EUROPEAN REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT FUND EU Interregional Cooperation State of play and perspectives Akos Szabo Joint Technical Secretariat 26 June 2014, Brussels Summary 1. Context 2. INTERREG IVC state of play 3. Innovation in INTERREG IVC 4. Future of interregional cooperation – INTERREG EUROPE 2 Brussels – 26 June 2014 1. Context EU regional policy: from 3 objectives to 2 goals Goal 1: Investment for growth and jobs 97% of the funds EUR 340 billion Goal 2: European Territorial Cooperation 2.9% of the funds EUR 10.2 billion 2007 – 2013 2014 – 2020 3 Brussels – 26 June 2014 1. Context Goal 2: European Territorial Cooperation INTERREG INTERREG: 3 strands and 80 different programmes (EUR 10.2 billion) A cross-border B transnational C interregional networking 60 programmes 74% - 7,548 MEUR 15 programmes 20.3% - 2,075 MEUR 1 programme 3 programmes 4 INTERREG EUROPE URBACT INTERACT ESPON Brussels – 26 June 2014 5.6% 571.6 MEUR 2. INTERREG IVC state of play INTERREG IVC programme ‘Learning by sharing’ Local / regional authorities access the experience of others in Europe facing similar issues to improve their practices / policies in the fields of Innovation and the knowledge economy 5 5 Environment and risk prevention Brussels – 26 June 2014 2. INTERREG IVC state of play Eligible area - EU 27 - Switzerland - Norway 6 6 Brussels – 26 June 2014 2. INTERREG IVC state of play Overview approved projects 204 2 274 projects partners 90% of 271 NUTS 2 regions covered All budget (302 M€) committed Priority 1 Priority 2 Natural and technological risks Innovation, research and technology development 18 (16%) 37 (31%) Water management 10 (12%) 16 (19%) Entrepreneurship and SMEs Waste management 9 (11%) 20 (17%) Information Society 38 (44%) 44 (36%) Employment, human capital and education 5 (6%) 7 (8%) Biodiversity and preservation of natural heritage Energy and sustainable transport Cultural heritage and landscape 7 Brussels – 26 June 2014 2. INTERREG IVC state of play Main achievements (as of June 2013) Objective: EU wide exchange of experience / capacity building Objective: Identification / sharing / transfer of good practices Overall objective: Improvement of regional and local policies 90% of EU NUTS 2 regions covered 6,188 staff with increased capacity 369 ‘spin-off activities’ 4,709 good practices identified 403 successfully transferred 1,943 policies addressed 432 policies improved See illustrations of results in the programme Annual Report! 8 Brussels – 26 June 2014 2. INTERREG IVC state of play Thematic Programme Capitalisation To exploit and build on knowledge from projects working on a similar topic for the benefit of local and regional authorities all around Europe Experienced thematic experts analyse projects in order to: identify synergies & complementarities discover innovative approaches & make them available to all EU regions draw policy recommendations for regional, national & EU levels 9 Brussels – 26 June 2014 2. INTERREG IVC state of play 12 capitalisation topics 111 projects Priority 1 Innovation Systems – 10 (triple helix & open innovation) Innovation capacity of SMEs – 7 Eco-innovation – 7 Priority 2 Climate change – 7 Energy efficiency – 12 Renewable energy – 7 Sustainable transport – 15 Creative industries – 14 Entrepreneurship – 8 E-government services – 6 Demographic change – 9 3 topics/ 24 projects devoted to innovation Rural development – 9 10 Brussels – 26 June 2014 2. INTERREG IVC state of play Capitalisation reports Download the full reports from: 11 Brussels – 26 June 2014 3. Innovation in INTERREG IVC 12 Brussels – 26 June 2014 3. Innovation in INTERREG IVC Overview priority 1: Innovation & knowledge economy 18 (16%) 37 (31%) Entrepreneurship and SMEs Information Society 20 (17%) Employment, human capital and education 44 (36%) 37 projects involving 395 partners from 26 EU MS & Norway 13 Brussels – 26 June 2014 3. Innovation in INTERREG IVC 37 projects related to Innovation, research & technology development 14 Brussels – 26 June 2014 3. Innovation in INTERREG IVC Bringing open innovation into practice Projects: Good practice : Aalto Design Factory (from Aalto University, FI) Aim: to support world-class & interdisciplinary product design Dynamic collaboration environment (3000 sqm) for interaction between students, teachers, researchers and industry partners, allowing for joint lecturing, seminars, research, prototyping, experimentation, user-tests etc. 15 Brussels – 26 June 2014 3. Innovation in INTERREG IVC Example of good practice (GP) transferred Project: Partner concerned: Kujawsko-Pomorskie (PL) Mainstreamed GP: Innovation voucher Interregional trainings enabled Kujawsko-Pomorskie to transfer tool of innovation vouchers into their ERDF Operational Programme 2007-2013. 