Giornata Informativa Programma Tempus IV L’esperienza del Politecnico di Milano e della Fondazione Politecnico di Milano Fabrizio Amarilli Roma 19 Novembre 2012 Fondazione Politecnico di Milano First steps Set up by the Politecnico di Milano in 2003, the Fondazione pursues objectives and conducts activities that are instrumental and functional to the Politecnico's mission. Today, after 7 years of growth in terms of organisation, relations and projects implemented with a great many partners, public and private, the Fondazione plays a significant role in the innovation of enterprise and of the public sector and in turning academic skills and research to the service of economic development. 2 Fondazione Politecnico di Milano The Politecnico di Milano Right from the beginning of the industrialisation of Lombardy and Italy, and through the years of post-war rebuilding and industrial development, the Politecnico di Milano has played a fundamental - even unique - role in the birth, consolidation and renewal of a huge number of companies. Since 1863 – the year of its foundation – it has given strength to the economy and to public administration with innovative research, technological transfer and training of new and highly qualified generations. This is the deeper meaning of the mission that the Politecnico di Milano has carried out since its origins and which, today, it is strengthening through the Fondazione. Its objectives are to as far as possible widen the network of players with which to create possibilities, opportunities and initiatives that can help common projects get off the ground, to offer everyone the opportunity to contribute to the development of the 'Italy system' through a direct relationship with the Politecnico di Milano. 3 Bachelor and Master of Science Programmes Bachelor of Science Programmes 32 Architecture 6 Design 5 Engineering 21 Master of Science Programmes 33 Architecture 3 Design 7 Engineering 23 + 1 Joint Programme with the University of Genova Nome relatore The 17 Departments of the Politecnico di Milano ● Aerospace Engineering ● Energy ● Aerospace Engineering ● Hydraulic, Environmental and Surveying Engineering ● Architectural Projects ● Industrial Design, Arts, ● Architecture and Planning Communication and Fashion ● Bioengineering ● Building and Environment Sciences and Technology ● Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering “Giulio Natta” ● Electrical Engineering and Information ● Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering ● Mathematics “Francesco Brioschi” ● Mechanics ● Nuclear Engineering ● Physics Technology ● Structural Engineering ● Electronics and Information Nome relatore Fondazione Politecnico di Milano A strategic role The Fondazione is in a key position to act in synergy with the Politecnico di Milano, with universities in general, with companies and with Public Administration, favouring cooperation with all of them. University Search for development This is the mission of the Fondazione, which aims to: • Promote applied research Fondazione Politecnico di Milano • Transfer innovation to companies and to public administration • Favour ongoing training • Support university/enterprise initiatives Companies Public institutions • Encourage internationalisation • Provide incentives to start up new companies 6 Fondazione Politecnico di Milano Founders The Fondazione is built on solid roots: large companies and public administrations have shared its objectives and aims, taking part in common projects to develop academic research and offer opportunities for innovation to Italian manufacturing. 7 Fondazione Politecnico di Milano Institutional Participants ABB AICA ALCATEL ANSALDO BREDA ANSALDO ENERGIA ASSOLOMBARDA NIGUARDA CA' GRANDA HOSPITAL BALFOUR BEATTY RAIL BOMBARDIER CONTACT EDISON ENEL FONDAZIONE ITALIANA ACCENTURE FONDAZIONE IRCCS NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE HP MSA THE PROVINCE OF MILAN RFI (RETE FERROVIARIA ITALIANA) RINO SNAIDERO SCIENTIFIC FOUNDATION SIA SSB SIRAM SIRTI TRENITALIA 8 Fondazione Politecnico di Milano Participants API (SMALL INDUSTRIES ASSOCIATION) OF LECCO CCIAA (CHAMBER OF COMMERCE) OF COMO CCIAA OF LECCO CCIAA OF LODI CCIAA OF SONDRIO THE MUNICIPALITY OF GIUSSANO CNR (NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL) OF ROME CONFAPI (CONFEDERATION OF SMEs) OF MILAN