Uniform Valuation Standards – Way Forward

20th April, 2012, National Housing Bank, New Delhi
Handbook on
Policy, Standards and Procedures for
Real Estate Valuation by
Banks and HFIs
Prof.Dr.P.S.N.Rao, SPA, New Delhi
Part A Background
 Part B Process
 Part C Outcome : The Handbook
Part D Way Forward : Next Steps
Part A
Significance of
Valuation Today
Evolving real estate markets
 Sophistication of housing finance/ real
property finance options / products
 Foreign Direct Investment
 Bad loans recovery
 Credibility and transparency in global
 Stability
 Bubble syndrome
 Accuracy
 Authenticity
 Reliable Data based
 Standardised
 Global acceptability
Education in the subject
of Valuation
There are no set standard educational
syllabus/courses for valuation education in
A few universities conduct 2 years Master’s
degree courses on Valuation
In many engineering/architecture/town
planning institutes, valuation is taught as a
The Institution of Surveyors conducts an
AICTE approved course on Valuation
There is no standardised continuing
education either
Practice of Valuation
Institution of Valuers offers membership to architects, civil engineers
for becoming APPROVED VALUERS and practice valuation as a
Institution of Surveyors offers membership ( based on passing an
examination ) for becoming VALUERS and practice valuation as a
Income Tax Department, GoI registers valuers who are called
Banks EMPANEL valuers based on their own criteria
Valuation is practised in various government departments viz.
departments dealing with land acquisition, urban local bodies, etc.
In some states, town planning department also performs the function
of valuation ( Maharashtra )
In some states, there are separate valuation directorates
Valuer Associations
Institution of Valuers
 Institution of Surveyors ( Valuation Br.)
 Institution of Government Approved
 Practicing Valuers Association of India
 The Indian Institution of Valuers
 Centre for Valuation Research, Studies
and Training
Standards of Practice
Valuation reports in India come in all
shapes and sizes – no standardisation
 For wealth tax purposes, Form O-1 is
 Standards are absent
 The situation is almost a ‘lezeiz faire’
TIAVSC ( The International Assets
Valuation Standards Committee ) was
established in the year 1981
 USPAP ( Uniform Standards of
Professional Appraisal Practice ), USA
 AVSB ( Australian Valuation Standards
Board )
Indian Initiatives
 The
Ministry of Companies Affairs,
Govt. of India has released a concept
paper for Council of Valuation
Professionals of India Bill
Part B
Meeting at NHB in Feb
This was a brainstorming session
 Key stakeholders were invited to raise
 Based on this initial meeting, the way
forward was developed
Formation of IBA Steering
Group The IBA already has a Sub-Committee on
Mortgage and Valuation of Property
 The issues were discussed in this SubCommittee and subsequently, a Steering
Group on Developing Valuation Standards
for Real Estate Financing in India was
 The IBA Steering Group had 17 members
who closely interacted to bring out the
Survey of Banks and HFIs
It was agreed that the first step would be to
conduct a Survey of Banks and HFIs
 The objective of this Survey was to review
the existing processes being followed by
Banks and HFIs for empanelling and
conducting valuation of properties
 Detailed questionnaires were circulated to
several Banks and HFIs and information
was gathered.
 Existing forms and sample valuation
reports were also procured.
Survey of Valuer
There are 5 valuer associations in India
 Information from all the associations
about various aspects of the profession
were gathered in a structured manner.
Preparation of
Draft Handbook
The IBA Steering Group met had several
meetings to discuss various issues and
the draft Handbook was developed.
Stakeholder discussions
The draft Handbook was discussed not
only with Banks and HFIs but also the
valuers from various Associations since
they are the key stakeholders.
 The points of view of the stakeholders
were discussed.
Exposure on website
In order to have wider circulation and
exposure to the Handbook, the same
was put on the IBA website for about a
 Subsequently, the date was extended
for some more time so as to give
adequate opportunity for all to access
the draft Handbook.
Around 40 suggestions were received
as a result of this.
 These suggestions were again
discussed by the IBA Steering Group
and the decisions were finalised.
 The final Hanbook was prepared.
Permission from IVSC
Since one of the earlier Committees of the
Government of India had recommended that
the Valuation Standards for India need to be in
tune with international standards, the
standards in the Handbook were accordingly
The same were discussed with the
International Valuation Standards Committee (
IVSC ) and due permission was obtained since
international standards were being adapted to
suit Indian conditions. Due acknowledgement
has also been accorded to IVSC for the same.
Release of Handbook
The Handbook has been printed and is
ready for distribution.
