PCTI Limited - A Unique Name For Quality Education

Project Management-MS-52
Created by : PCTI Group
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What is project?
• A project is a set of activities which are networked
in an order and aimed towards achieving the goals
of a project.
• A programme of non-routine work bringing about
a beneficial change.
• Has a start and end date
• Constrained by cost, time and quality
• Scope of work that is well defined
• A project is a set of non-repetitive activities
which create a unique product or service.
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Examples of a project
1.commissioning a new industrial unit
2. Construction of a house
3. Setting up of an office
4. developing a technology
5. Launching a new product in the market
6. Conducting a seminar
7. Writing of a book
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What is management?
Management is the technique of
understanding the problems, needs and
controlling the use of resources such as
cost, time, manpower, materials etc.
Project management means :
The art of controlling the cost, time,
manpower, hw and sw resources involved in
a project.
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Important definitions:
Project cycle: A project cycle basically consists of
the various activities of operations, resources, and
the limitations imposed on them.
Resource : it refers to manpower, machinery, money
and materials required in the project.
Scope : it refers to the various parameters that affect
the project in its planning, formulation and
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Need for Project Management:
Project mgmt. is necessary because:
1. A project requires huge investment which should
not go waste.
2. A loss in any project would have direct or
indirect impact on the society
3. Prevent failures in project
4. Scope of the project activity may undergo a
5. Technology used may change during the course
of project execution.
6. Changes
may affect
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Players :
The players in a project management are the
individuals and the organizations
1. That are actively involved in the project
2. Whose interest may be affected by the outcome
(success / failure )of the project.
3. Exert influence over the project and its result.
4. Players are also called “stakeholders ” of the
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Who is project manager?
A project manager is a person who manages
the project. The project manager is
responsible to carry out all the tasks of a
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Key Responsibilities of Project
Manager :
Budgeting and cost control
Scheduling tasks
Allocating resources
Tracking project expenditures
Ensuring technical quality
Manage relations with the customer and
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Phases of project mgmt Life
Analysis and evaluation
Inspecting , testing and delivery
Post completion analysis
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Project management principles
Five dimensions that must be managed on a project
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What is feasibility study?
1. After the identification stage, the project ideas are
subjected to a process of preliminary filtration through
pre-feasibility study.
2. This involves the study of the project idea at a more
elaborate level than that carried out at the opportunity
study state.
3. This is an intermediate stage between an opportunity
study and a fully-fledged feasibility study
4. After project formulation or a detailed techno-economic
feasibility study this stage is recommended.
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Outline of a pre-feasibility study
Executive summary
Project background and history
Analysis of demanded supply
Analysis of inputs
Location and site
Engineering & technology
Execution schedule and methodology
Financial & economic evaluation
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Project mgmt is a Team Work
- Proper communications
- Feedback system
- Reliability on system
- Good team mgmt.
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Why do projects fail?
A project may fail because of one or more of the
following reasons1. Projects objective not in line with business
2. Project mgmt. not observed
3. Non-dedicated / Less qualified team
4. Lack of complete support from clients
5. No prioritization of project activity from an
organizational position
6. Absence of smooth communication between
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Steps of a good project Mgmt.
define the project
Reduce it to a set of manageable tasks
Obtain appropriate and necessary resources
Build a team to perform the project work
Plan the work and allocate the resources to the
- Monitor and control the work
- Report progress to senior mgmt.
- Review it to ensure that the lessons are learnt and
widely understand.
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The key issues at the planning
stage of a project
-key stages of the project
- Project logic diagram
- Key stages responsibility chart
- Estimation for all key stages
- Optimized project Gantt chart
- Updated and reviewed project risk log
- Risk mgmt. forms for new high risks
- Project operating budget
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Project planning process
• 1. Identification process
• 2. Review process
• 3. Analysis process
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Project organization
1. Initiation
2. Planning
3. Executing
4. Control
5. close
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What is WBS?
WBS is the technique to analyse the content of work and
cost by breaking it down into its components parts.
- The entire process of a project may be considered to be
made up on number of sub process placed in different
stage called the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)- WBS is produced by identifying the key elements ,
breaking each element down into components parts and
continuing to breakdown until manageable work
packages have been identified.