CONFINDUSTRIA OF PROVINCE OF LECCO CONFINDUSTRIA OF LOMBARDY CONFINDUSTRIA OF PROVINCE OF MONZA AND BRIANZA CONFINDUSTRIA OF PROVINCE OF PIACENZA ESRI ITALIA FINLOMBARDA FONDAZIONE IBM FONDAZIONE SODALITAS H3G MCKINSEY & CO. POLO SCIENTIFICO E TECNOLOGICO LOMBARDO (LOMBARDY SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY PARK) UNION OF INDUSTRIALISTS OF COMO VALUE PARTNERS YOUNG&RUBICAM 9 Fondazione Politecnico di Milano Activities 10 Fondazione Politecnico di Milano Results (2004-2011) In the last three years the Fondazione has managed about 400 projects involving diverse bodies including universities, research centres, public administrations, companies and associations, 700 Most of the projects are related to these areas of activity of the Politecnico: • Environment • Infomobility and logistics • New materials • Energy • Design • Innovation of processes and technologies • Development of human resources • Education 400 600 500 203 124 300 580 72 200 52 49 100 48 0 32 2004/05 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Totale 11 Fondazione Politecnico di Milano Ongoing training Funding obtained by beneficiary (thousands of euro) The Fondazione promotes and coordinates, In agreement with the Politecnico and with the constant support of Assolombarda, programmes of ongoing training funded by Italian Law no. 236, by interprofessional funds and by structural funds. Ongoing training is a strategic tool for companies. It enables them to access, free of charge, learning programmes, which can even be customised, from inside the company. Funds transferred to the training bodies of the Politecnico Funds managed directly by the Politecnico 12 Fondazione Politecnico di Milano The Enterprise Accelerator The Fondazione manages the Enterprise Accelerator (Acceleratore d’Impresa) of the Politecnico di Milano. This is the Politecnico's enterprise incubator, set up in 2000 to support the development of innovative technological entrepreneurship and to offer start-ups the infrastructure and services necessary for growth. The Enterprise Accelerator has 3 campuses: in Milan, Como and Lecco. From 2000 to the present 48 Start-ups 547 Business plans 3,000 Contacts 13 Fondazione Politecnico di Milano Incubated companies The sectors in which the incubated companies operate are principally in these sectors: • ICT • Clean Tech (Energy & Environment) • Bioengineering From 2000 to the present the Enterprise Accelerator has hosted 49 companies. In 2008 incubated companies filed 5 patents and obtained funding for 2.8 million euro. 24 companies incubated 230 people employed 15 million euro of sales In 2010 a further 8 companies are expected to come onstream, and in the same period around ten of the most mature companies will enter the market. The Accelerator is setting up a site in Silicon Valley to bring incubated companies to greater international operativity. 14 Fondazione Politecnico di Milano Experience in the Tempus Programme 15 Fondazione Politecnico di Milano Experience in Tempus Programme - - Over the last 4 years the Fondazione Politecnico di Milano took part or coordinated the 8 proposals (3 funded) in the following domains: - Entrepreneurial University and Education (4 proposals) - Green technology and sustainable development (2 proposals) - Architecture and Urban Planning (1 proposal) - ICT and Certification of competences (1 proposal) In 2008 the following project was funded: “Entrepreneurial University as a model for proper managerial interrelation among education, science and innovation development” - In 2012 the following projects were approved: - SEHUD, “Architecture and Sustainable Urban Development Based on Eco-Humanistic Principles & Advanced Technologies without loosing Identity” - GIEP, “Green Innovation and Entrepreneurship Program” 16 Fondazione Politecnico di Milano TEMPUS – ENTREPRENEURIAL UNIVERSITY Entrepreneurial University as a model for proper managerial interrelation among education, science and innovation development - Capability to innovate and to bring innovation successfully to market will be a crucial determinant of the global competitiveness of nations over the coming decade - There is growing awareness among policymakers that innovative activity is the main driver of economic progress and well- being as well as a potential factor in meeting global challenges in domains such