Model Bank Testing Accelerators “Ready-to-use” test scenarios to reduce effort, time and money. Agenda 1 Business Challenges 2 Model Bank Testing Accelerators 3 Model Bank Testing Accelerators Capabilities 4 Model Bank Testing Accelerators Design 5 Model Bank Testing Accelerators Coverage 6 Model Bank Testing Accelerators Benefits Business Challenges As software vendors offer more flexible solutions to their clients, the need for complex testing increases. This is further complicated by the need not just to test applications in isolation but as an integral part of a larger application environment. Bug fixes, patches, new development and upgrades have to be tested end to end across all the involved platforms and systems. This process requires good coordination, tremendous effort, time to execute the test scenarios and large numbers of resources. All of this adds up when looking at the overall cost of testing. Therefore the use of ready and properly structured test scenarios not only can ensure the completeness of test coverage, but also significantly reduce deployment and testing costs. Model Bank Testing Accelerators Validata SAS has been developed to deliver packaged, enterprise wide solutions, in testing and legacy migration for the financial sector and banking IT professionals. Significant investment has been made in both the development of product functionality and relevant content, re-usable test cases to be packaged and delivered to clients as part of the overall product solution. Our goal from the outset was to optimize reusability across functional, technical and regression testing. Our Model Bank Testing Accelerators will allow us and our partners to jump start our clients’ implementation by having up to 70% of the core Test Cases and Test Steps available immediately testing begins. The reusability of the automated libraries offers real value. From Test Requirements, Test Design, Test Scenarios and scripts to Change Management, we can help your validation efforts. Reusability is the key driver in reducing costs. Model Bank Testing Accelerators Capabilities Utilization of the product features of re-usability Reduction in effort in test preparation and quicker times to delivery Model Bank Testing Accelerators Design To ensure completeness of test coverage, test cases have been designed using the following principles: Re-usability based on: Site independence System Date independence Currency independence Exchange and interest rate independence ‘Four Eyes’ principle of input and authorize Input, Amend, Reverse and Delete End to End check steps including limit updates, entry and delivery message generation, General Ledger updates Verification of SWIFT message output Checks of interest calculations and currency conversions Multiple users Automatic triggered of COB and confirmation of successful completion Model Bank Testing Accelerators Coverage These test cases provide wide coverage of the functional areas of TEMENOS T24 Model Bank: Core Trade Finance and Guarantees Arrangement Architecture Wealth Management SWIFT Reporting / Accounting We also provide coverage for Canadian Platform Scenarios Core 1650 The Critical Differences Reduce the effort and cost of testing by 6070% against testing on a manual basis Especially designed execution cycles to meet the needs of each bank, covering daily, monthly and quarterly processing cycles Meet testing needs to cover local development In depth cover Bank specific products and processes Test cases, easy to use for testing through Web, GUI or OFS Test cases based on business workflows and business scenarios Increase reusability with available test cases Effort Overview: Test Creation Phase Manual Systems Integration Testing Functional Testing Continuous Regression Testing Performance Testing 70% less effort by reusing the test artifacts from SIT 60% less effort by reusing the test artifacts from SIT 30% Faster on test case creation Limitations 60% Faster than manual No Low level testing. With Accelerators Lack of Knowledge and Complex test transactions and enquiries. Highest Automation Required: Enquires Advanced Enquiries Test Data Automatic Business Rules Comparison Rules No qualitative test cases. No reusability -40% Due to Test data and scenarios reusability Highest Automation Required: Enquires Advanced Enquiries Comparison Rules Automatic Business Rules Highest Automation Required: Automatic Business Rules Effort Overview: Test Execution Phase Manual Functional Testing Systems Integration Testing Continuous Regression Testing Performance Testing 60% Faster on every cycle 70% Faster in any cycle Cycle 1 Same Effort for all Cycles Cycle 2 Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Cycle 3 Cycle 3 Cycle 4 80% Faster on every cycle Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Cycle 4 Cycle 3 No comparison to manual as it is only automatic ROI based on re-usability 60% Reusability 40% Reusability 0% Reusability % Reusability Run MTC Automation Design C O S T % Reusability Automation Design C O S T On boarding Test Case Creation $$ Infrastructure Infrastructure Test Case Creation Automation – RUN 1 $$ Run MTC Automation - RUN 2 % Reusability Run MTC Automation Design Test Case Creation Infrastructure Automation – RUN 3 C O S T $$ Do You Have Any Questions? We would be happy to help.