- WBS does not show dependencies
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• Mapping of economical zones rather than
geographic zones
• Continuous floating virtual inventory to
save time and efforts
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Work Breakdown Structure
• Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) breaks down a project
into smaller , measurable and managerially useful
constituents having well defined scope.
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Estimation Approaches
1. Bottom up Approach
2. Top down Approach
Estimation Tools:
1. Algorithmic model
2. Expert judgment
3. Analogy
4. Automated estimated tools for cost and
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Characteristics of project
Information sharing
Structured planning
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Market & Demand Analysis:
What is the need for Demand Forecasting?
All business planning starts with forecasting . Capital
investment, like procurement of materials and production
planning has to relate to demand forecasting. High volumn
high tech mass production systems have further high –
lighted the importance of accurate demand forecasts. It
enables the personnel to know about market forces,
currents, cross-currents and under currents relevant to
demand behaviour.
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Levels of Demand forecasting
1. Firm Level : if the exercise aims at forecasting demand of
firm’s products locally at state, region or national level, it
is a micro-level of demand forecasting . Sometimes,
forecasts are required for company’s products in specific
industry or market segment.
2. Industry level : it focus on industry as a whole for the
region and or national level. These forecasts may be
undertaken by a group of companies or by industry / trade
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3. National level: Demand forecasts at national level include parameters
like national income, expenditure, index of industrial / agricultural
production etc. estimating aggregate demand of products at national
level facilitates govt. decisions for imports, exports, pricing policy etc.
4. International level: companies operating in multinational markets would
require similar forecasting of demands for its products, trends in
consumption etc. at international level
Managerial economics play a leading role in masterminding these
forecasts at firm, industry, national and international levels.
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Criteria for a good forecasting
method :
Accuracy in forecast
Economy of forecasts
Quick results
Availability and timeliness
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Calculated methods of Forecasting
Simple average :
sum of demands of all periods
-----------------------------------------number of periods
Moving Average Method : sum of demands of chosen
-------------------------------------number of chosen periods
Weighted moving average = W1*D1 + W2D2+ …….+ Wn*Dn
Exponential smoothing methods : W *(Dt-1)+(1-w)(Ft-1)
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Human Resources
Project mgmt. = Planning / Controlling /
• The basic hunger of all the human beings is
to feel important. Managers can incorporate
this in their style of decision making and
become more subordinate oriented.
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Concept of Project Driver
D- Directing individuals and teams by motivating & bias free decisions.
2.) R- Reinforcing commitment & Excitement
by praise & fulfilling commitment.
3.) I- Informing everyone on the project
by proper communication
4.) V-Vitalizing teamwork – by strengthening team
by resolving conflict
5.) E- Empowering at all levels-by providing power
of actions, reward & punishment.
6.) R-Risk taking & creativity – by innovations and
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Financial Aspects
• Project mgmt. Allows the execution of diverse and
complex tasks in a tight time frame through the
involvement of a number of persons and agencies.
• The a/c system has to be designed to particularly
meet the requirements unique to each project.
• The classification of receipts and expenditures
must be structured into “heads of Accounts” in
such a manner that financial information sought
by various entities – internal and external may be
readily and economically compiled
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Aspects of accounting
• 1. Financial aspect
• 2. Physical aspect
• Few a/c heads are Capital, shares, loans, debentures, discount ,
preliminary expences and bank a/c all these heads reflects financial
aspects of accounting.
• Land, building, vehicles, plant & equipment, furniture,fittings,
depriciation for asset accounts, capital works-in-progress, preliminary
expenses , loans and advances granted, cash and bank balances, current
liability heads are reflecting physical aspect of a/c
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Accounting Procedure
* An Accounting procedure of Project management involves
the Preparation of Profit & loss a/c, balance sheet.
• A/c system must ensure that all relevant expenditure data
are captured and compiled speedily , accurately, and at a
reasonable cost.
• No type of expenditure transaction should be allowed to go
unreported, particularly advance payments and adjusted
• Basically all project related expenditure on equipements,
materials, supplies, salaries, wages, transportation, interest,
power, water etc. incurred during the implementation stage
is capital expenditure and must be included in work-inprogress a/c.