as environment and health - Innovation also relies heavily on the creation of basic knowledge through both education and science where well-performing education system facilitates the adoption and diffusion of innovation - The term “Entrepreneurial University” is not new and a survey of literature that couples the concept of entrepreneurship with universities will reveal that this connection denotes a variety of activities that take place within the ambit of higher education 17 Fondazione Politecnico di Milano TEMPUS – ENTREPRENEURIAL UNIVERSITY - To develop “Entrepreneurial University” capabilities the partner universities should: - analyze universities’ stakeholders needs in innovation and entrepreneurial activities and also opportunities and available resources - create (modernize existing) education capabilities that fit the universities’ stakeholders needs in entrepreneurship and innovation - integrate European experience and partners analysis into development of university incubation model - integrate European experience and partners analysis into development of unified “Entrepreneurship University” model that converge local (in country) and international cooperation in university knowledge transfer and innovations development - modernize universities’ innovation infrastructure and management according to jointly developed “Entrepreneurship University” model 18 Fondazione Politecnico di Milano TEMPUS – ENTREPRENEURIAL UNIVERSITY - WP1. Profile of Entrepreneurial University stakeholders’ needs in innovation entrepreneurship education programs and business incubation - WP2. Four Executive Education Programs in innovation and entrepreneurship for - (1) corporate managers - (2) startup innovation companies managers (academic entrepreneurs included there) - (3) government officials - (4) university students - WP3. Development of University innovation business incubation model - WP4. Development of Entrepreneurial University model - WP5. Transnational innovation network for commercialization of technologies that realized from joint education, research and social initiatives in entrepreneurship and innovation - WP6. Dissemination and sustainability of the project results - WP7. Quality control and monitoring system - WP8. Project management 19 Fondazione Politecnico di Milano TEMPUS – ENTREPRENEURIAL UNIVERSITY Co-ordinator Politecnico di Milano (POLIMI), Italy Partners “GO GROUP”, Great Britain Koszalin University of Technology (KUT), Poland Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU), Russia “Wisker” Co., Russia “Gravitonus” Ltd, Russia University of Academy of Science of Moldova (UAZM), Moldova Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (KazNU), Kazakhstan 20 TEMPUS – SEHUD project SEHUD - Architecture and Sustainable Urban Development Based on EcoHumanistic Principles & Advanced Technologies without loosing Identity Relevance of city development under condition of social & economic transformations within processes od integration & globalization is a matter of common knowledge. Modern cities need solving problems of human-environment interaction, eco & social issues; engineering infrastructure destruction; negative after-effect of large-scale housing construction, losing architectural heritage together with identity. Sustainable city development integrating economic, ecological & social issues is an actual task for modern society At the same time in Ukranian architecture & construction the urban development principles were formed under conditions of strict planning that had its strength & weaknesses. A need for new principles of city development as an open system is relevant to modern dynamic world. Ukranian architectural education needs modern multidisciplinary & market relevant study programs in urban development based on eco-humanistic principles & technological achievements without losing city identity All the needs are reflected in the project objectives: 1.Creating curricula in urban development (UD) based on eco-humanistic principles & advanced technologies form MSc, PhD, LLL 2.Amplifying training capacity of PC universities by creating advanced infra-structure & integrating e-learning 3.Developing interactive network of universities, enterprises, municipal & public organisations dealing with urban development Politecnico di Milano TEMPUS – SEHUD project The