices
Touch windows
Braille Printer
Alternate Mouse
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Alternate Access Aids
Head Stick, Mouth Stick
Light Pointer
Mouse Emulator
Voice Input
Eye Gaze
Controlling cursor with eye movements
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Modified or Alternate Keyboard
Big Keyboard
One-hand keyboard
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Switch Interface
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Adaptive Software
Biggy Cursor
Onscreen Keyboard
Zoom Text
Microsoft Accessibility
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Voice Output Devices
Mercury, Gemini,
Cheap Talk
Communication Builder
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Clothing and Dressing Aids
Button Aid
Sock Helper
Shoe horn
Dressing Stick
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Eating and Cooking Aids
Easy grip Utensil
Food Bumper
Scooper Plate
Utensil Curf
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Home Maintenance Aids
Adaptive Gardening Tools
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Toileting and Bathing Aids
Lift Aids
Shower chair
Elevated seat
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Environmental Control Switches
Remote Control
Free Hand Switch
Wireless Transmitter
Motion Pad
Voice Activated Switch
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Seating and Positioning
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Ambulatory Aids
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