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Implementing the Financial
When giving effect to the financial plan the project’s
finance manager must keep in mind the
following points :
1. funds involves certain cost in the form of cash
2. Cash must be readily available to meet different
liabilities as the project progresses
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Authorization of Expenditure
1. Budget should be consistent with the objectives
of the project.
2. Budget should be consistent with the quality
standards of the project.
3. And the budget should be realistic i.e be neither
an over-estimate nor an under-estimate.
4. Smoothly integrate with the accounts
classification system.
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The concept of CONTROL
Control is an integral part of any management process which
comprises of
1. Planning
2. Organizing
3. Actuating
4. Controlling
Fundamental to control is the existence of a norm (the
“should be”) with which the measured results of actual
actions are compared.
* For effective control, therefore, up-to-date and precise
costing and performance data must be available at brief
intervals of time.
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Educationas to
* The mgmt.
so trim
and well-knit
Factors affecting Control of
Project Cost
• Irrespective of the size of a project one basic
objective of the owner is to complete it to the
specifications in time and at the lowest cost.
• Basically time / performance / cost constitute the
triad which demands to be managed in an
integrated manner.
• The overall project cost exist at the stage of
feasibility study , when all possible options are
open to the owner.
• The potential of cost reduction steadily declines
through the stages of design, engineering etc.
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• Real cost control demands cost consciousness right from
top mgmt. To the lowest levels of the project organization.
• All must be properly motivated towards cost control to
make it successful.
• Changes in scope in terms of description, justification of
needs, alternatives considered , requirements of plant,
equipment and resources,schedule for implementation and
financial implications of the project is responsible for
• Delays in terms of slow progress, delayed supply , delays
in govt. clearances ,law and order problems, inadequate
infrastructure, constraint of funds.
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Variance analysis approach to
cost control
• It involves periodically variations between the actual and
the budgeted costs.
• The lesser the variation the more “controlled” the project is
supposed to be.
• Drawback of this method : this approach is not considered
suitable for effective project control since it neither gives
any clue to the owner about the value of the work already
done not does it help him in knowing the direction in
which the project is heading.
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Performance analysis approach
Performance analysis constitutes an improvement over the variance
analysis approach.
Use of the techniques involves certain terms and concepts like :
1.)Budgeted cost of work schedule (BCWS) : budgeted cost of work
schedule is the sum of the budget for all work schedule to be done plus
an appropriate portion of the budget for overheads for the relevant time
2. Budgeted cost of work performed (BCWP) or “earned value “this is the
sum of the budget for work packages (including in-process work) or
their portions actually completed , plus an appropriate portion of the
overheads budget for the relevant time period
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3.) Actual cost of work performed (ACWP): this is the sum of
direct costs actually incurred and the indirect cost applied
in accomplishing the work performed within a given time
4.) Budgeted cost of total work (BCTW) this is the sum
budgeted costs of all activities plus the overheads for the
entire projects.
5.) Cost variance (CV) equals the budgeted cost of work
performed less the actual cost of work performed
Schedule variance (SV)= BCWP-BCWS
SVP - Schedule
Limited -percentage
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Project development process
• Pre-investment phase, leading to the authorization
for a particular project idea under prevailing
• Investment phase, involving detailed design and
actual implementation, leading to fructification of
erection of relevant assets.
• Operation phase, following he start-up of the
completed project, now the project would
hopefully produce the stream of “benefits” for
which it was originally conceived
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Pre-Investment phases:
1. Identification
2. Preliminary filtration
3. project formulation
4. final evaluation and decision
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What is opportunity studies ?
• Identification of suitable industrial or
commercial opportunities for investment
necessitate first and foremost an objectives
of the investor.
• Investor needs to become aware of the
existence of possible investment
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AOA (Activities on Arrows)
Activity : an activity is the smallest unit of productive effort
to be planned , scheduled and controlled in a
project and is represented by an arrow in a
network diagram.
Event : the starting of an activity or the ending of an activity
is called an event.
Simple event : is one which has only one preceding activity
and only one suceeding activity .
Merge event: it is one which has more than one preceding
activities and only one suceeding activity.
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Burst event : A burst event is one which has
only one preceding activity and more than
one succeding activities.