16 Project IVC ERDF spent Leverage effect Earmarked mainstream funds RAPIDE EUR 1,194,558 x 18 EUR 21,210,460 Brussels – 26 June 2014 3. Innovation in INTERREG IVC Example of policy improved Project: Partner concerned: Government of Catalonia (ES) Improved policy: ‘Strategy for innovation ecosystem‘ Revised strategy includes measures for stakeholders involvement coming from the Finnish innovation system (more precisely from the city of Jyvaskyla) 17 Brussels – 26 June 2014 3. Innovation in INTERREG IVC Main achievements in innovation (as of June 2013) 1,105 staff with increased capacity 63 practices transferred 75 policies improved See illustrations of results in the programme Annual Reports! 18 Brussels – 26 June 2014 3. Innovation in INTERREG IVC Thematic capitalisation on innovation 3 topics Innovation Systems: triple helix & open innovation Innovation capacity of SMEs Eco-innovation 19 Brussels – 26 June 2014 3. Innovation in INTERREG IVC Innovation Systems triple helix & open innovation 10 INTERREG IVC projects analysed 114 Project Partners 269 good practices identified 20 Brussels – 26 June 2014 3. Innovation in INTERREG IVC Innovation capacity of SMEs 7 INTERREG IVC projects analysed 61 Project Partners 178 Good practices identified 21 Brussels – 26 June 2014 3. Innovation in INTERREG IVC Eco-innovation 7 INTERREG IVC projects analysed 73 Project Partners 110 Good practices identified 22 Brussels – 26 June 2014 4. Future of interregional cooperation 23 Brussels – 26 June 2014 4. INTERREG EUROPE Context 1. New objective set for interregional cooperation 2. Concentration principles INTERREG EUROPE 3. Smart Specialisation strategies 24 4. Integration of Regions of Knowledge (RoK) Brussels – 26 June 2014 4. INTERREG EUROPE Policy learning among public authorities to improve performance of policies & programmes for regional development, in particular Structural Funds programmes EU Cohesion policy Goal 1: Investment for growth & jobs EUR 316 billion Goal 2: European Territorial Cooperation EUR 8.9 billion € INTERREG EUROPE EUR 359 m 25 Brussels – 26 June 2014 4. INTERREG EUROPE Main features • Eligible area: EU28 + Norway & Switzerland • Who is eligible? o Public bodies o Bodies governed by public law o Private non-profit bodies (RoK ‘heritage’) • Co-financing rates o 85% for public or public equivalent o 75% for private non profit 26 Brussels – 26 June 2014 4. INTERREG EUROPE Four themes Research & RoK & innovation clusters Low-carbon economy 27 SME competitiveness Environment & resource efficiency Brussels – 26 June 2014 4. INTERREG EUROPE 2 actions Interregional Cooperation Projects 28 Policy Learning Platforms Brussels – 26 June 2014 4. INTERREG EUROPE A. Interregional Cooperation Projects Implementation in 2 phases Phase 1 Phase 2 Policy exchange of experience (1 to 3 years) ending up with production of 1 Action Plan / Region Monitoring of the Action Plan’s implementation + possible pilot actions (up to 2 years) Creation of ‘local stakeholder groups’ 29 Brussels – 26 June 2014 4. INTERREG EUROPE B. Policy Learning Platforms EU-wide capacity building on: Innovation SME competitiveness Low-carbon economy Resource efficiency 1 service provider per thematic objective via: Online collaborative tool 30 + Expert team Brussels – 26 June 2014 4. INTERREG EUROPE Platforms: objectives Overall objective: To ensure policy learning across EU Specific objective: a) To contribute to EU-wide capacity building ‘External capitalisation’ b) To optimise the exploitation of project results c) 31 To improve the quality of the programme content Brussels – 26 June 2014 ‘Internal Capitalisation’ 4. INTERREG EUROPE 2 interrelated actions 32 Brussels – 26 June 2014 4. INTERREG EUROPE Programming – Indicative timeline March 2010 October 2011 June 2012 EU2020 strategy Draft regulation INTERREG EUROPE Programming Committee set up Adoption of legislative package & agreement on budget 2014-2020 33 Summer 2014 submission of the programme to the EC 2nd half 2014 approval of the programme by the EC December 2014 INTERREG EUROPE launch event Early 2015 First call for project proposals expected Brussels – 26 June 2014 For more information, please contact: Or follow us on: 34 Brussels – 26 June 2014