Establishment of a Training Dosimetry Laboratory in Cairo University

Establishment of a Training
Dosimetry Laboratory in Cairo
Dr. Hassan Fathy for NSPA
What is Dosimetry?
• Dosimetry tracks and monitors external
radiation exposures.
• Dosimetry ensures that we are following the
principle of ALARA, keeping exposures as
low as reasonably achievable.
• Radioactive material users should be trained
to obtain the permits and premises for
working with ionizing radiation and using
radiation equipment.
• According to the international standards all
radioactive material users and others such
as patients, students and researchers should
use radiation dosimeters to monitor their
doses of radiation when work with radiation.
Why is it Important?
• The accurate measurement of radiation dose
(dosimetry) is important in various
applications such as radiation oncology,
diagnostic radiology, nuclear medicine and
radiation protection.
• The primary beneficiaries of these activities
are hospitals, hospital patients undergoing
medical procedures involving radiation, and
radiation workers and the general public that
benefit by improved dosimetry practices.
Dosimetry & Safety!
• It is important to remember that
dosimetry only measures external
radiation exposure and offers no
protection from radiation.
• Though such equipment is important to
monitor the adequate radiation
protection techniques and ensures
safety in laboratories for radiation
workers and the general public as well
as patients in hospitals.
International Regulations
• The International Basic Safety Standards for
Protection against Ionizing Radiation and for
the Safety of Radiation Sources stresses the
importance of accurate dosimetry in radiology.
• In addition, ionizing radiation used in
laboratories in both undergraduate and
graduate educational laboratories could
represent conditions for radiation accedients.
• Diagnostic nuclear medicine also is a growing
field in which a patient can be given an
incorrect activity of a radionuclide unless
proper calibration procedures are followed.
Egyptian Regulations
• After the establishment of a new regulatory board for
radiation safety in Egypt, a different perspective in the
management of radiation protection and safety in
universities is enforced by the law.
• According to articles 25, 26 and 27 in the new regulatory
law, personal permits as well as laboratories permits are
required to obtain, manage and use ionizing radiation
isotopes and/or equipment in either therapeutic,
diagnostic, education or research.
• The personal permits should be renewed according to
international standards every three years.
• This training requires a training facility equipped with
dosimeters as well as radiation monitoring, radiation
protection tools and radiation detectors that could be
used in various fields of research.
Proposed Lab in CU
• The laboratory will serve for training and will be
certainly used for quality assurance of laboratory
work in the fields of radiation protection in
nuclear physics, biophysics, nuclear medicine
and engineering.
• Radiation protection and health physics are two
important fields that should be adopted and
encouraged in Cairo University which was at a
time the leading university in research,
laboratories and education in the region.
• Such a laboratory for education, training and
research will certainly add a huge impact on the
quality of protection provided to the general
public and the safety of radiation workers.
Potential End-Users
• Radiation Safety Officers.
• Nuclear Physicists (undergraduates,
graduates and professors)
• Particle Physicists.
• Radiology Workers.
• Radiation Oncology Workers.
• Medical Physicists.
• Health Physicists.
• Serve as a central training dosimetry laboratory
for various radiation biology and nuclear
physicists training on campus for students,
workers and researchers.
• Promote the exchange of experience between
Cairo University laboratories and centers, and to
provide support to each other where necessary.
• Provide technical support for dosimetry in Cairo
• Support the quality assurance programs in
medical physics and in the applications of
ionizing radiation.
• Enhance technical cooperation between national
and international Dosimetry laboratories.
• Classification of the Basic Necessary
• Establish a Training Dosimetry Laboratory in
Cairo University.
• Obtain the Necessary Radiological Permits.
• Choose the Staff and the Professional
• Train the Trainers by Experts!
• Purchase the Chosen Equipment.
• Start the Activities of the Laboratory.
• Analog and Digital Dosimeters.
• Film, TLD (Body + Ring) & OSL Badges.
• Radiation Protection Educational and
Demonstration Tools.
• Calibration Radioactive Sources.
• Dosimetry Computer Software.
• Radiation Detectors and Area Alarms.
• Contamination Monitors.
• Survey Meters
Thank You from NSPA