Combined merge & burst event : An event
having more than one preceding
activities as well as more than one
succedding activities is a combined merge
and burst event.
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Network diagram
• A network diagram is a set of activities and events
represented by arrows and circles respectively.
• The orientation of arrows is usually kept from left to right
signifying the flow of time from left to right .
• Large project consume a huge amount of resources and
have to be planned , monitored and controlled at various
levels this is achieved by drawing different levels of
project network diagram as it includes lots of activities
and events ex : a company manufacturing and selling
consumer products has recently developed a new brand of
soap and has prepared a project for launching the new
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Time analysis
It helps to answer such questions like :
“in how much time can I complete the project”
Once the project network and the activity durations
are known time analysis is used
Time analysis by :
1. Forward pass
2. Backward pass
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Forward pass :
1.) what is the earliest time at which we can
start the activity ?
2) What is the earliest time at which we can
finish the activity
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Backward Pass:
1.) what is the latest time by which the
activity has to start ?
2) What is the earliest time by which the
activity has to be finished?
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Critical Path :
1.The project has to be finished at its earliest completion then some
activities cannot be delayed at all. These are the activities with zero
slack and they are called critical activities as their timely completion is
critically important for the timely completion of the project.
2. Basically by joining the critical activities critical path is obtained .
3. The critical path is also the longest path from the start of the project to
its completion / finish.
4. A single project can have more than one critical path
5. W
hile a project is under execution , critical activities need to be monitored
very closely as any delay in their completion is immediately reflected
as a delay in the project completions
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• Slack time: Some activities have some
looseness and others do not. This property is
referred to as activity slack
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Time estimates :
When some activities where the degree of
uncertainity is high it may be easier and more
appropriate to get 3-time estimates for each
activity duration rather than trying to get the best
Optimistic time : if all the conditions are favourable
, then the minimum time in which an activity can
be finished is called the optimistic time of the
activity concerned. It is impossible to finish an
activity in less than its optimistic time.
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Pessimistic time : this is the reverse of optimistic time if all
the conditions are unfavourable, then the maximum time in
which an activity will be finished is called its pessimistic
time . It is impossible for an activity to take longer than its
pessimistic time for finishing.
Most likely time : its reality , some factors may be favourable
and some others unfavourable for the timely finishing of
an activity will be somewhere between the optimistic and
the pessimistic times.
the most likely time is that duration of the activity which
has the highest probablity of occurrence among all possible
values of the activity duration.
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AON (Activity-on-node)
diagram :
It also uses circles and arrows but the circle
now represent activities “activity B can start
only after activity A has been completed
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Precedence network diagram
1. In these diagram , activities are represented
as square or rectangular nodes.
2. Flow of time from Left -> Right
3. Types of Relationship FS / SS / FF/ SF
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Types of Relationship :
FS : finish to start: activity B cannot start until
n weeks after activity A is finished.
SS : Start –to-start: activity B cannot start
until n weeks activity A is started.
FF : finish to finish: Activity B cannot finish
until n-weeks after actiivity A is finished.
SF : start to finish : Activity B cannot finish
untill n weeks after activity A is started
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Project planning & scheduling
1. establishing the project goals & objectives.
2. Defining the work
3. estimating the activity duration and
defining activity interdependencies
4. Carrying out time analysis of the project.
5. Establishing the resource availability and
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6. Developing a resource feasible schedule
7. Analyzing activities to find feasibility of
8. Optimising the baseline plan & schedule
9. Freezing the baseline plan & schedule.
10. Continuous monitoring
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1. It is a new tool of planning monitoring &
controlling projects.
2. NASA called it “program evaluation and review
technique” while Dupont called their system
“critical path method”.
3. This tool enables the managers to capture
complex inter-relationship between different
tasks in large projects as well as enable them to
handle uncertainties
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4. These techniques enable a project manager to use
the graphical method of representation of a project
with indications of the time required to complete
each activity.
5. A network depicts the sequential relationship of
different activities.
6. The time taken by each activity and the longest
chain of the activities from the beginning to the
end known as the “critical path” .
7. This chain of activities controls the total time
required to complete a project and deserves the
greatest attention from the project manager.