Part C
Outcome : The Handbook
 Standards
 Procedures
 Annexures
Criteria for Empanelment of Valuers
Duration of Empanelment
Re Empanelment
Professional Fees
Compliance to Standards and Procedures
Independence and Objectivity
Obligations of Banks and HFIs
Date of effect
Standard 1 – Market Value Basis of
 Standard 2 – Bases other than Market
 Standard 3 – Valuation Reporting
 Code of Conduct
 Application of Standards to Secured
Bank Lending
Procedure for Call for Applications for
 Procedure for Selection of Valuers
 Procedure for Annual Performance
 Procedure for Conflict Resolution
 Procedure for Internal Work Allocation in
Banks / HFIs
 Procedure for Aloting work to Valuers
Format of Valuation Report ( more than Rs.
5 crores )
Format of Valuation Report ( upto Rs. 5
crores )
Format of Terms of Engagement for
Empanelment of Valuers
Format of Undertaking to be submitted by
the Valuer for Empanelment
Application for Empanelment of Valuer with
Part D
Way Forward : Next Steps
Adoption of Handbook by the Boards of Banks and HFIs
Distribution of Handbook to all Valuer Associations
Placing of Handbook on IBA website
Placing of Handbook on websites of Banks and HFIs
Developing Internal Systems for Implementation of
Training of Key Banking / HFI Officials on new regime
based on the Handbook
Training of Valuers in a) 6 months ‘prescribed valuation
course’ and b) 2 weeks ‘prescribed valuation course’ so as
to achieve the target by year 2015
Adoption of Handbook by the Boards of Banks
and HFIs
All the banks and HFIs need to pass a
resolution in their respective Boards and
formally adopt the Handbook by passing
a resolution to this effect.
Distribution of Handbook to all Valuer
All persons incharge of valuation
services in various branches of the
banks/HFIs need to have a copy of the
Handbook with them.
 The Handbook needs to be distributed
to all the branch offices internally in
each of the banks / HFIs.
 For this, if needed, more copies need to
be printed as the numbers may be huge.
Placing of Handbook on IBA website
The Handbook needs to be placed in the
website of all the banks and HFIs so that
there is full transparency on the
standards being used, the processes
and procedures.
 One should be able to download copies
of the Handbook so that printing can be
Developing Internal Systems for
Implementation of the Handbook
Within each bank/HFI, the internal
systems for implementing the Handbook
need to be worked out.
 Forms, system of maintaining records,
formats of valuation reports to be
entertained, committees, etc. need to be
put in place.
 Levels of responsibility and
accountability has also to be made clear.
Training of Key Banking / HFI Officials on new
regime based on the Handbook
Key officials need capacity building in
terms of awareness so that they are in
a position to perform their tasks in the
new regime.
Training of Valuers in a) 6 months ‘prescribed
valuation course’ and b) 2 weeks ‘prescribed
valuation course’ so as to achieve the target by
year 2015
Mandatory certification as envisaged in
the Handbook needs to be put in place.
Certificate in Valuation of Real Estate
Suggested Education Programme
INTRODUCTION – Evolution of Valuation Practice, Purposes of Undertaking Valuation,
Organisations Undertaking Valuation, Private practice of Valuation as a Profession
THEORY OF VALUATION – Theories of Valuation, Economic Principles, Factors Affecting Value,
Concept of Depreciation, Types of Value.
LEGISLATION – Overview of various laws including Constitutional provisions on property and
right to ownership of property, Transfer of Property Act, Land Acquisition Act, Rent Control Act,
Apartment Act, Indian Registration Act, Stamp Duty Act, Municipal Acts, Town Planning Acts,
Indian Easement Act, Laws of Succession and Wills, Indian Contract Act, Indian Arbitration Act,
Valuers’ Bill. Important Court cases and Judgements on Valuation.
STANDARDS – Necessity for Standards, International Valuation Standards Committee, Valuation
Standards in India, IBA Handbook
PROCESS OF VALUATION- Approaches and Methods of Valuation, Concept of Dilapidation,
Valuation of Different Asset Classes of Properties, Case Studies of Valuation, Practical Exercises
and Report Writing.
PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE- Role of Valuer , Code of Ethics and Practice, Responsibility to
Clients and Society, Professional Associations in India and abroad, Global Practices,
Governmental Interface in Regulating the Profession.
Methodology of course delivary
Preparation of course content
Nodal agency to coordinate all activities
Involving all Valuer associations
Online delivary of course material
Contact programmes
Testing and certification
 Funding agencies
 Course Fees
 Other expenses
Thank you.
 Prof.Dr.P.S.N.Rao
eMAIL : drpsnrao@hotmail.com