Socially beneficial domestic service robots that



©2013 RoCKIn project, contract no. FP7-ICT-601012

J. Berghofer

KUKA Laboratories


Robot Competitions Kick Innovation in

Cognitive Systems and Robotics

©2013 RoCKIn project, contract no. FP7-ICT-601012

Competitions lead to innovation

• Competitions are a catalyst for smarter, more dependable robots

• RoCKIn focuses on cognitive skills and networked robots

• RoCKIn will develop standardised testbeds and benchmarks that will streamline R&D for the future

• RoCKIn promotes technology transfers with industrial impact

©2013 RoCKIn project, contract no. FP7-ICT-601012

Competition plan

• RoboCup GermanOpen 2013 - Magdeburg

• RoboCup 2013 – Eindhoven (Netherlands)

• Automatica 2014 - Munich

• RoboCup 2014 Joao Pessoa (Brazil)

• RoboCup 2015 (Asia)

• European Robotics Week 2015 (Lisbon)

• Automatica 2016 – Munich

• …

©2013 RoCKIn project, contract no. FP7-ICT-601012

RoCKIn Challenge @ Automatica 2014

1. Info on challenges a. RoCKIn@Work b. RoCKIn@Home

2. Info on challenge execution a. Possible Spatial Layout b. Presentation Details c. Marketing and Advertisement d. Publicity and VIPs e. Requirements

3. Attractiveness a. for Automatica visitors b. for Automatica exhibitors c. for Automatica organizers

©2013 RoCKIn project, contract no. FP7-ICT-601012

1a | RoCKIn@Work

Innovative robot applications in industry that:

– Work interactively with humans

– Have reduced initial programming requirements

– Have enhanced physics simulation capabilities

• Contribute to the continued commercial competitiveness of European industry

• Typical applications

– factory of the future

– Mobile manipulation, mobile robots with high visual perception capabilities, human-robot co-workers, cooperative robot teams, cloud robotics

©2013 RoCKIn project, contract no. FP7-ICT-601012

1b | RoCKIn@Home

Socially beneficial domestic service robots that

– Have enhanced networking and cognitive abilities

– Support the impaired and the elderly

• Contribute to an improved quality of life for the population of Europe

• Typical applications:

– home assistance to elderly and/or handicapped

– human-robot interaction through speech, gesture, and haptics, mobile manipulation in home and office scenarios, people recognition, following, and guidance, cloud robotics, tele-presence

©2013 RoCKIn project, contract no. FP7-ICT-601012

2a | A Possible Spatial Layout, Hall B4


Team Area


Team Area


Arena RoCKIn@Home Arena



Exchange Area


Grandstand ca. 40 m (hall width 71m)

©2013 RoCKIn project, contract no. FP7-ICT-601012

2b | Presentation Details

• Organizers will ensure permanent activity

– @Work and @Home take turns in running competitions

– Interviews with Team Principal Investigators during competitions

– Interviews with RoCKIn Principal Investigators about technical challenges

– Moderated discussions with representatives from Industry and the European


– Introductory and accompanying video presentations during breaks

• Organizers will ensure professional presentation of the event

– Innocentive professionals plus RoCKIn Principal Investigators (all in suit and tie)

– Possible hiring of professional commentator

– Possible involvement of public German TV stations (ZDF, WDR, BR, DW, or similar)

©2013 RoCKIn project, contract no. FP7-ICT-601012

2c | Marketing and Advertisement

• RoCKIn EU Challenge will itself do marketing and advertising

– Social media

– Mailing lists: euRobotics aisbl, scientific communities, professional communities

– Support by European Commission

• RoCKIn EU Challenge would welcome supporting marketing and advertising by Automatica

– Promotion of the competition as a special event

• All our advertisement will contain references and links to

Automatica 2014

©2013 RoCKIn project, contract no. FP7-ICT-601012

2d | Publicity and VIPs

• RoCKIn primary goals include:

– Promoting benchmarking through competitions

– Promoting European robotics to the general public and relevant stakeholders

• RoCKIn partner InnoCentive will generate substantial publicity

• High profile VIPs are expected to attend

– Head of Unit and project officers of the relevant units of the Commission, e.g.,

Robotics and Cognition, Factory of the Future, etc.

– Directors of the respective Units

– Commission members

– RoCKIn Advisoy Board members (worldwide renowned Robotics scientists)

©2013 RoCKIn project, contract no. FP7-ICT-601012

2e | Requirements

• Space for @Work Arena: about 6x8 m

• Space for @Home Arena: about 20x10 m

• Grandstand for audience, projection surface for videos

(visualizing robot camera views and other internals)

• Space for Information & Exchange Desk: 6x8 m

• Each of about 20 teams needs:

– 15-20 sqm of space

– a table

– wired internet access

– power supply of at least 2x16A

• Team area invisible for normal visitors

– special access tickets could be made available for visiting this area as “living lab”

©2013 RoCKIn project, contract no. FP7-ICT-601012

3a | Attractiveness for Visitors

• Competitions always fascinate!

• Team area = “living lab” area (hidden to normal visitors, but open to interested visitors with special permits)

• Visitors see prototypical solutions for beyond state-of-the-art applications and scenarios

• Visitors are invited to submit and discuss new challenging problems for the competitions

• Visitors get to know research groups working on hard problems relevant for new, innovative industrial applications or for professional and end user service robotics applications

• Young kids (e.g. on guided tours through Automatica) become attracted by Science and Technology subjects

©2013 RoCKIn project, contract no. FP7-ICT-601012

3b | Attractiveness for Exhibitors

• Higher attention for service robotics-related exhibits esp when located near competition

• Increased media attention and exposure if exhibitors are placed near / surrounding the competition arenas

• Opportunity to suggest new challenge problems from own application scenarios and domains

• Opportunity to interact with top research groups

©2013 RoCKIn project, contract no. FP7-ICT-601012

3c | Attractiveness for Organizers

• Higher attractiveness for exhibitors for new application fields and domains of robotics and automation

• Increased media attention and exposure

• Mutual support for/by high-profile EC people and VIPs

©2013 RoCKIn project, contract no. FP7-ICT-601012

The consortium

• Find out more:


– Twitter: @RoCKInchallenge

– Facebook: search ‘RoCKiN’

©2013 RoCKIn project, contract no. FP7-ICT-601012