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8. PERT was applied for activities where durations
were not known .
9. These methods of working out the time required
for project completion have been extended to
include the costs for each activity, the resource
required for each activity and the uncertainties
involved with each activity .
10. To deal with the uncertainities associated with
the project 3-estimates of time obtained –
1. Optimistic (A)
2. Pessimistic (B)
3. Most likely (M)
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It is possible to work out the expected time for each
TE = A+ 4M + B
It is possible to calculate the standard deviation (SD)
for each activity by :
SD = B- A / 6
Using these expressions, planners can work out the
expected completion time of the project and the
standard deviation for each activity.
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The PERT –Cost system:
PERT is essential for large projects it involves the preparation
of detailed schedule of activities and its translation into a
network diagram after considering preceding
Previously it focus only on time mgmt but now on cost
mgmt , it involves assignment of costs to individual
project activities.
this system uses the following two sets of data for
activity-wise cost control.
1) Estimates of costs for activities
2) Actual costs
for the
/ groups
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Calculations :
PERT probability calculation and project appraisal can be
carried out by Computer also.
The critical path calculations are highly amendable to
computerizations . The essential inputs for these
calculations are the following :
1. start node
2. end node
3. Duration
4. Description of the activities
5. Resource requirements
6. Cost
7. Agency
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Materials & Equipment Mgmt.
Management of projects by network analysis provides an
integrated techniques of planning and control by breaking
the entire project into various package system which are
further blown into various functional components like
mechanical, piping, civil, structural, electrical ,
instruments etc. each of these functions is further divided
into design and indenting, ordering and payment
expediting and inspection transportation and storage
erection and commissioning .
*Procurement of materials and equipment spans across 80-85
percent of the overall project duration.
If we carry out delay analysis of projects in India, late
delivery of materials and equipment would emerge as the
most important factor contributing to delay in projects
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What is DPR?
1. A DPR is a final, detailed , appraisal report on the project
and a blue print for its execution and eventual operation.
2. A well planned DPR is prerequisites of project success.
3. The DPR should also include a time schedule for obtaining
all the required clearances.
4. The DPR must ensure that the provisions are adequate for
fulfilling all the legal requirements obtaining in the
locality where the project is to come up.
5. DPR should devote a section specifically to deal with
packaging, storage and handling and dispatch of the
finished products
6. Consultant prepared the DPR
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The 4Ps
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Type of organization structures:
• Organization is structured into divisions,
dept. and sections.
• Work flow along the line of command that
is each individual reports to one person
• Communication channels are well defined.
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Budgeting and cost control is easier
Technical skills are better
Flexibility in use of manpower
Good control over personnel
Capability of quick response exists
Communication channels are vertical and
well established
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1. No one individual is responsible for the
total project
2. Co-ordination is complex
3. No customer focal point
4. Loss of motivation or innovation
5. Ideas are function-oriented and not
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Matrix organization:
Matrix form of organizational structure
combines advantages of pure functional
structure and pure project structure and is
ideally suited for companies which are
project driven. A typical matrix also called
the grid organization structure
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Hierarchical organization
• In this organization is structured into
divisions, dept., and sections. Work flow
along the line of command. Each individual
reports to only one person so
communication channels are well defined.
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Advantages of hierarchical
Budgeting and cost control
Technical skills are better
Flexibility in use of manpower
Large manpower base to work with
Good control over personnel
Communication channels are vertical and
well established
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1. No one individual is responsible for the
total project
2. Coordination is complex and longer lead
3. No customer focal point
4. Loss of motivation or innovation
5. Ideas are function-oriented and not project
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Complexities of matrix
organization structure:
Power struggle between horizontal and vertical hierarchy
Decision making by group may degenerate into groupitis
Critics voice their concern whether excessive
supervision of matrix structure is really necessary
Too many people involved in decision making may
disturb the problem
Organization might start suffering by being overly
obessed with internal relationship.
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Advantages of Matrix
1. Project manager maintain control over project
resources and costs through functional managers
2. Policies and procedures for each project can be
spelt out separately provided they do not
contradict company policies and procedures
3. Conflicts are minimal
4. Better balance between time , cost and
5. Authority and responsibility are shared
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Types of Matrix organization
1. Medium size organization
2. Large organization
3. Matrix with separate project engineering
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What is the objective of Project MIS
Record and report relevant info and the status of
various components of the project in such a
manner as to bring the most critical activities
directly to the attention of concerned managers at
appropriate level.