project will be carried out over three years and is organised in the following activities: WP1. Competence profile and training program development WP2. Methodology, curricula & training package WP3. e-training package, platform for e-learning WP4. MSc, PhD, LLL training WP5. Quality plan and maintenance WP6. Dissemination WP7. Exploitation WP8. Management Co-ordinator Politecnico di Milano Beneficiaries (PC) Assoc. Exchange & Consulting in International Technologies (FR) Formaper Chamber of Commerce of Milan (IT) Kharkiv City Council: Dept. of Urban Development & Architect. (UA) Kharkiv Regional University of Civil Eng. & Architecture (UA) Kharkiv Region Union of Architects (UA) Kharkiv Research & Project Inst. “KharkovPromstojNllproekt” (UA) Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture (UA) Ministry of Autonomous Republic of Crimea (UA) Ministry of Education and Science (UA) Odessa state Academy of Civil Engin. & Architecture (UA) Prydniprovs’ka State Academy of Civil Eng. & Architecture (UA) Politecnico di Milano TEMPUS – SEHUD project Co-ordinator Politecnico di Milano Beneficiaries (EU) National Institute of Applied Science of Lyon (FR) Polytechnic Institute of Guarda (PT) Fondazione Politecnico di Milano (IT) Technological Educational Institute of Athens (GR) University of Cambridge, Old Schools (UK) University of Saragossa (SP) Varna Free University “Chernorizets Hrabar” (BG) Politecnico di Milano TEMPUS – GIEP project GIEP – Green Innovation and Entrepreneurship Programme The objective of the project is to make Sustainable Development and Green Economy the new entrepreneurial frontier and hot business in Egypt. The project aims at creating a whole new generation of green business and social entrepreneurs through the development of a Joint/double MSc program on “Green Innovation and Entrepreneurship” in which 4 Egyptian and 3 European universities are collaborating. Activities are structured according to the following Work Packages: WP1Developing a joint/double MSc program on GIEP WP2Enhancing the Infrastructure of the Egyptian Universities WP3Training Programme WP4Developing a Web-based Online Learning Management System WP5EG&EU Accreditation and Pilot Implementation WP6Dissemination WP7Sustainability WP8Quality Control and Monitoring WP9Management of the Project Politecnico di Milano (led by Fondazione Politecnico) TEMPUS – GIEP project The project will be carried out over three years (from October 2012 until October 2015) to reach the following output and outcomes: 1. A complete ECTS MSc Program with multidisciplinary courses on green technologies, sustainable cities, socio-economic, entrepreneurship 2. Labs and infrastructure to run the GIEP 3. Qualified Egyptian academic team to teach the developed program 4. An online web-based Learning Management System 5. Pilot implementation of GIEP and EG&EU accreditation Co-ordinator Politecnico di Milano Beneficiaries RWTH Aachen University (DE) Graz University of Technology (AT) Alexandria University (EG) Zagazig University (EG) American University in Cairo (EG) Ministry of Higher Education (EG) SEKEM Development Foundation (EG) Soil and More (EG) Fondazione Politecnico (IT) Aswan University (EG) * (* in process of accreditation by EACEA) Politecnico di Milano Fondazione Politecnico di Milano Lessons Learned: design - Early Involvement - Accurate choice of partners - Expertise - Motivation - Capacity and skills - Network of partners and capacity to involve stakeholders - Sound needs analysis (better if studies and figures are available) 26 Fondazione Politecnico di Milano Lessons Learned: design 27 Fondazione Politecnico di Milano Lessons Learned: contents organisation - Clear description of outputs and target groups involved - Outputs should be reachable - Deliverables should be clearly identified and must be: - Concrete - Measurable - Achievable - Proposal document must be: - Simple and schematic - Provide results of preliminary studies or researches - Describe role and complementarities of partners - Budget must be: - Detailed - Avoid useless costs (i.e. equipment) 28 Fondazione Politecnico di Milano Lessons Learned: contents organisation 29 Fondazione Politecnico di Milano For more information: Fondazione Politecnico di Milano P.zza L. Da Vinci 32, 20133 Milano, Italy Tel. (+39) 02 2399 9150 Fax (+39) 02 23 99 9155 Email: 30