2. Highlight deviations from the plan
3. Form the basis of updating of project schedule
wherever necessary
4. Identify and report on critical areas
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How to desing project MIS?
1. The objectives of each format or report in brief.
2. The distribution chart
3. The periodicity of the report
4. The persons responsible for preparation of the
5. The timing of the reports
6. The sources from which information has to be
gathered in the preparation of reports.+
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What is EIA?
EIA stands for environmental impact assessment, it
identifies the environment in which a project is to
be implemented?
Areas of impact are: surface water quality, air
quality, erosion, land quality, fisheries, forests ,
terrestrial wildlife, noise, aesthetics, industries,
resettlement, historical significance, public health
and socio-economic factors.
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What do you mean by saying project
D-directing individuals and teams
R-reinforcing commitment and excitement
I-informing everyone on the project
V-vitalizing teamwork
E-empowering at all levels
R-risk taking and creativity
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Economic Analysis of Projects or
Social cost benefit analysis
Economic analysis is done from the viewpoint of
society or economy as a whole . Economic
analysis of projects should cover whether:
• It fits into national priorities
• It contributes to the development of that sector of
• Benefits justify the consumption of scare
resources of the nation
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Sectionalising planning of
Projects comprise of various types of hardware. For
the use of planning and scheduling, the entire
project can be divided into several sectional
components like:
1. Civil work
5. electrical work
2. Structural work
6. instrumentation work
3. Mechanical work
4. Piping work
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What are the objectives of project
mgmt. information system(PMIS)?
The project information / monitoring system
would have to have the following objective
1. Record and report relevant information and the
status of various components of the project in
such a manner as to bring the most critical
activities directly to the attention of concerned
managers at appropriate level
2. Form the basis of updating of project schedule
wherever necessary
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3. Highlight deviations from the plan and also
indicate the effects of such deviations on the
overall status and completion of the project.
4. Identify critical areas and highlight the corrective
action that needs to be taken
5. Provide a basis for the evaluation of the
performance of the functions of various managers
and dept. by regular comparisons with budgets /
plans / schedules
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Essentials in designing PMIS
The objective of each format or report in brief
The distribution chart
The periodicity of the reports
The persons responsible for preparation of the
• The timing of the report
• The sources from which information has to be
gathered in the preparation of reports
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PCTI Limited - A Unique Name For Quality Education
Integrated project mgmt.
information system:
• This system allows total project information to be
structured into a number of data sets which are
integrated by the software. Some of the relevant
datasets for a large project are:
- drawing dataset
- vendor dataset
- network dataset
- job card dataset
- cost dataset
- rates dataset
- material dataset
- resource dataset
- history dataset
PCTI Limited - A Unique Name For Quality Education
• Integration of these independent datasets
through various processing modules enables
high control of project . It permits:
-horizontal integration between disciplines,
e.g. cost / schedule integration or cost
estimates cost accounts and project schedule
integration via work breakdown structure.
PCTI Limited - A Unique Name For Quality Education
Empowering project personnel
• Power implies ability to make something
happen. Everybody wants more power few
admit they have enough of it. At all levels
people feel that their situation would have
been better if they had more power is also a
great motivator.
PCTI Limited - A Unique Name For Quality Education
Types of power:
1. Positional power : it is the power
associated with authority emanating from
hierarchical location
2. Personal power : it is the personal
competence-skills and abilities possessed
by individuals and travels with him.
PCTI Limited - A Unique Name For Quality Education
Total quality mgmt. in projects:
• TQM basically stands for total quality mindset. If we are to
achieve TQM fail safe system of project mgmt, we not
only require an unimpeachable commitment to quality but
also to the necessary supporting procedures and
• We have to achieve excellence in project mgmt.
• TQM in project requires an uninterrupted commitment to
quality along with supporting procedures and
• Smooth, uninterrupted co missing results from a large
number of factors which need to be monitored and
controlled from the early stages of project execution.
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